A litte while back, Khoi—who, by the way, has a a book on grid principles for the web coming out soon—asked for some suggestions on Twitter:
Question for bloggers: what tools/methods do you use to manage your queue of future posts and ideas for future posts?
I responded with:
The submit button.
I wasn’t being facetious. I think keeping drafts can be counterproductive. The problem is that, once something is a draft rather than a blog post, it’s likely to stay a draft and never become a blog post. And the longer something stays in draft, the less likely it is to ever see the light of day. Or, as I posted to Twitter as The First Law of Blogodynamics:
A blog post in draft tends to stay in draft.
I have the functionality for draft posts in my DIY blogging software, but I’ve only used it once or twice. But maybe that’s just me. I still don’t really consider this a blog. I find the label “journal” to be more appropriate. And having a draft journal entry just doesn’t seem right.
So I write, and I hit submit. I can always go back and edit it afterwards.