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Yun-Chuang Chiao


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Terminological Resources Acquisition Tools: Toward a User-oriented Evaluation Model
Widad Mustafa El Hadi | Ismail Timimi | Marianne Dabbadie | Khalid Choukri | Olivier Hamon | Yun-Chuang Chiao
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’06)

This paper describes the CESART project which deals with the evaluation of terminological resources acquisition tools. The objective of the project is to propose and validate an evaluation protocol allowing one to objectively evaluate and compare different systems for terminology application such as terminological resource creation and semantic relation extraction. The project also aims to create quality-controlled resources such as domain-specific corpora, automatic scoring tool, etc.

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Evaluation of multilingual text alignment systems: the ARCADE II project
Yun-Chuang Chiao | Olivier Kraif | Dominique Laurent | Thi Minh Huyen Nguyen | Nasredine Semmar | François Stuck | Jean Véronis | Wajdi Zaghouani
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’06)

This paper describes the ARCADE II project, concerned with the evaluation of parallel text alignment systems. The ARCADE II project aims at exploring the techniques of multilingual text alignment through a fine evaluation of the existing techniques and the development of new alignment methods. The evaluation campaign consists of two tracks devoted to the evaluation of alignment at sentence and word level respectively. It differs from ARCADE I in the multilingual aspect and the investigation of lexical alignment.


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Looking for Candidate Translational Equivalents in Specialized, Comparable Corpora
Yun-Chuang Chiao | Pierre Zweigenbaum
COLING 2002: The 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Project Notes


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Knowledge Acquisition from a Text by a Linguistic and Statistical Method
Jean-David Sta | Yun-Chuang Chiao
Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Parsing Technologies