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Alicia Tribble


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Knowledge-Based Labeling of Semantic Relationships in English
Alicia Tribble
Proceedings of the NAACL-HLT 2007 Doctoral Consortium

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CMU-AT: Semantic Distance and Background Knowledge for Identifying Semantic Relations
Alicia Tribble | Scott E. Fahlman
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval-2007)


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SconeEdit: A Text-guided Domain Knowledge Editor
Alicia Tribble | Benjamin Lambert | Scott E. Fahlman
Proceedings of the Human Language Technology Conference of the NAACL, Companion Volume: Demonstrations


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The CMU statistical machine translation system
Stephan Vogel | Ying Zhang | Fei Huang | Alicia Tribble | Ashish Venugopal | Bing Zhao | Alex Waibel
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit IX: Papers

In this paper we describe the components of our statistical machine translation system. This system combines phrase-to-phrase translations extracted from a bilingual corpus using different alignment approaches. Special methods to extract and align named entities are used. We show how a manual lexicon can be incorporated into the statistical system in an optimized way. Experiments on Chinese-to-English and Arabic-to-English translation tasks are presented.

The CMU Arabic-to-English statistical MT system
Alicia Tribble | Stephan Vogel
Workshop on Machine Translation for Semitic languages: issues and approaches


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Rapid adaptive development of semantic analysis grammars
Alicia Tribble | Alon Lavie | Lori Levin
Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation of Natural Languages: Papers

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Improvements in Non-Verbal Cue Identification Using Multilingual Phone Strings
Tanja Schultz | Qin Jin | Kornel Laskowski | Alicia Tribble | Alex Waibel
Proceedings of the ACL-02 Workshop on Speech-to-Speech Translation: Algorithms and Systems


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Domain Portability in Speech-to-Speech Translation
Alon Lavie | Lori Levin | Tanja Schultz | Chad Langley | Benjamin Han | Alicia Tribble | Donna Gates | Dorcas Wallace | Kay Peterson
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Human Language Technology Research