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This paper presents wireless sensor network deployment using Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm (AFSA) which works based on the heuristic behaviour of school of fish. For an effective quality of service in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN),... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceWireless Sensor NetworksBio and Nature Inspired Algorithms
To address congestion issues in Opportunistic Networks (OppNets), a modified token-based congestion control with adaptive forwarding mechanism is proposed. The mechanism allows the network nodes holding a valid token to inject message... more
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    • Computing and Information Technology
The aim of the research is the modeling and implementation of an intrusion detection system (IDS) with focus on internally generated intrusions on a multi-Disciplinary campus network using Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) Zaria as a case... more
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The objective of this paper was to design an improved U-Slot based 1 X 2 triple band antenna array for Flying Ad-hoc Networks (FANETs). The purpose of this modification is to increase the bandwidth and gain of the existing 1 X 2 triple... more
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Renewable energy technologies has been an area of intensive research and have been experiencing a rapid growth and improvement over the years which have made them attractive to the global energy agencies because of it environmental... more
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There are several wireless sensor network use for environmental monitoring applications. However, most wireless sensor network designed for real time environmental monitoring application are application specific and static in nature.... more
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      Computer ScienceWireless Sensor Network
This paper addresses poor cluster formation and frequent Cluster Head (CH) failure issues of underwater sensor networks by proposing an energy-efficient hierarchical topology-aware clustering routing (EEHTAC) protocol. In this paper,... more
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      Computer ScienceClusters & NetworksFault ToleranceCluster Analysis
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      Communications engineeringCompuetr Systems Engeneering
This is a technical report written by Mohammed Dahiru Adamu, a pupil engineer working with the Nigerian ports authority as electrical engineer ii. The report is written to be presented to the Council for The Regulation of Engineering in... more
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    • Power Systems and Electrical engineering
Pilot Contamination (PC) is considered a major drawback of Time Division Duplexing (TDD) Massive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (M-MIMO) systems because it limits their expected capacity. A Pilot Allocation Protocol (PAP) scheme is... more
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    • Computer Science
(ACS) and parallel observations with NICMOS and WFPC2. A square field (1.8$\sq$\deg) has been imaged with single-orbit ACS I-F814W exposures with 50% completeness for sources 0.5\arcsec in diameter at I$_{AB} $ = 26.0 mag. The ACS imaging... more
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    • I Wanted to Do Project
This paper presents a combined method which integrates the analytical approach into a firefly algorithm for optimal location and sizing of Distributed Generators (DG) in power system distribution networks. Optimal location and sizing of... more
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      Renewable EnergyDistributed GenerationSmart Grid
Power law correlations for sediment transport in pressure driven channel flow was derived in the previous work of the authors. Those correlations can be used as predictive tools in the fracturing industry but they are in implicit forms.... more
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      EngineeringMultiphase FlowSediment transportPower Law
We present an experimental study on the adsorption behaviour of Intan-100, a nonionic surfactant, at the bitumen/water interface when the density difference between the two phases is increased by diluting the crude oil with 10% Xylene by... more
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      EngineeringPhysical sciencesInterfacial TensionExperimental Study
During the last ten years the lattice Boltzmann equation (LBE) method has been developed as an alternative numerical approach in computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Originated from the discrete kinetic theory, the LBE method has emerged... more
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      EngineeringArsenicMultiphase FlowAutomata
A modified distributed Lagrange multiplier/fictitious domain method (DLM) that allows particles to undergo collisions is developed for particulate flows. In the earlier versions of the DLM method for Newtonian and viscoelastic liquids the... more
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      EngineeringMultiphase FlowTwo Phase FlowMesh generation
The flow characteristics of aqueous foams were studied in a thin flow channel and a round pipe instrumented for pressure gradient and flow rate measurements. The quality of the foam was varied by controlling the volumetric flow rate of... more
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      EngineeringMultiphase FlowLaminar FlowRigid Body
We give a simple mathematical argument that as the weight of a floating disk is gradually increased, the maximum contact angle at its sharp rim which is attained before the disk sinks is greater than 90 • , and present numerical results... more
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      EngineeringPhysical sciencesContact angleCHEMICAL SCIENCES
The instability of circular liquid jet immersed in a coflowing high velocity air stream is studied assuming that the flow of the viscous gas and liquid is irrotational. The basic velocity profiles are uniform and different. The... more
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      EngineeringMultiphase FlowHigh SpeedGrowth rate
This paper is concerned with the dispersion of particles on the fluid-liquid interface. In a previous study we have shown that when small particles, e.g., flour, pollen, glass beads, etc., contact an air-liquid interface, they disperse... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringContact angleInterfacial Tension