Week 10

It's week 10 and I ran again, for a very short distance but still. In the beginning of the week there was pain every morning, which I could get rid of by massaging and stretching, but at the end my foot feels mostly fine.


  • On Monday I visited the physiotherapist again. He was 15 minutes late, yet ended our session at the normal time. He placed two tapes on my foot and gave me a new exercise. I really don't believe the tape helps at all, which means I also won't get the placebo effect from it, so when he said to schedule a new appointment in three weeks I just didn't. I'll massage and feel my way out of this myself.
  • Improvisation class is still going on every Tuesday evening. Last week I totally locked down during an exercise where we had to interrupt someone else's monologue by repeating two of their words and starting our own monologue. I just couldn't find good spots to interrupt, and when there was one, I was thinking too deep about it and therefore missed my chances. This week there was an exercise where there would be two characters on stage, but four performers, who would swap roles on the cues "inside" and "outside". It went great. Last week I felt very stupid, this week I felt like I could actually learn this improv thing.
  • Wednesday I first visited the MirĂ³ exposition in Beelden aan Zee with my stepmom and then visited by dad together. When having coffee at the museum we sat at the exact spot where I sad with my dad for (I believe) the last time we went to a museum together. Apart from the emotional undertone it's a nice museum with interesting sculptures.
  • Wednesday I also noticed how the balance of my left foot improved, so I tested it. It was very boring, but I made it to 7:35 minutes on my previously broken foot. There is still soreness every morning but we're getting closer and closer to being healed fully.
  • Also started walking a lot more this week, by just going for walks, by walking parts of routes I would've cycled (if I had the time) and by getting off one or two metro stations earlier and walk the last bit. The vast majority of these walks are on barefoot shoes, as I really exclusively wear those, but since this week I also have a pair of the Altra Escalante shoes, which are basically barefoot shoes (wide toe box, zero drop), but with cushioning, to make some of the walks easier.
  • Friday and Saturday there were boardgames: Friday evening there was a boardgame evening at work, also functioning partly as my goodbye, and Saturday I went to the Boardgayming XL event. I played Tokyo Highway at both of them, but also others: there is again a small list of games below this post.
  • Saturday evening A. and I were trying to catch the metro, so I ran 50 meters to still get it. It went well, and I don't think it was too risky: I had the cushioned Altra shoes on and I did not go all out. Also: 50 meters is very manageable. I will try more walks next week, and maybe 100 meters running?


  • Codenames: Pictures
  • Perudo
  • Regenwormen
  • Tokyo Highway: Rainbow City
  • Eternitium
  • Let's Call the Exorcist
  • Speculaas
  • The Dick Sits
  • For the Queen


  • House of Cards (rewatching)