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Sun 17 - Fri 22 October 2021 Chicago, Illinois, United States

Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/qDZUpDXbMJI

This year, SPLASH is going to be accommodating both “virtual” attendees (from different time zones, joining at their own pace remotely) and “physical” attendees who will be present in Chicago during the conference. We will do our best effort to accommodate both hopefully without compromising the experience of each.

Please note that ALL attendees are required to be fully vaccinated to attend SPLASH 2021 in-person. Masks are required at SPLASH 2021.

Virtual Attendees

SPLASH will be available as three main live YouTube video streams for each of the three main rooms (Zurich A, B, and C) with a Discord Server available for any questions to be asked during the live Q&A. Additional workshop streams in rooms Zurich D, E, and F will run in Zoom or Discord Rooms that the virtual attendees are welcome to join. In either case, you can find the link to the YouTube stream in the Discord channel for the event you want to attend. We encourage all virtual attendees to tune in during either “main Chicago time band” so that their questions can be voiced to the live audience or in the “offset time band” where the authors will do their best to be present on Discord for the Q&A following their paper’s “mirror slot”. We highly recommend that all the attendees install and use Discord App rather than using a web browser-based version.

All in-person events (i.e. that have an in-person presenter or that are taking place in a physical room) should be accessible to you to see and participate in virtually, with the exception of the in-person Poster session (but all posters will also be presented at virtual poster sessions) and the SIGPLAN papers track (but these papers were already presented virtually and you can find the talk videos online linked at their respective virtual conferences).

Physical Attendees

As is usual for the physical conference, the main event takes place between 9am and 5pm Chicago time in the Swissotel main venue. You are going to be able to view the main three streams in the Zurich A, B, and C rooms and the additional workshop streams in Zurich D, E, and F rooms.

The only difference is that we will expect all the questions by physical attendees to be asked by walking up to the standing microphones, while the virtual attendees will post their questions on Discord to make it easier for the session chair to manage and balance the Q&A during the actual talks.

As a physical attendee, you will be able to enjoy some of the talks being delivered live by the authors who are physically present and some shown as pre-recorded videos in a “cinema-style” arrangement for those authors who are unable to travel to Chicago but will be present “virtually” to answer your questions. Note that even for talks that are listed as “Virtual” on the program, during the 9 to 5 Chicago time period, there will still be a room where you can watch them with other physical attendees.