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TechDebt 2018
Sun 27 - Mon 28 May 2018 Gothenburg, Sweden
co-located with * ICSE 2018 *

Welcome to the website of TechDebt 2018.

Technical debt describes a universal software development phenomenon: design or implementation constructs that are expedient in the short term but set up a technical context that can make future changes more costly or impossible. Software developers and managers increasingly use the concept to communicate key tradeoffs related to release and quality issues. The goal of this two-day conference is to bring together leading software researchers, practitioners, and tool vendors to explore theoretical and practical techniques that manage technical debt.

The Managing Technical Debt workshop series has provided a forum since 2010 for practitioners and researchers to discuss issues related to technical debt and share emerging practices used in software-development organizations. A week-long Dagstuhl Seminar on Managing Technical Debt in Software Engineering has produced a consensus definition for technical debt, a draft conceptual model, and a research roadmap.

To accelerate progress, an expanded two-day working conference format has become essential. The inaugural edition of the TechDebt Conference will be held jointly with ICSE 2018 in Gothenburg, Sweden, May 27–28, 2018. The conference is sponsored by ACM SIGSOFT and IEEE TCSE.


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Sun 27 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

09:00 - 09:30
Opening RemarksTechDebt 2018 at R17+18
Chair(s): Robert Nord Software Engineering Institute
Opening Remarks: The Journey from Metaphor to Theory and Practice
TechDebt 2018
Paul Nielsen Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, Robert Nord Software Engineering Institute
09:30 - 10:30
Incurring DebtTechDebt 2018 at R17+18
Chair(s): Klaus Schmid Stiftung University Hildesheim
An Exploratory Study on the Influence of Developers in Technical Debt
TechDebt 2018
Reem Alfayez , Pooyan Behnamghader University of Southern California, USA, Kamonphop Srisopha University of Southern California, USA, Barry Boehm University of Southern California
Architectural Technical Debt Identification: The Research Landscape
TechDebt 2018
Roberto Verdecchia Gran Sasso Science Institute, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Ivano Malavolta Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Patricia Lago Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Link to publication Pre-print
11:00 - 12:30
Assessing DebtTechDebt 2018 at R17+18
Chair(s): Will Snipes
Technical Debt as an External Software Attribute
TechDebt 2018
Luigi Lavazza Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, Sandro Morasca Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Prioritizing Technical Debt in Database Normalization Using Portfolio Theory and Data Quality Metrics
TechDebt 2018
Mashel albarak University of Birmingham, UK, Rami Bahsoon University of Birmingham
Evaluating Domain-Specific Metric Thresholds: An Empirical Study
TechDebt 2018
Gustavo Vale University of Passau, Markos Viggiato Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, Eduardo Figueiredo UFMG, Pooyan Jamshidi Carnegie Mellon University
14:00 - 14:30
Tools TrackTechDebt 2018 at R17+18
Chair(s): Clemente Izurieta Montana State University
Tools Track Introduction
TechDebt 2018
Clemente Izurieta Montana State University
Introducing Debtgrep: A Tool for Fighting Technical Debt in Base Station Software
TechDebt 2018
Svante Arvedahl Ericsson AB
Static Software Metrics for Reliability and Maintainability
TechDebt 2018
Jeremy Ludwig Stottler Henke Associates, Inc.
AnaConDebt: A Tool to Assess and Track Technical Debt
TechDebt 2018
Antonio Martini University of Oslo | CA Technologies
Industry talk
Cognitive Complexity: An Origin Story Overview and Evaluation
TechDebt 2018
G. Ann Campbell SonarSource SA
File Attached
Prioritize Technical Debt in Large-Scale Systems Using CodeScene
TechDebt 2018
Adam Tornhill Empear AB
14:30 - 15:30
Panel DiscussionTechDebt 2018 at R17+18
Chair(s): Clemente Izurieta Montana State University
16:00 - 16:45
Managing the Debt I (Short Papers)TechDebt 2018 at R17+18
Chair(s): Ipek Ozkaya Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute
The Developer's Dilemma: Factors Affecting the Decision to Repay Code Debt
TechDebt 2018
Alexander Chatzigeorgiou University of Macedonia
From Lasagna to Spaghetti: A Decision Model to Manage Defect Debt
TechDebt 2018
Abdullah Aldaeej University of Maryland Baltimore County, Carolyn Seaman University of Maryland Baltimore County
File Attached
A Proposed Sizing Model for Managing Technical Debt in Third-Party Code
TechDebt 2018
16:45 - 17:30
DiscussionTechDebt 2018 at R17+18
Chair(s): Ipek Ozkaya Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute

Mon 28 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

09:00 - 10:30
Keynote presentationTechDebt 2018 at R17+18
Chair(s): Robert Nord Software Engineering Institute
Keynote: The Past, Present, and Future of Technical Debt: Learning from the Past to Prepare for the Future
TechDebt 2018
K: Eoin Woods CTO of Endava
11:00 - 12:30
Managing the Debt IITechDebt 2018 at R17+18
Chair(s): Antonio Martini University of Oslo | CA Technologies
Governing Technology Debt: Beyond Technical Debt
TechDebt 2018
Johan Magnusson Swedish Center for Digital Innovation, University of Gothenburg, Carlos Juiz University of the Balearic Islands
Trade-off Decisions Across Time in Technical Debt Management: A Systematic Literature Review
TechDebt 2018
Christoph Becker University of Toronto, Ruzanna Chitchyan University of Bristol, Stefanie Betz
Design Debt Prioritization: A Design Best Practice-Based Approach
TechDebt 2018

14:00 - 15:30
Practice in IndustryTechDebt 2018 at R17+18
Chair(s): Ken Power Cisco Systems, Inc
Technical Debt Cripples Software Developer Productivity: A Longitudinal Study on Developers' Daily Software Development Work
TechDebt 2018
Terese Besker Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, Antonio Martini University of Oslo | CA Technologies, Jan Bosch Chalmers University of Technology
A Framework for Managing Interest in Technical Debt: An Industrial Validation
TechDebt 2018
Areti Ampatzoglou , Alexander Chatzigeorgiou University of Macedonia, Paris Avgeriou University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Limiting Technical Debt with Maintainability Assurance: An Industry Survey on Used Techniques and Differences with Service- and Microservice-Based Systems
TechDebt 2018
Justus Bogner Reutlingen University, Stefan Wagner Universität Stuttgart
16:00 - 16:30
Future Research (Short Papers)TechDebt 2018 at R17+18
Chair(s): Carolyn Seaman University of Maryland Baltimore County
Technical Debt-Related Information Asymmetry Between Finance and IT
TechDebt 2018
Thomas Patrick Stablein University of South Florida
A Position Study to Investigate Technical Debt Associated with Security Weaknesses
TechDebt 2018
Clemente Izurieta Montana State University
16:30 - 17:15
DiscussionTechDebt 2018 at R17+18
Chair(s): Carolyn Seaman University of Maryland Baltimore County
17:15 - 17:30
Closing RemarksTechDebt 2018 at R17+18
Chair(s): Robert Nord Software Engineering Institute, Ipek Ozkaya Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute

Not scheduled yet

Not scheduled yet
TechDebt 2018

Not scheduled yet
TechDebt 2018

Accepted Papers

A Framework for Managing Interest in Technical Debt: An Industrial Validation
TechDebt 2018
AnaConDebt: A Tool to Assess and Track Technical Debt
TechDebt 2018
An Exploratory Study on the Influence of Developers in Technical Debt
TechDebt 2018
A Position Study to Investigate Technical Debt Associated with Security Weaknesses
TechDebt 2018
A Proposed Sizing Model for Managing Technical Debt in Third-Party Code
TechDebt 2018
Architectural Technical Debt Identification: The Research Landscape
TechDebt 2018
Link to publication Pre-print
Cognitive Complexity: An Origin Story Overview and Evaluation
TechDebt 2018
File Attached
Design Debt Prioritization: A Design Best Practice-Based Approach
TechDebt 2018

TechDebt 2018

TechDebt 2018

Evaluating Domain-Specific Metric Thresholds: An Empirical Study
TechDebt 2018
From Lasagna to Spaghetti: A Decision Model to Manage Defect Debt
TechDebt 2018
File Attached
Governing Technology Debt: Beyond Technical Debt
TechDebt 2018
Introducing Debtgrep: A Tool for Fighting Technical Debt in Base Station Software
TechDebt 2018
Keynote: The Past, Present, and Future of Technical Debt: Learning from the Past to Prepare for the Future
TechDebt 2018
Limiting Technical Debt with Maintainability Assurance: An Industry Survey on Used Techniques and Differences with Service- and Microservice-Based Systems
TechDebt 2018
Opening Remarks: The Journey from Metaphor to Theory and Practice
TechDebt 2018
Prioritize Technical Debt in Large-Scale Systems Using CodeScene
TechDebt 2018
Prioritizing Technical Debt in Database Normalization Using Portfolio Theory and Data Quality Metrics
TechDebt 2018
Static Software Metrics for Reliability and Maintainability
TechDebt 2018
Technical Debt as an External Software Attribute
TechDebt 2018
Technical Debt Cripples Software Developer Productivity: A Longitudinal Study on Developers' Daily Software Development Work
TechDebt 2018
Technical Debt-Related Information Asymmetry Between Finance and IT
TechDebt 2018
The Developer's Dilemma: Factors Affecting the Decision to Repay Code Debt
TechDebt 2018
Tools Track Introduction
TechDebt 2018
Trade-off Decisions Across Time in Technical Debt Management: A Systematic Literature Review
TechDebt 2018

Call for Papers

The First International Conference on Technical Debt will be held in Gothenburg, Sweden, on May 27-28, 2018 collocated with ICSE 2018.

Technical debt is a metaphor that software developers and managers increasingly use to communicate key tradeoffs related to release and quality issues. The Managing Technical Debt workshop series had, since 2010, brought together practitioners and researchers to discuss and define issues related to technical debt and how they can be studied. Workshop participants reiterated the usefulness of the concept each year, shared emerging practices used in software development organizations, and emphasized the need for more research and better means for sharing emerging practices and results.

As the interest from our industry and academic researchers in Technical Debt has steadily grown, the workshop series has morphed into a full conference in 2018. Our goal for this conference on Technical Debt is to bring together leading software engineering researchers and practitioners for the purpose of exploring theoretical and practical techniques for managing technical debt.

Topics of interest

The following topics are aligned with the conference theme:

  • Identification of technical debt
  • Visualization of technical debt
  • Analysis of technical debt
  • Metrics for technical debt
  • Economic models for describing or reasoning about technical debt
  • Understanding causes and effects of technical debt
  • Relationship of technical debt to software evolution, maintenance, and aging
  • Relationship of technical debt with other activities, such as testing or requirement elicitation
  • The business case for technical debt management
  • Technical debt and software life-cycle management
  • Technical debt within a software ecosystem
  • Technical debt in designs and architecture
  • Technical debt in software models
  • Techniques and tools for calculating technical debt principal and interest
  • Concrete practices and tools used to measure and control technical debt
  • Education related to technical debt

Submission information

We invite submissions of papers in any areas related to the theme and goal of the conference in the following three categories:

  • Research Papers: describing innovative and significant original research in the field (up to 10 pages max.)
  • Industrial Papers: describing industrial experience, case studies, challenges, problems, and solutions (up to 10 pages max)
  • Short papers: Position and Future Trend Papers: describing ongoing research, new results (up to 5 pages max.)

Submissions must be original and unpublished work. Each submitted paper will undergo a rigorous review process by three members of the program committee. Submissions must be submitted online via the TechDebtConf2018 EasyChair conference management system and conform to the ACM formatting guidelines .

Upon notification of acceptance, all authors of accepted papers will be asked to complete an ACM Copyright form and will receive further instructions for preparing their camera ready versions. All accepted contributions will be published in the conference electronic proceedings. The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of ICSE 2018. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work. Purchases of additional pages in the proceedings is not allowed.

Accepted papers must be presented in person at the conference by one of the authors. Excellent papers will be considered for a Distinguished Paper Award from ACM Sigsoft.

Calendar for submission:

* January 15: Abstract submitted to EasyChair
* January 22: Full papers entered in EasyChair
* March 1: Notification of acceptance / rejection
* March 15: Camera ready submission of final paper
* May 27-28: Presentations

TechDebt 2018 is the first International Conference on Technical Debt. It brings together leading researchers and industry practitioners in this growing field. Industry plays a critical role in the understanding of the management, monitoring, and calculations of technical debt in real world situations, and as such, new techniques, methods and tools that can aid practitioners and decision makers in these critical tasks are cordially invited to participate at TechDebt 2018, to be held in conjunction with ICSE 2018 in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Submission format

Industry representatives interested in participating are encouraged to submit a letter of interest by January 5th, 2018 directly to Dr. Clemente Izurieta (clemente.izurieta@montana.edu).

In your letter please state how you will contribute. There are various ways to participate:

  • Submit an extended abstract (maximum of 2 pages). Abstracts are due on January 15th, 2018. Although extended abstracts are not peer reviewed, abstracts will be screened to ensure they meet the expectations of the tools track and are aligned with the overarching technical debt theme of the conference. In the abstract we suggest that authors address the purpose of the tool, its use in industry (if applicable), and its relevance to technical debt. Authors of accepted abstracts will be required to participate in a panel discussion.
  • Tools Paper. Abstracts are due on January 15th, 2018, and papers are due on January 22nd, 2018. The intent of this option is to give vendors an opportunity to communicate tool experiences (e.g., practice, prototype, experimental, or new research) in tools associated with technical debt. Submissions can be in the form of short, industrial or research papers as specified in the Call for Papers at https://2018.techdebtconf.org/track/TechDebt-2018-papers#Call-for-Papers. These papers will be peer reviewed and must be submitted through EasyChair. When you submit, make sure you specify “Vendor Tools” in the keywords section of your paper. Authors of accepted papers will be required to present their results.
  • Tool demonstration. If you propose to showcase a product from your company or organization, please let us know your power and space requirements.
  • Poster. A poster should describe a tool, or some aspect consistent with tools of the trade. Poster abstracts are due on January 15th, 2018. Posters will be screened to ensure they meet the expectations of the tools track and are aligned with the overarching technical debt theme of the conference.


All inquiries may be directed to clemente.izurieta@montana.edu

Keynote: The Past, Present, and Future of Technical Debt: Learning from the Past to Prepare for the Future

Speaker: Eoin Woods

alt text

While technical debt has emerged as a formal concept relatively recently we have had technical debt from the earliest days of software development, it has simply evolved in nature. So what can we learn from past types of technical debt to allow us to prepare for its future forms? When we look back over recent software history, we can see identifiable evolutions of software systems, each one roughly aligning with a decade. In this talk we will explore what technical debt has meant during each era of software systems and what this might mean for technical debt in the future.

Eoin Woods is the CTO of Endava, a technology company that delivers projects in the areas of digital, agile, and automation. Prior to joining Endava, Eoin worked in the software engineering industry for 20 years, developing system software products and complex applications in the capital markets domain. His main technical interests are software architecture, distributed systems, and computer security, and he is the author of a book and a number of practitioner and research publications in these fields. Eoin can be contacted via his website at www.eoinwoods.info.

Accepted Research, Industrial, and Short Papers

  • An Exploratory Study on the Influence of Developers in Technical Debt
    Reem Alfayez, Pooyan Behnamghader, Kamonphop Srisopha, and Barry Boehm

  • Limiting Technical Debt with Maintainability Assurance: An Industry Survey on Used Techniques and Differences with Service- and Microservice-Based Systems
    Justus Bogner, Jonas Fritzsch, Stefan Wagner, and Alfred Zimmermann

  • A Position Study to Investigate Technical Debt Associated with Security Weakness
    Clemente Izurieta, David Rice, Kali Kimball, and Tessa Valentien

  • Technical Debt as an External Software Attribute
    Luigi Lavazza, Sandro Morasca, and Davide Tosi

  • Governing Technology Debt: Beyond Technical Debt
    Johan Magnusson, Carlos Juiz, Beatriz Gomez, and Belen Bermejo

  • Prioritizing Technical Debt in Database Normalization Using Portfolio Theory and Data Quality Metrics
    Mashel Albarak and Rami Bahsoon

  • Trade-off Decisions Across Time in Technical Debt Management: A Systematic Literature Review
    Christoph Becker, Ruzanna Chitchyan, Stefanie Betz, and Curtis McCord

  • Design Debt Prioritization: A Design Best Practice-Based Approach
    Reinhold Ploesch, Johannes Braeuer, Christian Koerner, and Matthias Saft

  • Evaluating Domain-Specific Metric Thresholds: An Empirical Study
    Allan Victor Mori, Gustavo Vale, Markos Viggiato, Johnatan Oliveira, Eduardo Figueiredo, Elder Cirilo, Pooyan Jamshidi, and Christian Kastner

  • The Developer’s Dilemma: Factors Affecting the Decision to Repay Code Debt
    Theodoros Amanatidis, Nikolaos Mittas, Alexander Chatzigeorgiou, Apostolos Ampatzoglou, and Lefteris Angelis

  • A Framework for Managing Interest in Technical Debt: An Industrial Validation
    Areti Ampatzoglou, Alexander Michailidis, Christos Sarikyriakidis, Apostolos Ampatzoglou, Alexander Chatzigeorgiou, and Paris Avgeriou

  • Architectural Technical Debt Identification: The Research Landscape
    Roberto Verdecchia, Ivano Malavolta, and Patricia Lago

  • From Lasagna to Spaghetti: A Decision Model to Manage Defect Debt
    Abdullah Aldaeej and Carolyn Seaman

  • Technical Debt Cripples Software Developer Productivity: A Longitudinal Study on Developers’ Daily Software Development Work
    Terese Besker, Antonio Martini, and Jan Bosch

  • A Proposed Sizing Model for Managing Third-Party Code Technical Debt
    Will Snipes and Srini Ramaswamy

  • Technical Debt-Related Information Asymmetry Between Finance and IT
    Thomas Stablein, Don Berndt, and Matthew Mullarkey

Tools Track

  • Introducing Debtgrep, a Tool for Fighting Technical Debt in Base Station Software
    Svante Arvedahl, Ericsson

  • Static Software Metrics for Reliability and Maintainability
    Jeremy Ludwig and Steven Xu, Stottler Henke Associates, Inc., and Frederick Webber, Air Force Research Laboratory

  • AnaConDebt: A Tool to Assess and Track Technical Debt
    Antonio Martini, University of Oslo

  • Cognitive Complexity: An Origin Story Overview and Evaluation
    Ann Campbell, SonarSource S.A.

  • Prioritize Technical Debt in Large-Scale Systems Using CodeScene
    Adam Tornhill, Empear AB

Steering Committee

Paris Avgeriou, University of Groningen
Philippe Kruchten, University of British Columbia
Robert L. Nord, Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute
Ipek Ozkaya, Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute
Carolyn Seaman, University of Maryland Baltimore County

Program Committee

Philippe Kruchten University of British Columbia Program Co-chair
Frank Buschmann Siemens AG Program Co-chair
Esra Alzaghoul University of Jordan
Francesca Arcelli Fontana University of Milano Bicocca
Paris Avgeriou University of Groningen
Stephany Bellomo Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute
Ayse Bener Ryerson University
Terese Besker Chalmers University of Technology
Christian Bird Microsoft Research
Jan Bosch Chalmers University of Technology
Alexander Chatzigeorgiou University of Macedonia
Zadia Codabux Colby College
Robert Eisenberg Lockheed Martin
Hakan Erdogmus Carnegie Mellon University
Davide Falessi California Polytechnic State University
Steven Fraser Innoxec
Juan Garbajosa Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM)
Olivier Gaudin SonarSource
Johannes Holvitie University of Turku
Clemente Izurieta Montana State University
Andreas Jedlitschka Fraunhofer IESE
Sven Johann innoQ
Heiko Koziolek ABB Corporate Research
Ville Leppänen University of Turku
Jean-Louis Letouzey inspearit
Alan MacCormack Harvard
Antonio Martini Chalmers University of Technology
Grigori Melnik MongoDB
Andrew Meneely Rochester Institute of Technology
David Morgenthaler Google, Inc.
Ipek Ozkaya Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute
Jennifer Perez Technical University of Madrid (UPM)
Eltjo Poort CGI
Terri Potts Raytheon
Narayan Ramasubbu University of Pittsburgh
Gonzalo Rojas University of Concepcion
Klaus Schmid University of Hildesheim
Carolyn Seaman University of Maryland Baltimore County
Andriy Shapochka SoftServe Inc.
Emad Shihab Concordia University
Forrest Shull Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute
Will Snipes ABB Corporate Research
Wolfgang Trumler Siemens AG
Eberhard Wolff innoQ
Jesse Yli-Huumo Aalto University
Olaf Zimmermann University of Applied Sciences (HSR FHO)

TechDebt 2018

To accelerate progress, an expanded two-day working conference format has become essential. The inaugural edition of the TechDebt Conference was held jointly with ICSE 2018 in Gothenburg, Sweden, May 27–28, 2018. Researchers, practitioners, and tool vendors explored theoretical and practical techniques that manage technical debt.

Dagstuhl Seminar: Managing Technical Debt in Software Engineering

A week-long Dagstuhl Seminar on Managing Technical Debt in Software Engineering, April 17 – 22 , 2016, has produced a consensus definition for technical debt, a draft conceptual model, and a research roadmap.

International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt Series

The Managing Technical Debt workshop series has provided a forum since 2010 for practitioners and researchers to discuss issues related to technical debt and share emerging practices used in software-development organizations.

Workshop Presentations Proceedings Summary
MTD 2017 @ XP Ninth International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt ACM digital library Technical Debt in Agile Development: Report on the Ninth Workshop on Managing Technical Debt (MTD 2017), ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Volume 42, Issue 3, July 2017, pages 18-21.
MTD 2016 @ ICSME Eighth International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt IEEE Xplore Technical Debt: A Research Roadmap Report on the Eighth Workshop on Managing Technical Debt (MTD 2016), ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Volume 42, Issue 1, January 2017, pages 28-31.
MTD 2015 @ ICSME Seventh International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt IEEE Xplore Technical Debt: Broadening Perspectives Report on the Seventh Workshop on Managing Technical Debt (MTD 2015), ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Volume 41, Issue 2, March 2016, pages 38-41.
MTD 2014 @ ICSME Sixth International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt IEEE Xplore Technical Debt: Beyond Definition to Understanding Report on the Sixth International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Volume 40, Issue 2, March 2015, pages 32-34.
MTD 2013b @ ESEIW Fifth International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt N/A Technical debt at the crossroads of research and practice: report on the fifth international workshop on managing technical debt, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Volume 39, Issue 2, March 2014, pages 31-33.
MTD 2013a @ ICSE Fourth International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt IEEE Xplore Technical debt: towards a crisper definition report on the 4th international workshop on managing technical debt, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Volume 38, Issue 5, September 2013, pages 51-54.
MTD 2012 @ ICSE Third International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt IEEE Xplore Technical debt in software development: from metaphor to theory report on the third international workshop on managing technical debt, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Volume 37, Issue 5, September 2012, pages 36-38.
MTD 2011 @ ICSE Second International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt ACM digital library Managing technical debt in software development: report on the 2nd international workshop on managing technical debt, held at ICSE 2011, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Volume 36, Issue 5, September 2011, pages 33-35.
MTD 2010 First International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt N/A Managing Technical Debt in Software-Reliant Systems, FSE/SDP Workshop on the Future of Software Engineering Research, 2010.