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FAQ of GRAB sensors

Updated on February 6, 2025



Published plasmids are avalible at Addgene, WeKwikGene and MolecularCloud. For the latest unpublished sensors for ACh, DA, 5-HT, NE, eCB, Ado, ATP etc, please contact yulonglilab2018(a)gmail.com for information.

/pubfigs/wekwikgene-westlake-logo-D0L71N6a.svg /pubfigs/MolecularCloud.png

GRAB sensors list

Ligand Group Latest Version Peak response and EC50 Receptor backbone Spectrum information
Notes Paper link
5-HT Green 5-HT sensor 5-HT1.0 280%, 22 nM human HTR2C / / https://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-021-00823-7
5-HTmut / human HTR2C / /
*5-HT3.0 1300%, 150 nM mouse HTR4 Peak: Ex 505 nm, Em 520 nm Isobestic point: 425 nm Highly recommend https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-024-02188-8
5-HT3.0mut / mouse HTR4 / /
5-HT2m 1400%, 1.1 uM mouse HTR4 Peak: Ex 505 nm, Em 520 nm Isobestic point: 410 nm /
5-HT2h 600%, 80 nM mouse HTR4 Peak: Ex 505 nm, Em 520 nm Isobestic point: 425 nm /
Red 5-HT sensor r5-HTmut / mouse HTR4 / /
*r5-HT1.0 400%, 790 nM mouse HTR4 Peak: Ex 560 nm, Em 595 nm Highly recommend, previous internal name r5-HT2.0, nondetectable photoactivation
ACh Green ACh sensor gACh2.0 90%, 2 uM human M3R / / https://doi.org/10.1038/nbt.4184
*gACh3.0 (ACh4.3) 280%, 2.2 uM human M3R Peak: Ex 492 nm, Em 510 nm Highly recommend https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-020-0953-2
gACh3.0-mut / human M3R / /
DA Green DA sensor DA1m 90%, 130 nM human D2R / / https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2018.06.042
DA1m-mut / human D2R / /
DA1h 90%, 10 nM human D2R / /
DA1h-mut human D2R / /
DA2m 340%, 90 nM human D2R Peak: Ex 500 nm, Em 520 nm Isobestic point: 435 nm Spectrum source data https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-020-00981-9
DA2h 280%, 7 nM human D2R Peak: Ex 500 nm, Em 520 nm Isobestic point: 440 nm Spectrum source data
*gDA3m 1300%, 86 nM human D1R Peak: Ex 495 nm, Em 520 nm Isobestic point: 420 nm Highly recommend https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-023-02100-w
gDA3h 1000%, 22 nM bovine D1R Peak: Ex 505 nm, Em 520 nm Isobestic point: 420 nm Spectrum source data
Red DA sensor rDA1m 150%, 95 nM human D2R Peak: Ex 565 nm, Em 595 nm / https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-020-00981-9
rDA1h 100%, 4 nM human D2R / /
rDA2m(D2) 560%, 180 nM red fire ant D2R Peak: Ex 565 nm, Em 595 nm Highly recommend, Nondetectable photoactivation https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-023-02100-w
rDA2h(D2) 240%, 9 nM red fire ant D2R Peak: Ex 565 nm, Em 595 nm Nondetectable photoactivation
*rDA3m(D1) 1300%, 130 nM human D1R Peak: Ex 560 nm, Em 595 nm Highly recommend
rDA3h(D1) 900%, 20 nM human D1R Peak: Ex 565 nm, Em 585 nm /
NE Green NE sensor NE1m 230%, 930 nM human α2AR / / https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2019.02.037
NE1h 130%, 83 nM human α2AR / /
NEmut / human α2AR / Non-binding mutant control
*NE2m 381%, 380 nM human α2AR Peak: Ex 500 nm, Em 520 nm Isobestic point: 410 nm Highly recommend https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2024.03.001
NE2h 415%, 190 nM human α2AR Peak: Ex 500 nm, Em 520 nm Isobestic point: 410 nm /
HA Green HA sensor HA1h 370%, 17 nM human H4R Peak: Ex 505 nm, Em 520 nm Isobestic point: 400 nm / https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2023.02.024
*HA1m 590%, 380 nM human H4R Peak: Ex 505 nm, Em 520 nm Isobestic point: 420 nm Highly recommend
HA1mut / human H4R / /
OA Green OA sensor OA1.0 660%, 200nM Drosophila Oct β2R Peak: Ex 500 nm, Em 520 nm / https://doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwae112
Ado Green Ado sensor *Ado1.0 200%, 60 nM human A2AR / Highly recommend for physiology https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abb0556
*Ado1.0m 400%, 3600 nM human A2AR / Highly recommend for pathology https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2212387120
ATP Green ATP sensor ATP1.0 800%, 80 nM human P2RY1 Peak: Ex 500 nm, Em 520 nm Isobestic point: 435 nm / https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2021.11.027
ATP1.0L 1000%, 32 uM human P2RY1 / /
UDP Green UDP sensor UDP1.0 600%, 90 nM chicken P2Y6 Peak: Ex 505 nm, Em 520 nm Isobestic point: 425 nm / https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2024.03.017
VIP Others (Green sensor) VIP1.0 360%, 19 nM human VIPR2 Peak: Ex 500 nm, Em 520 nm Isobestic point: 420 nm / https://doi.org/doi:10.1126/science.abq8173
CCK CCK1.0 (2.3) 840%, 4.1 nM human CCKBR Peak: Ex 505 nm, Em 520 nm Isobestic point: 425 nm /
NPY NPY1.0 490%, 43 nM human NPY1R Peak: Ex 500 nm, Em 520 nm Isobestic point: 425 nm /
NPYmut / human NPY1R / /
CRF CRF1.0 (3.0) 1200%, 33 nM human CRFR1 Peak: Ex 500 nm, Em 520 nm Isobestic point: 415 nm /
CRFmut / human CRFR1 / /
SST SST1.0 430%, 70 nM human SSTR5 Peak: Ex 500 nm, Em 520 nm Isobestic point: 425 nm /
NTS NTS1.0 250%, 6.2 nM human NTSR1 Peak: Ex 500 nm, Em 520 nm Isobestic point: 425 nm /
eCB eCB2.0 300%, 0.2uM to AEA, 3uM to 2-AG human CB1R Peak: Ex 500 nm, Em 520 nm / https://doi.org/10.1038/s41587-021-01074-4
OT(Oxytocin) OT1.0 410%, 3 nM bovine OTR Peak: Ex 505 nm, Em 520 nm Isobestic point: 425 nm / https://doi.org/10.1038/s41587-022-01561-2
OTmut / bovine OTR / Non-binding mutant control


Transgenic flies carrying published ACh sensor and dopamine sensor are available at Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.

Genotype Cat# Resource
cAMP sensor
w[*]; PBac{y[+mDint2] w[+mC]=10XlexAop-G-Flamp1.L}VK00005/TM2 604602 BDSC
w[*]; P{y[+t7.7] w[+mC]=10XlexAop-G-Flamp1.L}attP40 604603 BDSC
w[*];?P{y[+t7.7] w[+mC]=UAS-G-Flamp1}attP40?/?CyO;?Sb[1]?/?TM6B,?Tb[1] 119070 Kyoto stock center
w[*];?PBac{y[+mDint2] w[+mC]=UAS-G-Flamp1}VK00005?/?TM3,?Sb[1] 119071 Kyoto stock center
OA sensor
w[*]; PBac{y[+mDint2] w[+mC]=10XUAS-GRAB(OA1.0)}VK00005 604601 BDSC
w[*]; P{y[+t7.7] w[+mC]=10XUAS-GRAB(OA1.0)}attP40/CyO 604600 BDSC
ACh sensors
w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-GRAB(ACh2.0)}2/In(2LR)Gla, wg[Gla-1] PPO1[Bc] 80046 BDSC
w[*]; P{y[+t7.7] w[+mC]=10XUAS-GRAB(ACh3.0)}attP40 86549 BDSC
w[*]; PBac{y[+mDint2] w[+mC]=10XUAS-GRAB(ACh3.0)}VK00005/TM6B, Tb[1] 86550 BDSC
w[*]; P{y[+t7.7] w[+mC]=10XlexAop-GRAB(ACh3.0)}attP40 86551 BDSC
w[*]; PBac{y[+mDint2] w[+mC]=10XlexAop-GRAB(ACh3.0)}VK00005/TM2 86552 BDSC
DA sensors
w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-GRAB(DA1m)}2 80047 BDSC
w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-GRAB(DA1m)}3/TM2 80048 BDSC
y[1] w[*]; P{y[+t7.7] w[+mC]=lexAop-GRAB(DA1m)}attP40/CyO 80049 BDSC
y[1] w[*]; PBac{y[+mDint2] w[+mC]=lexAop-GRAB(DA1m)}VK00005 80050 BDSC
w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-DA1m-mut}attP40/CyO 80051 BDSC
w[*]; P{w[+mC]=10XUAS-GRAB(DA2m)}attP40/CyO 90878 BDSC
w[*]; P{y[+t7.7] w[+mC]=10XlexAop-GRAB(DA2m)}attP40/CyO 90879 BDSC
w[*]; PBac{y[+mDint2] w[+mC]=10XlexAop-GRAB(DA2m)}VK00005/TM2 90880 BDSC
5-HT sensors
w[*]; P{y[+t7.7] w[+mC]=10XUAS-GRAB(5-HT1.0)}attP40 90874 BDSC
w[*]; PBac{y[+mDint2] w[+mC]=10XUAS-GRAB(5-HT1.0)}VK00005 90875 BDSC
w[*]; P{y[+t7.7] w[+mC]=10XlexAop-GRAB(5-HT1.0)}attP40/CyO 90876 BDSC
w[*]; PBac{y[+mDint2] w[+mC]=10XlexAop-GRAB(5-HT1.0)}VK00005 90877 BDSC
w[*]; P{y[+t7.7] w[+mC]=QUAS-pHluorin.CAAX}attP40 82174 BDSC
w[*]; P{y[+t7.7] w[+mC]=QUAS-pHluorin.CAAX}attP2 82175 BDSC
w[*]; P{y[+t7.7] w[+mC]=10XUAS-pHluorin.CAAX}attP2 82176 BDSC
w[*]; P{y[+t7.7] w[+mC]=10XUAS-ArchT-P2A-mRuby3.CAAX}attP40/CyO 82177 BDSC
w[*]; P{y[+t7.7] w[+mC]=QUAS-ArchT-P2A-mRuby3.CAAX}attP40 82178 BDSC
w[*]; M{w[+mC]=QUAS-ArchT-P2A-mRuby3.CAAX}ZH-86Fb 82179 BDSC


AAV viruses carrying published and unpublished GRAB sensors (including the lastest ACh, DA, NE, 5-HT, Ado, ATP, VIP, CCK and eCB sensors) are available from Brain Case , BrainVTA (China), WZ Biosciences (China) & WZ Biosciences (US) or Shanghai Taitool Bioscience. Note: please contact the Li Lab (yulonglilab2018@gmail.com) before ordering unpublished sensors.

BrainVTA (China)

Virus Cat#
AAV-hSyn-GACh2.0 PT-1309
AAV-EF1α-DIO-GACh2.0 PT-1310
AAV-hSyn-DA1m PT-1298
AAV-EF1α-DIO-DA1m PT-1299
AAV-hSyn-DA1h PT-1301
AAV-EF1α-DIO-DA1h PT-1302
AAV-hSyn-DA mut PT-1304
AAV-EF1α-DIO-DA mut PT-1305


Virus Cat#
pAAV-hSyn-GRAB_DA1m 113049-AAV9
pAAV-hSyn-GRAB_DA1h 113050-AAV9
pAAV-hSyn-GRAB_NE1m 123308-AAV9
pAAV-hSyn-GRAB_NE1h 123309-AAV9
pAAV-hSyn-GRAB_DA1h 113050-AAVrg
pAAV-hSyn-GRAB_NE1m 123308-AAVrg
pAAV-hSyn-GRAB_NE1h 123309-AAVrg
pAAV-hSyn-GRAB_NEmut 123310-AAVrg

For international users, please contact yulonglilab2018(atAT)gmail.com for information.