Skyhigh rents
on 06.11.22
So how does it play out with median rents surpassing 2k? Are we seeing a massive wave of evictions and homelessness yet? Are we seeing 5+ people in a one bedroom apartment, on a large scale? It feels very vertiginous and terrifying.
Is this a bubble that needs to pop, or is this a permanent situation that can't be solved until we catch up on building housing and then maintain that at a sufficient rate?

Passing thoughts
on 06.10.22
1. Geeblets do not learn how to swim particularly easily. 3/4 of them are now basically safe in the deep end, but none of them learned quickly. And with the last 1/4, the swim instructor was cracking me up - she had him take off his rashguard on the vague notion that it was preventing him from moving his arms in a coordinated fashion.
2. I took two yoga classes earlier this summer and quit again, mostly because the whole thing just monopolized too much time and I didn't enjoy it. I think the stretching is good for me! But I'll just have to figure something else out. Anyway I was thinking about the offhand comments that the instructor made about "compression" poses and squeezing out your lymph nodes and internal organs (maybe I made that part up? I can't remember). It strikes me that the idea of compression poses would have been developed by very thin people who have to work very hard to compress their internal organs. I've developed a rather solid trunk-shape over the lifespan of this blog, and let me tell you, compression is not very novel.

on 06.09.22
How about those 1/6 hearings tonight?
Or this article that I didn't read much of, about how academia scientists are having their own Great Resignation? (via pocket)
Off to [take the kids to their lesson on how to] swim!

Check Ins, Reassurances, and Concerns, 6/9
on 06.09.22
This is intended to be our system for checking in on imaginary friends, so that we know whether or not to be concerned if you go offline for a while. There is no way it could function as that sentence implies, but it's still nice to have a thread.
Episode Kobe twenty seven

Election Integrity
on 06.07.22
It really takes a high degree of knowledge to distinguish between lunatic fringe theories that can be dismissed and lunatic fringe theories that need to be taken really seriously. That's a link about the GOP's organized plans to challenge voters next fall. I'm picturing myself trying to explain that to someone sympathetic but uninformed, and I can't imagine it landing as something that requires urgent action. I can't imagine the Democrats can possibly respond with enough resources and organization to neutralize this. Maybe I'm underestimating them.

Guest Post: let's go!
on 06.06.22
Mossy Character writes: Watch Everything Everywhere All At Once. At once!
Heebie's take: It turns out that this is a movie!