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Re: Advice You Can Use


Thanks, ogged!

Posted by: Argentine Lake Duck | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 2:54 PM
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Thanks. I could've used this advice months ago.

Posted by: sam k | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 2:56 PM
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Curse you, duck.

Posted by: sam k | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 2:56 PM
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Seems to me this letter is in the category of letters that Dan Savage generally identifies as utter bullshit.

Posted by: JRoth | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:04 PM
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4 reflects my opinion as well.

Posted by: mrh | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:05 PM
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Yeah, I thought the same thing. But that's no reason not to deal with the issue.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:06 PM
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LPSG.org has lots of anecdotes like this.

Posted by: Cryptic Ned | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:11 PM
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And after they all talked about how huge my member was, I broached the subject of a three-way. Two women, one man. Because I'm a feminist. Then we all opened a dog rescue, and I was pleased to serve as lead defense attorney.

Prudence got trolled.

Posted by: Cala | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:13 PM
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This is what Slate's original video content is like? This is almost as useless as the New Yorker's animated cartoons.

Posted by: Cryptic Ned | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:15 PM
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White People hate it when their blog has too many substantive posts in one day.

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:16 PM
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I loved this letter. Dear Penthouse...

Posted by: PerfectlyGoddamnDelightful | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:20 PM
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Ok, look, I think it's fake too, but it's not incontrovertibly fake; the scenario is plausible.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:21 PM
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the scenario is plausible

This is a very subtle way to brag about your endowment, Ogged.

Posted by: mrh | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:21 PM
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In the nearby possible world on crack, maybe.

Posted by: Cala | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:22 PM
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Alternate post title: Slate Published My Letter!

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:22 PM
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12: It's also possible that I'm 6'4", dark, handsome, and a poetic, misunderstood soul. It rings warning bells, is the point.

Posted by: Minivet | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:24 PM
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14: Wait, Sex And The City wasn't ripped from the headlines?

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:24 PM
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Which of these posts is by ogged?

(probably nsfw, despite no pictures or video)

Posted by: Cryptic Ned | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:25 PM
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What, Bobala, is the totally implausible detail here?

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:25 PM
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Not the chatting about endowment. The whole 'and they heard about my magical cock of power, and came as like pilgrims bearing gifts. And invited me over, while naked, on flimsy pretenses!' Plus 'and I and my cock of justice know it would be wrong to stray, so my only question is, how do I make it stop?'

Posted by: Cala | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:30 PM
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I didn't look at the video, but it strikes me as implausible that the girlfriend's friends, previously pleasant and normal, were all so enflamed by the thought of huge cock that they are now betraying their friend and throwing themselves at him.

Doesn't seem like the rumor of huge cock should be enough to spark that change in behavior.

(I for example, have not been tempted to sleep with people I don't otherwise want to sleep with, even though I know that my guyfriends are all hung like horses.)

Posted by: Megan | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:32 PM
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Well, if anyone was going to suffer this "problem," it would be, um, a friend of mine. But he's untroubled. Ergo, women must not respond to gossip this way.

Posted by: lw | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:32 PM
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I fantasize about this happening, but it never has.

Posted by: geo-washington | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:34 PM
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I think you're all underestimating the girlfriend's powers of description.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:34 PM
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You feeling better, GW? Have you been using your excuse to do very indulgent things? You should.

Posted by: Megan | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:35 PM
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Yeah. It's not that no one cares about size, but very few people care enough that they'd come on to a friend's boyfriend purely on the basis of reports about size.

(Also, to get clinical, there's a sweet spot size-wise. Big enough to be worthy of commentary as remarkable is likely to be bigger than the ideal for actual enjoyment for a lot of women. Size isn't a simple 'more is better' thing even for people for whom it's an issue.)

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:35 PM
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26: Perhaps they simply wanted to see it and not get too involved with it.

Posted by: Cryptic Ned | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:38 PM
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I'd be surprised to hear that many people would come onto a friend's boyfriend pure on the basis of reports of excellent sex of any kind.

I have overestimated a friend's loyalty before, though.

Posted by: Megan | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:39 PM
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All of her friends.

This is going to be like the objine thing, isn't it?

Posted by: Cala | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:41 PM
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Wait, the girlfriend's report is of excellent sex or just of a big cock?

Posted by: parsimon | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:41 PM
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Cala, it is your moral duty as a philosopher to work into a paper the notion of the nearby possible world on crack. That alone would justify the sacrifices necessary to get a Ph.D.

Posted by: Walt Someguy | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:42 PM
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Yeah. One, maybe.

But if a whole bunch of women are coming on to him because his girlfriend speaks highly of his prowess, they're all in a social group where random screwing around is conventional, and the shocked, shocked air is nonsense. Or he's making the whole thing up.

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:42 PM
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28: perhaps they all hate her.

30: he only mentions the latter.

Posted by: Cryptic Ned | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:42 PM
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30: Just a big cock -- we're trying to give it the benefit of the doubt of plausibility by suggesting that the reports included implications of good sex along with the size commentary.

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:43 PM
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There has to be a market for small guys. The Kama Sutra says that while size is important, what's important is the match. Presumably here's an underground network matching smallish guys with smallish ladies.

But does it get publicity? No. The Man wouldn't let that happen.

Even though he's really not all that big, The Man's reputation for bigness is an essential part of his image.

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:43 PM
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Presumably here's an underground network matching smallish guys with smallish ladies.

"here" being this blog?

Posted by: Cryptic Ned | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:44 PM
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Thanks to economics, I can show that my cock size maximizes the utility of the women of the world. It's an upside-down U shape. Not my cock, the utility function.

Posted by: Walt Someguy | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:45 PM
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That LPSG site is awesome. It includes both men writing earnest Dear Penthouse letters and other men making fun of the Dear-Penthouse quality of the letters. I love the internet. If that site had pictures of kittens it would be unstoppable.

Posted by: Wrongshore | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:46 PM
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31: I'm sure I could manage it in the paper that says "My interlocutor is a little bitch."

Posted by: Cala | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:47 PM
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39 - You're writing a paper about w-lfs-n? He must be flattered.

Posted by: Walt Someguy | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:48 PM
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30: If it were the former there might be a discussion to have, but it is the latter described with characteristic faux humility by the letter writer.

I am giving Ogged the benefit of the doubt that he recognized that this was a bindingly obvious troll playing on the bizarrely pervasive size insecurities of our mutual gender.

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:48 PM
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You know, he also claims that all the friends who are inviting him over are married, so yeah, implausible. Then again! He took up with his neighbor after moving to a new town, so maybe he's stumbled upon a warren of swingers. Could be!

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:50 PM
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I rather think "This is an obvious troll" but "It's plausible, right?" work against each other.

Posted by: Cala | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:50 PM
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25: If only she had told more people!

Posted by: geo-washington | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:51 PM
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Unless "It's plausible" is itself an obvious troll, but that couldn't be, because there are so many people interested.

Posted by: lw | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:52 PM
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Random thought: The probability that Prudence got trolled varies inversely with the probability that AWB knows the troll personally.

Posted by: Cala | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:52 PM
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Ogged, do you want it to be true? How come?

Posted by: Megan | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:53 PM
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The letter can be an obvious fake, depending on the language, while the scenario itself is not totally implausible. I think this letter is a fake.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:53 PM
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we're trying to give it the benefit of the doubt of plausibility by suggesting that the reports included implications of good sex along with the size commentary.

But other than ogged, who is apparently still working through some issues relating to bpl's ex*, no one finds the story credible, right?

* I forget my Spinal Tap, but I think women believe guitar players have large cocks because the guitar acts subliminally. I guess it works on men, too.

Posted by: SomeCallMeTim | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:54 PM
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Ogged wrote the letter, and is "shyly" boasting about success in a new venue. The job now is to go boast about trolling ability somewhere at Slate.

Posted by: lw | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:54 PM
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But why do you want the scenario itself to be true in some cases?

Posted by: Megan | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:55 PM
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1) There's an Onion story somewhere headlined "Ugly Area Man Unsure About How To Get Word Out About Enormous Cock."

2) Doesn't seem like the rumor of huge cock should be enough to spark that change in behavior.

I wonder how this thread would be if the "problem" in question was, "They found out about my enormous wealth and now are all coming onto me." More plausible or less? More morally wrong or less?

Posted by: Gonerill | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:55 PM
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Think: If this was an "Ask the Mineshaft", it would have been immediately rejected by the gatekeepers as too implausible.

Posted by: Cryptic Ned | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:56 PM
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I wonder how this thread would be if the "problem" in question was, "They found out about my enormous wealth and now are all coming onto me." More plausible or less?

Still implausible, since he claims all these women are married.

Posted by: Cryptic Ned | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:56 PM
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Anyway, have any of the people with access to the Unfogged cock database used it to decide who they should date? I have been presuming that the answer is no.

Posted by: Cryptic Ned | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 3:58 PM
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48: No, it shouldn't even depend on the language. When stories like this are told on the internet, they should be assumed lies unless proven otherwise, because it is the kind of thing the internet tempts people to troll about.

Posted by: Minivet | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:00 PM
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They found out about my enormous wealth and now are all coming onto me." More plausible or less?

Huh, that's a pretty good question. I'd say more plausible in the most general case, but given the specific descriptions, still extremely unlikely to be true. A lot of this is dependent on guesses about age for me.

Posted by: SomeCallMeTim | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:01 PM
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31: Is the possible world itself on crack, or just all of the people in it? What would possible world crack be like?

What possible set of possible worlds contains possible world crack?

How distant is the nearest set of possible worlds with possible world crack in it from the actual set of possible worlds (assuming we can measure distance in the second order set which contains all the possible sets of possible worlds, including all the sets with possible world crack and the set without possible world crack)?

Posted by: rob helpy-chalk | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:01 PM
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Megan, it sounds like ogged is attracted to the possibility of a swinger scene.

Posted by: parsimon | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:02 PM
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"My high-school aged daughter let slip that our dog has an enormous cock, and now her classmates are around here day and night trying to masturbate it -- help!"

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:02 PM
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Wait, have I mentioned here before that a girlfriend's friend actually did show up at the door in lingerie once? "Would you like to see my teddy?" God, she was cute, too. But that was inappropriate, and many moons ago.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:02 PM
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"My high-school aged daughter let slip that our dog has an enormous cock, and now her classmates are around here day and night trying to masturbate it -- help!"

All the classmates: implausible.

60% of the female classmates: probably true.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:04 PM
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have any of the people with access to the Unfogged cock database used it to decide who they should date?

That database is getting more and more specific. This is getting worrisome.

Posted by: Matt F | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:05 PM
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Up at 41:

30: If it were the former there might be a discussion to have, but it is the latter described with characteristic faux humility by the letter writer.

I am giving Ogged the benefit of the doubt that he recognized that this was a bindingly obvious troll playing on the bizarrely pervasive size insecurities of our mutual gender.

Even if it were the former I'm not sure there's a discussion to be had: great sex is personal (well, most of the time).

I seem to find it hard to believe that there are still bizarrely pervasive size insecurities among men. There you go. Like, what's that about? If you have a big cock, it's easier to please the woman, and y'all are worried about that? Huh.

In my experience, if a girlfriend goes after your man, you're usually a ghost of a third party, whether you know about it or not.

Posted by: parsimon | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:05 PM
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Wait, have I mentioned here before that a girlfriend's friend actually did show up at the door in lingerie once? "Would you like to see my teddy?" God, she was cute, too.

If this is even a little bit true, it's going to take more than an Obama victory in the general to save this year for me.

Posted by: SomeCallMeTim | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:05 PM
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Wait, have I mentioned here before that a girlfriend's friend actually did show up at the door in lingerie once? "Would you like to see my teddy?"

You already got Slate to turn your story into a video, don't go too far by fleshing out all these details.

Posted by: Cryptic Ned | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:06 PM
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I seem to find it hard to believe that there are still bizarrely pervasive size insecurities among men. There you go. Like, what's that about? If you have a big cock, it's easier to please the woman, and y'all are worried about that? Huh.

There are also size insecurities among women, you know.

Posted by: Cryptic Ned | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:07 PM
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This was in college. Does that even count?

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:07 PM
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48: You're right "not totally implausible" or to use my newly discovered ur-litotes via Lyndon LaRouche it as a "not entirely excluded possibility".

What is more interesting is why guys are driven in things like this to the size thing and not per 30, just some performance-based sexual or even non-sexual characteristic. It really is a very "interesting" psycho-sexual feature of men as a group. (And seeing 64 on preview - I am not sure what it is, any anthropologists here? are cock-size jokes pervasive in all human cultures?)

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:08 PM
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This was in college. Does that even count?

Why wouldn't it count? (Gawd, I hate you.)

Posted by: SomeCallMeTim | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:10 PM
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Is it that you like the idea of a world with lots of deviance in it?

I mean, coming on to your friend's boyfriend because of a newly revealed asset is crappy behavior, whether it is cock size or wealth.

Is it the notion that lots of people do crappy things that appeals to you? Or the titillating part that women abandon all norms for big cock? When we're all -hmm, not persuasive, how come you're all - Woo-hoo! Could be!

Posted by: Megan | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:10 PM
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68: No.

There are also size insecurities among women, you know.

Not once you grow up!

Posted by: parsimon | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:10 PM
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Wait, have I mentioned here before that a girlfriend's friend actually did show up at the door in lingerie once? "Would you like to see my teddy?"

That's pretty tame. For example: A girlfriends mother show me her (brand new) labia piercings once.

Posted by: George Washington | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:11 PM
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Shorter 69: Social construction or something from the veldt?

.. or impossible to discuss without picking the low-hanging fruit?

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:12 PM
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I remember seeing an argument somewhere that apparent flaccid cock-size increased with age, just on the 'everything droops and stretches' principle. And so that cock-size insecurities were a way for older men to sell themselves as physically more imposing than younger men; the CEO is going to have a bigger cock at the urinals than the hot young muscular mailroom guy.

This may be complete bullshit either at the first level -- I don't know if it's physically true on average -- or on the psychosocial level. But I read it somewhere, which makes it good enough to repeat.

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:12 PM
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are cock-size jokes pervasive in all human cultures

I have mentioned here before that the aristocracy of classical Greece thought that a small, uncircumcised cock best represented the natural refinement of their tribe.

Posted by: rob helpy-chalk | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:13 PM
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A girlfriends mother show me her (brand new) labia piercings once.

Funeral arrangements for Timbot are pending. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that you make a donation to eharmony.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:13 PM
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72 just isn't even close to true. At least, not unless you want to discount a sizable population from ever growing up. Which is probably defensible.

Posted by: soup biscuit | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:15 PM
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I have mentioned here before that the aristocracy of classical Greece thought that a small, uncircumcised cock best represented the natural refinement of their tribe.

We're talking here about cultures that use vaginal sex, not intercrural sex.

Posted by: Cryptic Ned | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:15 PM
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76: Building on that, I understand in some cultures it's testicle weight that's measured and discussed. Due to seminiferous content, maybe, but just as constructed.

Posted by: Minivet | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:15 PM
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Original thread here

Posted by: rob helpy-chalk | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:16 PM
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Actually, now that I think about it...college, it could just have been teasing and harmless flirting. Yes, that's it. Teasing and harmless flirting.

77: Only if mom was cute.

Posted by: SomeCallMeTim | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:16 PM
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77 makes no sense to me.

Does it make it better or worse that said gf (and 1/2 a dozen others) were in the room once when she did that?

Posted by: George Washington | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:17 PM
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When we're all -hmm, not persuasive, how come you're all - Woo-hoo! Could be!

Because I'm a gimlet-eyed realist, my hippie friend. Blabbing girlfriend: I believe. Frustrated, backstabbing friends: I believe. Self-congratulating letter writer: I believe. It's a sad story, in the end, and we have to face it squarely.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:17 PM
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77 to 65, I assume.

Posted by: Minivet | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:18 PM
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84 is fucking funny.

Posted by: Walt Someguy | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:19 PM
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82: They both were.
gf was 16, mom was 37. They placed 1 & 2 in a wet-t contest that year, for what it's worth.

Posted by: George Washington | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:20 PM
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college, it could just have been teasing and harmless flirting. Yes, that's it. Teasing and harmless flirting.

You know, this was when I was visiting my then-girlfriend at Reed, where they have co-ed showers, and this same woman took the shower stall next to me the next day. I think she was like, coming on to me or something. Anyway, of course nothing came of it.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:21 PM
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They placed 1 & 2 in a wet-t contest that year

Ahahaha. Classy.

Who won?

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:22 PM
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84- That's silly. All the people I know would never do that.

Posted by: Megan | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:23 PM
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The daughter won.

They were both classy in their way, actually. Bikers though, different way of looking at things.

Posted by: George Washington | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:24 PM
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('Cept, of course, for my former best friend.)

Posted by: Megan | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:25 PM
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Shoulda kept quiet about the cock.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:25 PM
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gf was 16, mom was 37. They placed 1 & 2 in a wet-t contest that year, for what it's worth.

Gawddammit. That sucks. But it would be worse if you were ogged, somehow.

Posted by: SomeCallMeTim | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:26 PM
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Wow. That's a way to apportion the fault that I'd never thought of. I thought I'd beaten that episode long past death. Shocking, really, to come up with new angles on it years later.

Posted by: Megan | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:27 PM
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How dare she tell everyone about Megan's enormous penis?

Posted by: Cryptic Ned | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:28 PM
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Ach, conclusion of the thread: cock- and tit-waving wins.

Posted by: parsimon | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:29 PM
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97: Shockingly.

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:32 PM
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What would possible world crack be like?

It tastes like boysenberry and cures lupus.

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:33 PM
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Crack give Bizarro Superman Bizarro Super Power!

Posted by: Bizarro Superman | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:33 PM
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Anyway, of course nothing came of it.

Area Man Total Pussy, Reports Say.

Posted by: Flippanter | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:34 PM
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This story actually happened to Kobe.

Posted by: washerdreyer | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:34 PM
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Too slow on the trigger today.

Posted by: washerdreyer | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:37 PM
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Masturbated a lot as a kid?

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:39 PM
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103: Blame it on F=ma.

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:40 PM
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103: Blame it on F=ma.

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:40 PM
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88: Most Reed alumni have already hear that story. She claims that yours is corkscrew shaped like a warthog's. She still would have been willing, but she concluded that you were differently oriented.

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 4:42 PM
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Blabbing girlfriend: I believe. Frustrated, backstabbing friends: I believe. Self-congratulating letter writer: I believe.

It is would be an assumption to say the neighbor lady he is screwing is his girl friend. He never calls her that. She is probably a woman with a healthy sexual appetite that enjoys having sex with a guy with an enormous dick.
I dated someone once with an enormous unit. It was huge. When it was hard, it was so big that it flopped down like a train crossing gate. What was notable about our sex life was his size, not the quality of the sex itself. I told all of my friends about his package. If they had lived near me, I'm sure they would have called him. Just to see it. To make sure I wasn't exaggerating.
Not because they are backstabbing, more to share a laugh.

Posted by: Martha Washington | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 5:04 PM
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When it was hard, it was so big that it flopped down like a train crossing gate.

Like, with bells and flashing lights and so on? Was it black and white striped?

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 5:07 PM
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To be specific, Mr. Washington's unit was 555 feet 5 1/8 inches long. It's on display somewhere and is a major tourist attraction. But from a feminist point of view, Martha's unit is equally impressive.

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 5:11 PM
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Was it black and white striped?

She said a crossing gate, not a zebra. German spy.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 5:15 PM
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mein Gott, Führer, der enorme Penis wie ein Zebra aussieht! Gotterdamerung, ein Zug!

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 5:19 PM
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It was huge

You can't intimidate us with these subjective assessments. How huge? This huge? (NSFW)

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 5:22 PM
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Surely, mein Führer, we cannot fight the war on two fronts penises.

Posted by: Flippanter | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 5:24 PM
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Shocking, really, to come up with new angles on it years later.

OMG! When I told my former best friend that the UNG was being a gigantic dick, she must have thought... God, she must be feeling pretty stupid now.

(I told her husband UNG was an unbelievable asshole.)

Posted by: Di Kotimy | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 5:25 PM
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Or this huge? NSF(duh!)W.

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 5:28 PM
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FWIW, I will weigh in with the opinion that the story is substantially more plausible if the GF is bragging about the fellow's massive financial endowment. Because I can imagine people being that single-mindedly focused on money. I really just can't imagine getting all that goofy over Moby Dick.

Posted by: Di Kotimy | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 5:30 PM
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First woman might be trying to pass the guy on. I knew a guy whose much older girlfriend tried to lend him to a friend for the friend's birthday. I believe this story because although he was a total man-slut he was very indignant about it. And then there was the acquaintance who seduced my boyfriend because she wondered what I saw in him. People are so weird.

Posted by: Martha Washington | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 5:40 PM
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You know, every time I see a new comment in the sidebar on the "It Could Happen to You" thread, I think it's in response to this post.

Posted by: Josh | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 5:42 PM
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There needs to be a post titled "You Never Thought".

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 5:43 PM
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I knew a guy whose much older girlfriend tried to lend him to a friend for the friend's birthday.

This is hot too.

Keep the stories coming, they give me hope!

Posted by: man-slut | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 5:44 PM
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I knew a guy whose much older girlfriend tried to lend him to a friend for the friend's birthday.

Erm, this actually happened to me as well (she wasn't older, we were the same age). I was was happy to go along. Her friend was really cute, too!

Posted by: George Washington | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 5:50 PM
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George and Martha clearly have some things to work out.

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 5:52 PM
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Keep the stories coming, they give me hope!

One of my ex-girlfriends tried to loan me to her sister who was still a virgin. She also repeatedly tried to coordinate threesomes, including with her sister's roommate. Another one told a bunch of our shared acquaintances positive things about penis size which lead to subsequent harassment. Sadly the shared acquaintances were gay. One of my male friends figured that he bond of friendship was stronger than his troubled relationship, so set me up with all the girls that he wanted to sleep with but didn't because it would be cheating.

But there was never anything involving anyone's mom, that I know of.

Posted by: John Quincy Adams | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:12 PM
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very few people care enough that they'd come on to a friend's boyfriend purely on the basis of reports about size.

skill, not size.

But nothing shocks me anymore.

Posted by: will | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:20 PM
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I totally believe that this could be a real scenario, in that some women are really into big cock. I had a girlfriend who tried to seduce one of my boyfriends, and one of my exes, because I'd mentioned (conversationally, during a conversation about cock size) some serious equipment, and I was sort of annoyed by how shallow it seemed. She wasn't interested in them at all before, and then suddenly she was writhing every time she pronounced their names. I can imagine, as a guy, feeling somewhat annoyed and insulted that you weren't interesting at all before, and now, suddenly, you're an object of universal lustation.

BUT! It's really douchey to write to an advice columnist with this as your "problem," and Prudence's advice is stupid. Why air a vid like this in which the advice is, "Say no, by, uh, saying no"? Mere titillation?

Posted by: A White Bear | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:23 PM
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skill, not size.

That's what doesn't make sense to me. My girlfriends never pursue the guys I say are really great in bed, but legends of a huge cock make them crazy with demented lust. Maybe because no one agrees about what makes for a skillful lay? (People who disagree with me, for example, are just wrong.)

Posted by: A White Bear | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:26 PM
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I'm not suggesting that these people are polite or good friends, but I've known of people who has sex with their roommates boyfriends while the roommate was in the shower, lots of trying out boyfriends or girlfriends of friends just bc they were rumored to be good, lots of hanky panky by otherwise good friends, and lots of other devious bad sexual exploits.

It happens. All the time. All around you.

Posted by: will | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:27 PM
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Yeah, I'm not really incredulous about the odd attempted seduction, just that a number of her friends are after him on the basis of cock size. That's either untrue, or a feature of their social group in which case the faux shock is nonsense.

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:30 PM
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honestly, almost. That gentleman may have several centimeters on my fellow, but the over all impression- which in my case was one of sheer terror- was the same.

Ogged, I find it so interesting that you have these images readily accessible- surely you didn't find that one in Wikipedia?!

Posted by: Martha Washington (108) | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:30 PM
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I just googled monster cock.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:32 PM
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All aroundyou. You're the Typhoid Mary of relationships.

Wait, no. You're a bad-relationship magnet. I don't know that you cause them.

Many if not most of the cases of the kind you're speaking of that I've known of have ended up producing ended friendships either between the cheater and the cheated, or between the two best friends. One case alienated two brothers from one another, and one brother from his wife.

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:33 PM
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131: IYKWIM.

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:33 PM
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You're a bad-relationship magnet.

He's a divorce lawyer.

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:34 PM
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I've never seen spell-check mangle "gobbled" like that before, Ogged.

Posted by: snarkout | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:34 PM
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131: You couldn't do the decent thing and pretend it was from the Unfogged collection, could you?

Posted by: SomeCallMeTim | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:34 PM
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Well, yea. If they get caught.

They dont always get caught.

I'm not the Typhoid Mary. I'm the Father Confessor. I learn of the sins. The funny stories are from the people who are amazed that they got caught in one relatively minor transgressions when their shocking sins go undiscovered.

Posted by: will | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:35 PM
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It does happen, all the time, all around you. Whether that's a good thing is another question. But! This is not the time or place for that sort of question. It's a thing that some people do, and probably many of us have done it. Let us flirt and salivate. So sez the Mineshaft.

Posted by: parsimon | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:36 PM
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surely you didn't find that one in Wikipedia?!

Wikipedia is surprisingly explicit, though. The article on masturbation has a handy two-frame photograph, demonstrating how to stroke one's penis (turns out you move your hand up, and then you move your hand down).

Posted by: destroyer | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:37 PM
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I knew that parsimon was my kind of woman.

Posted by: will | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:37 PM
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131: You couldn't do the decent thing and pretend it was from the Unfogged collection, could you?

And out Slack?

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:38 PM
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Let us flirt and salivate. So sez the Mineshaft.

When exactly has "the Mineshaft" said this, as a chorus? Because I think I missed that boat. Mostly it tends to sing out, "Leave humans alone and be ashamed of yourself, and learn ancient languages while you're at it!"

Posted by: A White Bear | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:40 PM
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It happens. All the time. All around you.

I always suspected this. But never to me! You're the sort of person that they happen to or you're not.

That's probably why I'm a man-slut. A few annoying friends of friends hitting on you, and I'd quickly morph into Bored and Jaded Man.

Posted by: man-slut | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:42 PM
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And then there's the other extreme, faithful married couples who don't have sex with each other either.

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:42 PM
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I dunno. Does it count as fidelity if you're not having sex with each other?

("You've had as much sex with every woman in your office as you've had with your own wife!")

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:43 PM
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I always suspected this. But never to me! You're the sort of person that they happen to or you're not.

Actually, I would divide it up into the sort of person that realizes it might happen to you and the person who thinks it would never happen to them.

Naive people of the world.

Posted by: will | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:47 PM
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If your spouse fucks around in the forest and no one hears about it, did it really happen?

Posted by: Not Prince Hamlet | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:48 PM
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You're saying they weren't in the woods for the hunting?

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:49 PM
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I love Not Prince Hamlet.

For the record, I get it on with Not Prince Hamlet as often as I get it on with AWB and LB. Together!

Posted by: will | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:50 PM
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Yeah, the weird thing is that there's basically no difference between the me who has occasionally found myself the object of other people's bizarre complex porny sex schemes and the me who has a really rough time even managing the most straightforward and unkinky relationship, except that the me who found myself in those schemes was thinking, at the time, "I bet people all around me are having weird crazy sexual ideas about everyone all the time" and the me who is a total sexual failure is thinking "I'm sure everyone around me is really busy and not very interested in sex." Quantum sexual magnetism!

Posted by: A White Bear | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:52 PM
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148: Yes, deer.

Posted by: Not Prince Hamlet | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:52 PM
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as often as I get it on with AWB and LB

Dude, now there's a really really good idea. Can we get dispensation for this?

Posted by: A White Bear | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:53 PM
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There are lots of cases of people who courted one sibling and then switched and married another. E.G. my brothers #1 and #2 (the unmarried one was the lucky one.)

That's a major theme in XIXc literature and also literary history. Likewise the lone poet in love with his wife's bestfriend (e.g. Nietzsche, twice). Presumably it's shyness- and restrictive class standards-related. But there's seldom actual boom-boom involved, at least in the novels. More often suicide and tragic suffering.

I resent that will and I have equally dark reviews of relationships, but he has better anecdotes and also make lots of money off it.

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:53 PM
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149: We're having Schrodinger's Orgy, right here in the comments.

Posted by: Not Prince Hamlet | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:54 PM
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O. But afterwards we have to say 10 Hail Mary's and rub those beads a couple of times.

Posted by: will | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:54 PM
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152: Let me check with Buck.

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:54 PM
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Turns out, no.

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:55 PM
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I got a superposition for ya!

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:56 PM
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I also love him not. Now, anyway. The motherfucker.

Posted by: Guildenstern | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:57 PM
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I resent that will and I have equally dark reviews of relationships, but he has better anecdotes and also make lots of money off it.

Actually, I am a fan of relationships. I just think that a successful relationship doesnt have to be measured in decades.

Posted by: will | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 6:59 PM
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142: I was being pretty deeply ironic. It's probably true that a lot of us have been involved in weird scenarios that could be called hot'n'sexy, the hott half-naked friend's boyfriend who shows up in your doorway, the furtive shedding of clothes while the recent ex is a room away: things about which this thread wants to say woo-hoo! Brag material. It's not really brag material.

People do these things sometimes. Usually you keep it private, and it fucks things up, and you don't brag about it. Around here I guess the woo-hoo is an extension of the view that flirting is .. I'm not sure: titillating.

Posted by: parsimon | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:01 PM
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Obviously, Will, on the average you make more money on 10 five-year relationships than on one 50-year relationship. Basically you want the marriage to last until there's some net worth, but not a lot longer. Sort of like the way old-growth trees aren't a good use of land, since the profitable growth is mostly in the first 30 or 40 years.

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:05 PM
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things about which this thread wants to say woo-hoo! Brag material. It's not really brag material.

People do these things sometimes. Usually you keep it private, and it fucks things up, and you don't brag about it

Well, yea. Of course. We dont have to feel the shame and humilation. We can just laugh and applaud.

We dont have to pack the boxes, sell the house, live on less, divide up the friends, part ways with the family members of the cuckhold, see the hurt in another's eyes, or try to justify the unjustifyable.

Hypothetically speaking of course. I would never do such a thing.

Posted by: will | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:05 PM
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Only Emerson really understands me.

Posted by: will | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:07 PM
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I'd say among most 20-somethings cheating in a relationship can be hard to take seriously, granted that few relationships at that age are intended for the long term. But I think that Will is talking about seriously-intended relationships with something at stake and at least one partner ending up angry and cheated.

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:08 PM
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Part of my family is sticking with my niece's ex-partner. We're an unromantic bunch, if you didn't guess, and we like kids and parents better than we like spouses. For one thing, he's one of the least unpleasant people who's ever come into our family via relationship, which isn't saying a whole lot.

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:10 PM
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I'm actually trying to drive will out of business, but no one ever listens to Cassandra, so he's safe.

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:12 PM
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It's not really brag material.

Not to brag about, no. On the other hand, not shameful, either. Running around behind peoples backs isn't doing anyone any favors but you can end up in some very interestingly complicated situations with everything above board and everyone having fun.

Posted by: soup biscuit | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:12 PM
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Around here I guess the woo-hoo is an extension of the view that flirting is .. I'm not sure: titillating.

But. Um. Flirting IS titillating.

Right? Isn't that the whole point, more or less?

Posted by: mrh | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:12 PM
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mrh you sicko.

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:13 PM
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168: Also anecdotes, grand operas, legal cases, murder cases, and decades of self-pity and impotent anger.

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:14 PM
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163: That's exactly why you should talk it out before hand. Doesn't work for everyone, natch.

Posted by: soup biscuit | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:14 PM
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Talk? What? Why?

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:15 PM
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Cower before my deranged depravity!

Posted by: mrh | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:16 PM
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Probably I'm useful to Will if one of his clients starts getting uppity. Will can just slap him down with "Look, Emerson tried and tried to tell you. It's your own damn fault. So suck up your guts and don't give me any grief".

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:17 PM
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That's exactly why you should talk it out before hand.

I continue to be mystified as to why people who will put up with all sorts of shit in their relationships/marriages consider cheating the One Deadly Sin. But I'm extremely happy for one friend whose asshole husband finally got around to cheating on her and giving her Good Cause to end the sorry mess, which did wonders for her happiness.

Posted by: Not Prince Hamlet | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:25 PM
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Running around behind peoples backs isn't doing anyone any favors but you can end up in some very interestingly complicated situations with everything above board and everyone having fun.

It is probably a good thing, economically speaking, that you are in favor of BYO wedding receptions.

Posted by: Fleur | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:26 PM
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176: The other stuff is easy to rationalize away.

Posted by: Cala | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:29 PM
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168: Not shameful if it's above-board, no. What I don't get is the woo-hoo in these scenarios where it's obviously not.

But look, it's not an all or nothing scenario anyway: it's not like messing around when it's not above-board is flatly shameful. At least, shame is a very powerful word. As I said, these things do happen. You generally don't want to do them, but that's not merely in the case of marriage or even a serious relationship: you also don't want to do it when you know your current partner will be hurt by it. Which is why I don't get the woo-hoo even about the girl showing up in a teddy.

Posted by: parsimon | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:30 PM
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People really still believe in True Love, and Finally I've Found The One, and This Will Be Forever, and Two Hearts Beating As One, and For Everyone There's That One Certai Person.

Sociobiology skeptics can sneer, but sociobiology makes relationships more intelligable than rational actor theory does. (Did I mention that I think Becker is loony and also unpleasant?)

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:31 PM
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178: That doesn't explain anything. The urge to screw around is one that we all feel to one degree or another. Why is giving in to that harder to rationalize away than plain old assholiness?

Posted by: Not Prince Hamlet | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:32 PM
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Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:34 PM
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I also think that the "honesty" dodge isn't as helpful as people think. Honesty is very difficult in the best of cases, and there are all kinds of things making honesty difficult: self-deception, eagerness to please, fear of abandonment, unacknowledged meanness, failure to read signals, cowardliness, unwillingness to inflict pain, self-serving interpretations. Some of these are not even bad reasons.

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:35 PM
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Which is why I don't get the woo-hoo even about the girl showing up in a teddy.

Because that doesn't happen to a lot of guys I know. It's like asking, "Why the woo-hoo for meeting a space alien?"

Posted by: SomeCallMeTim | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:35 PM
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184: oh like you'd retain a stony silence as that probe got jammed up your ass.

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:37 PM
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Retain, obtain, maintain, contain, entertain.

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:37 PM
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My sister was most hurt by her sociopath ex's unfaithfulness, rather than the much worse things he did.

When my wife "cheated", I wasn't upset, but I came to believe that I was supposed to be (even though we were in the Free Love world), and that my acceptance made her feel that she'd lost her mysterious power.

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:38 PM
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183: Oh, I didn't say it was easy. Just that, in my experience anyway, works really well for all involved.

177: good for me, or for the economy?

Posted by: soup biscuit | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:39 PM
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184: Tim has strengths in unexpected areas.

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:39 PM
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I think your right, on one hand Prince. My sister was also married to an asshole, and when she married him we all knew going into it that he was an asshole, and apparently this was something she was willing to put up with (?!?*&^%%). When he cheated on her, which he did with a "friend" of theirs, then all bets were off. She had bargained for him being an asshole, but not necessarily on an asshole who cheats. For many this wound is unbearable, where other blows are somehow... bearable.

Posted by: Fleur | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:40 PM
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Cheating, and the dishonesty around cheating, are really really horrible to experience.

Am I buying into something saying this?

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:40 PM
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Cheating, and the dishonesty around cheating, are really really horrible to experience.

From the outside, that looks right to me. I really don't understand why people do it.

Posted by: soup biscuit | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:41 PM
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188: I've seen a fair amount of honesty kabuki. "It's really OK, dear, isn't it?" "Yes, dear, it's OK". [my life is ruined, but at least you're happy. 50% is pretty good odds when you look at the big picture.]

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:42 PM
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Fleur are you talking to the Prince? The musician? Where is he?

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:42 PM
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Why Tweety, Erotic City, of course.

Posted by: Fleur | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:44 PM
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194: Prince is in his purple satin undies.

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:44 PM
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My girlfriends never pursue the guys I say are really great in bed, but legends of a huge cock make them crazy with demented lust. Maybe because no one agrees about what makes for a skillful lay?

Yes, because there's no agreement on the skill factor..."all else being equal, at least this is quantifiable".

As long as you weren't actively insulting about the actual talents of the large-penised ones.

Posted by: Cryptic Ned | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:44 PM
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181: I'm not sure what you want that isn't a history lesson on property, heirs, and all of that. But I think a more modern interpretation is that while you promise lots of things, e.g., in a marriage, infidelity is the only one that is framed (partially due to history) as all or nothing. I can promise to love and support shivbunny, and fail at an individual instance of that while succeeding at loving him overall. I can't cheat on him and not-cheat-on-him.

The latter breaks the promise (usually implicit); the former is always framed as something every long-term couple has to work through. And if everyone's telling you that everyone fights, it can be hard to decide that *your* fight really means the end. There's not the same pressure with fidelity.

Posted by: Cala | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:47 PM
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Why air a vid like this [...] Mere titillation?

AWB has found another use for the Internet.

Posted by: Wrongshore | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:48 PM
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197: "he's got a huge cock but he wields it like a railroad crossing!"

198: I can't cheat on him and not-cheat-on-him

What if it was just a blowjob?

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:49 PM
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192 addendum: I mean that I understand why people start down that road. I don't understand why more of them don't figure out it's likely to be a bad tradeoff.

Posted by: soup biscuit | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:51 PM
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Liquor? Sex?

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:52 PM
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Th savage Vikings had a different understanding of this. In the Njal Saga there's a man named Hrut who is too large for any woman:

"In describing the problem to her father, Unn says "when he comes to me his penis is so large that he can't have any satisfaction from me, and we've both tried every possible way to enjoy each other, but nothing works." Njal's Saga § 7.


People who don't have this problem don't understand how terrible it is, especially when you constantly have to listen to ohers bragging about their rather modest, but at least usable units.

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:53 PM
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The urge to screw around is one that we all feel to one degree or another. Why is giving in to that harder to rationalize away than plain old assholiness?

We rationalize away all of it but convincing ourselves not to recognize it. He lost his temper because things are so stressful at work. He only said that stuff because he's trying to help me improve. He really does have to work late all the time. Mostly, we don't face shit until denial is no longer possible.

Posted by: Di Kotimy | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:53 PM
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I have never seen anyone here say "Woo hoo! Cheating and lying to your partner is awesome!" Did I not read the thread carefully enough?

Listen, for some people, complicated (and sometimes spontaneous) sex is what they want, and it's great when they can structure their lives to deal with it in an ethical way. And I say woo hoo to them.

Certain kinds of complications I don't handle well---I'm really not sexually attracted to the thought of cheating on anyone, never have been so much as tempted to do it. I'm sort of plagued with guilt and shame about those sorts of things, and I'm not someone for whom guilt and shame are arousing. I've never really understood how those feelings aren't a total wet blanket.

OTOH, if I have a problem, it's not that I feel shame about having sexual desire, but I often am plagued with feeling that my desire is a huge burden or imposition on other people. So I don't screw around like I used to because all I can think is, "Really? You want to put up with me all night?" And then I decide to do nothing.

I'm just surprised with the WE NEED MORE SHAME AND CARE! tone here of late. Most people here, I'm guessing, are the sort of shy, non-imposing sort who don't actively go around ruining people's lives with their irrepressible sexy-sexy.

And flirtation is not, IMHO, cheating. I like to see my partners flirt with other people. It's kinda hot.

Posted by: A White Bear | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:54 PM
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Hrut was already linked in 113.

Posted by: Cryptic Ned | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:54 PM
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Right, and cheating (at least in our culture, for most people) cuts through a lot of denial.

Posted by: Cala | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:55 PM
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Lot's of people, M and F, put up with infidelity, but often or usually (if it's not a front marriage) they feel demeaned and humiliated.

I think that people sometimes tend to think of sexual intimacy as the one last pure uncorrupted sincere thing in the world, and have trouble accepting that it's just like other stuff.

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:56 PM
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Cheating, and the lying involved, are really really horrible. Primarily if you're on the receiving end; also if you're the facilitator and get caught being an asshole.

184: Because that doesn't happen to a lot of guys I know. It's like asking, "Why the woo-hoo for meeting a space alien?"

Tim, somehow I think there's more to it. It's the tits and ass, dude, which is, like, fair game, I think is the idea, for a snigger and a brag.

Posted by: parsimon | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:57 PM
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Hruts so good, baby.

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:57 PM
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208: other things can't be sincere?

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:58 PM
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As long as you weren't actively insulting about the actual talents of the large-penised ones.

Actually, in one case, I was, because this woman got so hot under the collar during a conversation in which I mentioned his size (as a problem, actually). She was going to hunt him down and find him and fuck him and blah blah blah and I got sick of hearing about it (this being an actual ex of mine and such conversation being somewhat disturbing to me), so I told her he was no great shakes in the sack at all, fairly unenthusiastic and not very skilled, and she still didn't shut up about it. That was annoying.

Posted by: A White Bear | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:58 PM
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In Chinese culture during the time when a man could legally take a second wife or a concubine, the wife was often hurt, sometimes terribly hurt. It was publicly OK, but that doesn't mean that the wife really accepted it. She had no recourse as long as her support continued.

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 7:59 PM
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213: she could get that Zhang Yimou fellow on the horn and get western movie audiences all bothered.

Posted by: Beefo Meaty | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:00 PM
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Right, and cheating (at least in our culture, for most people) cuts through a lot of denial.

Yeah, once you actually confront are confronted with the fact of a partner having actual sex with someone else, it's a fact -- no ambiguity, no room for denial. Other horrible things can be written off, like you said, with "everyone fights" or "I'm being too sensitive" or whatever else.

Posted by: Di Kotimy | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:05 PM
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212: Do you think it's just the novelty of it? Someone who's never had that experience and has just bought into this big mythic narrative of the magic of the giant cock?

Posted by: Di Kotimy | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:10 PM
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I can't cheat on him and not-cheat-on-him

Now is the time for the Llew Llaw Gyffes allusion, for he could not be slain within a house, nor without, neither mounted nor on foot. And yet he could be slain.

I'm sure there's some similar technicality you can use to cheat and not-cheat.

Posted by: ben w-lfs-n | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:10 PM
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people who will put up with all sorts of shit in their relationships/marriages consider cheating the One Deadly Sin.

Say you've realized your lover's an asshole in many ways, but you've decided you can work on things. When he cheats, he's an asshole who doesn't care, so why should you bother?

Or pretty much what Cala said, I guess.

Posted by: abigail adams | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:12 PM
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216: Yeah. I mean, totally abstracted from someone's personality and sexual ability, the promise of a huge cock can be sort of titillating. I don't have a cock to play with, and the novelty and variety offered by the idea of a particularly big one can be fun. When that guy I was briefly seeing last summer broke it off, I knew, intellectually, that I wouldn't particularly miss the sex, which was mediocre at best, but I have to admit there were many sighs over the loss of access to such a prodigious body part. I can't particularly explain why I felt that way, either.

Posted by: A White Bear | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:15 PM
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It's the tits and ass, dude, which is, like, fair game, I think is the idea, for a snigger and a brag.

Parsimon, wtf? I'm starting to feel like I should go stand in the corner and think about how vulgar I've been.

Posted by: mcmc | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:21 PM
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Say you've realized your lover's an asshole in many ways, but you've decided you can work on things. When he cheats, he's an asshole who doesn't care, so why should you bother?

Plus, you know, it's something concrete, something you really don't have to try to explain to people. "Why are you splitting up?" "He cheated." "Oh! How awful!" Alot of equally (or more) shitty stuff is harder to explain (to yourself or anyone else). There was a time when I secretly wished the UNG would just have an affair or take a swing or just get a freaking DUI so I would have an objective and unambiguous explanation for throwing in the towel.

Posted by: Di Kotimy | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:21 PM
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219: similar to the lure of the perfect breasts, despite their lack of utility when seeking physical gratification.

I'm sure there's some similar technicality you can use to cheat and not-cheat.

Eatin' ain't cheatin'. And yet, eatin' is cheatin'.

Posted by: Cryptic Ned | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:21 PM
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And flirtation is not, IMHO, cheating. I like to see my partners flirt with other people. It's kinda hot.

There was a thread about this some time past, before I started reading this blog. It's something we differ on -- and of course it's not cheating -- but neither view is right (or wrong).

Posted by: parsimon | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:22 PM
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Aren't we exaggerating here - I don't know a single couple who broke up because of a one night thing - and most people I know have cheated and/or been cheated on. In my experience it's like any other nasty hit to a relationship, people always try to work through it, and generally do. The greatest difficulty occurs if the two people have different views of how serious cheating is. If one is thinking hey, why are you being so difficult about this, I was horny and had a few drinks and you weren't available, it's not like I don't prefer you, I'll try not to do it again, and the other is thinking can't you at least be sorry - there's a problem.

Posted by: tkm | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:23 PM
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219: I suppose that's one of the benefits of late-blooming. Big, small, cut, uncut -- they pretty much are all still a novelty to me. A fascinating, fascinating novelty.

Posted by: Di Kotimy | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:25 PM
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221: Maybe you should have had the affair. Let him inspire the sympathy of others, what do you care.

Posted by: Cryptic Ned | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:28 PM
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225: Sigh. Indeed.

Posted by: A White Bear | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:29 PM
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220: I don't understand. Maybe I just mean that "hubba hubba, don't you want to fuck her (him)" gets on my nerves? Not sure. If that seems excessively prudish, I'll, uh, have to think about that.

Posted by: parsimon | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:32 PM
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219: When that guy I was briefly seeing last summer broke it off,

Yeah, I hate it when that happens...

Posted by: JP Stormcrow | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:33 PM
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226: I was tempted twice in a dozen years -- once before we were married and once before we were divorced. AWB's comment above sums it up:

I'm sort of plagued with guilt and shame about those sorts of things, and I'm not someone for whom guilt and shame are arousing.

(In the one case, that is in retrospect a damn shame. In the other, it was a damn good thing.)

Posted by: Di Kotimy | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:34 PM
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Maybe I just mean that "hubba hubba, don't you want to fuck her (him)" gets on my nerves? Not sure. If that seems excessively prudish

It depends on context, parsimon. There are times when, "hubba hubba, don't you want to fuck him/her" is inappropriate. This context (a woman showing up at a man's door in lingerie) doesn't seem like one of those times. In other words, yeah: excessively prudish.

Posted by: mrh | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:35 PM
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To complicate the issue of what cheating means: I recently (I'm well into the normal age range here on unfogged) found out that the reason my parents got divorced is that my mom cheated on my dad. Up until this point I had pretty much blamed my dad, for not living up to my mom's standards. Now, I have to reconcile the idea that my mom, who I've always felt guilty about disappointing, was herself a failure in a pretty profound way. On the other hand, they are human beings, and I don't (and will never) know the situation. It was also decades ago, and aside from me, everybody's had years to deal with their feelings and put them out of their heads. Should I just forgive my mom as best I can? Should I talk it out with her? Should I blame her? What does that even mean? Thoughts?

Posted by: Ulysses S. Grant | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:35 PM
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I'm sorry to hear it, U.S.

Should I just forgive my mom as best I can?


Should I talk it out with her?

Dear god, no.

Posted by: mrh | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:37 PM
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I'm not sure why anyone is actually tring to explain the appeal of chicks showing up at your door in lingerie.

Posted by: gswift | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:37 PM
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damnit, "trying"

Posted by: gswift | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:38 PM
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I wouldn't worry about it Ulysses, other than to give both your parents a break. I used to totally worship my dad and demonize my mom, and finding out my dad had an extra-marital affair (mom still doesn't know, brother found out and told me) sort of helped me put things in perspective. Mom was mentally ill and actually, Dad ignored it for twenty years. He wanted us to see him as the saint so he sort of let her self-destruct over and over again. For some reason, it took finding out about the affair to help me see that, but now I feel a lot more able to treat my parents as adults who both made bad decisions, but who feel genuinely trapped in a really hostile relationship that somehow gets less hostile as they age.

Posted by: A White Bear | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:41 PM
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To complicate matters, I found out because my mom let the matter slip in an inappropriate way at a highly inappropriate moment. So she knows I know, and I have no idea what she might think about what she did, and I have even less idea why she told me.

I also don't really have any idea what happened. I've talked to my dad, who was evasive while insisting that I had the right to know. These are adults, obviously, and talking to my dad has made me aware in a way I wasn't before that these were adults going through a tremendously painful time, with bad acts on both sides, but I feel in some ways like I need more clarity on what happened. How do I get that, if I can at all? Will it help?

I've been cheated on in a disturbingly similar way to how my dad was cheated on. I've also, if I'm going to be completely honest, been closer to my mom in the years since the divorce, sometimes to my dad's detriment. I guess I don't really know how to navigate this.

Posted by: Ulysses S. Grant | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:44 PM
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I was being pretty flippant earlier, which probably undermined the idea I was trying to get through.

One of the best things I ever figured out was that a relationship can be whatever the people involved want it to be. If they're mature enough to make that true, nearly anything can work. Doesn't mean it's perfect. That being said, Johns comment about the kabuki thing makes sense --- but I also think you're already fucked if a deception like that can work. People are complicated, so relationships are complicated. I just don't buy into the idea that the things are ok or not ok are somehow circumscribed outside of the relationship. It's the easiest path to follow in some ways, but there's no particularly good reason to do that.

Posted by: soup biscuit | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:46 PM
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Your mom told you? Ew.

Too bad, because I was going to say to keep it in reserve like a conversational nuclear device.

Posted by: gswift | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:46 PM
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Why tell you now? What screwballs. Maybe I should tell my parents that if they have any kind of secret shit like this that they should just keep it to themselves.

Posted by: gswift | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:51 PM
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but I feel in some ways like I need more clarity on what happened

I can't speak from direct experience, but I think this may pass... and I think for me, more clarity wouldn't help as much as I might think. Use the knowledge to allow yourself to be more forgiving to both of your parents, but I don't know that there's much value in getting more.

Posted by: mrh | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:53 PM
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U.S. Grant: It sounds pretty tough for you right now. I don't know how much this helps, but I'd try and look at it from the perspective of your parents as people, not just as your parents. Of course they screwed up some times, everybody does.

Let anything go that you can, it won't help you or them to rehash it unless there is need. If there is anything you really can't let go -- try to explain why, while your asking for information.

At the end of it all, you have a lot of choice in how you let this affect your relationship with them. The situation they made for themselves, well, it really isn't about you.

Recognizing your parents as people, flawed like all of us, is a difficult thing. I think it often feels a bit like a betrayal under any circumstances. Most of that, though, lives in our own heads. They were who they were before we realized it.

Posted by: soup biscuit | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:55 PM
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Aw, Ulysses. No advice but to remember that they're human and try to take it from there.

Posted by: Cala | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:56 PM
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231, 234: In other words, yeah: excessively prudish

Ha, okay, I'll think about this. It's peculiar, because I'm not prudish by my definition. gswift, I understand intellectually the appeal, I just don't understand it viscerally. Here's one thing: if seeing people naked in a nonsexual way is not that unusual, you probably don't have as much of a reaction to it.

Posted by: parsimon | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 8:59 PM
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Lingerie usually helps identify the nudity as sexual.

Posted by: Cala | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:03 PM
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Parsimon... are you trolling? It's artfully done, if so.

Posted by: mrh | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:05 PM
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245: Parsimon likes to maintain plausible deniability.

Posted by: A White Bear | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:06 PM
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gswift, I understand intellectually the appeal

Apparently not!

Posted by: gswift | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:06 PM
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US Grant, my parents revealed a similar thing, and it was clear that once revealed, they didn't really didn't want to talk about it until they were ready to. I'd let it lie if you can; chances are that your mom will raise it again if she raised it (however inappropriately) in the first place, though it may take years.

Posted by: parsimon | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:06 PM
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I have gotten laid because someone else said I was good in bed. This pwns 127, plus permits me to boast. Commenting on the Internet is probably downhill from this moment for me.

Posted by: Walt Someguy | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:11 PM
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246: I'm not. I just keep asking myself what my reaction would be if a guy showed up on my doorstep in a thong or some such and said, Wanna see my g-string? It's not working for me. Not unless it's someone I know.

Hell, like I said, I'm puzzled by how annoyed I get at this hubba hubba stuff, and the celebrity gawking, and the great tits!!! show us your ass! stuff, because apparently I'm an outlier.

Posted by: parsimon | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:15 PM
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Well, right, but that's because men in thongs look ridiculous.

Posted by: Cala | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:16 PM
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232: You know, USG, if all this time you believed your dad was seriously not giving your mom what she needed in the marriage, consider the affair in that light. A person who is lonely and hurting can crave comfort and nurturing pretty desperately. Some people cheat because they are selfish, hedonistic bastards. Some people cheat because they are lost and lonely and desperate for affection. There are probably a hundred shades in between. Your mom is human. Your dad probably is too.

Posted by: Di Kotimy | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:16 PM
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Maybe I just mean that "hubba hubba, don't you want to fuck her (him)" gets on my nerves? Not sure. If that seems excessively prudish, I'll, uh, have to think about that.

I just feel like we're not reading the same thread. To me it looks like Can This Be True? and People Sure Are Strange. Well, that and cock jokes. But those are, um, fundamental.

Posted by: mcmc | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:19 PM
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There are a lot of things I could do to hurt my fiancee, but the only one I'm actually tempted to do is cheat on her. And that's also the only way I could hurt her not because of any negative feelings toward her, or even negligence toward her - just positive feelings in another direction.

So even in a good relationship like ours, there's the temptation, for everyone. And if someone gives in, he reveals himself as the weaker one in the relationship.

Posted by: Cryptic Ned | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:20 PM
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Oh, also, USG. "Clarity" is probably something you'll never really have. Because it happened in a time when both of your parents were in pain and probably weren't in a position to see it objectively. And looking back to try to analyze it now, it's too hard not to rewrite history in ways that will fit into whatever narrative your mom, your dad, and you need now -- all of which will probably be conflicting.

Also, the Ugly Naked Guy used to always talk about wanting to know what happened in his parents' divorce, why his mom cheated and walked out. I don't think the "clarity" of her deciding one day to tell him that his father was lousy in bed was all that helpful to him.

Posted by: Di Kotimy | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:26 PM
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252: Comity!

254: Cock jokes, fundamental.

I'm off. Ned, don't do it.

Posted by: parsimon | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:29 PM
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252: Not even flip-flops?

Posted by: eb | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:32 PM
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257: well, yes, of course.

Posted by: Cryptic Ned | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:33 PM
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And if someone gives in, he reveals himself as the weaker one in the relationship.

This is just part of the whole relationship setting that is both apparently very common, and pretty bizarre to me.

Posted by: soup biscuit | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:33 PM
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260: That would put you in the minority.

Posted by: Cryptic Ned | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:36 PM
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256: That's the thing, though. I feel like I have been fitting these events into a narrative - one where my mom left my dad because he couldn't live up to what she needed from him, especially with a child - and that narrative was a lie.

I guess that I'll be able to reconcile this with how I understand their lives, but in another way, I feel like a lot of how I understand the world and my place in it is based on this specific understanding of what happened in their divorce, an understanding that's all been completely upended. Upended for the better, probably, in the long run, but gosh it seems like I've wasted a lot of time harping on a half-truth.

It's like this totally changes my understanding of what it means to be a man, and whether my dad was one, in quite profound ways. It's like, all this time, I've been trying not to replicate my dad's failures, while never even knowing who he really was. In trying to avoid becoming who I've believed him to be, I may have become who he was, without even knowing it. It's that dawning realization that feels like a betrayal, more than anything else.

Posted by: Ulysses S. Grant | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:37 PM
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Okay, the "someone hot showing up at my door" thing is difficult, because, while it makes for a convenient fantasy (Tony Leung gets lost in Brooklyn and, in a panic, rings my doorbell. I think he's the UPS guy and he shows up, asking where he is and we suddenly grab each other and totally go at it), it would probably, in actuality, 999 times out of a thousand, be a terrible and awkward and bad thing. I think that's pretty obviously what's happening with the guy in the video, if it's indeed sincere, that even Prudie (HATE) responds that "Most guys would love that yuk yuk" and truly, most guys think they would.

I really don't think most people are sexually obsessed (IRL) with particular body types or sexual situations (though they're pickier about the latter than they think they are, and less picky about the former than they think they are), but in fantasy, other, more extreme things titillate---things that wouldn't necessarily be titillating to encounter in life.

Not confusing the two is important. Some people maintain less distance between fantasy and reality than others. Frex, as I get older, my fantasies tend to be increasingly plausible/mundane, but as a teen, I had some pretty fucked-up out-there ideas about what would be sexually arousing IRL.

Posted by: A White Bear | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:37 PM
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it would probably, in actuality, 999 times out of a thousand, be a terrible and awkward and bad thing. I think that's pretty obviously what's happening with the guy in the video, if it's indeed sincere, that even Prudie (HATE) responds that "Most guys would love that yuk yuk" and truly, most guys think they would.

Yeah. People want sexual things to be on their terms, not to be thrust upon them unexpectedly.

Well, I do hear all this talk about how women want to be swept off their feet, but it had better be by someone who she was hoping would sweep her off her feet.

Posted by: Cryptic Ned | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:42 PM
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President Grant, if you'll permit me, I think it might help to find someone -- like, one specific person -- that you trust to talk about this a little. It can be hard to process a big psychological shift like this within the boundaries of your own head. I don't disagree with most of the advice upthread, but I feel as though we're sentencing you to sorting this out on your own and I think that's a lot to ask of anyone.

I don't particularly recommend a sibling or even a best friend. I'm thinking of someone who is a friend-ish friend (like, more than an acquaintance, but not necessarily part of a your key social circle). I'd lean toward someone you know has gone through something serious of their own. A therapist might work too, depending on your personality and geography (i.e., whether there is a critical mass of therapists around so you can find a decent one). A clergyperson is also a possibility, although that's awfully idiosyncratic.

There's a lot going on here -- your relationships with your parents, a potentially seismic re-jiggering of childhood/teenage memories, a fresh angle to look at your own romantic relationships...I guess the bottom line is that if you were a RL friend of mine, I'd want you to be able to mull it over face-to-face with someone you trust.

Posted by: Witt | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:43 PM
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260, 261: I'm a little lost on what you guys are saying here. Soup -- bizarre in the sense that you are surprised that relationships can turn into elaborate power struggles or bizarre that people seem to accept relationships as power struggles as the proper paradigm? Ned -- same question basically but which of those interpretations are you suggesting is a minority position? Because, frankly, I don't really understand why so many people seem to want a relationship that is about power rather than partnership. Or, rather, I suppose I do understand but still think it is bizarre and sad. I think I'm a little lost on what I'm saying, too, now that I think about it.

Posted by: Di Kotimy | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:43 PM
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I wasn't talking about a relationship being a power struggle. I was just saying that if we accept that both people feel some degree of temptation to cheat, then it's hard not to feel like the one who gives in to it first is the one who put up less of a fight against the temptation.

Of course, it's not true that everyone feels an equal temptation. Or that withstanding the temptation correlates with a lack of commitment to one's SigOth.

Posted by: Cryptic Ned | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:46 PM
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262 posted while I was writing 265, so one more thought: I imagine that another consequence of the situation is the sense of betrayal about the original lie, the halfway "slip" of telling you as she did, and perhaps a niggling fear of what else that seemed a rock-solid given in your narrative is, well, not so solid.

I don't know if this is true in your case, but if it is I don't think it's realistic to ask yourself to just put this behind you/let it go. At the very least it deserves some scrutiny and decisionmaking about how much you care to pursue details/more information.

Posted by: Witt | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:51 PM
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262: Yeah, it definitely sucks. I hope I wasn't coming off as unsympathetic before because I do sympathize. I guess I do believe that the best thing is to be able to let go and not let the past -- your parents' past -- define you. But how you actually accomplish that, I don't really know.

Posted by: Di Kotimy | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:51 PM
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263: Thanks, AWB.

Now just tell me to stay away from the boys' fantasy threads, since I can't tell when they're kidding, yuk yuk. Humor failure. I gotta go to bed now.

Posted by: parsimon | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:51 PM
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OK, stay away from the boys' fantasy threads, since you can't tell when they're kidding.

Posted by: cryptic ned | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:54 PM
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It's like this totally changes my understanding of what it means to be a man, and whether my dad was one, in quite profound ways. It's like, all this time, I've been trying not to replicate my dad's failures, while never even knowing who he really was. In trying to avoid becoming who I've believed him to be, I may have become who he was, without even knowing it. It's that dawning realization that feels like a betrayal, more than anything else.

hey now. Your dad was a man. (!!)

also, some perspective: at least your parents are alive. some of us would kill for that.

Posted by: mrmf | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 9:57 PM
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also, some perspective: at least your parents are alive. some of us would kill for that.

Careful. That some people have suffered different grief doesn't make USG's grief any less real or important. It's often meant well, but "It could be worse!" is almost never truly comforting to someone who's going through shit.

Posted by: Di Kotimy | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 10:00 PM
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also, some perspective: at least your parents are alive. some of us would kill for that.

Truly, you have my sympathy, but this is a bit of a non-sequitur.

Posted by: Standpipe Bridgeplate | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 10:01 PM
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Some of us would kill our own parents just to have our parents alive.

Posted by: ben w-lfs-n | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 10:05 PM
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In any event:

It's like this totally changes my understanding of what it means to be a man, and whether my dad was one, in quite profound ways.

Masculinity is weird.

Posted by: Standpipe Bridgeplate | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 10:05 PM
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Mrmf makes an excellent point, of course. These problems are all my own problems, and exist entirely within my own head. I am lucky to have nothing worse than this kind of existential problem to face.

Posted by: Ulysses S. Grant | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 10:06 PM
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If more parents were dead, we could wish more parents were alive.

Posted by: Standpipe Bridgeplate | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 10:07 PM
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277: Which doesn't make the problem any less real or any less painful. Nor does it make your struggle with it any less than completely understandable.

Posted by: Di Kotimy | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 10:16 PM
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I think that people sometimes tend to think of sexual intimacy as the one last pure uncorrupted sincere thing in the world, and have trouble accepting that it's just like other stuff.

Sex isn't necessarily "pure uncorrupted sincere", but it's also not just like other stuff. At all.

Posted by: PerfectlyGoddamnDelightful | Link to this comment | 02-26-08 10:28 PM
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Llew Llaw Gyffes

Lleu Llaw Gyffes, please, bloody Saxon.

it would probably, in actuality, 999 times out of a thousand, be a terrible and awkward and bad thing

I would say 6 out of 10, max.

Posted by: dsquared | Link to this comment | 02-27-08 3:05 AM
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252: "Well, right, but that's because men in thongs look ridiculous."

Though of course they look ridiculous out of them, too.

Posted by: Doug | Link to this comment | 02-27-08 5:34 AM
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You had sex with Tony Leung and never told us?

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 02-27-08 5:36 AM
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262: "In trying to avoid becoming who I've believed him to be, I may have become who he was, without even knowing it. It's that dawning realization that feels like a betrayal, more than anything else."

Here you have your bestselling novel. Next, film rights. Afterward, pleasant life in tropical location; therapy optional extra.

Posted by: Doug | Link to this comment | 02-27-08 5:42 AM
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283 -> 263?

N.B.: Does not scan as well as 25 or 6 -> 4.

Posted by: Doug | Link to this comment | 02-27-08 5:43 AM
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These problems are all my own problems, and exist entirely within my own head. I am lucky to have nothing worse than this kind of existential problem to face.

It's still a real problem. One of my friends discovered, in her mid-twenties and after the birth of her first child, that she had an older half-sister, whom her mother had given up for adoption. Unwed teen pregnancy, "never speak of this again", 35 years of guilt for her mom.

My friend did not blame her mother, once the initial shock wore off. But all these years she'd believed she was her mother's eldest child. And it was that that was hard to get past. I remember her wondering, "When I was pregnant, and she told me about the first time she was pregnant and what labor was like, I always thought she was talking about being pregnant with me, and now I don't know."

Don't knock the existential problems. They can be hard to work through, too.

Posted by: Cala | Link to this comment | 02-27-08 5:54 AM
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Some people cheat because they are selfish, hedonistic bastards. Some people cheat because they are lost and lonely and desperate for affection. There are probably a hundred shades in between.

Cheating is such an interesting topic.

For the person cheated on, they ask what they did to deserve it. The person's friends say nothing. But, in truth, cheating is often a result of problems created by the couple, not just the cheater.

Someone else upthread mentioned that each person has the things that are unacceptable for their partner to do. I agree with NPH that it is interesting how that seems to be the One Deadly Sin. Others have alluded to the problem, but I think the problem is that taking a cheater back is shameful to the "innocent" spouse.

It isnt so much that cheating is unacceptable to the person as much as it is that other people make it unacceptable to take back the cheater.

Posted by: will | Link to this comment | 02-27-08 9:13 AM
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Well, cheating makes divorce easier, depending on what state you live in.

Posted by: A White Bear | Link to this comment | 02-27-08 9:16 AM
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here is a divorce fact for you.

Adultery (sex - oral, vaginal, or anal) is a bar to spousal support. (unless it would be a manifest injustice)

But, adultery does not make the payer have to pay a higher amount of spousal support.

So, the higher wage earner can cheat without tremendous financial punishment. The lower wage earner cheats at her/his peril.

Posted by: will | Link to this comment | 02-27-08 9:19 AM
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some of you are very literal readers of my comment.

USG sounded like he was feeling alienated from his parents (& past). i was pointing out that it's just not worth it to be alienated. you never know how long you will have them alive with you - that's the human condition.

Posted by: mrmf | Link to this comment | 02-27-08 9:51 AM
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Sex isn't necessarily "pure uncorrupted sincere", but it's also not just like other stuff. At all.

See, there's the root of your problems in life. Sex is just one of the forms of fungibility. You can convert it into rat-orgasms as well as or better than you can covert any other good. Fungibility is the primary substance.

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 02-27-08 10:12 AM
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