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Re: Mid-Trip Recounting


Sounds like you're having a really fun time, that's great.

Posted by: washerdreyer | Link to this comment | 04-30-05 4:12 PM
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Re: Versailles: The one on La Cienega is a tad more laid back. Their beef stew is wonderful - p'rhaps they have a better chef.

Posted by: DominEditrix | Link to this comment | 04-30-05 5:48 PM
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But more importantly ... is it time to reset the TiVo yet?

Oh, and you should have gone to see Jon Brion at Largo last night, but I forgot to make the recommendation. Sorry.

Posted by: profgrrrrl | Link to this comment | 04-30-05 6:31 PM
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BTW ... I should have been clearer in #3 ... I didn't mean that your ex had triggered a TiVo reset. Just was figuring, y'know, big city full of interesting women and all ...

Posted by: profgrrrrl | Link to this comment | 04-30-05 7:30 PM
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He's meeting DE tomorrow.

Posted by: ben w-lfs-n | Link to this comment | 04-30-05 7:49 PM
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Is a mid-trip recount anything like an election recount? If so, maybe we change the results of Ogged's trip so they're more to our liking. It hasn't worked with elections so far, but maybe it will on this scale.

Posted by: washerdreyer | Link to this comment | 04-30-05 9:37 PM
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I was in Long Beach this weekend.

Posted by: aspyre | Link to this comment | 05- 1-05 3:00 AM
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Is a mid-trip recount anything like an election recount?

This blog at least has the potential to produce a paper trail, so I guess it would depend on the election district.

Posted by: eb | Link to this comment | 05- 1-05 3:33 AM
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"I think I disagreed with her in the first five seconds."

Attaboy, ogged, way to stand up for your ideals! I'm SURE it was about something important.

Posted by: Mitch Mills | Link to this comment | 05- 1-05 5:47 PM
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Yawn. All quiet and boring over here.

Hey -- went to the grocery store tonight and they had a sign proclaiming a sale on "avacado"

2 for $1. Anyone want some?

Posted by: profgrrrrl | Link to this comment | 05- 1-05 6:25 PM
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PG, we ALL want some, but we're also afraid it would destroy the blog if we got it.

Posted by: Matt Weiner | Link to this comment | 05- 1-05 6:55 PM
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I was in Long Beach this weekend.

Now she tells me.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 05- 1-05 7:35 PM
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11 and similar comments lead me to theorize:

blogging ITPM's banging

Posted by: Michael | Link to this comment | 05- 1-05 7:49 PM
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Aspyre, your goddamn blog is NSFW.

Posted by: Matt Weiner | Link to this comment | 05- 2-05 6:52 AM
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It's art, Meaner.

Posted by: ben w-lfs-n | Link to this comment | 05- 2-05 7:11 AM
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I'm SURE it was about something important.

I'm feeling really stupid about this one, because, obviously, it wasn't important, and she was so damn attractive. My only solace is that I don't live in L.A., so it was hopeless anyway.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 05- 2-05 8:33 AM
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It's art, Meaner

I had a co-worker at an old job put up that picture as his desktop image. They made him take it down about an hour later. "It's art!" he said. "I don't care," he was told.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 05- 2-05 8:34 AM
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That seems perfectly appropriate to me, if his desktop was somewhere where other people would have had to see it. Photographs of skull trepanations may be art, but I wouldn't necessarily want to look at them in the course of my working day.

Posted by: Matt Weiner | Link to this comment | 05- 2-05 8:37 AM
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Yeah, he knew he was goading them, and given people's varying sensibilities, making him take it down seemed reasonable. I'm not sure I agree that Aspyre's site is NSFW though; there's a difference between putting the picture up on your computer, and having it up in a browser window, especially given that you work at a university and lots of people will recognize it immediately.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 05- 2-05 8:41 AM
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You can get postcards of trepanned skulls at the International Museum of Surgical Science right here in Chicago!

Posted by: ben w-lfs-n | Link to this comment | 05- 2-05 8:44 AM
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My only solace is that I don't live in L.A., so it was hopeless anyway.

This is my favorite ogged comment to date; it is distilled essence of 'haus. Because that's why it wouldn't work out.

(Also, I can no longer function without SpellChecker for my browser. How do non-FF folks deal with it?)

Posted by: SomeCallMeTim | Link to this comment | 05- 2-05 9:10 AM
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Hey, jerko, I didn't say that was the only reason, just sufficient. Anyway, you can't hurt me more than the ex hurt me: "Did you notice that she got of the pool and sat there stretching?" "Oh yes, I noticed." "She was waiting for you to talk to her."

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 05- 2-05 9:14 AM
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especially given that you work at a university and lots of people will recognize it immediately

Except for uncultured Philistines like myself, fine, fine, I surrender. I'm really worried more about the browser cache, but then again they'd hardly bother to fire me for this. (But I'd better not have that up during office hours, so I won't be reading it now.)

Posted by: Matt Weiner | Link to this comment | 05- 2-05 10:59 AM
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I had no intention of displaying lewd imagery, but I don't find nudity offensive, especially in the context of classical art. It's not like Bouguereau was painting pr0n.

Posted by: aspyre | Link to this comment | 05- 2-05 8:32 PM
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It's that time Matt spent in Utah.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 05- 2-05 8:39 PM
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