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Re: .8 g protein/lb of body weight/day Is Hard to Do.


Congrats on proving them wrong!

This is the ONLY scenario when a pseudo-scientific formula would be expressed in "grams per pound". US-based food advice.

Posted by: Cryptic ned | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 6:57 AM
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Thanks for the food thread on a fast day.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 6:58 AM
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I've been through the same thing recently.

I've been on a weight loss kick since early December, and, in the interests of not losing a ton of muscle mass,* and all the science-y nutrition sites suggest that you should probably keep your protein intake up. I can't get anywhere near 0.8g per lb. I was targeting more like 1g per kg (because I'm all about the S.I.), and I missed that by a fair bit. Looking at the past month, I think I averaged 0.77g per kg, or 0.35g per lb.

I don't know how I'd eat that much protein in a day, without being miserable, and/or gaining weight.

* body composition scales tell me I have about 70kg of lean muscle mass. Which I presume is mostly just keeping me ambulatory, since I don't do much strength training, other than some light rehab type things for my hips/knees and shoulders.

Posted by: nattarGcM ttaM | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 7:06 AM
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I think I'd rather fast than eat that much roasted chicken with no potatoes or bread.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 7:06 AM
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re: 4

Me, too. I like meat, but I'm not having a large portion of it at every meal. If I have to "spend" my daily food intake somewhere, I want a decent bit of it to be rice, or veg.

Although, I have increased my protein intake by about 20% over the past 2 months, so thinking about it has probably prompted me to eat a bit more protein.

Posted by: nattarGcM ttaM | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 7:11 AM
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I don't know how I'd eat that much protein in a day, without being miserable, and/or gaining weight.

I was really not sure what I would decide to do if I ended up with dramatic muscle gain. I expected middling muscle gain - maybe a full pound or 1.5 lbs - and that I'd end up deciding to keep my protein somewhere in between the two extremes. But if I'd seen 3-4 lbs of muscle gain, I'd have felt more conflicted about not keeping up the full 120 g.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 7:11 AM
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Thanks for the food thread on a fast day.

I thought we just had Fast Tuesday?

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 7:13 AM
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Is it even possible to gain that much muscle that fast without having Jose Canseco show up at your house with a bunch of needles?

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 7:15 AM
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I thought 2 lbs gained in a month was already at the upper end of whats possible, even for people burdened/blessed with testosterone.

Posted by: nattarGcM ttaM | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 7:23 AM
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Or Jose.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 7:31 AM
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I guess a probably eat 3/4 of a pound of meat on at least half of the days. Maybe I'm a rippling mass of muscle?

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 7:33 AM
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The trick to eating chicken is to put it on bread with mayo and cheese to give it flavor.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 7:39 AM
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That doesn't sound a ridiculous amount of protein. Admittedly I eat more red meat than I probably should, but I'm thinking it amounts to about 350g-400g of meat and/or fish a day, plus whatever I get from eggs, cheese, nuts, veg etc.

Also not sure I'd take health tips from body builders.

Posted by: Ginger Yellow | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 7:49 AM
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I'm hurt.

Posted by: Dr. Frankenstein | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 7:58 AM
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Admittedly I eat more red meat than I probably should, but I'm thinking it amounts to about 350g-400g of meat and/or fish a day, plus whatever I get from eggs, cheese, nuts, veg etc.

There are some wildly different numbers on this. The OP links to this: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/43/fb/ae/43fbae6b095bca017f7388a230db903f.jpg which implies that 0.9 tins of tuna fish contains 23.8g of protein. But several other sites give 7g per ounce of tinned tuna, which means about 96g of protein in a 12oz tin (a normal sized tin). These can't both be true!

Posted by: ajay | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 8:06 AM
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From my time spent in a department of physiology at a major medical school, my conclusion is that outside of basic folk wisdom - fresh vegetables are good for you, lots of sugar/fat/processed food is bad for you - pretty much everything you hear about nutrition is unsubstantiated garbage.

Apologies to any nutritionists who happen to be reading this.

Posted by: AcademicLurker | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 8:10 AM
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The British have very big cans of tuna apparently.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 8:14 AM
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Hah, I've been trying to eat more protein in a half-assed kind of way for the same reasons. That is, I've been weightlifting in a semi-organized way for getting up to two years now, and I've been plateaued on strength gains for a while, and reading around makes me think that maybe I should be eating more protein.

But it's hard, I'm not sure that I've successfully changed my diet that much, and I haven't seen major strength gains.

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 8:28 AM
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Breakfast was a sandwich that was a large pile of cold roast lamb, which has to be pretty good, protein-wise. And I like cold roast lamb.

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 8:31 AM
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I love me some well-substantiated garbage.

Posted by: Opinionated Maggot | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 8:33 AM
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Obviously, the best food for your health must be the KFC Double Down.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 8:34 AM
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I'm eating lots of protein but dreaming about älplermagronen.

Posted by: CharleyCarp | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 8:41 AM
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Sounds disgusting.

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 8:42 AM
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I would like to withdraw 15 because a tin of tuna is 6oz not 12oz. So a tin has 36-42g protein, which isn't that wide a spread.

That's still four tins of tuna a day for a reasonable-size adult male, though. Eggs are 6g per egg. Cheese is 6g per ounce. Lamb is 9g per ounce.

Posted by: ajay | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 8:43 AM
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I've been trying to cut down on meat consumption, so I looked into how to do this from non-meat sources. Seitan seems like the only feasible route. To hit 0.8g/lb I would need 11 cups of cooked lentils, or 17(!) of cooked quinoa. I presumably would have to give up on working out since I'd be too busy chewing.

Posted by: dalriata | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 8:45 AM
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re: 15

A standard tin of tuna is about 100g of tuna, drained. Which, seems to be 27g of protein. I checked the actual nutritional info on a few different supermarket sites against the official nutritional info on the tin.

A standard tin of tuna is no way 12 oz. Typical John West or whatever, is 100g.

Posted by: nattarGcM ttaM | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 8:47 AM
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That's why you chew coca leaves at the same time.

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 8:47 AM
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Assume a cylindrical tuna can.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 8:49 AM
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Why do Britons eat canned Jewish people?

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 8:50 AM
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US tuna tins are 5 oz / 142g.

Posted by: dalriata | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 8:51 AM
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A standard tin of tuna is no way 12 oz.


Posted by: OPINIONATED SCOTTISH DOLPHIN | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 8:52 AM
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If I was trying to get, say, 180g of protein a day, that'd be 7 eggs, 3 cans of tuna, and a couple of chicken breasts, or three or four quarter pounders. That's quite a lot. That'd be well over 1000 calories on its own. I guess if you were getting 50% of your calories from protein sources, it'd work out OK, but it's still quite a lot of food (and that'd be 15 quid, or something).

Posted by: nattarGcM ttaM | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 8:53 AM
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Americans too!

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 8:54 AM
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I've been trying to cut down on meat consumption, so I looked into how to do this from non-meat sources.

I hesitate to say this, but don't actual meatheads buy protein powder (whey? soy?) in tubs from nutritional supplement stores?

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 8:57 AM
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I have also, in connection with the weightlifting, kind of wondered if there's a reasonable way to get an accurate body composition analysis done. My gym is extremely barebones ($25/month!), so not there. And finding someplace that does that sort of thing seems like a boring chore. But I'm kind of curious.

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 9:04 AM
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I've been actively trying to lose weight for about a month or so and getting more serious about it with every passing day (about 5 kgs now). And I've been intent on going to the gym after work once I get over my walking pneumonia and get my car back on the road (fender bender last week).

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 9:07 AM
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kind of wondered if there's a reasonable way to get an accurate body composition analysis done

You draw some blood, put it in a petri dish, and then get Kurt Russell to poke it with a hot wire.

Posted by: ajay | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 9:14 AM
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34: Ah, yes, good point. I was thinking only in terms of things that would be recognized as food. You can get both whey and soy powder, and they both make really awful tasting "shakes." You can improve the flavor, but the texture's still gnarly.

Posted by: dalriata | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 9:14 AM
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How do you even handle a fender bender when nobody has guns to point?

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 9:15 AM
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And I've been intent on going to the gym after work once I get over my walking pneumonia
For cardio, try jogging pneumonia.

Posted by: ajay | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 9:15 AM
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I do wonder how good the science/folk science on eating lots of protein for gaining muscle mass is. That is, the meathead community seems convinced, and that's who does this sort of thing. But I don't know how to tell a credible meathead from an idiot.

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 9:43 AM
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Quitting drinking at home on weekdays after they doubled the price for booze has certainly helped. As has the appearance of a few possible prospects here.

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 9:43 AM
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By the thickness of their necks.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 9:44 AM
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42.1: Those monsters.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 9:53 AM
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If I was trying to get, say, 180g of protein a day, that'd be 7 eggs, 3 cans of tuna, and a couple of chicken breasts, or three or four quarter pounders. That's quite a lot.

I'm slightly embarrassed to say how much chicken I've been eating because it sounds crazy.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 9:55 AM
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I thought 2 lbs gained in a month was already at the upper end of whats possible, even for people burdened/blessed with testosterone.

Oh, maybe so. I had no idea what would be realistic or what. My 1-2 lbs came from the idea that a moderate weight swing is 5-10 lbs, so if you put on 10 lbs and were sustaining 30% ish muscle, maybe 3 lbs of muscle is not a hard thing to acquire.

It totally kills me that I didn't have any sort of body composition done before pregnancy and/or before beginning strength training. I'm 20 lbs up from pre-kids, and there's no way to ascertain how much of that is muscle.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 9:59 AM
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Heebie what is the exercise routine? The amount of protein is only half of the equation in increasing muscle mass.

Posted by: Bass | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 9:59 AM
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46: If it makes you feel better, I never once got pregnant but gained way more weight over those same ages.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 10:08 AM
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47: It used to be a crossfit gym, now it's more...holistic and safer, maybe, but still in a crossfit tradition in lots of ways. Lots of weight training and HIIT type things. I show up and do what I'm told. Outside of that I go on nice long walks. (I used to run but frankly I just love walking a lot.)

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 10:12 AM
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45 I eat more chicken than any man ever seen

Posted by: Opinionated Howlin' Wolf | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 10:16 AM
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48: Because you turned into a rippling mass of muscle?

Posted by: peep | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 10:18 AM
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That was a lie.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 10:28 AM
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I did.

Posted by: Opinionated Maggot | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 10:29 AM
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I feel like signing up for gym membership is something I'm no longer capable of.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 11:19 AM
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i could happily give up all meat except anchovies, those never ever ever going to give up no way no how. the better half is definitely a carnivore though. it is somewhat comic how when we discuss what-to-have-for-dinner he always launches from "what is the meat option" and i always start with "what are the cooked veggie and salad options." anyways targeting a specific amount of protein seems like a miserable way to negotiate what you are going to eat, i'd rather go with what's delicious and then make sure to work in enough pulses because i adore them all. also adore unreservedly corn tortillas, nuts, fruit, veggies in all their ridiculous riotous variety, chocolate, good bread, pasta and of course cheese cheese cheese. mmmm food, love the stuff.

hey barry take care of yourself, pneumonia no joke.

Posted by: dairy queen | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 11:21 AM
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While the body composition scales I have are not super-effective -- there's a well known issue with the scales (all scales that work this way) being thrown by how recently you've eaten, and how hydrated you are. But based on the long term trends, and averages, rather than point measurements, I've lost about a certain percentage of my bodyweight, but my body fat percentage is down by a smaller amount. Which suggests that at least some of the weight I've been losing, is not fat. If the scales are at all reliable as a guide, I've lost about 1.5kgs of muscle and about 5kgs of fat in the past 7 weeks.*

So, if consuming more protein, and doing more strength exercise might help me maintain more of the muscle over time, that'd be good to know, esp so that weight loss doesn't slow down. I'm not sure how reliable much of the public information in the net is, though.

* I didn't start regularly measuring until I'd been eating less for 6 weeks already.

Posted by: nattarGcM ttaM | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 11:54 AM
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One nice thing that Fitbits do, which Ilike, is give you your distance measurements in nice human readable quantities. So a few weeks back, I'd walked the length of London underground (400 and something km) since early January, and yesterday, I'd walked the length of Hawaii (563km).

Posted by: nattarGcM ttaM | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 11:56 AM
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Kids get so big so quickly.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 12:04 PM
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58: Little-known fact! Hawaii is also the name of a state in the United States of America.

Posted by: peep | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 12:05 PM
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the better half is definitely a carnivore though. it is somewhat comic how when we discuss what-to-have-for-dinner he always launches from "what is the meat option" and i always start with "what are the cooked veggie and salad options."

This reminds me of a couple that are friends of a friend of mine. She is the kind of strict vegan that worries about her vegetables being cooked on the same surface as meat, and we'll ask about it and generally wind up ordering a salad, while he always seems to order the item in the menu with most different kinds of meat. I always wonder if they ever eat the same meal together at home.

Posted by: peep | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 12:11 PM
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I'd walked the length of Hawaii (563km).

I found that a weird unit of measurement. Like, the length from the easternmost Hawaiian island to the westernmost? (Even though most of this distance would be underwater.) The length across the biggest island? The length across the main island, maybe meaning the one the state capital is on, even if it's not the biggest? (It's not!)

I pictured spending 40 minutes trying to calculate the circumference of each Hawaiian island and add them up, but Google Maps makes it easy. Just right-click on a point on the map to get a "measure distance" option. How disappointing.

Posted by: Cyrus | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 12:14 PM
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Both the state and the girl can trace their etymology to the fruity punch drink.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 12:15 PM
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60: It's best to just never eat in front of your partner.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 12:17 PM
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She is the kind of strict vegan that worries about her vegetables being cooked on the same surface as meat, and we'll ask about it and generally wind up ordering a salad, while he always seems to order the item in the menu with most different kinds of meat. I always wonder if they ever eat the same meal together at home.

The kitchen is set up to meet her needs; he sees going out as an opportunity to catch up on his massive meat deficit.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 12:20 PM
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re: 61

I think it's some mildly bullshity calculation, but it is the same as the right click Google maps measurement.

Posted by: nattarGcM ttaM | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 12:20 PM
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My gym is extremely barebones ($25/month!), so not there.

This is crazy and should be noted! Well-done.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 12:21 PM
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Why a hyphen, Heebie? Who can say.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 12:22 PM
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Keto ain't just a town in Ecuador

Posted by: Natilo Paennim | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 12:35 PM
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66: And it's really clean and the people who work there are nice! I do not understand the business model. Blink, for anyone in NY. Actually, maybe it went up to 30/month? But my first year it was 25.

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 1:01 PM
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On topic for the OP -- this article discusses how actors slim down and muscle up and what it takes them. (It sounds like they mostly work on huge unsustainable calorie deficits timed for peak shooting days, but there's some protein and lots of gym time too).

Posted by: Mooseking | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 1:02 PM
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70 Does it mention steroids? Because I'm certain steroids are involved.

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 1:11 PM
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Just to be a jerk: if I used the City activity center down the street, my membership would be $70/year. (But the classes would be extra, and I like my gym's classes.)

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 1:11 PM
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Is it cheaper if you aren't a jerk?

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 1:13 PM
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I think even the broscience is .8g/lb of lean mass, not total weight. Maybe it matters for bodybuilders but it seems probably not necessary for general health.

Posted by: Cala | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 1:15 PM
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70: Scroll down to get to the sordid reality -- Jose Canseco!

There is an easier way to go from flabby wimp to sinewy screen predator. Sometimes a superhero's journey begins with the needle prick of a syringe full of human growth hormone (HGH), testosterone, or steroids.

Posted by: peep | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 1:16 PM
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One of the problems with a lot of the bro-advice is that it's aimed at young men, who will see great strength gains by gaining weight, and who will be able to eat a lot of protein just in virtue of the fact that they have a giant amount of calories to fill everyday. They can turn the extra calories into muscle; not so for the average middle-aged woman, who can put on about .5lb-1lb per *month*.

LB, body fat measuring equipment, even the good ones, is really inaccurate. Tape measure/Navy formula works reasonably well for most purposes.

Posted by: Cala | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 1:21 PM
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One of the problems with a lot of the bro-advice is that it's aimed at young men, who will see great strength gains by gaining weight, and who will be able to eat a lot of protein just in virtue of the fact that they have a giant amount of calories to fill everyday. They can turn the extra calories into muscle; not so for the average middle-aged woman, who can put on about .5lb-1lb per *month*.

LB, body fat measuring equipment, even the good ones, is really inaccurate. Tape measure/Navy formula works reasonably well for most purposes.

Posted by: Cala | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 1:21 PM
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Don't drink the blue milk.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 1:22 PM
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77: Another one of the problems is that more men are becoming anorexic. I heard about this on the radio the other day.


Posted by: peep | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 1:24 PM
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Hey, I want to take this opportunity to promote something I've bern doing as a thing to try. I've lost 5 lbs since Jan 1, which isn't some super impressive rate of weight loss, but for me has been remarkable because it's involved no stress, no hunger that rises to the level of distraction or anxiety, no calorie counting, and eating whatever I'm inclined to. It's my own modified version of intermittent fasting that accommodates a lot of cheating. I was originally doing the 12-8 thing, but I was agonizingly hungry in the morning, so I changed it so I can have a lot of whole milk in my coffee, enough so that the milk constitutes a small breakfast . I also just blatantly, freely cheat on days when I'm offered free breakfast. I'm pretty good about sticking to no food after 8 unless I'm at a social event. Anyway, most days eating a small breakfast and most days not eating after 8 has been enough to result in extremely relaxed weight loss while eating churros and froyo and hamburgers and drinking juice. I'm a little amazed. I guess those after 8 calories were some low hanging fruit, and maybe having some success I've been a little more mindful of not eating when I'm not hungry. It was helpful to me to read about IF just before I resolved to lose weight; maybe this can help someone else.

Posted by: Tia | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 1:30 PM
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What if you get offered a free dinner, but at 8:30?

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 1:43 PM
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on the bigger picture of how we feed ourselves, i looooove this interview https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2019/3/5/18250471/home-cooking-moral-pressure-cooker seriously these women are completely right on. one more thing i'd add because it is a personal obsession is that i strongly suspect we are overlooking the huge cognitive load carried collectively if a community is all eating within some shared parameters, so that what to buy, how to prepare it, and when-with-who-where to eat it is established and reinforced by common consensus expressed via the built and cultural environment. i just don't think that individually, consciously controlled eating on a sustained basis is something our species is set up to do, it is overwhelming and doomed to go wrong.

Posted by: dairy queen | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 1:45 PM
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Didn't I post that? Or did I fail to? I think it was a guest post.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 1:47 PM
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you probably did! and i missed it. still, its such a great interview!

Posted by: dairy queen | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 1:50 PM
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You sent it in!! Ha.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 1:58 PM
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I guess it wasn't the same link, just the same underlying book.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 2:00 PM
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81: I probably eat it if a lot of other people are eating -- basically not eating when a lot of people around me are enjoying free food seems way hard so it's basically an official rule that my diet allows that. The problem of being offered free food arises more frequently at breakfast than at dinner. It arose today! I should probably try to eat something very small for dinner.

Posted by: Tia | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 2:02 PM
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Like a mouse.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 2:03 PM
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that book and i just need to get a room!

Posted by: dairy queen | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 2:04 PM
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If I get free food, it's usually lunch. If people expect me to be at a meeting over lunch, they usually feed me.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 2:04 PM
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"Don't eat anything your great-great-great-grandmother wouldn't recognize as food," advises Michael Pollan

I'm thinking this would depend on your ancestry.

Posted by: peep | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 2:10 PM
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It's never been a mouse so far. But I bet that it might be if an owl ever tried to pick up a check.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 2:11 PM
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92: Maybe if you had a cat.

Posted by: peep | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 2:15 PM
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Is it the case that my great-great-grandmother never ate anything that my great^{4}-grandmother wouldn't recognize? Maybe we're being too hard on ourselves.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 2:15 PM
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I bet it is in fact the case. Two greats is only 40-50 years apart.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 2:16 PM
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92: But I guess the real question is whether your great-great-great-grandmother would recognize the mouse as food.

Posted by: peep | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 2:17 PM
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Food? She's just been trying to bring it to orgasm.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 2:20 PM
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On the topic of free food, this article has some funny/crazy anecdotes -- https://slate.com/human-interest/2019/03/free-food-work-office-perks-abuse.html

Posted by: peep | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 2:22 PM
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"Don't eat anything your great-great-great-grandmother wouldn't recognize as food," advises Michael Pollan

I'm not sure what this means. Wouldn't recognize? Or wouldn't be able to figure out was food? If the former, I would be barred from eating everything from bananas to turkey sandwiches. If the latter, I bet my g-g-g-grandmother probably would have been able to figure out even very processed foods -- if you'd never never seen a cheeto before, you'd still identify it as edible based on smell and touch. Maybe I couldn't eat skittles. Or sour patch kids. This is not a useful limitation.

Posted by: jms | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 2:24 PM
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I bet at least one of my great, great, great grandmothers would have at least tried to eat a violin.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 2:26 PM
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99: Yes, I enjoy Michael Pollan as a writer, but as a food propagandist he's frequently idiotic.

Posted by: peep | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 2:27 PM
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100: So she wouldn't have to listen to your great-great-grandmother practice anymore?

Posted by: peep | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 2:30 PM
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There was a famine.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 2:33 PM
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Michael Pollan's family is unusual in that their generational eating quality is sinusoidal with period great-great-grandmother. So it's true for Michael that he should eat like that, but his kids and his great-grandmother both eat like shit.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 2:40 PM
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103: I'm sorry. 102 was insensitive.

Posted by: peep | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 2:41 PM
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A string famine.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 2:43 PM
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I haven't read the thread, but almost no one* tries to get that much protein from real food. This is why protein shakes were invented. (I make no claims about the benefits of mega-dose protein; I'm skeptical.)

* A few years ago The Rock posted his daily diet, and only someone who gets paid millions to be large and ripped could sustain it.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 2:52 PM
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The Toast reacting to the Rock's diet: http://the-toast.net/2015/04/03/my-real-time-response-to-learning-what-the-rock-eats-every-day/

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 2:59 PM
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Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Eats About 821 Pounds Of Cod Per Year



Posted by: peep | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 3:01 PM
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108, 109: Meanwhile peep eats a whole lot of crow.

Posted by: peep | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 3:03 PM
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Jammies also brought up that article about The Rock's diet when I told him my plan.

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 3:33 PM
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He probably wants a wife with the same farts as The Rock.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 3:59 PM
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80: walking for 10-15 minutes 5 minutes or so after a meal - especially lunch - helped me. It was important that it was after eating.

Posted by: Bostoniangirl | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 4:24 PM
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112: pebbles, I presume.

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 6:27 PM
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This is probably the best/most recent metaänalysis on the subject. https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/52/6/376

the strongerbyscience summary: "Protein supplementation was found to increase gains in both strength and muscle but didn't have a significant effect on bone mineral content. The relative benefits of protein supplementation were (unsurprisingly) larger for hypertrophy than for strength, and were larger for hypertrophy in trained individuals than in untrained individuals. The relative benefits also tended to be larger in young people than in older people. [Which Cala mentioned -yoyo] Furthermore, it was found that increases in lean body mass tended to plateau at a protein intake of around 1.6g/kg (0.73g/lb). However, the confidence intervals extended up to 2.2g/kg (1g/lb), making that the "better safe than sorry" protein recommendation."

Of course, the differences are going to be small on a personal level and diminishing as protein intake increases.
I often use smoothies. Whey powder at least has a nice taste. I do a little yoghurt, tbs almond butter, banana, berries, spinach, and ice in the vitamix. Good replacement for ice cream cravings.

I find it helpful to think in terms of my foods meeting % protein levels, with the overall goal of 20% (20% of 2.5k calories is about .75g/lbs for me). rice 5%, quinoa or almonds 15%, lentils 25%, fruit 3-8% etc. Meat is 25-80%. Puts the focus on avoiding refined fats and sugar, and being active enough to get the calorie denominator high enough. Then I am adding some eggs or shrimp or protein shake if I have mostly eaten low protein foods. I think a lot of people round a lot of foods down to 0 protein but I think careful food selection everywhere helps a lot.

Without clicking through, the real way you put on a lot of muscle for a movie role is steroids.

Posted by: yoyo | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 6:46 PM
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I think the key to non-gritty protein shakes is both buying a good quality powder, and including some fat. And as per my last comment, that usually means a little peanut butter or almond butter, although pina colada flavor shakes are pretty great.

Posted by: yoyo | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 6:51 PM
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"Do you like piña coladas? Having no pain, no gain."

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 7:23 PM
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adding some eggs or shrimp or protein shake.

This shake sounds delicious.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 6-19 7:50 PM
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Maybe it's just me, but the concept of powdered protein is deeply unappealing.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 6:47 AM
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I think The Rock may be singlehandedly responsible for depleting fish stocks.

Posted by: Ginger Yellow | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 7:05 AM
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re: 76

Yeah. Despite doing indifferent amounts of strength training -- I'd expect that Heebie does both more, and harder training -- in my early twenties I went from 120lbs to about 165lbs,* while going from a 28 inch waist to a 30 inch waist. It was all lean muscle, and that was just hormones, a bit more strength-training, and switching from a vegan to meat eating diet. There's just no way the average person, who isn't a young man, is going to do that, even in a long time frame, without serious effort and/or chemical assistance.

* and then a bit more through to my mid 20s, I think I topped out at about 170-175 while still retaining lowish body fat, i.e. vaguely visible abs, albeit not super cut or anything. And then gain a lot more in my 30s, but all as fat.

Posted by: nattarGcM ttaM | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 7:08 AM
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Yeah, I've been puzzled about that as a middle-aged woman weightlifting. That is, I'm plateaued at a strength level that the unimpeachable authority of some website calls between novice and intermediate for my weight. I would in theory like to get somewhat stronger, but somehow putting on a whole bunch of actual new muscle mass seems implausible -- I'm not dead sure how that's supposed to work.

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 8:26 AM
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Cod, cod, cod, salad, and cod.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 8:27 AM
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I just need five months to hike the PCT and I'll be fit.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 8:28 AM
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I've been plateaued for the last 5.5 of 6 years that I've been at the gym, except when I was pregnant with Rascal. Then I broke all my strength records, and I've never gotten close since.

By the link in 122, I'm mostly between a novice and intermediate as well.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 8:35 AM
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Self-improvement types are exclusively interested in that portion of the self that can be altered. So gymrats largely ignore the 80% of genetically predetermined body shape and only talk about the remaining 20%. Also, the most dedicated of gymrats are subject to a bit of self-selection by success, and so they tend to have pretty great 80% predetermined parts. Which makes their advice to the rest of us not realistic.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 8:38 AM
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I keep on thinking that one of these days I'll get around to getting a trainer or something. But that would mean giving up on the incredible cheapness of my current routine. I do look terrific if your esthetic incorporates sturdiness (and, you know, calibrated against my baseline at all), which is a fair part of the point of the whole thing, and my posture is better than it's ever been (deadlifts!) so I may just stay plateaued here forever and not mind.

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 8:40 AM
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I'd like to lose the five pounds I put on in the past five months, but I'm basically okay with a longterm plateau as well.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 8:49 AM
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On aches and pains: the majority of my back and hip pain has been gone since I started lifting weights, which is great. In addition, when I was having neck/trap muscle/upper back pain, the PT was a bunch of strengthening exercises. This has all given me the impression that a large percent of aging aches and pains is due to muscle weakness.

I was having a weird thumb/wrist thing that was hurting. It was aggravated by writing on the chalkboard and holding the barbell. So I made up my own PT series, which went like so: A thumb can move in four directions at the base joint, and two at the knuckle. So if I pair my thumbs to push against each other (isometrically?) for 2 sets of ten, in each direction, I have a nice little PT routine that I can do while I'm driving.

It took way less stress to try this experiment than to actually get connected with a doctor that could help me solve the problem. And it seems to have solved my sore thumbs. Hooray! Now I will 100% overgeneralize this and preach my experience ruthlessly to all.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 8:55 AM
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Why did you write on the board while holding a barbell?

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 8:57 AM
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In order to catch the spider. I swallowed the spider to catch the fly. I don't know why I swallowed the fly.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 9:03 AM
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This has all given me the impression that a large percent of aging aches and pains is due to muscle weakness.

This is my strongly-held lay belief as well. Aches and pains generally, and actual injuries too -- without muscle to cushion and protect your joints, you're more likely to actually hurt yourself. I'm in the gym largely because the idea of getting frail as I get older (have I mentioned that I'm very, very old) makes me nervous.

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 9:03 AM
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I feel like I should send you two the x-ray of my ankle.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 9:07 AM
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It really feels like this is a real On The Veldt thing. That our bodies are built for a certain range of varied manual labor, and bodies work best, mostly, when getting that moderate amount of varied manual labor, and things break down on either extreme, or when a single motion becomes too repetitive.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 9:08 AM
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I specifically mean aging bodies, there. Young adults can do whatever the fuck they want.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 9:09 AM
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133: Ok, ankles can move in four directions, right? When you're driving, put your feet together and do the following set of exercises:...

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 9:10 AM
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Anyway, your tendons can turn into spears made of bone.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 9:11 AM
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Tendons squick me out.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 9:12 AM
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Weirdly, not being able to move because of illness really helped my tendon pain.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 9:14 AM
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Yeah, I'm not saying that muscle mass is a complete panacea, you can always get hurt somehow. But I do think it's generally protective.

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 9:15 AM
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I probably should have done some stretching or lifting with my running. True.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 9:17 AM
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This has all given me the impression that a large percent of aging aches and pains is due to muscle weakness.

Anecdotally thirding this. I used to have regular bouts of incapacitating lower back pain. Then I started running, my core muscles strengthened, and I've never had back pain since.

OK, running comes with its own set of temporarily incapacitating injuries (Achilles tendon strain and plantar fascitis so far), but I'll take those over sciatica any day.

Posted by: Ume | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 9:20 AM
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So, it turns out that the Achilles tendon thing isn't always temporary.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 9:25 AM
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I guess it might be, except that I couldn't stomach the treatment without stopping drinking.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 9:27 AM
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I've lost ~50 lbs. since mid-November on a fairly strict Keto diet (shooting for ~30 grams net carbs) with treadmill jogging (using a C25k app but not sticking to it's schedule). I still have about 30 pounds to go, but I feel relatively confident I can hit it in the next 3 months, although I know things tend to plateau pretty hard near target weight, so we'll see. Part of the success I've had with this round of dieting (besides going straight keto) is *not* simultaneously trying to add muscle mass through strength training.

My end goal is to hit my target weight and then start doing powerlifting again (using the Stronglifts 5 x 5 program), possibly adding a few isolation exercises out of pure vanity (e.g. it would be cool to have big biceps, lats, and traps).

Anyway, the reading I've done indicates that for both mass/strength gains (prioritizing strength over mass), it's important to have simple carbs in the system for uptake and use by muscle cells during a strength training workout--the easier (and the carbohydrate pathway is a lot easier) and longer your body can uptake fuel and expend it, the more weight you'll be able to push and thus the greater derived benefits. The trick is to expend the carbs and then return to fat/protein for the actual repair/building of muscles for your GAINZ. Certain supplements (e.g. Creatine) may also help with the extension of muscle cells' ability to hold/transfer energy, but I am by no means a biochemist. I think I got a lot more value when lifting from taking anything remotely anti-inflammatory for joints and tendons (Glucosamine/chondroitin, turmeric, collagen, ibuprofen on occasion), but YMMV.

Anyway, besides bragging about my weight loss, the purpose of this long-ass comment is to say I think there's not enough attention paid to when certain macros are in one's system for achieving one's desired results--ideally, carbohydrates should be available during workouts to allow you to expend more energy. Otherwise, making complete proteins (whey is great for cheapness, but IIRC doesn't have all of the different sub-classes of protein in the correct proportions for optimal muscle-mass-building) available during recovery, and otherwise focusing on satiety (what fats and complex carbs are great at).

Also also: Hi everyoone!

Posted by: Chopper | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 9:34 AM
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I'm going to go eat chicken tenders and fries now.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 9:50 AM
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Billionaire dies during Paris penis enlargement operation


I feel this kind of thing is always on-topic at Unfogged.

Posted by: peep | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 9:50 AM
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Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 9:57 AM
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148 to 147.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 10:03 AM
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I like that even a billionaire couldn't get them to lie and say it was some kind of other surgery.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 10:07 AM
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From now on I'm going to assume that whenever a billionaire dies it's as a result of complications from Penni's enlargement surgery only they've been successful in posthumously hiding that fact.

Also, chopper!

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 10:20 AM
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Stupid autocorrect!

Penis penis penis penis penis

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 10:21 AM
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Young adults can do whatever the fuck they want.

Being blissfully unaware of the secondary impact it will have once they turn 40.

Posted by: chris y | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 10:25 AM
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I dunno--my metabolism slowed mid-college. Paired with a penchant for stress/comfort eating and a fondness for beer, I was probably 30 lbs. overweight when I graduated, and I have carried that or more ever since. That said, couldI have engaged in a rapid entry into a sport or exercise program without fearing debilitating long-term injury? Absolutely.

Posted by: Chopper | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 10:32 AM
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Live fast, die young, leave a hung corpse.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 10:33 AM
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I see the Toronto Sun lifted their version and many quotes, from the Daily Mail, where I found the story this morning. They even lifted the remarkable information that he "started his career as a masseuse in Tel Aviv", which suggests a really unusual devotion to penis enlargement, starting with the acquisition of one to enlarge. Because of course no Canadian paper would write that as a copy paste error from a monoglot English scandal sheet.

The Mail also had "friends" of the deceased claiming that he liked to have his bank statements read out to him several times a day. He should have spent some of the money on better friends, obviously.

Posted by: NW | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 10:40 AM
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152 definitely to 151, at least in British slang

Posted by: NW | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 10:41 AM
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the prospect of eating the yoyo-chopper way makes me feel despairing the way that dressing for work in navy-grey-black pantsuits with neutral or jewel-toned silk shells would fracture my soul within hours, i just could not do it. shuddering. conclusions - humans are varied fuckers!

fourthing the maintain-muscles-to-stave-off-aches-n-injuries. bike commuting has largely solved my knee pains plus is the most awesomest fun thing *ever*. in the gym i stick to a monotonous low-weight-high-rep routine and concentrate on form bc of the extreme hypermobility, i have to be super careful not to have the joints wanging out all over the place. and low weights because, in the least surprising news about me ever, aesthetics in clothes are important to me and its already hard enough to find things that fit shoulders&tits that aren't huge at the waist, whole classes of stuff are just off the table, although luckily lots of italians seem to still be making clothes for sophia loren, thank god. the shoulders situation is ramping up though because our new flat is near a fabulous pool so i'm back in the drink and loving it. i do seem to have found the limits of my interest in clothes because i've an ancient kors denim jacket that i adore but that is likely to be unwearable this summer and when i see it in the closet it think it's a good trade to have this much fun in the pool.

Posted by: dairy queen | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 10:42 AM
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I've been getting better at sticking to my diet, so much so that I passed up the free work lunch buffet for an event we were holding because I knew I wouldn't be able to restrain myself and went to the Uni cafeteria next door and ordered my usual and didn't eat all of it.

Posted by: Barry Freed | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 10:46 AM
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Actually, the Mail quote was even bitchier than I remembered it:

According to Mr Laniado's friends, the only time he forgot about his lack of height was when he asked his accountant to read out his bank statement, something which he did multiple times a day.

Posted by: NW | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 10:51 AM
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156.last:. Maybe better doctors.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 10:52 AM
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I hope he left at least one formerly bitter ex-wife behind. Otherwise it seems like a waste.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 11:32 AM
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You can get both whey and soy powder, and they both make really awful tasting "shakes." You can improve the flavor, but the texture's still gnarly.

Also, hemp and pea protein. I add hemp powder (bonus: also has fiber) to smoothies. It looks like dirt, but it's undetectable taste-wise or texture-wise. I haven't tried to incorporate it into anything else, but I should because my protein consumption is far too low. (A nutrionist told me it should be 70-80/day @ 155 lbs. and age 50.)

Posted by: Sir Kraab | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 12:46 PM
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Hemp has fiber? Who knew.

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 12:48 PM
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Incidentally, I really fucking resent having to find any kind of food to eat 3 times a day, never mind food that gets close to the minimum nutrients I should have.

Posted by: Sir Kraab | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 12:51 PM
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There's usually a Chipotle nearby, if that helps.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 12:54 PM
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Sir Kraab wants to be a crocodile. Two antelope a year, sunbathe. What more could one want.

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 12:55 PM
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Don't have to brush your own teeth, even.

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 12:56 PM
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Nobody really makes you do that as a person.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 1:02 PM
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165: You don't enjoy eating anything?

Posted by: peep | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 1:04 PM
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re: 126

I think that's right, re: self-selection. Also selection for susceptibility to injury. As it happens, I suspect, I find it reasonably easy to put on muscle (although I've never been really big in the muscular sense), but also fairly easy to put on fat. And I have joints made from tinfoil. Any regular hard training, in anything, will result in pain. It was like that even when I was 20. Even the regular walking I do, to and from work (which I've been stepping up regularly, so I do about 10-11km or so a day) led to a fairly terrible bout of hip pain, and I was already walking 6-7km routinely/daily, so it wasn't like i was going from total couch potato to marathon walking.

I've seen the same thing with music. Where, to a lesser extent, the discipline selects for people who can practice a lot without destroying themselves.

On preview, 134 feels right, too.

Posted by: nattarGcM ttaM | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 1:04 PM
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170: Cheez-Its.

Posted by: Sir Kraab | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 3:03 PM
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I prefer Cheetos.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 3:07 PM
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Have you tried antelope? Zebra?

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 3:11 PM
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Cheez-Itz are kind of dry and bland.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 3:11 PM
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Even Goldfish are better.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 3:13 PM
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I'm glad there is a food you enjoy.

Posted by: peep | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 3:18 PM
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Goldfish are the worst. Moby Hick is some sort of monster. Cheeze-its at least have a nice burnt flavor.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 3:27 PM
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Also I discovered that it insanely easy to make those lovely little baked cheese crisps.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 3:29 PM
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All the other fish in the pet store cost too much.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 3:34 PM
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Anyway, I'm probably not any sort of monster.

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 3:53 PM
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He says, picking his teeth with the bones of a child's pet.

Posted by: Mossy Character | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 4:00 PM
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Perhaps this is the right place to complain about the fact that Mr. 6 suddenly decided to be vegetarian?

Where by "suddenly" I mean "between ordering food at a restaurant and when it showed up at the table".

Posted by: Nathan Williams | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 4:22 PM
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Did Peta storm the restaurant?

Posted by: Moby Hick | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 4:38 PM
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He had to pick his lobster.

Posted by: heebie | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 6:01 PM
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122: Keep in mind that the website is probably going to skew toward the more dedicated lifters (and given when women's weight training became popular, probably skews young), so novice-intermediate isn't obviously wrong for someone working on it just for fitness. My friends who are serious about lifting go kind of nuts to increase weights just a few pounds. And unfortunately the best way to lift more is to get bigger, which is often at odds with health and aesthetic goals.

Posted by: Cala | Link to this comment | 03- 7-19 6:16 PM
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