I was talking on the phone to my husband late last night (he's in business school in Philadelphia right now), and absentmindedly clicking through sites for decorative papers at the same time. Clicking onto
Thornwillow, I suddenly stopped, unable to talk. I started to stutter. "Oh my! oh my!" I gasped. "I'm looking at a letterpress online that is
really good. No: I mean,
Really Good! Let's talk later! Bye!"
Check out a sampling of the
custom monograms they offer-- almost as nuanced and as unusual as those offered by
Leontine Linens...

The great thing about Thornwillow Press (other than the fact that
Cynthia Kling, the woman who gave Domino the name "Domino," has praised them to the high heavens
in Vanity Fair's July 2009 ed, I discovered today) is that they balance a lot of tricky extremes.
a) They do the "Letterpress Is Posh" thing oh so effortlessly... (love that
lion like nobody's business)
b) They do the wry, tongue-in-cheek, ironic, "Letterpress can be Naughty" thing well too....(love their "
spanking babies" set of note cards)...

c) & then, best of all, they do lots of OTHER things too-- charming things that are actually charming, (vs the too-gooey, the too-treacly, the too-sweet). I guess the best way to describe Thornwillow is that they seem to have been designed by someone who lives in a
Sempé cartoon, and whose life is half-lived in tails,
giving toasts--

and the other half, lived at the

or in dreamy, teetering castles
of books, shared with friends, in the air.

Labels: birds and beasts, dreaming in color, gifts, letterpress, paper, so damn fine