Mid-century illustration and watercolor touch me on a very personal level because i grew up reading over and over again the picture books of my parents' generation (1940s-1960s), which they had saved, and loved to see me enjoying as they had. So the chaos of color and the shapes and typefaces and all of it is like coming home.
Dong Kingman is one of our
great mid-century watercolorists. I hope these travel posters give you a surge of excitement as they do for me.
(The first for sale here, and the second here; or try this ebay print for a more wallet-friendly version of the 2nd.) 
I love
this one too, so so much, a 1968 lithograph by the abstract painter
Zao Wou Ki.
DIY tip: if you enjoy this style of mid-century graphic design and illustration, try scanning an image from a children's book of the period and framing it (I'll be doing this in the next couple of weeks!). There are so many possibilities; try checking out the wonderful Flickr group,
Retro Kid; or browse the Japanese site,
CurioShop, for thumbnails of a truly stunning collection of mid-century illustrators and their work.
... et finalement, joyeux anniversaire à mon cher papa, et à la belle mathilde aujourd'hui!Labels: DIY, dreaming in color, painting, so damn fine