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Alright here we go - a links page which isn't a mess any more and all the links are shmup related and actually work. If you have a shmup link which isn't here, send me it please, or if you find a link that's gone bad, tell me! thanks - malc

  • cave-db.com
    The Cave Database will lists all games, goodies and medias, with scans, pictures and guides about Cave Shmups!

  • www.classicgaming.com/gradius
    The Gradius Base - THE place to go if you want definitive info on the Gradius series. Can't believe I hadn't linked there until now. Cheers Trevor :)

  • shootthecore.moonpod.com
    Roger Post's shootthecore - while shmups handles the reviews, core tries to cover everything else. Fan faction, humor, graphics, and articles dealing with the shmup genre, this is where everything "else" shooter related on the web winds up. Do NOT miss Roger's PC shmup database listing - it's huge!

  • www.shmuptacular.com
    Your invitation from Gandalf42... Hang out and discuss your favorite games at. The most important thing is to enjoy your stay, make new friends, and learn the latest news.

  • www.ikaruga.co.uk
    Your official Ikaruga source on the web. Find videos, scoreboards, forums, and more at this site dedicated to one of the best shooters of all time.

  • innit.ukgamer.net/contradb/
    Looking for info on Contra series? Try this! - The Contra Database!

  • www.emuxhaven.net/~silver/index.htm
    Been caught staring vacantly at the attract mode of RSG? Welcome to the ultimate site of Radiant Silvergun Translations!!

  • www.eckychap.co.uk
    That nice man Leeram at www.eckychap.co.uk has collected many demonstration and superplay shmup videos to download... click on the videos link on the menu! Massive respect!

  • www.shmup.com
    Meant to do this a while back, but better late than never! Absolutely lovely and comprehensive site for french speaking shmuppers - its nice just to look at even if you don't speak french :)

  • www.world-of-arcades.com
    The Sheep's utterly brilliant bunch of pages dedicated to Cave, Raizing and Psikyo shmups. Loads of in-depth info here, really amazing!

  • www.zone.ee/rtype
    Fan-site of Irem's most revered shooter - R-Type! All information about every game from these series.

  • www.puppygames.net
    Alien Flux - "you must rescue the Fluffies as malevolent Bubbles attempt to turn them into lime jelly" - that's all you need to know. A puppy is for life, not just for Christmas.

  • www.geocities.com/hugedb/
    Huge Darius Bosses Website Approaching Fast! Be on your guard for this astonishingly compulsive site all about Darius bosses from somebody obviously pleasingly psychotic. Me like it.

  • www.pompom.org.uk
    Home of Mutant Storm and SpaceTripper - featuring sick-inducing visuals and frantic twitchy gameplay that we like!

  • www.solvalou.com
    Arttu's site with lots of arcade info - very highly recommended for shmup pcb dipswitch settings!

  • www.wayoftherodent.com
    It's good. All shmuphamsters roll this way into a site more intense than warioware.

  • www.stickycarpet.com
    A place for me and my mates pinx, mikeb and garfra to call home. My section has info about my pcb collection and various other stuff.

  • www.stickycarpet.com/dam
    MikeB's fabulous Destroy All Monsters!!

  • www.triggerzone.de
    Carsten's wonderfully comprehensive shootemups site, which makes me want to learn German right now... truly fab!

  • www.shmups.com/beepreying
    "Beepreying, secrets of the shooting game!!" Helped my love of DoDonPachi through some hard times :)

  • www.angelfire.com/ri/returns/nippon.html
    PepsimanVsJoe's site dedicated to 2D fan-made shooters!!

  • symphony.gamersgraveyard.com
    Symphony of Bullets - replays and shmup scoring mechanics!

  • shmups.978.org
    Jef's #shmups channel fansite. Features #shmups IRC stats, people pages, #shmups topics and competition hiscores, and an events page.

  • nfg.2y.net/games
    Neogeoman's homepage - lots of shmups and modding and other game stockpiling craziness going on here.

  • www.sirkain.net/~kiken
    Kiken's site with some amazing replays and strategies!

  • www.goat.se/suds/
    SUDS stands for Skjuta Upp Dom Spel, which is a translation of shmups into Swedish.

  • homepage.ntlworld.com/neomrdoh
    "..not exactly mainstream"

  • www.thundercross.freeserve.co.uk/index.htm
    Thundercross: The arcade shoot-em-up site

  • blazinglazers.gamersgraveyard.com/replay
    replay@blazinglasers. this site is designed to be a resource of information for players and a guide for the games covered, as well as a ground for you shmuppers to strut your stuff and to have a bit of fun.

  • www.pluto.dti.ne.jp/~sprite
    Spritesoft - A Japanese page with some great preview downloads of shooters. Wish I could understand Japanese.

  • www.smallrockets.com/index_main.htm
    Small Rockets, the makers of Iron Monkey, has just recently added another demo for a new shootemup along the lines of IM that saves your high scores on the internet!

  • www.siterskain.com
    The company that brought you KAMUI and soon to bring you REFLEX. Need I say more?

  • www.midnightsynergy.com
    Patrick Maidorn makes his own games - Check out Midnight Synergy and download his shmup Intensity XS! A neat little game where you use the mouse (!) to control your ship!

  • home.netvigator.com/~tarot
    Alan Kwan's Page, with some great reviews: especially Assault, Twinkle Star Sprites, Cotton 2, and Guardian Force will be dead interesting to shmuppers!

  • shmups.classicgaming.gamespy.com/guardianlegend
    The Guardian Legend Shrine is one of the very best shrines in existence.

  • www.einhander.org
    By far the best looking fansite for Square's only entry into the shooter genre, Einhander. It's a Spanish site coded in Flash by Soraya Recio.

  • www.geocities.com/almontang
    YES!! A fabulously featured site dedicated to probably the best shooter series of all time...including the Salamander series too! PLANET GRADIUS kicks the proverbial bottom!

  • www.gamestone.co.uk/gradius
    The Gradius Homeworld! ALL things Gradius, and I do mean all....even the obscure games on Japanese computer systems. This site, as just recently pointed out on the forum, is one of the most comprehensive G-lovin sites on the net!

  • www.toaplan.com
    A fabulous site dedicated to all the Toaplan shooters. If you are a fan of Batsugun, V-Five or any other Toaplan shmup, you MUST visit this one.

  • www.barrax-empire.de
    Barrax Empire. As he puts it, it's "The Classic Shoot'em Up Gallery". At least one picture and info about a LOT (and I do mean A LOT) of shmup games is what this site has. Nice, comprehensive list that puts (only for now =) our very own Xenofiles to shame.

  • shmups.myqto.com/display.php?file=home
    Shmup Skies, a nifty little find that also has reviews, a forum, and lots of general shooter information. Kinda like us!

  • www.emudek.org/shootemup/index-eng.html
    Looking for great homebrewed or small company PC shooters from distant lands? Look no further, Nippon Shooters offers tons of great downloads and demos, be sure to check there NOW!

  • www.geocities.com/opcfg/
    Rob's Organization for Preservation of Classic Forms of Gaming.....or something like that...certainly an ally in the war to keep 2-D games alive in a massive 3-D onslaught.

  • kelesis.free.fr/hp/index_eng.htm
    Kelesis home page, this guy seems to be a Compile fan, ya think? Has some pretty good info on Zanac X Zanac too.... and those cute Compile blue guy mascots!

  • shoot.cjb.net
    SHOOT-The Commodore 64 Shoot-em-up game archive. Check out all the sub-genres the owner breakes the games into! Very detailed page that brings back some great memories of happier times.....

  • www.starbase299.com/shooters.html
    The mighty and long serving Starbase 299!!

  • turn.to/vertical
    Turn to vertical - info on turning monitors to get the "full on shooter effect", along with reviews and a nice layout.

  • byblo.ovh.org/CompleteAlesteShrine.html
    The Complete Aleste Shrine - in French

  • www.vicviper.com
    Another Gradius site? Are we getting tired yet? No, this series deserves it!


www.shmups.com   © 1997 - 2010  Malcolm Laurie