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Locus Awards 1987

science fiction awards database

Sturgeon <— 1987 thread —> Analog Poll

1988 <— Locus Awards —> 1986

Eligibility Year: 1986
Sf Novel
  1. Winner: Speaker for the Dead, Orson Scott Card (Tor)
  2. Heart of the Comet, Gregory Benford & David Brin (Bantam Spectra)
  3. Count Zero, William Gibson (Arbor House)
  4. The Handmaid's Tale, Margaret Atwood (Houghton Mifflin; McClelland & Stewart 1985)
  5. Foundation and Earth, Isaac Asimov (Doubleday)
  6. Chanur's Homecoming, C. J. Cherryh (Phantasia; DAW)
  7. Marooned in Realtime, Vernor Vinge (Bluejay)
  8. The Songs of Distant Earth, Arthur C. Clarke (Ballantine Del Rey)
  9. The Coming of the Quantum Cats, Frederik Pohl (Bantam Spectra)
  10. Santiago, Mike Resnick (Tor)
  11. Enigma, Michael P. Kube-McDowell (Berkley)
  12. When Gravity Fails, George Alec Effinger (Arbor House)
  13. Lear's Daughters, M. Bradley Kellogg with William Rossow (NAL Signet)
  14. Star of Gypsies, Robert Silverberg (Donald I. Fine)
  15. Nerilka's Story, Anne McCaffrey (Ballantine Del Rey)
  16. The Warrior's Apprentice, Lois McMaster Bujold (Baen)
  17. The Moon Goddess and the Son, Donald Kingsbury (Baen)
  18. Hardwired, Walter Jon Williams (Tor)
  19. The Architect of Sleep, Steven R. Boyett (Ace)
  20. Venus of Dreams, Pamela Sargent (Bantam Spectra)
  21. The Nimrod Hunt, Charles Sheffield (Baen)
  22. This Is the Way the World Ends, James Morrow (Henry Holt)
  23. The Hercules Text, Jack McDevitt (Ace)
  24. The Forever Man, Gordon R. Dickson (Ace)
  25. The Ragged Astronauts, Bob Shaw (Gollancz)
  26. Rebels' Seed, F. M. Busby (Bantam Spectra)
Fantasy Novel
  1. Winner: Soldier of the Mist, Gene Wolfe (Tor)
  2. Blood of Amber, Roger Zelazny (Arbor House)
  3. It, Stephen King (Viking)
  4. Godbody, Theodore Sturgeon (Donald I. Fine)
  5. Twisting the Rope, R. A. MacAvoy (Bantam Spectra)
  6. The Folk of the Air, Peter S. Beagle (Ballantine Del Rey)
  7. The Serpent Mage, Greg Bear (Berkley)
  8. Wizard of the Pigeons, Megan Lindholm (Ace)
  9. The Quest for Saint Camber, Katherine Kurtz (Ballantine Del Rey)
  10. A Darkness at Sethanon, Raymond E. Feist (Doubleday)
  11. The Mirror of Her Dreams, Stephen R. Donaldson (Ballantine Del Rey)
  12. The Darkest Road, Guy Gavriel Kay (Arbor House)
  13. Magic Kingdom For Sale--Sold!, Terry Brooks (Ballantine Del Rey)
  14. Homunculus, James P. Blaylock (Ace)
  15. Wielding a Red Sword, Piers Anthony (Ballantine Del Rey)
  16. The Falling Woman, Pat Murphy (Tor)
  17. The Dragon in the Sword, Michael Moorcock (Ace)
  18. Jinian Star-Eye, Sheri S. Tepper (Tor)
  19. New York by Knight, Esther M. Friesner (Signet)
  20. The King of Ys: Roma Mater, Poul Anderson & Karen Anderson (Baen)
  21. The Hounds of God, Judith Tarr (Bluejay)
  22. The Unconquered Country, Geoff Ryman (Allen & Unwin)
  23. Yarrow, Charles de Lint (Ace)
  24. The Hungry Moon, Ramsey Campbell (Macmillan)
  25. Dragonsbane, Barbara Hambly (Ballantine Del Rey)
  26. A Voice for Princess, John Morressy (Ace)
  27. Talking Man, Terry Bisson (Arbor House)
First Novel
  1. Winner: The Hercules Text, Jack McDevitt (Ace)
  2. Shards of Honor, Lois McMaster Bujold (Baen)
  3. A Hidden Place, Robert Charles Wilson (Bantam Spectra)
  4. Wrack & Roll, Bradley Denton (Questar)
  5. The Cross-Time Engineer, Leo Frankowski (Ballantine Del Rey)
  6. No Safe Place, Anne Moroz (Questar)
  7. Sentience, Terry A. Adams (DAW)
  8. (tie): The Doomsday Effect, Thomas Wren (Baen)
  9. (tie): Windmaster's Bane, Tom Deitz (Avon)
  10. The Game of Fox and Lion, Robert R. Chase (Ballantine Del Rey)
  11. Fire Sanctuary, Katharine Eliska Kimbriel (Questar)
  12. Warchild, Richard Bowes (Questar)
  13. Daggerspell, Katharine Kerr (Doubleday)
  14. The Curse of Sagamore, Kara Dalkey (Ace)
  15. The Star Country, Michael Cassutt (Doubleday)
  16. The Hounds of the Morrigan, Pat O'Shea (Holiday House)
  17. The Burning Stone, Deborah Turner Harris (Tor)
  1. Winner: “R&R”, Lucius Shepard (Asimov's Apr 1986)
  2. “Escape from Kathmandu”, Kim Stanley Robinson (Asimov's Sep 1986)
  3. “Tango Charlie and Foxtrot Romeo”, John Varley (Blue Champagne)
  4. “Gilgamesh in the Outback”, Robert Silverberg (Asimov's Jul 1986; Rebels in Hell)
  5. “Collision”, James Tiptree, Jr. (Asimov's May 1986; The Starry Rift)
  6. “Spice Pogrom”, Connie Willis (Asimov's Oct 1986)
  7. “Voice in the Dark”, Jack McDevitt (Asimov's Nov 1986)
  8. “Good Night, Sweethearts”, James Tiptree, Jr. (F&SF Mar 1986)
  9. “As Big as the Ritz”, Gregory Benford (Interzone #18 Winter 1986/1987; Under the Wheel)
  10. “Dydeetown Girl”, F. Paul Wilson (Far Frontiers Vol. IV/Winter 1985)
  11. “Though the Heavens Fall”, Harry Turtledove (Analog Sep 1986)
  12. “Born from the Beast”, Vance Aandahl (F&SF Aug 1986)
  13. “Hotel Mind Slaves”, Ronald Anthony Cross (Universe 16)
  14. “Eifelheim”, Michael F. Flynn (Analog Nov 1986)
  15. “The Head of Shemesh the Eshurian”, Avram Davidson (Heroic Visions II)
  16. “Newton Sleep”, Gregory Benford (F&SF Jan 1986; Heroes in Hell)
  1. Winner: “Thor Meets Captain America”, David Brin (F&SF Jul 1986)
  2. “Hatrack River”, Orson Scott Card (Asimov's Aug 1986)
  3. “The Glass Flower”, George R. R. Martin (Asimov's Sep 1986)
  4. “The Winter Market”, William Gibson (Stardate Mar/Apr 1986; Interzone #15 Spring 1986)
  5. “Permafrost”, Roger Zelazny (Omni Apr 1986)
  6. “Of Space-Time and the River”, Gregory Benford (Asimov's Feb 1986)
  7. “Aymara”, Lucius Shepard (Asimov's Aug 1986)
  8. “Fire Zone Emerald”, Lucius Shepard (Playboy Feb 1986; Asimov's Nov 1986)
  9. “The Arcevoalo”, Lucius Shepard (F&SF Sep 1986)
  10. “Salvage”, Orson Scott Card (Asimov's Feb 1986)
  11. “The Girl Who Fell into the Sky”, Kate Wilhelm (Asimov's Oct 1986)
  12. “The Barbarian Princess”, Vernor Vinge (Analog Sep 1986)
  13. “Windows”, Ian Watson (Asimov's Dec 1986)
  14. “Chance”, Connie Willis (Asimov's May 1986)
  15. “Fiddling for Waterbuffaloes”, Somtow Sucharitkul (Analog Apr 1986)
  16. “Fill It With Regular”, Michael Shea (F&SF Oct 1986)
  17. “Into Gold”, Tanith Lee (Asimov's Mar 1986)
  18. “Against Babylon”, Robert Silverberg (Omni May 1986)
  19. “The Beautiful and the Sublime”, Bruce Sterling (Asimov's Jun 1986)
  20. “Video Star”, Walter Jon Williams (Asimov's Jul 1986)
  21. “Cold Light”, Ian Watson (F&SF Apr 1986)
  22. “The News from D Street”, Andrew Weiner (Asimov's Sep 1986)
  23. (tie): “The Prisoner of Chillon”, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's Jun 1986)
  24. (tie): “The Pure Product”, John Kessel (Asimov's Mar 1986)
  25. “Voices”, Michael Bishop (Heroic Visions II)
  26. “The Gate of Ghosts”, Karen Joy Fowler (Artificial Things)
  27. “Grave Angels”, Richard Kearns (F&SF Apr 1986)
  28. “Surviving”, Judith Moffett (F&SF Jun 1986)
  29. “The Metaphysical Gun”, Wayne Wightman (F&SF Feb 1986)
Short Story
  1. Winner: “Robot Dreams”, Isaac Asimov (Asimov's mid-Dec 1986; Robot Dreams)
  2. “Down and Out in the Year 2000”, Kim Stanley Robinson (Asimov's Apr 1986)
  3. “Rat”, James Patrick Kelly (F&SF Jun 1986)
  4. “Tangents”, Greg Bear (Omni Jan 1986)
  5. “The Boy Who Plaited Manes”, Nancy Springer (F&SF Oct 1986)
  6. “Alien Graffiti”, Michael Bishop (Asimov's Jun 1986)
  7. “Face Value”, Karen Joy Fowler (F&SF Nov 1986)
  8. “Thorn”, Robert Holdstock (F&SF Oct 1986)
  9. “Pretty Boy Crossover”, Pat Cadigan (Asimov's Jan 1986)
  10. “Jeff Beck”, Lewis Shiner (Asimov's Jan 1986)
  11. “Voyage South from Thousand Willows”, Lucius Shepard (Universe 16)
  12. “Our Town”, Kim Stanley Robinson (Omni Nov 1986)
  13. “The Lions Are Asleep This Night”, Howard Waldrop (Omni Aug 1986)
  14. “And So to Bed”, Harry Turtledove (Analog Jan 1986)
  15. “Blindsight”, Robert Silverberg (Playboy Dec 1986)
  16. “Strangers on Paradise”, Damon Knight (F&SF Apr 1986)
  17. “Lo, How an Oak E'er Blooming”, Suzette Haden Elgin (F&SF Feb 1986)
  18. “Fair Game”, Howard Waldrop (Afterlives: Stories About Life After Death)
  19. “The Idea Trap”, George Zebrowski (Universe 16)
  20. “Phone Repairs”, Nancy Kress (Asimov's Dec 1986)
  21. “Snake-Eyes”, Tom Maddox (Omni Apr 1986)
  22. “Skintwister”, Paul Di Filippo (F&SF Mar 1986)
  23. “State of the Art”, Robert Charles Wilson (F&SF Jan 1986)
  24. “Sea Change”, Scott Baker (F&SF Mar 1986)
  1. Winner: Blue Champagne, John Varley (Dark Harvest)
  2. Burning Chrome, William Gibson (Arbor House)
  3. Howard Who?, Howard Waldrop (Doubleday)
  4. Visible Light, C. J. Cherryh (Phantasia)
  5. Tuf Voyaging, George R. R. Martin (Baen)
  6. The River of Time, David Brin (Dark Harvest)
  7. Callahan's Secret, Spider Robinson (Berkley)
  8. Robot Dreams, Isaac Asimov (Berkley)
  9. Artificial Things, Karen Joy Fowler (Bantam Spectra)
  10. The Planet on the Table, Kim Stanley Robinson (Tor)
  11. In Alien Flesh, Gregory Benford (Tor)
  12. The Starry Rift, James Tiptree, Jr. (Tor)
  13. Close Encounters with the Deity, Michael Bishop (Peachtree)
  14. Dreams of Dark and Light, Tanith Lee (Arkham House)
  15. Cascade Point and Other Stories, Timothy Zahn (Bluejay)
  16. Tales of the Quintana Roo, James Tiptree, Jr. (Arkham House)
  17. Merlin's Booke, Jane Yolen (Ace)
  18. Beyond the Safe Zone, Robert Silverberg (Donald I. Fine)
  19. Retief in the Ruins, Keith Laumer (Baen)
  20. The Complete Nebula Award-Winning Fiction, Samuel R. Delany (Bantam Spectra)
  21. Kaeti & Company, Keith Roberts (Kerosina)
  1. Winner: The Year's Best Science Fiction: Third Annual Collection, Gardner Dozois, ed. (Bluejay)
  2. Wild Cards, George R. R. Martin, ed. (Bantam Spectra)
  3. Terry Carr's Best Science Fiction of the Year #15, Terry Carr, ed. (Tor)
  4. Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology, Bruce Sterling, ed. (Arbor House)
  5. Afterlives: Stories About Life After Death, Pamela Sargent & Ian Watson, eds. (Vintage)
  6. Universe 16, Terry Carr, ed. (Doubleday)
  7. The Hugo Winners, Volume 5: 1980-1982, Isaac Asimov, ed. (Doubleday)
  8. Heroes in Hell, Janet Morris, ed. (Baen)
  9. The 1986 Annual World's Best SF, Donald A. Wollheim, ed. with Arthur W. Saha (DAW)
  10. Cutting Edge, Dennis Etchison, ed. (Doubleday)
  11. Tales from the Spaceport Bar, George H. Scithers & Darrell Schweitzer, eds. (Avon)
  12. L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume II, Algis Budrys, ed. (Bridge)
  13. Hitler Victorious, Gregory Benford & Martin H. Greenberg, eds. (Garland)
  14. The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Vol. IV, Terry Carr, ed. (Avon)
  15. Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories: 15 (1953), Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, eds. (DAW)
  16. Nebula Awards 21, George Zebrowski, ed. (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich)
  17. Uncollected Stars, Piers Anthony, ed. (Avon)
  18. The Year's Best Horror Stories: XIV, Karl Edward Wagner, ed. (DAW)
  19. Shadows 9, Charles L. Grant, ed. (Doubleday)
  20. The Year's Best Fantasy Stories: 12, Arthur W. Saha, ed. (DAW)
  21. Under the Wheel, Elizabeth Mitchell, ed. (Baen)
  1. Winner: Trillion Year Spree, Brian W. Aldiss with David Wingrove (Gollancz)
  2. Only Apparently Real: The World of Philip K. Dick, Paul Williams (Arbor House)
  3. The John W. Campbell Letters, Vol. 1, Perry A. Chapdelaine, Sr., Tony Chapdelaine & George Hay, eds. (AC Projects)
  4. Industrial Light and Magic: The Art of Special Effects, Thomas G. Smith (Ballantine Del Rey)
  5. Science Fiction in Print: 1985, Charles N. Brown & William G. Contento (Locus Press)
  6. The Penguin Encyclopedia of Horror and the Supernatural, Jack Sullivan, ed. (Viking)
  7. The Dark Knight Returns, Frank Miller with Klaus Janson & Lynn Varley (DC/Warner)
  8. Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Weird Fiction Magazines, Marshall B. Tymn & Mike Ashley, eds. (Greenwood)
  9. Twentieth-Century Science-Fiction Writers, Second Edition, Curtis C. Smith, ed. (St. James Press)
  10. Lightship, Chris Evans, text; Jim Burns, art (Paper Tiger)
  11. H.R. Giger's Necronomicon 2, H. R. Giger (Edition C)
  12. Inside Outer Space: Science Fiction Professionals Look at Their Craft, Sharon Jarvis, ed. (Ungar)
  13. ...And the Lurid Glare of the Comet, Brian W. Aldiss (Serconia Press)
  14. Hard Science Fiction, George E. Slusser & Eric S. Rabkin, eds. (Southern Illinois University Press)
  15. Galaxy Magazine: The Dark and the Light Years, David L. Rosheim (Advent)
  16. Chroma: The Art of Alex Schomburg, Jon Gustafson, text; Alex Schomburg, art (Father Tree Press)
  1. Winner: F&SF
  2. Asimov's
  3. Analog
  4. Omni
  5. Amazing Stories
  6. Interzone
  7. Twilight Zone
  8. Science Fiction Chronicle
  9. Fantasy Review
  10. Science Fiction Review
  11. Night Cry
  12. Starlog
Book Publisher
  1. Winner: Ballantine/Del Rey
  2. Tor
  3. Putnam/Berkley/Ace
  4. Bantam
  5. DAW
  6. Baen
  7. Arbor House
  8. Bluejay
  9. Doubleday
  10. Phantasia
  11. Warner/Popular Library/Questar
  12. Arkham House
  13. Donald M. Grant
  14. NAL/Signet
  15. Gollancz
  16. Underwood-Miller
  17. Avon

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This page last updated Tuesday 11 Sep 2012 at 16:16 PT