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15th Meeting of SPA/BD Thematic Focal Points

Fifeenth Meeting of SPA/BD Thematic Focal Points
(Online, 23-25 June 2021)

Meeting Report
UNEP/MED WG.502/19

Report of the Fifteenth Meeting of Focal Points for Specially Protected Areas

Working Documents
UNEP/MED WG.502/1 Provisional agenda
UNEP/MED WG.502/2 Provisional annotated agenda
UNEP/MED WG.502/3 Report on the status of implementation of the Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean (SPA/BD Protocol)
UNEP/MED WG.502/4 Progress report on the activities carried out to implement the Biodiversity and Ecosystems core theme since the Thirteenth meeting of SPA/BD Focal Points
UNEP/MED WG.502/5 Draft updated Action Plan for the conservation of cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea
UNEP/MED WG.502/6 Draft updated Action Plan for the conservation of habitats and species associated with seamounts, underwater caves and canyons, aphotic hard beds and chemo-synthetic phenomena in the Mediterranean Sea (Dark Habitats Action Plan)
UNEP/MED WG.502/7 First elements to elaborate the List of Reference of Pelagic Habitat Types in the Mediterranean Sea
UNEP/MED WG.502/8 Draft Ballast water management strategy for the Mediterranean Sea: 2022-2027
UNEP/MED WG.502/9 Report by the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Ad hoc Group of Experts for Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean (AGEM) on the group's works during the period 2020-2021
UNEP/MED WG.502/10 Draft Criteria for inclusion of Specially Protected Areas (SPAs) in the Directory of Mediterranean SPAs
UNEP/MED WG.502/11 Considerations on identifying and reporting other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) in the Mediterranean marine and coastal environment
UNEP/MED WG.502/12 Draft Post-2020 Regional Strategy for marine and coastal protected areas (MCPAs) and other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) in the Mediterranean
UNEP/MED WG.502/13 Report on the Ordinary Periodic Review of the areas included in the SPAMI List
UNEP/MED WG.502/14 Draft Concepts to set up the Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance Day (SPAMI Day) and SPAMI Certificate
UNEP/MED WG.502/15 Draft Guidance Document for the identification and designation of Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas in relation to Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance
UNEP/MED WG.502/16

Implementation of the second phase (2019-2021) of the Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme (IMAP - Biodiversity and non-indigenous species) in the framework of the EcAp Roadmap

UNEP/MED WG.502/17 Draft Post-2020 Strategic Action Programme for the Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources in the Mediterranean Region (Post-2020 SAPBIO) (Rev.1)
UNEP/MED WG.502/18 Draft Programme of work of SPA/RAC for the biennium 2022- 2023
Information documents
UNEP/MED WG.502/Inf.1 Provisional List of participants
UNEP/MED WG.502/Inf.2 Provisional List of documents
UNEP/MED WG.502/Inf.3 Guidelines for the assessment of environmental impact on coralligenous and maërl assemblages
UNEP/MED WG.502/Inf.4
Interpretation Manual of Marine Habitat Types in the Mediterranean Sea [available in English only]
UNEP/MED WG.502/Inf.5 MedKeyHabitats II Project: Mapping of marine Key habitats and assessing their vulnerability to fishing activities in the Mediterranean. [available in English only]
UNEP/MED WG.502/Inf.6 Monitoring the incidental catch of vulnerable species in Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries - Methodology for data collection [available in English only]
UNEP/MED WG.502/Inf.7 Guide of vulnerable species incidentally caught in Mediterranean fisheries [available in English only]
UNEP/MED WG.502/Inf.8 Pocket identification guide of main vulnerable species incidentally caught in fisheries of Croatia, Italy, Morocco, Tunisia, and Turkey [available in English only]
UNEP/MED WG.502/Inf.9 The Pan-Mediterranean Sea Turtle Stranding Protocol [available in English only]
UNEP/MED WG.502/Inf.10 Comparative Analysis undertaken with regard to IMAP and the European Commission GES Decision 2017/848/EU for Biodiversity
UNEP/MED WG.502/Inf.11 Methodological Approach for mapping the interrelations between Pressures-Impacts and the Status of Marine Ecosystem Components for Biodiversity Cluster
UNEP/MED WG.502/Inf.12 Report of the Integrated Meetings of the Ecosystem Approach Correspondence Groups on IMAP Implementation (CORMONs) 1-3 December 2020 [available in English only]
UNEP/MED WG.502/Inf.13 Report of the Meeting of the Ecosystem Approach Correspondence Group on Monitoring (CORMON), Biodiversity and Fisheries 10-11 June 2021
UNEP/MED WG.502/Inf.14 The ODYSSEA project: Opportunities for supporting the Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme (IMAP) through integrated marine observing systems, capacity building and information services [available in English only]
UNEP/MED WG.502/Inf.15 The GEF Adriatic Project "Implementation of Ecosystem Approach in the Adriatic Sea through Marine Spatial Planning" [available in English only]
Reference documents
UNEP/IG.43/6, Appendix XI amended by UNEP(OCA)/MED IG.1/5 and UNEP(OCA)/MED IG.3/5 Rules of Procedure for Meetings and Conferences of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution and its related Protocols
UNEP (DEC)/MED IG.6/7 Final act of the Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the amendments to the Convention for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution, to the Protocol for the prevention of pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by dumping from ships and aircraft and on the Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean
UNEP(OCA)/MED IG.10/4 Final act of the meeting of Plenipotentiaries on the Annexes to the Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean

Strategic Action Programme for the Conservation of Biological Diversity (SAP BIO) in the Mediterranean region


Common Criteria for amending Annexes II and III of the Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean

UNEP(DEPI)/MED WG.461/28 Report of the Fourteenth Meeting of Focal Points for SPAs
UNEP/MED IG.24/22 Report of the 21st Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean and its Protocols