Training Schools
PHYCOMORPH shares knowledge and supports collaboration also through Training Schools (TS). Training Schools provide intensive training in emerging research topics within the laboratories and organisations involved in PHYCOMORPH. Participants are mainly, but not exclusively, young researchers involved in PHYCOMORH. Training Schools also cover appropriate re-training as part of life-long learning.
The Training Schools are open to participating COST countries of the COST Action F1406 "Phycomorph".
Trainees eligible to be reimbursed:
1. Trainees from COST Full Members / COST Cooperating Member.
2. Trainees from Approved NNC institutions.
3. Trainees from Approved European RTD Organisations.
Please visit the COST Phycomorph page for the list of countries corresponding to these groups.
Trainees not eligible to be reimbursed:
1. Trainees from COST Partner Members.
2. Trainees from Approved IPC institutions (see list of institutions).
3. Trainees from Approved IO, EU Commission, Bodies, Offices and Agencies.
4. Other Trainees not specifically mentioned as being eligible.
Station Biologique, Roscoff, France, 14-16 November 2018
max. 12 participants
11 selected trainees (64/36% female/male)
Immunolabelling (Microtubules in brown alga Dictyota)
Trainers: Amerssa Tsirigoti (Univ Athenes, Greece) and Maria Koutalianou (Univ Athenes, Greece)
Transmission Electronic Microscopy and gold immunolabelling (Ectocarpus, Scytosiphon)
Trainers: Christos Katsaros (Univ Athenes, Greece), Sophie Le Panse (Station Biologique Roscoff, France)
Microinjection (Green alga Bryopsis)
Trainer: Chikako Nagasato (Muroran Marine Station, Japan)
Time-lapse microscopy (Brown algae Ectocarpus and Saccharina)
Trainer: Hervé Rabillé (Station Biologique Roscoff, France)
Confocal microscopy (Brown algae Dyctiota and Saccharina)
Trainers: Rudy Huis and colleagues (Leica, France), Bénédicte Charrier (Station Biologique Roscoff, France
Light Sheet Microscopy (Brown alga Saccharina);
Trainers: Nadine Peyriéras (BioEmergence, CNRS, France), Clément Laigle (Leica, France).
Image analyses: ImageJ/FIJI
Trainer: Philippe Andrey (IJPB, INRA Versailles, France)

Excursion in the "Ile de Batz" (nearby island): observation of local seaweed diversity
University of Jena, Germany, 13-15 Sept 2017
The Training School “Chemistry of macroalgae: Exploring the chemical nature of seaweed-microbial interactions” will introduce selected tools in Analytical Chemistry (e.g., metabolomics, isotope labeling, etc.) for deciphering seaweed-microbial interactions.
This three-days hand-to-hand Training School in the laboratory targets mainly early-stage researchers (PhD and post-doc). It is strictly limited to 15 participants and covers various aspects of analytical tools necessary to decipher cross-kingdom interactions in macroalgae. Selected participants will be granted 600€ as a contribution for their travel and accommodation costs
18 selected trainees (67/33% female/male)
Kavala, Greece, February 2016
30 selected trainees (50/50% female/male)