Phyllostachys edulis forest,forest bathing,VOCs,mouse,spontaneous activity,"/> 毛竹林森林浴对小白鼠自发行为的影响
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林业科学 ›› 2015, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (5): 78-86.doi: 10.11707/j.1001-7488.20150509

• 论文与研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇


王茜, 王成, 王艳英   

  1. 国家林业局城市森林研究中心 中国林业科学研究院林业研究所 林木遗传育种国家重点实验室 北京 100091
  • 收稿日期:2014-11-10 修回日期:2015-01-15 出版日期:2015-05-25 发布日期:2015-06-11
  • 通讯作者: 王成
  • 基金资助:


Effects of Forest Bathing in a Phyllostachys edulis Forest on the Spontaneous Behavior of Mice

Wang Qian, Wang Cheng, Wang Yanying   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and Breeding Research Institute of Forestry, CAF Research Center of Urban Forest of State Forestry Administration Beijing 100091
  • Received:2014-11-10 Revised:2015-01-15 Online:2015-05-25 Published:2015-06-11


【目的】分析昆明种小白鼠经竹林森林浴处理后其行为指标的变化,研究毛竹林挥发物对小白鼠自发活动的影响,为森林浴场的开发建设提供理论依据。【方法】采用旷场试验,通过连续10天的试验观察,结合竹林中的挥发物,对小白鼠进行动物测试试验。【结果】 1) 处理组小鼠探索阶段随着处理天数的增加运动量明显增大,适应阶段随着处理天数的增加,运动量先减少后增加; 对照组小鼠运动总路程在探索阶段先减小后增加,适应阶段没有明显的变化规律。同时从探索阶段到适应阶段的变化幅度可以看到小白鼠的运动总路程处理组明显大于对照组,随着试验的反复进行,2种处理差距缩小。表明森林浴后的小白鼠兴奋性增强,精神状态得到了很好的改善。 2) 处理组小鼠在探索阶段中央格运动路程大于适应阶段,且探索阶段变化较大,适应阶段变化相对缓慢; 而对照组小鼠在整个试验过程中央格运动路程较小,且变化平缓。10天试验中,处理组一直高于对照组,且探索阶段差异大,适应阶段差异小,说明小白鼠经过森林浴处理后探索能力增强。 3) 2种处理方式小鼠的中央格停留时间呈锯齿状变化,且处理组一直高于对照组,表明经森林浴处理的小白鼠认知能力增强。 4) 2种处理方式小鼠的中央格进入次数呈不规则状变化,在试验期间的同一时期处理组小鼠的进入中央格次数均高于对照组,说明小鼠经过竹林处理后认知能力增强。 5) 经森林浴处理的小白鼠,探索阶段站立次数随着处理天数的增加急剧下降,适应阶段又随着天数的延长缓慢上升; 而对照组小鼠的站立次数曲线呈不规则状变化。10天试验中,处理组一直高于对照组,说明经过森林浴处理的小白鼠探索能力增强。 6) 探索阶段处理组小白鼠的体质量(除了第4天)直线上升,适应阶段处理组小白鼠的体质量增加缓慢; 对照组小鼠体质量在探索阶段变化较缓,适应阶段变化较大,对照组小鼠体质量在探索阶段和适应阶段差距较大,且10天试验中(除了第2天以外),处理组小白鼠的体质量均大于对照组,说明经竹林森林浴处理后的小白鼠食欲明显比对照组增强。 7) 2组小鼠的粪便粒数除了第7天稍有增加外,其余9天均随着处理天数的增加逐渐减少,且10天试验中粪便粒数处理组一直少于对照组。【结论】经毛竹林森林浴处理的小白鼠精神状态得到改善,体质量、探索、记忆以及认知能力有所提高,毛竹林适合森林浴场的开发和建设。

关键词: 毛竹林, 森林浴, 挥发物, 小白鼠, 自发行为


【Objective】 The cDNA gene sequences of Manganese peroxidase (MnP) were isolated from H. erinaceum CB1, and used for analyzing structure and function of the He-mnp 1.【Method】Degenerate primers were designed according to conservative domain of white-rot fungi MnPs gene cDNA sequences reported in GenBank, the full-length cDNA gene sequence was obtained by using the methods of PCR, Reverse transcription-PCR and Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends (RACE) and named as He-mnp 1 (GenBank No. HM116841.3), and the bioinformatics of He-mnp 1 gene were analyzed. BLAST homology search was conducted through the NCBI database; ORF Finder was used to look up the complete open reading frame of the gene; The Expasy database and BioEdit software were used to predict physicochemical properties and amino acid composition of He-mnp 1 protein, and analyze the hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity and transmembrane region; The SignalP 4.1 software was used to predict protein signal peptide; The clustal W with MEGA 5.1 software was adopted to complete the He-mnp1 protein sequence homology alignment and to construct the phylogenetic trees of white rot fungi MnPs, respectively. The CDD database was used to predict protein conserved domains, and check the He-mnp1 heme, substrate and manganese, calcium binding site etc. The PredictProtein software and SWISS-MODEL software were used to complete the He-mnp1 protein secondary structure prediction and to construct homologous 3D modeling, respectively.【Result】The full-length cDNA of He-mnp 1 was 1 279 bp, the ORF of 1 080 bp with starting codon of ATG and stopping codon of TAA, including 5'UTR of 68 bps and 3'UTR of 131 bps and encoded 359 amino acids. Bioinformatics analysis showed that the He-mnp1 protein has the highest content of Ala, without Tyr, and the Mw 38.18 is kDa, with the pI of 4.35. The He-nmp1 protein has an obvious hydrophilic region and two hydrophobic regions in the area of 81-105 and 121-141, and belongs to hydrophilic protein. He-mnp1 protein precursor polypeptides consists of a 18 aa signal peptide and a 5 aa the intermediate leader peptide.【Conclusion】Protein phylogenetic analysis revealed that He-mnp1 is distributed in Group II, and has closely evolutionary relationship to MnPs of Pleurotus ostreatus, Polyporus brumalis, and Trametes versicolor. He-mnp 1 has a conserved domain, and belongs to Class II fungal heme-dependent peroxidase superfamily, predicting that the protein secondary structure accounts for α-helix of 30.99%, β-sheet of 3.38% and random coil of 65.63%, and it is a stable protein. He-mnp1 protein 3D modeling showed that there are 1 Fe heme, 2 Ca2+, 1 Mn2+ binding sites and the histidine residues.

Key words: Phyllostachys edulis forest')">Phyllostachys edulis forest, forest bathing, VOCs, mouse, spontaneous activity
