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APEX-2A Science Verification

During July and August 2005, a set of Science Verification projects was observed with the APEX-2A heterodyne receiver. The projects were submitted by all three APEX partners (MPIfR, ESO and Onsala) and the host country Chile, but they were combined in a single pool of observations. Once the projects were finished, the data were validated by the local APEX staff and the project manager at MPIfR. These validated data products are available from this web page. For each project, they contain the calibrated data set in the CLASS format, and a log file describing the quality of the observations, the number of sources observed, and any other relevant information. We also provide the raw MBFITS files in data packages. Note the MBFITS files are not standard FITS files, and you will need to use the APEX offline calibrator software to use them.

During the ESO APEX observing time between October and November 2005, ESO has decided to continue the Science Verification programmes proposed by ESO authors. The data obtained on these projects are also available on this web page, both in CLASS and MBFITS format.

We request that any publication using APEX data, including the public science verification data on these pages, adds the following acknowledgement as a footnote after the first mentioning of APEX in the body of the text: "This publication is based on data acquired with the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX). APEX is a collaboration between the Max-Planck-Institut fur Radioastronomie, the ESO, and the Onsala Space Observatory.".

Useful Links

Note: there is a small bug in the APEX CLASS data writer. The imagefrequency is written as if working in the sky system, i.e. f_0 +/- 2 *f_IF. CLASS, however, wants the image frequency with the total LSRcorrection. This created problems for example when trying to switchsidebands. If you would like to correct your data, please contact theESO APEX project scientist, who can provide a script to correctthis. All data taken during P77 or later are no longer affected bythis.

A P E X - 2A Science Verification programs