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Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC)


·         Open Access Policy and Publication Fees

·         Publication Frequency and Average Review Time

·         Submission Overview

·         Manuscript Preparation

·         Publication and Research Ethics

·         Open Access Policy, Licence and Copyright

·         Suggesting Reviewers

·         English Corrections

·         Editorial Procedures and Peer-Review

·         Publication Ethics Statement

·         License and Copyright

·         Join Us

Open Access Policy and Publication Fees

Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC) is a scholarly peer-reviewed open access international research journal enabling a low cost publication opportunity, through providing a conduit for quality research that is freely accessible through the AETiC website’s archive section.

AETiC confirms that no university library or individual reader will ever have to buy a subscription or buy access through pay-per-view fees to access the articles published in the journal. Hence, AETiC does not have any income from selling subscriptions to the print or online version of this journal or from pay-per-view fees.

In order to cover the costs of providing and maintaining a publication infrastructure, managing the journals, and processing the manuscripts through peer-review and the editorial procedure, the journal uses a form of conditional submission fee referred to as Article Processing Charge (APC). This APC is applicable only if, following peer-review, the article is accepted for publication and the authors wish to proceed to publication. However, there are no submission charges.

AETiC’s APC structure for the year 2023 is as follows, which also covers two copies of printed issues posted to the corresponding author’s mailing address:

         Non-IAER Members: 160 GBP

         IAER Members: 140 GBP (No annual fees for IAER Membership)

         Non-IAER Research Students: 140 GBP

         IAER Associate Member (Students): 125 GBP (No annual fees for IAER Membership)

Please note that, to over the increasing cost of printing and postage, articles submitted on or after 1st January 2024 will be subject to the revised (2024) fee structure. However, any article accepted on or after 1st January 2024 but submitted before will be subject to the current (2023) fee structure. AETiC’s APC structure for the year 2024 is as follows, which also covers two copies of printed issues posted to the corresponding author’s mailing address:

         Non-IAER Members: 200 GBP

         IAER Members: 180 GBP (No annual fees for IAER Membership)

         Non-IAER Research Students: 180 GBP

         IAER Associate Member (Students): 140 GBP (No annual fees for IAER Membership)

Despite AETiC’s APC being very low compared to other journals, as a registered low-profit organization (CIC in England and Wales) we have funds to support post-graduate research students as well as researchers from low income countries to publish their research outcomes at a discounted rate or even completely free. To apply, please download, complete and email this form to AETiC editorial office.

Publication Frequency and Average Review Time

AETiC regular issues are published quarterly, as follows:
         1st January
         1st April
         1st July
         1st October

For submission deadlines and publication schedules of the special issues, check the latest special issue call for papers here.

AETiC’s average review time is 4-6 weeks, subject to availability of the volunteer reviewers.

Submission Overview

Types of Articles

Manuscripts submitted to AETiC should not have been published before nor be under consideration for publication in another journal. The main article types are as follows:

Articles: research manuscripts that report new evidence or new conclusions. The journal considers all original research manuscripts provided that the work reports scientifically sound experiments and provides a substantial amount of new information. Authors should not unnecessarily divide their work into several related manuscripts, although short Communications of preliminary, but significant, results will be considered. Replications of previous studies are permitted if clearly indicated as such.

Reviews: review manuscripts provide concise and precise updates on the latest progress made in a given area of research.

Conference Papers: Expanded and high quality conference papers will also be considered for publication in AETiC if they fulfil the following requirements: (1) the paper is expanded to the size of a research article; (2) the conference paper is cited and noted on the first page of the paper; (3) if the authors do not hold the copyright to the published conference paper, authors have sought and gained the appropriate permission from the copyright holder; (4) authors disclose that it is conference paper in their cover letter and include a statement detailing what has been changed compared to the original conference paper.

Submission Process

Manuscripts for AETiC should be submitted using the submission site. The corresponding author is responsible for the manuscript during the submission and peer-review process. The corresponding author must ensure that all eligible co-authors have been included in the author list and that they all have read and approved the submitted version of the manuscript.

Template and File Formats

Authors must use the AETiC MS Word template to prepare their manuscript. Authors should insert graphics (schemes, figures, etc.) in the main text after the paragraph of its first citation. Supplementary files may be any format, but it is recommended that common, non-proprietary formats be used where possible.

Cover Letter

A cover letter must be included with each manuscript submission. It should be concise and explain why the content of the paper is significant, placing the reported findings in the context of existing work and why it fits the scope of the journal. The letter should confirm that neither the manuscript nor any parts of its content are currently under consideration or published in another journal.

Preparation of a Manuscript

AETiC accepts submissions in MS Word, formatted adopting AETiC MS Word template. Additionally, authors may refer to the detailed Instructions on preparing the manuscript. However, the following are the general considerations:


The title of manuscript should be concise, specific and relevant.

Author List and Affiliations

Authors' full first and last names must be provided. The initials of any middle names can be added. The PubMed/MEDLINE standard format is used for affiliations: complete address information including city, zip code, state/province, country, and all email addresses. At least one author should be designated as corresponding author, and their email address and other details should be included at the end of the affiliation section. To be eligible for inclusion as a co-author, one must have significantly contributed to the research.


The abstract should usually be between 150 and 200 words. However, a maximum length of 300 words will be allowed. The abstract should be a single paragraph and should follow the style of structured abstracts. The abstract should be an objective representation of the article: it must not contain results that are not presented and substantiated in the main text and should not exaggerate the main conclusions.


Four to six pertinent keywords need to be added after the abstract. It is recommend that the keywords are specific to the article, yet reasonably common within the subject discipline.


Abbreviations should be defined in parentheses the first time they appear in the abstract, main text, and in figure or table captions.


SI Units (International System of Units) should be used. Imperial, US customary and other units should be converted to SI units whenever possible.


If using Word, either the Microsoft Equation Editor or the MathType add-on should be used. Equations should be editable by the editorial office and not appear in a picture format.

Research Data and supplementary materials

Authors may make all materials, data, and protocols associated with the publication available to readers. Describe any supplementary material published online alongside the manuscript (figure, tables, video, spreadsheets, etc.). The name and title of each element should be indicated as follows Figure S1: title, Table S1: title, etc.


All sources of funding of the study should be disclosed. Authors should clearly indicate grants received in support of the research work and whether such funds cover publication costs. Note that some funders will not refund article processing charges (APC) if the funder and grant number are not clearly and correctly identified in the paper. Funding information can be entered separately into the submission system by the authors during submission of their manuscript. Such funding information, if available, will be deposited to FundRef if the manuscript is finally published.

Conflicts of Interest

Authors must identify and declare any personal circumstances or interest that may be perceived as inappropriately influencing the representation or interpretation of reported research results. If there is no conflict of interest, authors should state "The authors declare no conflict of interest." Any role of the funding sponsors in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results must be declared in this section. If there is no role, authors should state “The founding sponsors had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, and in the decision to publish the results”.


References must be numbered in order of appearance in the text (including table captions and figure legends) and listed individually at the end of the manuscript. It is recommend preparing the references with a bibliography software package, such as EndNote, ReferenceManager or Zotero to avoid typing mistakes and duplicated references. Citations to data, computer code and other citable research material are also encouraged. Papers should include the digital object identifier (DOI) for all references where available. If available online, authors may use reference style [9] below.

Citations and References in Supplementary files are permitted provided that they also appear in the main text and in the reference list.

In the text, reference numbers should be placed in square brackets [ ], and placed before the punctuation; for example [1], [1–3] or [1,3]. For embedded citations in the text with pagination, both parentheses and brackets should be used to indicate the reference number and page numbers; for example [5] (p. 10). or [6] (pp. 101–105). References should be described as follows, depending on the type of work:

• Journal Articles:
[1] Ogheneochuko Ubrurhe, Nigel Houlden and Peter S. Excell, “A Review of Energy Efficiency in Wireless Body Area/Sensor Networks, With Emphasis on MAC Protocol”, Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC), Print ISSN: 2516-0281, Online ISSN: 2516-029X, pp. 1-7, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1st January 2020, Published by International Association of Educators and Researchers (IAER), DOI: 10.33166/AETiC.2020.01.001, Available: http://aetic.theiaer.org/archive/v4/v4n1/p1.html.
[2] Minami Yoda, Shuji Sakuraba, Yuichi Sei, Yasuyuki Tahara and Akihiko Ohsuga, “Detection of the Hardcoded Login Information from Socket and String Compare Symbols”, Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC), Print ISSN: 2516-0281, Online ISSN: 2516-029X, pp. 28-39, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1st January 2021, Published by International Association of Educators and Researchers (IAER), DOI: 10.33166/AETiC.2021.01.003, Available: http://aetic.theiaer.org/archive/v5/v5n1/p3.html.

• Chapters in Lecture Notes:
[3] Zainab Alansari, Nor Badrul Anuar, Amirrudin Kamsin, Safeeullah Soomro, Mohammad Riyaz Belgaum et al., “Challenges of Internet of Things and Big Data Integration”, in Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (LNICST), vol. 200, Online ISBN: 978-3-319-95450-9, Print ISBN: 978-3-319-95449-3, Series Print ISSN: 1867-8211, Series Online ISSN: 1867-822X, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-95450-9_4, pp. 47-55, 2018, Published by Springer-Verlag, Available: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-95450-9_4.

• Conference Articles:
[4] Mahdi H. Miraz and David C. Donald, “Application of Blockchain in Booking and Registration Systems of Securities Exchanges”, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computing, Electronics & Communications Engineering 2018 (IEEE iCCECE '18), 16-17 August 2018, University of Essex, Southend, UK, Online ISBN: 978-1-5386-4904-6, E-ISBN:978-1-5386-4903-9, DOI: 10.1109/iCCECOME.2018.8658726, pp. 35-40, Published by IEEE, Available: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8658726.

• Books and Edited Books
[5] Alan C. Elliott and Wayne A. Woodward, Statistical Analysis Quick Reference Guidebook: With SPSS Examples, 1st ed. London, UK: Sage Publications, 2007.
[6] Emilios Avgouleas and David C. Donald, Eds., The Political Economy of Financial Regulation, 1st ed. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2019, Available: https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/political-economy-of-financial-regulation/12B6B24767D083AA02CB8013A9115AB9

• Book Chapters:
[7] Mahdi H. Miraz, “Blockchain of Things (BCoT): The Fusion of Blockchain and IoT Technologies”, In Studies in Big Data: Advanced Applications of Blockchain Technology, Singapore: Springer Nature, 2019, Vol. 60, ch. 7, pp 141-159, Print ISBN: 978-981-13-8774-6, Online ISBN: 978-981-13-8775-3, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-8775-3_7, Available: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-981-13-8775-3_7.

• Websites:
Sources which do not qualify as a reference, such as non-academic web sources with only URLs, should be used as footnote, not reference.

Preparing Figures, Schemes and Tables

All Figures, Schemes and Tables should be inserted into the main text close to their first citation and must be numbered following their number of appearance (Figure 1, Scheme I, Figure 2, Scheme II, Table 1, etc.).

All Figures, Schemes and Tables should have a short explanatory title and caption.

All table columns should have an explanatory heading. To facilitate the copy-editing of larger tables, smaller fonts may be used, but no less than 8 pt. in size. Authors should use the Table option of Microsoft Word to create tables.

Authors are encouraged to prepare figures and schemes in color (RGB at 8-bit per channel).

Research Ethics

Research Involving Human Subjects

When reporting on research that involves human subjects, human material, human tissues or human data, authors must declare that the investigations were carried out following the rules of the Declaration of Helsinki of 1975, revised in 2008. According to point 23 of this declaration, an approval from an ethics committee should have been obtained before undertaking the research. As a minimum, a statement including the project identification code, date of approval and name of the ethics committee or institutional review board should be cited in the Methods Section of the article. Data relating to individual participants must be described in detail, but private information identifying participants need not be included unless the identifiable materials are of relevance to the research (for example, photographs of participants’ faces that show a particular symptom). A written informed consent for publication must be obtained from participating patients in this case.

Editors reserve the rights to reject any submission that does not meet these requirements.

Example of Ethical Statements:

All subjects gave their informed consent for inclusion before they participated in the study. The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, and the protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of XXX (Project identification code).

Suggesting Reviewers

During the submission process, please suggest three potential reviewers with the appropriate expertise to review the manuscript. The editors will not necessarily approach these referees. Please provide detailed contact information (address, homepage, phone, e-mail address). The proposed referees should neither be current collaborators of the co-authors nor have published with any of the co-authors of the manuscript within the last five years. Proposed reviewers should be from different institutions to the authors. You may identify appropriate Editorial Board members of the journal as potential reviewers. You may suggest reviewers from among the authors that you frequently cite in your paper.

English Corrections

To facilitate proper peer-reviewing of your manuscript, it is essential that it is submitted in grammatically correct English. If you are not a native English speaker, we recommend that you have your manuscript professionally edited before submission or read by a native English-speaking colleague. Optionally you may email IAER's English editing service. Professional editing will mean that reviewers and future readers are better able to read and assess the content of your manuscript. All accepted manuscript undergo language editing, however an additional fee will be charged.

Editorial Procedures and Peer-Review


All submitted manuscripts received by the Editorial Office will be checked by a professional in-house Managing Editor to determine whether it is properly prepared and whether the manuscript follows the ethical policies of the journal. Manuscripts that do not fit the journals ethical policy will be rejected before peer-review. Manuscripts that are not properly prepared will be returned to the authors for revision and resubmission. After these checks, the Managing Editor will consult the journals’ Editor-in-Chief or the Guest Editor (or an Editorial Board member in case of a conflict of interest) to determine whether the manuscript fits the scope of the journal and whether it is scientifically sound. No judgment on the significance or potential impact of the work will be made at this stage. Reject decisions at this stage will be verified by the Editor-in-Chief.


Once a manuscript passes the initial checks, it will be assigned to at least two independent experts for peer-review. A single-blind review is applied, where authors' identities are known to reviewers. Peer review comments are confidential and will only be disclosed with the express agreement of the reviewer. To ensure that each submitted articles receive unbiased review, before agreeing to undertake the review assignments, reviewers are requested to declare their conflict of interest (if any). Reviewers also need to agree that the reviewed articles should be treated confidentially prior to their publication.

Potential reviewers suggested by the authors may also be considered. Reviewers should not have published with any of the co-authors during the past five years and should not currently work or collaborate with one of the institutes of the co-authors of the submitted manuscript.

Editorial Decision and Revision

All the articles, reviews and communications published in IAER journals go through the peer-review process and receive at least two reviews. Review comments will then be synthesised by the editor to make the final decision:

• Accept
The paper has been accepted and needs no further corrections or modifications.

• Accept (Subject to Minor Revisions)
The paper has been accepted but requires minor revision to address the reviewer’s comments.

• Reconsider after Major Revisions
The acceptance of the manuscript would depend on the revisions. The author needs to provide a point by point response or provide a rebuttal if some of the reviewer’s comments cannot be revised.

• Reject and Encourage Resubmission
An article, where additional experiments are needed to support the conclusions, will be rejected and the authors will be encouraged to re-submit the paper once further experiments have been conducted.

• Reject
The article has serious flaws, makes no original contribution, and the paper is rejected with no offer of resubmission to the journal.

Author Appeals

Authors may appeal a rejection by sending an e-mail to the Editorial Office of the journal. The appeal must provide a detailed justification, including point-by-point responses to the reviewers' and/or Editor's comments. The Managing Editor of the journal will forward the manuscript and relating information (including the identities of the referees) to an Editorial Board member. If no appropriate Editorial Board member is available, the editor will identify a suitable external scientist. The Editorial Board member will be asked to give an advisory recommendation on the manuscript and may recommend acceptance, further peer-review, or uphold the original rejection decision. A reject decision at this stage will be final and cannot be revoked.

In the case of a special issue, the Managing Editor of the journal will forward the manuscript and relating information (including the identities of the referees) to the Editor-in-Chief who will be asked to give an advisory recommendation on the manuscript and may recommend acceptance, further peer-review, or uphold the original rejection decision. A reject decision at this stage will be final and cannot be revoked.

Production and Publication

Once accepted, the manuscript will undergo professional copy-editing, English editing, proofreading by the authors, final corrections, pagination, and, publication on the www.theiaer.org website. Print format of the journal will also be produced by our affiliated printer in Oxfordshire, UK.

Backup and Preservation of Access

Full-texts of both electronic and print versions of the journal issues are archived in the British Library. In addition, electronic copies of the articles are archived in AETiC archive section as well as deposited in various content aggregators such as Academia, Index Copernicus, ResearchGate and J-Gate.

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statements

Ethical Publishing Statement

AETiC’s Ethical Publishing Statement is a set of guidelines and principles that govern the behaviour of all participants involved in the publishing process, including authors, editors, peer reviewers and the publisher. These guidelines and principles aim to maintain the integrity, transparency and credibility of the published works, promote fairness and impartiality of the peer-review process and ensure that the authors, editors, reviewers and the publisher are treated with respect and dignity. Adherence to these ethical standards is essential for the maintenance of a well-respected and trustworthy scholarly communication system.

Publisher’s Ethical Responsibilities and Duties

1. Maintaining the integrity of the published works: The publisher will ensure that the articles submitted for publication are original, have not been plagiarised, and meet the standards of academic rigour.
2. Fair and impartial peer-review process: The publisher will maintain a fair and impartial peer-review process, ensuring that the review of the manuscripts is solely based on their academic merit and not influenced by any conflicts of interest.
3. Confidentiality: The publisher will maintain the confidentiality of the peer-review process, ensuring that the manuscripts and the identity of the author(s) are kept confidential until publication.
4. Retraction policy: The publisher reserves the right to retract published articles that are found to violate ethical standards, such as plagiarism or fabrication of data.
5. Copyright and licensing: The publisher will ensure that the author(s) retain the copyright to their works and that the published articles are licensed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, allowing for maximum dissemination of the research findings.
6. Responsibility for errors: The publisher takes responsibility for any errors in the published works and maintains a process for correcting them promptly.
7. Transparency: The publisher commits to being transparent about its policies and processes, such as its peer-review process, submission guidelines, and publication fees, and makes this information readily available to the author(s) and readers.
8. Ethical and legal compliance: The publisher ensures that its practices comply with relevant ethical and legal standards, such as data protection laws and ethical guidelines for research involving human subjects or animals.

Editors’ Ethical Responsibilities and Duties

1. Impartiality: The editors will make decisions about the publications based on the academic merit of the submitted work, avoid any conflicts of interest that may influence their judgment and consider issues in line with COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines.
2. Confidentiality: The editors will maintain the confidentiality of the peer-review process and will not disclose any information about the submitted manuscripts or the identities of the author(s).
3. Fair and unbiased peer review: The editors will ensure that the peer-review process is fair, unbiased and solely based on the academic merit of the work.
4. Retraction policy: The editors will be familiar with the AETiC’s retraction policy and communicate this to the corresponding author(s), in cases where a published article violates the ethical standards, such as plagiarism or fabrication of data.
5. Ethical and legal compliance: The editors will ensure that AETiC complies with relevant ethical and legal standards, such as data protection laws and ethical guidelines for research involving human subjects or animals.
6. Transparency: The editors will be transparent about the AETiC’s policies and processes, such as the peer-review process, submission guidelines and publication fees, and will make this information readily available to the author(s) and the readers.
7. Integrity of published works: The editors will work to safeguard the integrity and originality of the published works and shall maintain a process for correcting errors promptly.
8. Quality control: The editors will ensure that the quality of the published works is consistent and meets the standards of academic rigour.

Reviewers’ Ethical Responsibilities and Duties

1. Confidentiality: The reviewers will maintain the confidentiality of the peer-review process and will not disclose any information about the submitted manuscripts or the identities of the author(s).
2. Objectivity: The reviewers will provide an objective evaluation of the submitted work, based on its academic merit, avoiding personal bias, and shall notify the editor, if they feel unqualified to properly review the manuscript.
3. Promptness: The reviewers will complete their review(s) promptly and shall inform the editor if they are unable to do so.
4. Conflict of interest: The reviewers will disclose any conflicts of interest, such as prior collaborations with the author(s) or monetary interests in the work, which may influence their evaluation of the work.
5. Constructive criticism: The reviewers will provide constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement, rather than simply pointing out flaws or shortcomings.
6. Proper citation: The reviewers will ensure that the author(s) properly cite sources.
7. Respect for intellectual property: The reviewers will respect the intellectual property rights of the author(s) and will not use the submitted work for their benefit without proper attribution.
8. Confidentiality of data: The reviewers will maintain the confidentiality of any sensitive data or information contained in the submitted work.
9. Reporting errors: The reviewers will report any errors or potential ethical violations, such as plagiarism or data fabrication to the editor.

Authors’ Ethical Responsibilities and Duties

1. Authorship: The corresponding author should ensure that all rightful co-author(s) (in priority of contribution order) are listed on the paper and that any individual(s) who did not make significant contributions are not included as authors. A CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) author statement should be provided during submission and included as a section within papers. The corresponding author shall also confirm that the co-authors have reviewed and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication.
2. Originality: The author(s) should ensure that the work they submit for publication is original and has not been plagiarised, including self-plagiarism.
3. Replicability: The author(s) should ensure that their submission contains sufficient detail to allow others to replicate their work.
4. Accuracy: The author(s) should ensure that the information and data presented in their work are accurate and have been properly cited.
5. Conflicts of interest: The author(s) must disclose any conflicts of interest that may influence the interpretation or dissemination of their work.
6. Competing interests: The author(s) must include a statement detailing any financial or personal relationships that might be perceived as influential. All sources of financial support for the work must be declared within the manuscript. The author(s) must acknowledge the contribution of others, such as sponsors, in the primary research, article preparation and decision-making.
7. Data access: The author(s) may be required to provide their research data for editorial review. Where feasible, the author(s) should provide access to their data for a reasonable number of years after publication.
8. Multiple submissions: The author(s) should not submit the same work to multiple journals concurrently or after publication without the express consent of all parties.
9. Retraction of work: If there is evidence of misconduct or errors in the work then the author(s) should retract their work or correspond with the journal to publish a correction or retraction.
10. Transparency: The author(s) should be transparent about their research methods, data sources and funding sources and should provide sufficient detail for others to reproduce their findings.
11. AI assistance: AI and AI-assisted technologies may only be used to improve readability and must include human oversight. The author(s) should describe the use of all AI and AI-assisted technologies and provide a statement within the manuscript.
12. Research Ethics: If the research involves chemicals, procedures, or equipment that pose any unusual hazards, the author(s) must specify this in the manuscript. If the study involves the use of animal or human subjects, then the author(s) must state that all procedures were conducted per relevant laws and with appropriate institutional committee approval. The author(s) should also indicate that informed consent was obtained for the experiments involving human subjects and that privacy rights were respected. For human subjects, the author(s) must ensure that the study was performed following the World Medical Association's Code of Ethics (Declaration of Helsinki). All animal experiments should follow the ARRIVE guidelines and comply with relevant laws and regulations, such as the U.K. Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986, the EU Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes, or the U.S. Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. In cases where author(s) wish to include personal information or images of patients or other individuals, then they must obtain written consent and retain a copy that must be provided to the journal upon request.

License and Copyright

All papers, published in AETiC journal, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, including commercial use, as long as the original work is properly cited.

Authors retain copyright of their work. Once material has been accepted for publication, authors are asked to sign an author agreement form verifying that they have the right to publish the material and that they grant permission to IAER to publish their work online. In addition:

Authors retain the right to publish extended versions of their material elsewhere, provided the original publication is acknowledged.

Authors retain the right to publish their work in on-line repositories, internal technical reports, etc.

IAER does not pay honoraria to authors.

IAER has the right to edit the material to meet the publication standards.

Join Us

While we do not have any current plan to expand our editorial board, you may consider joining us as a reviewer. Hiring of qualified reviewers for any IAER publication platforms, including AETiC journal, is open throughout the year.

If you would like to join us as a reviewer or to know more about eligibility criteria and benefits of joining, please visit IAER Reviewer page.

 International Association for Educators and Researchers (IAER), registered in England and Wales - Reg #OC418009                         Copyright © IAER 2017