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VIA Bravo MRI 3000™ Network Analyzers

For Testing MRI Coils 0.1 to 10 Tesla

The Bravo MRI 3000 Analyzer is a Network Analyzer that accurately measures Impedances from 0 to 2000 Ohms, Resistance, Impedance Angle, X, Q, Return Loss, and SWR. The Bravo MRI 3000 can simultaneously provide graphical display for any two measurement parameters. The frequency sweep is plotted in the X axis and independent left and right Y-axis scales are user selectable. The Bravo’s portability and ability to function in close proximity to magnetic fields make it the ideal test instrument for installing and servicing MRI systems. Additionally, our Bravo products come with MRI PC Vision™ software. This software permits remote control operation of the Bravo MRI 3000 to upload test results to a PC or laptop,view the VNA or Smith Charts in full color, store and print complete analyzer data. While the Bravo’s LCD can support displaying two parameters, PCVision can display one or all the testing parameters at once. The Bravo MRI will save time, reduce capital expenditures, and reduce costs typically associated with the installation and servicing of MRI Systems.

6055-5000 Single port unit
6055-5100 Dual port unit  
Included Items:
Bravo MRI 3000 Analyzer
“N” to BNC Adapter,
Terminators BNC (short & 50 Ohm),
6 ft USB Cable and 15 ft extension, AC adapter, Quick Start Guide,
and CD with Operating Manual, Training PPT and MRI PC Vision™ software

Screen Shot Mag and Phase

PC Vision VNA Chart



100KHz to 450MHz
0.1 to 10.0 T

• Tuning Resolution:

1Hz (100 KHz - 150MHz), 200Hz > 150MHz

• Measurement Speed:

5ms / data point

• Freq. Display Width:

210 points (Large Format) 150 points (Small Format)

• Impedance Range:

0 to 2000 Ohms

• Impedance Scales:

0 to 100 Ohms Minimum
0 to 2000 Ohms Maximum

• Phase Angle Scales:

± 15 to ± 180 Degrees

• Harmonic & Spurious:

Better than -15 dB below fundamental

• Output Power:

~ -20 dBm @ 50 Ohms

• Power  Requirements:

12-20VDC @ 650mA min. or 8 AA Batteries

• Input Connectors:

"N" Type
BNC adapters included

• Display:

Quarter VGA LED back-lit color display (user selectable color scheme)

• Non Volatile Memory:

Internal Memory can hold 100’s of plots and setups

• Dimensions:

8.5x4.3x2.25”  (215x110x57mm)

• Weight:

1.6 lbs (0.75 Kilogram) with beltcase


CE EMC: EN/IEC 61326-1:2013/2020
Safety: EN/IEC 61010-1:2010 +A1:2016 + C1:2019


• Economical Multi Function MRI system testing
• Very fast response time in graphical display mode
• Compact design makes it easy to carry on site
• Provides rapid coil performance analysis
• Improves MRI reliability
• Improves MRI image quality
• Reduces service wait time
• Reduces MRI out of service time
• Operates in magnetic environment
• Can be operated in remote control from a PC or laptop
• Document coil performance and tuning
• Maintain servicing records for coils
•Optional dual-port models (S11 & S21) for coil-to-coil loss/separation measurements

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VIA Bravo Ex2™ Analyzer

The Bravo  Ex2 Analyzer is a Network Analyzer with frequency range of 100KHz to 525MHz that accurately measures Impedances from 0 to 2000 Ohms, Resistance, Impedance Angle, X,  Return Loss, and SWR. The Bravo    Ex 2 can simultaneously provide graphical display for any two measurement parameters. The frequency sweep is plotted in the X axis and independent left and right Y axis scales are user selectable. The Bravo’s portability makes it the ideal test instrument for field or lab use. Additionally, our Bravo products come with Site Analyzer PC Vision™ software. This application permits remote control operation of the Bravo  Ex2 to upload test results to a PC or laptop, view the VNA or Smith Charts in full color, store and print complete analyzer data. While the Bravo’s LCD can support displaying two parameters, PC Vision can display one or all the testing parameters at once. The Bravo  Ex2 is fully rechargeable and includes  “AA” NiMH batteries. This instrument will save time, reduce capital expenditures, and reduce costs typically associated with testing and tuning resonant devices and filters.

Ordering Information
part No. 6053-5000 Dual port unit
The Bravo Ex2 Analyzer Kit Includes:
Bravo Ex2 Analyzer
“N” to BNC Adapter,
Terminators BNC (short & 50 Ohm), Padded case
6 ft USB Cable , AC adapter, Quick Start Guide, and CD with Operating Manual, Training PPT and Site Analyzer PC Vision™  application

Bravo Ex2 Z-Mag and Z- ANG
Instrument Screen Shot

View all measurement screens or zoom in on one Bravo Ex2 PC Vision Screen Shot


•Frequency  Range:

100 KHz to 525 MHz

• Tuning Resolution:

1Hz (100 KHz - 150MHz), 200Hz > 150MHz

• Measurement Speed:

~ 5ms / data point

• Freq. Display Width:

0 to 51.6 MHz/80 data points/large numeric readouts

0 to 64 MHz/100 data points/large numeric

• Impedance Range:

0 to 2000 Ohms

• Impedance Scales:

0 to 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, and 2000 Ohms

• Phase Angle Scales:

± 15 to ± 180 Degrees

• Harmonic & Spurious:

Better than -15 dB below fundamental

• Output Power:

~ -5 dBm @ 50 Ohms

• Power  Requirements:

12-20VDC @ 650mA min. or 8 AA Batteries

• Antenna Connector:

“N” connector

• USB interface


• Size:

8.5” x 4.3” x 2.25”
(216 x 109 x 57 mm)

• Weight:


2.2 lbs (1.0 Kilogram)

CE EMC: EN/IEC 61326-1:2013/2020
Safety: EN/IEC 61010-1:2010 +A1:2016 + C1:2019


• Quarter VGA back-lit color display (user selectable color scheme) Colors can be customized for best viewing
• One-button Auto-tune locates the coil's best SWR or Return loss
• Large numeric Format readout in CW mode
• Quickly shift between SWR, Return Loss and VNA functions
• Has “Cable Null” option to eliminate test lead or feed line
• Internal Memory can hold 100’s of plots and setups
• Site Analyzer PC Vision™  application and USB-2 Cable included
• Save, recall and upload test results to a PC


• Economical Multi Function
• Very fast response time in graphical display mode
• Compact design makes it easy to carry on site
• Improves reliability
• Can be operated in remote control from a PC or laptop
• Document Unit under test  performance and tuning
• Maintain servicing records for resonant devices and filters

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