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Welcome to IAGA

  • Sun storm event
    Artist illustration of events on the sun changing the conditions in Near-Earth space. (Credits: NASA)
  • IAGA Award Ceremony
    At the 28th IUGG General Assembly, Berlin, Germany, 2023.
  • IAGA School 2023
    Lecture in Nemegk Geomagnetic Observatory at IAGA School 2023
  • The 6th IAGA School
    at Niemegk Observatory, July 6-12, 2023.
  • MagIC Workshop
    Attendees of the MagIC Workshop at Scripps Institution of Oceanography from February 28 - March 2, 2023.
  • 19th IAGA Workshop on Geomagn. Observatory Instruments
    At the Tihany Geophysical Ob-servatory (THY), Sopron,Hungary from May 22-26, 2023.
  • 19th IAGA Workshop on Geomagn. Observatory Instruments
    Summer School of the 19th IAGA Workshop on Geomagnetic Observatory Instruments, Data Ac-quisition and Processing.

IAGA, the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (AIGA - Association Internationale de Géomagnétisme et d’Aéronomie) is one of the eight Associations of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG). It is a non-governmental body funded through the subscriptions paid to IUGG by its Member Countries. IAGA has a long history and can trace its origins to the Commission for Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity, part of the International Meteorological Organisation which was established in 1873.

IAGA is concerned with the understanding and knowledge that result from studies of the magnetic and electrical properties of:

  • the Earth's core, mantle and crust
  • the middle and upper atmosphere
  • the ionosphere and the magnetosphere
  • the Sun, the solar wind, the planets and interplanetary bodies

IAGA encourages free exchange of scientific information, facilitates international collaboration in research and, through the Scientific Assemblies it organises and the meetings and workshops it sponsors, provides opportunities for discussion and publication of the research results.

IAGA is committed to enabling the involvement of young scientists and scientists in developing countries in the Association's activities.

IAGA serves scientists and decision-makers in research establishments, government agencies, intergovernmental bodies, universities and private enterprise.

IAGA invites scientists throughout the world to participate in the Association's activities; there are no membership formalities or fees.

IAGA Member Mailing List

If you want to get the latest IAGA news, you are invited to subscribe to the
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IAGA on Social Media

IAGA is also present on social media. The sites can be found at the following locations:

Enjoy, and consider sendig exciting IAGA Science or any topics of interest to the community that you'd like to see posted there to socialmedia@iaga-aiga.org.



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