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Friday, August 31, 2012

10 September

The teachers set a date. A few predictions:
  • Certain districts will probably have a few extra cars up since their high schools will be closed. Maybe that'll mean an easing of the Time Due policy?
  • To counter this anticipated use of our own time off, the Department will claim since all the children are out, about and away from their jailers free day care, all hands shall be on deck to counter the expected mayhem;
  • Wildings will pick up on weeknights. Weekend wildings will be more intense;
  • School Absentees will plunge to near zero, although we've never really written any Catholic or other private school students for some reason. We fully expect that to be the subject of that week's CompStat meeting. Some hapless Commander will take a verbal beating over the low numbers and no one will bother to tell McDoofus that CPS is on strike.
Anyone else want to guess at the impact a teachers strike will have? After all, it's been 25 years since the last one - that's longer than 80% of the people on the job.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The homicides will go fucking nuts!

8/31/2012 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm sure you're wrong, SCC. Library usage will be up. The Boys and Girls Clubs will be full. Cats will lie down with dogs... oh, who am I kidding? Juvenile shoplifting will go up by about 50%.

Guys, please remember to look out for the teachers and their parked cars. They usually picket around their own schools and some of those areas can be kind of ... well, fill in the appropriate blanks.

8/31/2012 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone else want to guess at the impact a teachers strike will have?

Crime is going to go UP!

Eerr.. Uuhhhh..I mean DOWN. Thats right Ramn, down.

8/31/2012 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Careful on the 11th DAH!!!!

8/31/2012 02:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring it FLOP and Firefighters should be out there too in Solidarity We're all in for the dubbing under Rham The Rat
Funny labor is the friend of the Democrats

8/31/2012 02:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The impact? A strike in ObaMAO's home town with his former chief of staff trying to run the city while wildings and murders are out of control and we're being mocked in The Onion?

Fucking priceless.

8/31/2012 02:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm Al Ghoul and Island Boy are going to take over teaching the little misdirected darlings to show those darn teachers how it's supposed to be done...

Since Rahm and Islander got to their lofty postitions by being the smartest mayor and school ceo ever...

*Cue laugh track*

8/31/2012 06:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every city worker should be out there in solidarity.

8/31/2012 06:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anyone else want to guess at the impact a teachers strike will have? "

Less money will be wasted and the kids will be smarter.

8/31/2012 06:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really hope the teachers are out on strike when the Mayor is giving his speech to the Democrat convention. He has done a really grand job running (ruining) this town.

8/31/2012 07:16:00 AM  
Blogger sharky said...

News this morning on Fox Chicago that Rahm is going to fire Jean Claude Brizzard, the school board CEO, after the strike is settledpposedly bad job performance, and hanging the strike on his neck.

8/31/2012 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous W.G.A.S. (who gives a shit) said...

Why would crime be any worse than it is now ? In case you had not noticed,the darlings have not been in school for the last 3 months.

8/31/2012 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first honor roll student kilt during school hours will be the last nail in 9.5s pol future.

8/31/2012 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question: Should CPD working side job security for CPS show up and protect teachers and teachers' property (i.e. cars)? I'm thinking of just not punching in at my school but I don't want administration to think I'm working. If they make a security call while all the extra non-union teachers' aides they hired are babysitting, should I go?

8/31/2012 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Parents are upset because they have to take responability for their savages!Though I hear CPS has a plan to keep feeding the little savages because the parents are too lazy and irresponsible....

8/31/2012 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They don't have the grapes....

8/31/2012 10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good, I for one hope the teachers do go on strike. The teachers though have to outline their grievances to the public- the city wants them to work more but not pay them. If they make that point with Joe Six Pack then it will resonate. It's an issue of fairness. Ask any Joe or Jane "would you think it's fair if your employer asked you to work an extra hour per day but they didn't pay you for it?". That is exactly what the city wants.

8/31/2012 11:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess what, if any of these little princes or princesses get killed duringthe strike, even if it is not during the school hours, it will now be the police and the teachers faults. If those greedy teachers didn't strike, lil pooh woulda dun had him some homeworks to be doing and he wouldna be finna to hang on da corner!

8/31/2012 01:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This threatened strike is wrong, just plain wrong. The mayor should get a court injunction, try to get Springfield to pass another law making strikes by teachers illegal, decertify the union and put Lewis in the slammer. The order the teachers back towork and fire all those that do not return. Hire more teachers. Teachers in this city have the highest pay and benefits and the shortest work day of any big city, not to mention the worst results.I and many taxpayers are sick and tried of their whinning.They are only for themselves not for the children of this city. The mayor must stand up to them and force needed changes now.

8/31/2012 03:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This threatened strike is wrong, just plain wrong. The mayor should get a court injunction, try to get Springfield to pass another law making strikes by teachers illegal, decertify the union and put Lewis in the slammer. The order the teachers back towork and fire all those that do not return. Hire more teachers. Teachers in this city have the highest pay and benefits and the shortest work day of any big city, not to mention the worst results.I and many taxpayers are sick and tried of their whinning.They are only for themselves not for the children of this city. The mayor must stand up to them and force needed changes now.

8/31/2012 03:18:00 PM

You're kidding, right?

8/31/2012 04:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How on earth can you say the teachers are doing a bad job because they have the worst results? By that logic one could say that we are doing an awful job because crime and homicides are up. Blame the students and their neglectful parents. There is a reason why schools assign HOMEwork to reinforce what they are attempting to teach the underfed and overly tired little cretins while at school. You are a knob.

8/31/2012 04:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teachers in this city have the highest pay and benefits and the shortest work day of any big city, not to mention the worst results.I and many taxpayers are sick and tried of their whinning.They are only for themselves not for the children of this city. The mayor must stand up to them and force needed changes now.

8/31/2012 03:18:00 PM

The children have nothing to do with this nor does the word greedy even apply. They are not going after anything less than what anyone else would expect. You want me to work 20% more, than the starting raise is at least +20%. Sure, they might make more than some teacher in a suburan farm town or whatever, but they are dealing with inner city attitudes and broken homes. That makes it a lot harder to teach. Dont buy into the BS that the smear campaign has said about the evil greedy teachers turning their backs on the poor children. Most teachers became teachers for the noble cause of teaching and guiding children. And many of them pay for their teaching aides out of their own pockets,,,, for the children. Just because they are not going to roll over and take whatever the city is trying to force them to take. The city continues to waste money (whats left after all the steal through connected deals etc..) on crap like a park for daleys wife (no matter how nice a lady she might have been, shes still just a crooked mayors wife), welfare b.s. (buying votes), bike lanes ($100k+ a mile might I add), etc. The point being that the city caused the very problem that it cites as the reason it cant give them an adequate raise (same for police, fire, and all city services). Thats not the teachers fault.
In private sector jobs, you dont have any recourse to fight what is offered by the management. They do, and they are using it.
Dont act like if you wouldnt be running screaming to your union to strike after such a low offer if you had one...

8/31/2012 05:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the corect spelling "M-c-D-o-o-f-a-s" or "M-c-D-u-f-a-s"?

I think the later with the "u" more correct as the the double "o" might lead people to give it a long "O" pronunciation.

8/31/2012 06:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8/31/2012 12:17:00 AM

Thats correct...look out for their cars.

If they don't have a City Sticker like you do, ticket them.

8/31/2012 06:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8/31/2012 10:41:00 AM

Tell ya what pal..

Since CPS has Union SEIU Security for all public schools....

Don't bother to show up...since we actually need you in your Squad Car in your Box doing your Primary "I sucked my Chinamans Dick" Job.



8/31/2012 06:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8/31/2012 06:19:00 AM


Did you see what the arbitrator offered CTU?

Something like 15% pay raise the first year of the contract with a 2 to 5 % back end in year 2...of the two year contract.

CTU said 'thanks no, we want more and a 4 year contract.'

When was the last time ANY city union got more than 10% contracted pay raise?

CPD and CFD get the shaft every contract time....and they can't strike so the city has no fear of anything other than Less Tickets.

8/31/2012 06:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

_Anonymous said...

This threatened strike is wrong, just plain wrong. The mayor should get a court injunction, try to get Springfield to pass another law making strikes by teachers illegal, decertify the union and put Lewis in the slammer. The order the teachers back towork and fire all those that do not return. Hire more teachers. Teachers in this city have the highest pay and benefits and the shortest work day of any big city, not to mention the worst results.I and many taxpayers are sick and tried of their whinning.They are only for themselves not for the children of this city. The mayor must stand up to them and force needed changes now.

8/31/2012 03:18:00 PM

hey asswipe, you go into a classroom overcrowded with 25- 30 kids and then talk you POS !! you obviously don't have a clue or are a city worker. and if you're tired of all the whining, then why don't you go back to where you came from( must b a suburbanite). if you're tired of all the whining , we're tired of getting shat on by these political hacks and you wonderful law abiding / tax paying idiots! you make it seem like we work for free. The city cries theres is no money but funny how theres 50 million dollars for a fucking park named after the last ass of a mayors wife, or 1 million dollars for some POS gangbangers that we haven't seen ( and look at how many murders they prevented as the end of business day today !!) or how about the $$$ that went for that organic bean in millenium park( that was our contract ). so in short FUCK YOU !!

and one more thing ! you mention Teachers in this city have the highest pay and benefits and the shortest work day of any big city, not to mention the worst results. " any big city" as you mention DOESN'T HAVE THE HIGHEST TAXES IN THE COUNTRY OR GAS PRICES YOU D'BAG!!

8/31/2012 06:31:00 PM  
Blogger Bats in the Belfry said...

Funny, when the teachers had a strike my freshman year of high school (early 80's)I was taken to the Art Institute and Orchestra Hall by my flute teacher. We were by no means rich but she had a child my age and thought we could do with cultural experiences. I was from a single parent household and still hold the memories of those trips and learning experience dear to my heart.

Why is it so impossible for church members and community members to engage and encourage young minds rather then let them run the streets?

8/31/2012 06:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
This threatened strike is wrong, just plain wrong. The mayor should get a court injunction, try to get Springfield to pass another law making strikes by teachers illegal, decertify the union and put Lewis in the slammer. The order the teachers back towork and fire all those that do not return. Hire more teachers. Teachers in this city have the highest pay and benefits and the shortest work day of any big city, not to mention the worst results.I and many taxpayers are sick and tried of their whinning.They are only for themselves not for the children of this city. The mayor must stand up to them and force needed changes now."

Hey, Stupid! Try, really try, to squeeze out enough juice from your teeny tiny brain to consider that if the teachers collective bargaining rights are taken away, so will yours.

You dumbass

8/31/2012 07:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

This threatened strike is wrong, just plain wrong. The mayor should get a court injunction, try to get Springfield to pass another law making strikes by teachers illegal, decertify the union and put Lewis in the slammer. The order the teachers back towork and fire all those that do not return. Hire more teachers. Teachers in this city have the highest pay and benefits and the shortest work day of any big city, not to mention the worst results.I and many taxpayers are sick and tried of their whinning.They are only for themselves not for the children of this city. The mayor must stand up to them and force needed changes now.

8/31/2012 03:18:00 PM

Hi Rahm, I didnt know you visited us here...

8/31/2012 07:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This threatened strike is wrong, just plain wrong. The mayor should...

8/31/2012 03:18:00 PM

Mr. Brizard, methinks thou dost protest too much.

8/31/2012 07:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

This threatened strike is wrong, just plain wrong. The mayor should get a court injunction, try to get Springfield to pass another law making strikes by teachers illegal, decertify the union and put Lewis in the slammer. The order the teachers back towork and fire all those that do not return. Hire more teachers. Teachers in this city have the highest pay and benefits and the shortest work day of any big city, not to mention the worst results.I and many taxpayers are sick and tried of their whinning.They are only for themselves not for the children of this city. The mayor must stand up to them and force needed changes

Thank you for your input RAHM!!

You just forgot to sign you name at the bottom of your rant!

8/31/2012 07:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:18, nice try.

And BTW, Emanuel is not going to Charlotte.

Bet your first born he stays home to solve the strike "for the children", and beat up the striking guards, I mean teachers.

8/31/2012 08:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This threatened strike is wrong, just plain wrong. The mayor should get a court injunction, try to get Springfield to pass another law making strikes by teachers illegal, decertify the union and put Lewis in the slammer. The order the teachers back towork and fire all those that do not return. Hire more teachers. Teachers in this city have the highest pay and benefits and the shortest work day of any big city, not to mention the worst results.I and many taxpayers are sick and tried of their whinning.They are only for themselves not for the children of this city. The mayor must stand up to them and force needed changes now.

8/31/2012 03:18:00 PM

How about the parents? You know, those folks who don't even know what grade their chilluns is in, those wonderful mommas who have 6 chilluns by six different men, all missing in action.

Any responsibility belong to the nonexistent family unit? Or is it totally the teacher's problem to raise the children for their wonderful parents?

Who is going to force the needed changes in parenting on the south and west side?

A co-worker cop was arguing with me recently that a two parent household wasn't really important. He was raised in Englewood by a mother only and never knew his father so how would he know how important it is to have a dad around. That is how they do it in the ghetto. Dad is never around. Dad is usually dead, in prison, shacking up with another woman or else pitching dope, drinking 40 ouncers or some other worthless activity. Anything but providing for their offspring.

8/31/2012 09:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm is too busy making commercials about giving people internet service to care about any of this crap.

Pookie needs facebook so he can schedule the next wilding, then check CTA train tracker to conveniently find the next northbound red line train.

8/31/2012 10:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

This threatened strike is wrong, just plain wrong. The mayor should get a court injunction, try to get Springfield to pass another law making strikes by teachers illegal, decertify the union and put Lewis in the slammer. The order the teachers back towork and fire all those that do not return. Hire more teachers. Teachers in this city have the highest pay and benefits and the shortest work day of any big city, not to mention the worst results.I and many taxpayers are sick and tried of their whinning.They are only for themselves not for the children of this city. The mayor must stand up to them and force needed changes now.

8/31/2012 03:18:00 PM

Again and again "for the children," sorry whoever you are! The teachers like police have a "contact" that rahm is violating! Karen Lewis your my idol strike that will show how strong CTU is we have your back at CPD!

8/31/2012 10:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

This threatened strike is wrong, just plain wrong. The mayor should get a court injunction, try to get Springfield to pass another law making strikes by teachers illegal, decertify the union and put Lewis in the slammer. The order the teachers back towork and fire all those that do not return. Hire more teachers. Teachers in this city have the highest pay and benefits and the shortest work day of any big city, not to mention the worst results.I and many taxpayers are sick and tried of their whinning.They are only for themselves not for the children of this city. The mayor must stand up to them and force needed changes now.

8/31/2012 03:18:00 PM

i presume you are not a teacher, or even an employed person.

you'll just have to get to sleep before the sun rises, honeybutt.

8/31/2012 11:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it so impossible for church members and community members to engage and encourage young minds rather then let them run the streets?

8/31/2012 06:54:00 PM

they can't teach what they don't know.

8/31/2012 11:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:18, nice try.

And BTW, Emanuel is not going to Charlotte.

Bet your first born he stays home to solve the strike "for the children", and beat up the striking guards, I mean teachers.

8/31/2012 08:36:00 PM

Emanuel is a featured speaker in Charlotte. He wants national exposure, as a springboard to something bigger and better than mayor of Chicago. He's going to Charlotte.

9/01/2012 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


He gets longer lasting benefits from images of him with his sleeves rolled up working at home for the kids then he does from a speech nobody will remember by Thursday.

It will become part of his schtick as a problem solver and the corporate media will document it thoroughly.

I say he stays home.

9/01/2012 07:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reposting this in here as well...OT- Thanks to the officer (peiknik sp?)at the desk in 19 for taking my late accident report from this morning's commute because CPD was not called, long story short everyone was cool/honest/not injured-except my whiplash(& not at fault w/the most damage). Yet dumb not to call 911. I admit I was in a rush, had to set up my classroom today due to no access over the weekend(Saturday before Labor Day was always open in years past). Anyway thanks, I know it was pain in ass on a Friday right after a Cub game with drunk idiots and it's moving time. Have a good Labor Day weekend!
-CTU teacher

PS- We appreciate all you guys do, solidarity! Thank you for the support as well.

9/01/2012 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police and Fire have NO leverage during any contract time with these thieving Politicians!

At least teachers can strike!
I'm glad to see a strike during Rahms tenure! Embarrass his stupid ass!

9/01/2012 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8/31/2012 12:17:00 AM

Thats correct...look out for their cars.

If they don't have a City Sticker like you do, ticket them.

8/31/2012 06:13:00 PM

And there is the truth.

CPS union and non-union alike think that the Residency wavier means they can slide on the City Employee Vehicle Sticker requirement.

I have a Ford (my wife's) and an Indian motorcycle, 125 a year just for the stickers. I was Asked my first Day of training if I had City Stickers on all my vehicles...and I watched 1 new employee get told to either buy them on site or no longer have a job offer.

So fuck CTU and CPS.

9/01/2012 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Officers & Firefighters for all your ernest support.

Fair Contract-Fair Working Conditions-Fair Pay!

We need LIVING WAGES! The City of Chicago. Highest Property Taxes, highest gas prices. Our wages barely cover us.

The Teacher

Nice said! "we teach what you arrest". from 8/31/2012 11:42:00 AM

9/01/2012 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teachers in this city have the highest pay and benefits and the shortest work day of any big city, not to mention the worst results.I and many taxpayers are sick and tried of their whinning.They are only for themselves not for the children of this city. The mayor must stand up to them and force needed changes now.

8/31/2012 03:18:00 PM

The children have nothing to do with this nor does the word greedy even apply. They are not going after anything less than what anyone else would expect. You want me to work 20% more, than the starting raise is at least +20%. Sure, they might make more than some teacher in a suburan farm town or whatever, but they are dealing with inner city attitudes and broken homes. That makes it a lot harder to teach. Dont buy into the BS that the smear campaign has said about the evil greedy teachers turning their backs on the poor children. Most teachers became teachers for the noble cause of teaching and guiding children. And many of them pay for their teaching aides out of their own pockets,,,, for the children. Just because they are not going to roll over and take whatever the city is trying to force them to take. The city continues to waste money (whats left after all the steal through connected deals etc..) on crap like a park for daleys wife (no matter how nice a lady she might have been, shes still just a crooked mayors wife), welfare b.s. (buying votes), bike lanes ($100k+ a mile might I add), etc. The point being that the city caused the very problem that it cites as the reason it cant give them an adequate raise (same for police, fire, and all city services). Thats not the teachers fault.
In private sector jobs, you dont have any recourse to fight what is offered by the management. They do, and they are using it.
Dont act like if you wouldnt be running screaming to your union to strike after such a low offer if you had one...

8/31/2012 05:20:00 PM

I support the teachers and Lewis. Strike on!! I don't buy into the bullcrap that its the teachers fault that grades and score are poor etc. I know people that have worked for CPS for 35 plus years and can tell you firsthand that many of the parents don't would not work with the teachers in getting their own children in line to do right in school. So my feelings are if you don't take the responsibility and be a parent to your child and make them do homework everyday, sit down in class and learn then fuck it...the teachers can't do anymore than what they can and that's reinforcing what the child should be practicing at home with his or her parents. They are not magicians, work-horses or damn slaves. So do what you have to do Ms. Lewis and take care of your teachers. The board tried to be slick and renege on hiring more teachers for the extra time and Ms. Lewis is telling them in a nice professional way..kiss my ass. Sure would be nice to have a Karen Lewis for FOP president!!

9/01/2012 02:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i loved the comment about the arbitrator offering teachers 15%...b/c the arbitrator offered teachers nothing...they said that's what the teachers deserved based on the amount of extra time they would be working - which Rahm shrugged off and thanked them for their opinion...

Some people need to really read the news, opeds, and editorials and stop watching FOX for their daily dose of biased media content...

teachers work their asses off - just like every other labored city employee. so the next time those posting negative comments about teachers go sit in their cozy little cubicle while shopping online at work, think about the people that work incredibly hard in an attempt to keep you safe and educate the ridiculous amount of children whose parents could care less about them - applaud the hard work these people do and support their fight.

9/01/2012 09:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Current Average Teacher Salary is $74,839 per year; and the Current average Administrators salary is $120,650 per year.

How long does it take a PO to hit 74k a year without OT? Or a CFD?

9/03/2012 05:40:00 PM  

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