Pilots for 9-11 Troof: No-Planers?
I love how he uses the term "alleged" when referring to the planes. Looks like they're arguing that the flights that hit the WTC weren't 767s. What a bunch of maroons!
Labels: Pilots for 9-11 Denial, Rob Balsamo
Labels: Pilots for 9-11 Denial, Rob Balsamo
I confess that I can't follow the math, but I'm going to link this debunking of Balsamo's claim that the g-forces required of AA-77 given the flight path are too high for the plane to withstand for those who can.
Balsamo came up with a radius of 2085 feet, which is less than 10% of the radius I calculated for a genuinely circular arc that connects the top of the VDOT antenna to level flight at the base of the Pentagon. My calculations are correct, so Balsamo either made a mistake in his measurement, or chose a flight path whose acceleration is ten times the acceleration required for a genuinely circular arc.
After adding 1 g for earth's gravity, Balsamo gets a total of 10.14 g. As shown above, the correct value for a circular arc that passes above the VDOT antenna and ends in level flight at the base of the Pentagon is 1.9 g. Balsamo's "corrected" calculation is off by a factor of 5.
The video amounts to an argument from authority. The self-assuredness of Balsamo's video monologue, combined with his sneering contempt for critics, is designed to convince viewers that he really does understand the physics and mathematics, while his detractors do not. In reality, Rob Balsamo is a former airline pilot with no discernible skills in mathematics or physics and a history of making outrageous mistakes in his calculations.
Labels: Pilots for 9-11 Denial, Rob Balsamo
Air America is doing a show on the "Pentagon Flyover" theory espoused by Craig Ranke, Rob Balsamo and others. I won't be appearing on the show, for several reasons:
I believe it is deeply unethical to broadcast and perpetuate the 9/11 claims of a few kooks, especially when these people have directly accused 9/11 victims, witnesses, and investigators of cowardice and lying. There is absolutely no justification for giving these people the attention they crave. It serves no rational cause. None.
Further, these people will never get the help they need if their fantasies and their disparaging of victims are encouraged. For that reason, I believe that giving them this attention is doubly unethical.
Labels: Air America, Citizen's Investigative Team, Craig Ranke, Mark Roberts, PentaCon, Rob Balsamo
To finish off a story that has been long in developing, we now have the documents showing when the air phones from American Airlines 77 were deactivated. This whole saga started when David Ray Griffin, in his book "Debunking 9/11 Debunking" claimed that AA 757s never had air phones. After we pointed out that they had them, but they were removed in the spring of 2002, he corrected himself, only to immediately turn around and decide that this was too big of a concession to reality and start trying to prove they didn't exist again.
Labels: Airfones, David Ray Griffin, Rob Balsamo
I listened to the MP3 of David Ray Griffin and Rob Balsamo talking about their newest airfone story. Most of it was pretty boring, the callers were pretty much limited to troofers calling in to pour adulations on Griffin's latest book. Griffin also repeated quoting the same Amazon.com review for what easily had to be the 10th time. They spend a lot of time complaining about the debunkers, and act indignant that we question their evidence, but yet imply that evidence that we haven't even presented yet must be fake.
Balsamo: I have a question, you know, these debunkers out there, if it is proven that this was an inside job, beyond a reason... beyond a doubt. I mean it's almost beyond a reasonable doubt right now. And we have the perpatrators names. I am wondering if these debunkers can be charged with obstruction of justice with their spin, and their tactics.
Swenson: Yeah, that is what I have been saying on this show is that these Fox News pundits, they get on there and they refuse to talk about 9/11 at all, and when they do, they bring us up and they call us names, but they never bring up any evidence.
Labels: David Ray Griffin, Rob Balsamo
I started a thread on this ealier on the JREF forum, but didn't want to make a blog post until I had done more research. In the tradition of Lauro Chavez and "Mike the EMT", the troofers have come up with yet another "whistleblower" this time an anonymous American Airlines mechanic who claims to have provided a page from a manual showing that airfones were not in place on AA 757s during the September 11th attacks. This document is used as the centerpiece for yet another article on the subject by David Ray Griffin, apparently retracting his previous retraction on the same subject, and Rob Balsamo.
Labels: David Ray Griffin, Rob Balsamo
Well I have to give him credit for being persistent. Even after being completely embarassed by having his no airfone on AA77 thing being proven wrong on this blog, even before the claim came out in his new book, he is still trying to desperately come up with evidence to support it. I came across this e-mail on a truther mailing list I am on:
The question has come up whether the Boeing 757s made for American Airlines (as distinct from those made for United Airlines) that would have been in service in 2001 had onboard (seat-back) phones. If they did not, then obviously Ted Olson’s claim about Barbara Olson’s call from a seat-back phone on AA Flight 77 cannot be true.
We know that they did not have them in 2004 (although the 767 and 777 did). But we cannot get any clear information about whether they had them in 2001. We received a purported email from a “Chad Kinder” in public relations for AA that said that they did not. But we have been unable to verify the authenticity of this email or even whether there is a Chad Kinder who works for AA.
It would seem that there were would be all sorts of people who could answer the question, including AA mechanics, pilots, and flight attendants. If any of you can help us get this answer---hopefully within the week---we would greatly appreciate it.
Yours truly,
Rob Balsamo and David Ray Griffin
Labels: David Ray Griffin, Pilots for 9-11 Denial, Rob Balsamo