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Sunday, May 15, 2011

9/11 Truth for Fun and Profit

From an article on a Richard Gage appearance in Minnesota. Not exactly Charlie Sheen money, but probably more than Gage ever got paid for 2 hours of his time as an architect.

Organizers of the St. Paul meeting said they paid Gage a $500 speaking fee. In return, they got more than two hours of Gage narrating a PowerPoint presentation of nearly 700 slides, which focused on the Twin Towers, as well as a third building nearby, the 47-story World Trade Center Building 7, which collapsed that day after catching fire.

According to Gage, eyewitness accounts, slow-motion video, technical analysis of the dust from the disaster site, suspicious reports from the media and the unlikely collapse of Building 7 all amount to "massive, overwhelming evidence" of a vast, sophisticated conspiracy involving controlled explosions set off inside the buildings.

"This is not America as we used to know it," Gage said. "We're not being told the truth about these events."

He invited audience members to sign his online petition, to give a tax-deductible donation to his organization and to buy his $20 DVD.

But 700 slides? Really? This guy needs to take a class on giving presentations. Guess it works for propaganda.



At 15 May, 2011 11:57, Blogger Dave Kyte said...

700 slides? If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, bury them in bullshit.

At 15 May, 2011 13:17, Blogger Triterope said...

Not exactly Charlie Sheen money, but probably more than Gage ever got paid for 2 hours of his time as an architect.

True, but you can't give speeches for 40 hours a week.

$500 is peanuts for a speaking appearance. Look up any speaker bureau on the Internet, fees pretty much start at $5,000. And that's for terrible stand-up comedians and other people you've never heard of.

I don't know whether to be offended that Richard Gage has managed to make a career out of this, or be happy that doing so will be a week-to-week struggle for incredibly meager fees.

Donate now to AE911Truth's Buy An Architect Lunch Program! Richard Gage's next meal might depend on it.

At 15 May, 2011 16:27, Blogger Ian said...

I don't know whether to be offended that Richard Gage has managed to make a career out of this, or be happy that doing so will be a week-to-week struggle for incredibly meager fees.

Gage appears to be no more successful as a charlatan than he was as an architect.

At 15 May, 2011 21:06, Blogger snug.bug said...

Gage uses sets of similar flip-book slides to create dynamic effects from still slides. That's why 700 slides. Maybe if you guys would actually watch his presentation, you would know what you are talking about.

At 15 May, 2011 22:55, Blogger snug.bug said...

DK, I challenged you to take the meanest, smartest, ugliest, biggest, hairiest, structural engineers you could find to go make a fool of the nicest guy in the world, Richard Gage.

I guess you couldn't find any who were man enough for the job?

At 15 May, 2011 23:01, Blogger sabba said...

Willie's Lying Bitch and Stalker, Brian Good, AKA snug.bug says: DK, I challenged you to take the meanest, smartest, ugliest, biggest, hairiest, structural engineers you could find to go make a fool of the nicest guy in the world, Richard Gage.
wow, is Gage going to be the next sexual fantasy for you????

At 15 May, 2011 23:09, Blogger roo said...


You're a pussy! Go away!

At 16 May, 2011 00:05, Blogger snug.bug said...

Woot! Youse prove my point!

At 16 May, 2011 04:23, Blogger Triterope said...

I challenged you to make a fool of Richard Gage.

I guess you couldn't find any who were man enough for the job?


At 16 May, 2011 04:45, Blogger Ian said...

DK, I challenged you to take the meanest, smartest, ugliest, biggest, hairiest, structural engineers you could find to go make a fool of the nicest guy in the world, Richard Gage.

I guess you couldn't find any who were man enough for the job?

Brian, my Uncle Steve challenged Richard Gage to a debate last June, but Gage refused. He doesn't have the guts to debate an actual engineer.

At 16 May, 2011 08:10, Blogger snug.bug said...

Pussies like Willie Rodriguez have to resort to demands for banning when they can't support their positions with facts and logical arguments.

TR, are you a pussy like Willie R?

At 16 May, 2011 08:36, Blogger roo said...


You are a pussy! Go away!

At 16 May, 2011 09:03, Blogger snug.bug said...

OK, whatever you say. Sorry, I did not mean to offend.

At 16 May, 2011 09:04, Blogger Dave Kyte said...

"DK, I challenged you to take the meanest, smartest, ugliest, biggest, hairiest, structural engineers you could find to go make a fool of the nicest guy in the world, Richard Gage."

I will do it myself, we can do it right after you take on WR. He may nice guy, very stupid but nice.

At 16 May, 2011 09:21, Blogger snug.bug said...

DK you had your chance. I gave you two weeks' notice on Gage's upcoming appearance in Detroit. You didn't go, you gutless wonder.

I have taken on Willie R for four years. I am here. The lying fraud is not.

At 16 May, 2011 09:24, Blogger snug.bug said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 16 May, 2011 09:26, Blogger snug.bug said...

In an email debate a couple of years ago witnessed by people such as Griffin and Jones, Reprehensor and Sheila Casey, I exposed Willie's fraudulence and he ran away and did not even try to defend himself. Kevin Barrett gave up trying to defend Willie and gave up trying to defend himself, leaving his rodeo clown Rolf Lindgren to deflect attention from the carnage.

At 16 May, 2011 09:31, Blogger Dave Kyte said...

DK you had your chance. I gave you two weeks' notice on Gage's upcoming appearance in Detroit. You didn't go, you gutless wonder"

I was committed to be in Peru Indiana for a test and tune event, and that take precedent over paying money to go listen to Gage and hope he will take my questions.

So why was I and several others skeptics banned from posting on the AE911truth Facebook Page? They can't even take it on the internet let alone live.

At 16 May, 2011 09:36, Blogger Dave Kyte said...

So I challenge Richard Gage to a debate. I am here, where is Gage?

We can do it on his facebook page, but the would have to reinstate my privileges to actually post on the AE911truth FB page. Talk about gutless people.

At 16 May, 2011 09:40, Blogger snug.bug said...

Well your argument about the boxes is so dumb that it's a waste of time to even read it. What else have you got?

At 16 May, 2011 09:45, Blogger Dave Kyte said...


Be careful here, they hate when you take issue with them, and will ban you. I posted a video of Gage doing his little Box Drop idiocy and now I can't post.

best to go here
They don't ban truther comment, but truthers do seem to cut and run, little cowards.

At 16 May, 2011 09:47, Blogger Dave Kyte said...

"Well your argument about the boxes is so dumb "

The entire box demo is stupid, that is why Gage will not put it on his FB page, even he knows how dumb it is.

At 16 May, 2011 09:59, Blogger Dave Kyte said...

And why such a coward hiding under the name "snug bug"? Did mom and dad threaten to kick you out if you continued to besmears the family name with you truther idiocy?

At 16 May, 2011 10:56, Blogger roo said...


You're a pussy! Why do you continue to post? There isn't a single person on God's green earth that respects you. Go away!

At 16 May, 2011 12:04, Blogger snug.bug said...

Roo, you seem to be one of the brighter posters in this forum. Do you think you could get Kanga and Eeyore to come by? It would much improve the quality of the discourse I'm sure.

At 16 May, 2011 12:57, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Would you like to improve the discussion at SLC, goat fucker?

The answer is simple: Slit your wrists and die. That should do it.

9/11 Sex Stalker Brian Good Unmasked!


At 16 May, 2011 13:43, Blogger Michael Lewis said...

The answer is simple: Slit your wrists and die. That should do it.

Or better yet snug, why not just start your own blog for chrissakes? You clearly think everybody else in the world is an idiot, and you'd have a place to ask important questions and have intelligent discussions. Plus it's free.

At 16 May, 2011 15:34, Blogger Pat said...

... go make a fool of the nicest guy in the world, Richard Gage.

1. Con-men always seem like the nicest guy in the world. It's a prerequisite for the occupation.

2. Why should anybody make a fool out of Gage? He does a terrific job of it all by himself.

At 16 May, 2011 15:45, Blogger Triterope said...

TR, are you a pussy like Willie R?


At 16 May, 2011 16:04, Blogger GuitarBill said...


Triterope is right, ban the goat fucker.

The goat fucker has talked out of both sides of his mouth for so long that there's no way we should let him live this down. On one hand he claims that he'll debate Willie "any time, anywhere," and then when challenged to do so, he moves the goal post and claims that he'll only debate Willie on Carol Broulliet's show, while the goat fucker knows very well that Carol Broulliet won't come within a mile of the goat fucker because he tried to wreck her marriage.

No way should we let this one go. Either the goat fucker debates Willie the Rod as he promised, or ban the idiot.

At 16 May, 2011 16:06, Blogger Ian said...

Brian, you still haven't told me why, if Gage is right, he refused to debate my Uncle Steve, who is an engineer.

At 16 May, 2011 17:29, Blogger snug.bug said...

GutterBall, you don't speak for Carol Brouillet. You guys in this echo chamber pretty soon are able to convince yourself of stuff that just ain't true.

At 16 May, 2011 18:00, Blogger Triterope said...

The goat fucker has talked out of both sides of his mouth for so long

Both sides of his mouth? You mean posting this shit that Willie Rodriguez won't debate him when he's trying to in the NEXT FUCKING THREAD?

Ban him. Now. This has gone on long enough.

At 16 May, 2011 18:03, Blogger Pat said...

Brian, I have access to emails from Carol where she talks about your obsession with her. Do you really want those posted here?

At 16 May, 2011 18:09, Blogger M Gregory Ferris said...

"Brian, I have access to emails from Carol where she talks about your obsession with her. Do you really want those posted here?"

*crossing fingers*

At 16 May, 2011 18:53, Blogger Triterope said...

Brian, I have access to emails from Carol where she talks about your obsession with her.

What would they tell us that we don't already know?

At 16 May, 2011 19:16, Blogger snug.bug said...

Pat, are you trying to blackmail me? How do you know these emails aren't as phony as Willie's hero tales?

And what relevance do they have to the fact that Willie is a liar and a fraud?

At 16 May, 2011 19:24, Blogger Triterope said...


At 16 May, 2011 21:33, Blogger Dave Kyte said...

"And what relevance do they have to the fact that Willie is a liar and a fraud?"

Of course he is, and that make him twice the man a poor retarded simpleton like you can ever be. The best truthers have to offer is liars like WR, con men like Gage and sad little mentally defective janitors like Brian Good.

That is why the truther thing has gone nowhere, people see the quality of the proponents, not as a cause, but the people it attracts.

At 16 May, 2011 22:12, Blogger Pat said...

Brian, they certainly have relevance to your challenge to Willie to debate you on Carol's show, since you know that Carol doesn't want to have anything to do with you.

Hence he can't debate you. In a way it's quite similar to Sibel Edmonds' promise to reveal all she knows if she gets on live, national network TV. Since no network would agree to that demand, she's free to lie that she's still the most gagged woman in history, and you're free to lie that Willie won't debate you.

At 16 May, 2011 23:54, Blogger GuitarBill said...


Let me at Sibel Edmonds, I'll gag her.


At 17 May, 2011 01:07, Blogger snug.bug said...

Pat, you don't speak for Carol Brouillet. When she realizes that the only response that Willie can offer to the proof that he lies is to lie about her, she'll see the need for edit power.

If Willie the Fraud has shared with you Carol's private emails without her permission, or even misrepresented them, he's already showing before any debate even starts what a scumbag he is.

At 17 May, 2011 07:48, Blogger snug.bug said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 17 May, 2011 07:49, Blogger snug.bug said...

GutterBall, Carol was complaining about my attitude. She was wrong about my attitude. The only behavior she complained of was that I was attacking W-Fraud and Barrett for their recklessness and dishonesty. I wasn't attacking Carol, but she felt I was because she had invested her energies heavily in both of them.

At 17 May, 2011 09:00, Blogger Unknown said...

Brian - you are mentally ill - seek professional help ASAP.

Pat/James - quit enabling this narcissistic psychopath's behavior.

At 17 May, 2011 11:26, Blogger Dave Kyte said...

So Brian we all would like to know, what defect in your DNA or upbringing make you such a failure as a man?

Hell you can't even get goofballs like Carol and Willie to have anything to do with you! You are a joke with the people who the competent world call jokes.

Was it a lack of oxygen at birth? Maybe your mom took too many drugs or drank too much while carrying you, that is why she takes care of you now? Knowing her lack of judgement made you the mentally challenged loser you are today.

I can say that because it is true, and your fellow truther idiots won't even defend you because they have met you and know what a retarded yutz you are.

At 17 May, 2011 12:36, Blogger snug.bug said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 17 May, 2011 13:04, Blogger snug.bug said...

DK, what gives you the idea I'm a failure? Why would I want to hang out with goofballs? I find all the goofballs I can stand right here.

At 17 May, 2011 13:45, Blogger Dave Kyte said...

DK, what gives you the idea I'm a failure?

The fact at 60 you still have mom and dad taking care of you because of your obviously challenged mental capacity. Being a janitor is nothing to brag about.

This is why the truther thing is going nowhere, it can only get losers like you and Gage to join.

The fact you say you will debate WR but when he accepts you chicken out. Afraid people will see what a sorry mental damaged person you are.

At 17 May, 2011 14:05, Blogger snug.bug said...

DK, I will debate W-Fraud only if a structure is worked out that will ensure that he doesn't hurt innocent third parties.

Pat's threat to publish private emails apparently shared with him by Willie shows that my concerns about this were justified.

I am not getting any reply from Wolsey, and 911blogger seems cool to the idea.

At 17 May, 2011 14:40, Blogger Pat said...

So Brian, how about if I contact Carol and ask her if she'd be willing to host your debate with Willie? And of course, I will post her response. I'm quite sure you'd be happy with that, right?

At 17 May, 2011 15:16, Blogger snug.bug said...

It's a free country, Pat. Please warn her that any statement she makes is for publication. For someone with such cynical theories about politics she's amazingly naive in real life.

You might also advise her that you have been provided with texts that are claimed by Willie R to be emails from her, and that you have threatened to publish them.

At 17 May, 2011 16:04, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian said: You might also advise her that you have been provided with texts that are claimed by Willie R to be emails from her, and that you have threatened to publish them.
wow! any evidence of that Brian? I have checked and re-checked every post by Pat and W-Rod and nowhere is an indication that Wrod provided that to PAt. In your sick mind , everything that threatens you has only one name. William Rodriguez.
Please post your evidence and I do wish that if WR have some e-mails and they are not marked confidential, to make them public to show how Liar have you been all along.
One day to go Brian.

At 17 May, 2011 16:06, Blogger GuitarBill said...



At 17 May, 2011 16:50, Blogger snug.bug said...

William_Rodriguez was publishing emails, and Pat was threatening to publish them. I assumed Pat got his from Willie. If I assumed wrong, well excyu-u-u-u-use me! BFD

At 17 May, 2011 17:56, Blogger paul w said...

Pat/James - quit enabling this narcissistic psychopath's behavior


At 17 May, 2011 17:59, Blogger Triterope said...

Pat/James - quit enabling this narcissistic psychopath's behavior.


And there are about four other seconds on the "debate" thread.

At 17 May, 2011 18:29, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Pat/James - quit enabling this narcissistic psychopath's behavior.


At 17 May, 2011 18:59, Blogger Dave Kyte said...

"DK, I will debate W-Fraud only if a structure is worked out that will ensure that he doesn't hurt innocent third parties."

The cowards excuse. Better come up with something better.

At 17 May, 2011 19:07, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Dave wrote, "...The cowards excuse. Better come up with something better."


Anyone who believes the goat fucker cares about "innocent third parties" is too naive to be let out alone at night.

At 17 May, 2011 19:12, Blogger snug.bug said...

That you guys are so flippant about collateral damage suggests that you've never had enough responsibility to do any.

At 17 May, 2011 19:26, Blogger Triterope said...


At 17 May, 2011 19:27, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Yeah, your career mopping floors is all we need to know that you're right, goat fucker.

And where's your concern for the families of the people who died on 9/11 while you defecate on their loved ones graves and apologize for Al Qeada?

Your self-serving motives are as transparent as the lies you tell for your Uncle Osama.

Go play in the freeway, goat fucker.

At 17 May, 2011 22:00, Blogger snug.bug said...

UtterFail, the ones who defecated on the victims' graves were the officials who ordered the WTC steel cleaned up in a "scoop and dump" operation instead of a scientific forensic examination. Harper's Magazine (ever hear of it?) reported that the complete body of a man in a business suit was found at the Fresh Kills landfill.

You let Ian go "The Widows will never get their questions answered--HA HA HA HAH!" without a word of criticism. You lie and lie and lie, and accuse me of being in league with terrorists when I question whether we're accusing the right ones.

You haven't the intelligence or the decency to be ashamed of yourself.

At 17 May, 2011 22:11, Blogger snug.bug said...

Narcissistic psychopath? Hey, I'm here to talk about 9/11, not me. If youse guys all want to gossip about me, how is that my fault?

At 17 May, 2011 23:23, Blogger William_Rodriguez said...

Thanks everybody for the effort.
I apologize to the readers for the lost of time and for the cat and mouse race. We have seen the obvious actions of a Liar, an alleged stalker, a deranged attacker who not only lie about others beside me, not matter in what side they are, who at the end, did not and I repeat did not dare to face me. Although he is now trying to make a new conspiracy with me and the JREF, Screwloosechange, Pat Curley, etc. I have to say for the record that since I came here, I have been treated with respect and with patience and the only bad behavior has been, surprisingly from a self named truther who does not represent anybody on the truth movement that he alleges to be a researcher for (What?!). Bad behavior from somebody whose insults in every sentence and then call to civility and gentlemanly behavior if a debate was possible, does not makes sense to anybody on any side of the fence.
Again, my apologies for all the lost time and for dealing with the obvious mental case named Brian Good. I learned a new lesson from all of you here, and I am not afraid to accept it.
Good luck in dealing with him.

At 17 May, 2011 23:47, Blogger GuitarBill said...

The Palo Alto Pud Huffing Pinocchio prevaricates, "...UtterFail, the ones who defecated on the victims' graves were the officials who ordered the WTC steel cleaned up in a "scoop and dump" operation instead of a scientific forensic examination."


I debunked this bullshit, lying propaganda two weeks ago, and now you're telling the same lie as though it was never DEBUNKED--you God damned fraud.

The steel was not removed in a "scoop and dump operation"--you lying piece of shit. The steel is stored by the NY & NJ Port Authority inside 80,000-square-foot warehouse inside Hangar 17 at the JFK Airport. In fact, the steel has been subjected to analysis by scientists from every corner of the United States.

"...To retrieve the steel, a crew from the countyā€™s Buildings and Grounds Division will drive today to Hangar 17 at the JFK Airport. An 80,000-square-foot warehouse, the hangar is where the Port Authority stores steel, ambulances, PATH turnstiles and other artifacts connected to 9/11 and the felled towers."

Mercer County to receive a 10-foot steel beam from World Trade Center for future memorial


Now get out of here--you God damned fraud, and never darken this forum with your degenerate, lying presence again--you anti-American Al Qaeda apologist.

Adios, pendejo!

Once again, you FAIL.

Grade: F-

Squirm, goat fucker, squirm--you lying weasel.

At 18 May, 2011 00:22, Blogger snug.bug said...

UtterFail, if "the steel" is in that warehouse, how come NIST couldn't find any steel samples that proves their case that fires weakened the core? None of their core samples showed hearing above 480 F.

Willie Fraud, why so quick to close down the debate offer? Can't you, the Truth Movement Darling, find one truth venue that will watch out for Carol's interests while you squash me, the Truth Movement Pariah, like a bug? Why not?

I reiterate my challenge from 3 years ago: if you ever appear in the Bay Area I will picket your venue, I will leaflet progressive events, and I will relish the opportunity to call you out for a liar to your face.

At 18 May, 2011 00:29, Blogger GuitarBill said...

"...UtterFail, if "the steel" is in that warehouse, how come NIST couldn't find any steel samples that proves their case that fires weakened the core? None of their core samples showed hearing above 480 F."

Moving the goal post again, psychopath?

I just proved that you're a liar, and citing another irrelevant lie--core elements were proven to have reached a temperature of 600 degrees by computer simulation--does nothing to prove that you didn't lie about the presence of WTC steel stored at at the JFK Airport inside Hanger 17.

Once again, you FAIL.

Grade: F-

Squirm, goat fucker, squirm--you lying weasel.

At 18 May, 2011 00:52, Blogger snug.bug said...

UtterFaIL, your inability to recognize that computer sims prove nothing shows your incompetence.

Computer sims are reverse-engineered. "The tower fell, so these temperatures must have been reached."

You're not very bright, are you?

At 18 May, 2011 01:04, Blogger sabba said...

Willies lying bitch Brian Good says:
... and I will relish the opportunity to call you out for a liar to your face. Yeah right, you have been owned, pawned , you are definitively Willie's bitch now. Willie made you his bitch , here, publicly, for everybody to see.
have fun with your fake bravado now, Bitch!

At 18 May, 2011 02:04, Blogger GuitarBill said...

"...UtterFaIL, your inability to recognize that computer sims prove nothing shows your incompetence."

Computer simulations "prove nothing"? Computer simulations are "reverse engineering"?

Says the incompetent psychopath, who knows absolutely nothing about modern engineering tools. Your claims are nothing more than slander and bullshit.

Practically every modern engineering design is the product of computer simulations. Computer simulations are employed to estimate the performance of all systems that are too complex for analytical solutions--including fire science.

Corporations pay over $100,000 per computer simulation license to provide engineers with an inestimable advantage over paper calculations. And you have the unmitigated gall to claim that "computer sims prove nothing"?

You're a fucking joke.

The opinion of a failed janitor as concerns the value of modern computer simulations isn't worth the ASCII characters you waste to post it.

I'm so FED UP with the never ending lies you tell that I could puke.

I have more brains in the quick of my index fingernail than you have in your empty, lying cranium--you two bit, skull fucked prevaricator.

Once again, you FAIL.

Grade: F-

Squirm, goat fucker, squirm--you lying weasel.

At 18 May, 2011 02:40, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Check it out folks!

Now the goat fucker is trying to tell us that the World Trade Center Towers had "170-something floors."


You idiot.

The World Trade Center Towers consisted of 110 stories per tower--you incompetent cretin.

So much for the goat fucker's claim to be an "expert on the construction of the World Trade Center Towers."


Once again, you FAIL.

Grade: F-

Squirm, goat fucker, squirm--you lying weasel.

At 18 May, 2011 09:14, Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 18 May, 2011 09:15, Blogger Grandmastershek said...

how come NIST couldn't find any steel samples that proves their case that fires weakened the core?

Why do you play these smoke and mirror games Brian? You know Astenah-Asl found such pieces because you have quoted him. Delusions are nothing to be so worked up about.

At 18 May, 2011 09:47, Blogger snug.bug said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 18 May, 2011 09:49, Blogger snug.bug said...

UtterFail, you really should try going to bed at night instead of cracking open another 12-pack.

At 18 May, 2011 09:59, Blogger snug.bug said...

Sabba, I'm nobody's bitch. In fact I have pwned Willie in one sentence:
If he saved hundreds on the 39 floors where he opened doors, then thousands should have died on the 130-something floors below the impact zone that he never reached--and they didn't.

If Willie wants to set something up that ensures that there won't be collateral damage, I'm game. The fact that he can't get any cooperation from the truth movement for his bullshit and must resort to the sponsorship of a debunker site speaks volumes.

UtterFail, the validity of computer sims depends on the
validity of the input parameters.
Yes, honest sims provide honest answers. NIST simply upped the input parameters until they got the desired results. That's dishonest, and that's why computer sims prove nothing.

There were 170-something floors under the impact zones, GutterBall. There were 15,000 civilians on those floors. About 14,900 of them were successfully evacuated.

Did anybody ever tell you you're really not very bright?

GMS, Dr. Astaneh-Asl's samples do not prove that fire weakened the steel, and that's why NIST pretended these samples did not exist. Dr. Astaneh-Asl's samples show the "deepest mystery" of unknown incendiaries.

At 18 May, 2011 10:21, Blogger GuitarBill said...

"...UtterFail, the validity of computer sims depends on the
validity of the input parameters.
Yes, honest sims provide honest answers. NIST simply upped the input parameters until they got the desired results. That's dishonest, and that's why computer sims prove nothing."

"input parameters"?

You have no idea what you're talking about. Simulations aren't on based "input parameters," they're based on modeling data. (The two are NOT the same).

Furthermore, you've offered not one iota of evidence that "NIST simply upped the input parameters until they got the desired results". That's a bald-faced lie.

Prove it, scumbag.

"...There were 170-something floors under the impact zones, GutterBall. There were 15,000 civilians on those floors. About 14,900 of them were successfully evacuated."

Another bald-faced lie. Willie the Rod saved 15 people from the North Tower, and the North Tower only. He could never have affected the outcome of the rescue operation the South tower. Either you know nothing about Willie's story or, more likely, you're lying through your terracotta teeth.

Did anyone ever tell you that you're a psychopath?

And as I've told you at least a dozen times, goat fucker, I don't drink, and I never have been a drinker. In fact, I was working on a computer cluster halfway around the World. As a result, I was forced to work off hours because I can only access the cluster at certain times of the day. Again, you have not a clue about the reality of computer security consulting, and you never will, so STFU and stick to that which you understand, goat fucker: Lying about the events of 11 September 2001.

Once again, you FAIL.

Grade: F-

Squirm, goat fucker, squirm--you lying weasel.

At 18 May, 2011 10:49, Blogger GuitarBill said...

"...If Willie wants to set something up that ensures that there won't be collateral damage, I'm game. The fact that he can't get any cooperation from the truth movement for his bullshit and must resort to the sponsorship of a debunker site speaks volumes."

Another red herring. You couldn't give a rat's ass about "collateral damage." After all, you're a psychopath; thus, the only person in the World you give a damn about can found between your computer's keyboard and your chair.

Furthermore, Willie doesn't need the troofers. After all, according to two newspapers, Willie the Rod has "raised 122 million dollars for the victims of 9/11."

And I quote: "...Pero Ā«el que limpiaba las escalerasĀ», como Ć©l mismo se define, ahora habla de leyes, se ha convertido en lĆ­der de las vĆ­ctimas hispanas, para quienes ha recaudado 122 millones de dĆ³lares, y se ha querellado contra la AdministraciĆ³n Bush por complicidad con los atentados."



If the troofers have collected a tiny fraction of that amount for any purpose (and they have not), I'd be shocked.

Once again, you FAIL.

Grade: F-

Squirm, goat fucker, squirm--you lying weasel.

At 18 May, 2011 11:01, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Sorry, I forgot to translate the Spanish to English.

"..."...Pero Ā«el que limpiaba las escalerasĀ», como Ć©l mismo se define, ahora habla de leyes, se ha convertido en lĆ­der de las vĆ­ctimas hispanas, para quienes ha recaudado 122 millones de dĆ³lares, y se ha querellado contra la AdministraciĆ³n Bush por complicidad con los atentados.""

"...But 'the guy who cleaned the stairs,' as he describes himself, now speaks of laws, has become a leader of the Hispanic victims of 9/11, for whom he has raised $122 million, and has sued the Bush Administration for complicity with the attacks."


"...Trabajaba como limpiador de las Torres Gemelas. El 11-S cambiĆ³ su vida. William RodrĆ­guez se convirtiĆ³ en un superviviente de los trĆ”gicos atentados en Nueva York. Reconocido como hĆ©roe nacional por ayudar en el rescate, posteriormente recaudĆ³ 122 millones de dĆ³lares para los que, como Ć©l, perdieron todo ese fatĆ­dico dĆ­a."

"...He worked as a cleaner of the Twin Towers. The events of 9/11 changed his life. William Rodriguez became a survivor of the tragic attacks in New York. Recognized as a national hero who helped in the rescue, subsequently raised $122 million for survivors who, like himself, had lost everything that fateful day."


At 18 May, 2011 11:19, Blogger snug.bug said...

UtterFail, it's a waste of time trying to prove anything to you. If I did, you'd only lie about it, blow semantical smoke, and bury it under verbosity.

It seems you lack the scientific acumen to recognize the statistical validity of comparing survival rates on Willie's 39 floors to the comparable 129 floors he did not reach. There was no difference. If you want to restrict the sample to the north tower, there is also no difference.

GutterBall, I care deeply about collateral damage because unlike you, I have had sufficient responsibility in my life to be capable of it and to see some. Also, I've been a victim of it.

The sole basis for the claim of Willie having raised $122 million was his claim at the Los Angeles symposium in 2006. "Donā€™t take my word for itā€”go on the internet," he said. "Do your own research. Youā€™ll find it there." I looked it up. It's not there.


It's funny, Bill. You're a Willy-Worshipping believer, as Willy-Silly gullible as the truthers are.

At 18 May, 2011 11:46, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Your first paragraph is just the kind of cop out I expect from a psychopath. You know nothing about computer simulation and you're lying about NIST's results.

The second paragraph is a nothing more than gobbledegook. Willie the Rod's claim that he reached the 39th floor is verified by eyewitness testimony.

The third paragraph is nothing but a pack of lies. The most responsibility you've ever had is to a broom--and you failed at that assignment. You're merely moving the goal post in order to come up with an excuse to aviod all real debate with Willie the Rod. Thus, you're a coward and a liar.

I'm not a "Willy worshiper" at all. The fact is that he's a hero who saved the lives of 15 people on that day. No sane or decent person questions that Willie is a hero, and the people he saved bring the lie to your hateful propaganda. I don't believe he was right to claim the Bush administration was complicit in the attacks, but that's another situaltion entirely. You, on the other hand, are a proven liar. Thus, I believe not a word that emanates from your filthy maw.

And if you're looking for a "Willie worshiper", gay boi, have a good, long look in the mirror.

Once again, you FAIL.

Grade: F-

Squirm, goat fucker, squirm--you lying weasel.

At 18 May, 2011 11:53, Blogger snug.bug said...

UtterFail, you know nothing about my CV, and the fact that you have been able by repetition to convince yourself that you do only shows your talents in self-deception.

Willie didn't save the lives of 15 people. There were 14 people in the office with him. He led them to the street. They already knew their way to the street.

In his federal lawsuit he claimed that he had "single handedly rescued fifteen (15) persons". It was a lie.

The fact that he never acknowledged Pablo Ortiz's heroism after stealing his story is damning.

At 18 May, 2011 12:13, Blogger GuitarBill said...

"...UtterFail, you know nothing about my CV..."

Failed janitors don't have CV's you lying prat.

"...Willie didn't save the lives of 15 people."

Says the compulsive liar, sex predator and psychopath.

Once again, you FAIL.

Grade: F-

Squirm, goat fucker, squirm--you lying weasel.

At 18 May, 2011 12:25, Blogger snug.bug said...

UtterFail, you can't prove your claim that Willie saved the lives of 15 people. Ask him to prove it. He can't. He helped to evacuate Felipe David, he helped get two people out of an elevator, and he showed his 14 uninjured coworkers how to get out of the building when they already knew how to get out of the building.

His claim is a lie. That's why John Schroeder makes fun of him, crediting Willie with saving 15 firefighters that Willie never saved, and who in fact left the rubble of the building several hours after the "Last Man Out" did.

At 18 May, 2011 12:43, Blogger GuitarBill said...

"...UtterFail, you can't prove your claim that Willie saved the lives of 15 people. Ask him to prove it. He can't."

Yeah, that explains why the firefighters who accompanied him up the stairs have never brought his story into question.

You're an idiot--not to mention as petty as a scorned woman.

Get a life--you freak.

At 18 May, 2011 12:49, Blogger snug.bug said...

The firefighters who walked up the stairs with Willie died, UtterFail, and he did not, and he goes around bragging and lying about it for money.

At 18 May, 2011 12:58, Blogger Triterope said...


At 18 May, 2011 13:01, Blogger GuitarBill said...

"...The firefighters who walked up the stairs with Willie died, UtterFail."

Liar. Prove it.

(I won't hold my breath waiting for evidence, either. After all, you'll merely change the subject as you always do when your back's against the wall.)

At 18 May, 2011 13:14, Blogger snug.bug said...

Oh, the firefighters didn't die? Then where are the ones who verify Willie's claims? There aren't any. Check out John Schroeder's story for starters.

At 18 May, 2011 13:54, Blogger GuitarBill said...

That's not evidence, goat fucker. That's an evasion.

Put up or shut up. You made a direct assertion. Prove it, or you stand exposed, once again, as a scurrilous liar.

At 18 May, 2011 14:14, Blogger snug.bug said...

Two can play this game, UdderFoal.

You asserted: "The firefighters who accompanied him up the stairs have never brought his story into question."

Prove it or STFU. Who were these firefighters and how do you know that what you claim is true?

At 18 May, 2011 14:21, Blogger GuitarBill said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 18 May, 2011 14:22, Blogger GuitarBill said...

Logic is your friend, goat fucker. Give it a try sometime--you stupid prat.

At 18 May, 2011 14:24, Blogger GuitarBill said...

More bullshit, weasel?

The anwer is simple. They have never said word one to bring his claims into question.

Your assertion should be easy to prove. If the firefighters perished in the conflagration, you should have no problem identifying the firefighters and proving they perished.

Otherwise, your assertion is nothing more than your worthless, unqualified and unprofessional opinion.

Once again, you FAIL.

Grade: F-

At 18 May, 2011 14:37, Blogger snug.bug said...

UtterFail, they can not be expected to bring Willie's claims into question if they're dead. They have not verified Willie's claims either.

At 18 May, 2011 14:39, Blogger snug.bug said...

I know which firefighters died. I don't know which ones were with Willie.

At 18 May, 2011 14:44, Blogger GuitarBill said...

"...I know which firefighters died. I don't know which ones were with Willie."

If you don't know which firefighters were with Willie, it's illogical, not to mention dishonest, to claim that they're dead.

You couldn't pass a formal examination in elementary logic.

Once again, you FAIL.

Grade: F-

At 18 May, 2011 15:24, Blogger snug.bug said...

I think it was Willie that told me they were dead. It's sometimes difficult to distinguish Willie from his sock puppets because they share the same grammatical tics.

At 18 May, 2011 15:31, Blogger Triterope said...


At 18 May, 2011 16:52, Blogger GuitarBill said...

"...I think it was Willie that told me they were dead."

Oh, now its Willie's fault that you tried to pass off your idiotic opinion as "fact"?

An ever-shifting rational is the defining characteristic of a liar.

Once again, you FAIL.

Grade: F-

At 18 May, 2011 18:30, Blogger snug.bug said...

Gosh, those shifting rationals. I hate it when that happens. Aren't you late for a MESA meeting?

At 18 May, 2011 23:12, Blogger sabba said...

hey Brian the lying Yenta, any luckgetting visibilty9/11 or 9/11blogger to host you? Buahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa

At 19 May, 2011 06:37, Blogger snug.bug said...

Well, sabba, I think the reason they don't want to host the debate is because they've known for a long time that Willie is a liar, they knew I was going to take Willie apart, and they didn't think that was good for the movement.

Why do you think they won't do it? If Willie's a hero and I'm a pariah, wouldn't they want to have the debate to boost Willie and trash me?

Is it true that Willie is going to buy Pablo Ortiz's family a new Prius to try to make up for the fact that he stole Mr. Ortiz's story?

At 19 May, 2011 07:48, Blogger William_Rodriguez said...

My bitch Brian Good says:Well, sabba, I think the reason they don't want to host the debate is because they've known for a long time that Willie is a liar, they knew I was going to take Willie apart, and they didn't think that was good for the movement.
Not so, They do not want YOU is the answer Brian Good, they do not respect you and they think that to give you a platform is to allow an idiot to mumble idiocy.
You were the one who said who needed time to arrange anything with them Remember? When I told you I called Michael Wosley, you wanted to take the ball and go home. Is like when I called Carol last Sunday to verify and validate the fact that she does not talks to you or wants anything to do with you. Nobody wants you Brian, not even your family. Get a life. I am married and so is Carol, we do not want you either.
And by the way, I know the family of Hero Pablo Ortiz and guess what, I invited them to read here also, so go ahead and have luck trying to babble your BS for their family here. They know me better and respect all the work I do. That is your problem, you do not talk for us, the victims, the survivors or the Widows.
I bet you I can get any coverage I want in visibility911 and 911blogger any time I want. You? I totally doubt it. Wanna bet?

My bitch Brian Good says:Why do you think they won't do it? If Willie's a hero and I'm a pariah, wouldn't they want to have the debate to boost Willie and trash me?

I can get any coverage there as I told you, why will I need a piece of trash to get anywhere? You claimed that YOU needed time to work details with those two places and I proved you lied about that too.

Is it true that Willie is going to buy Pablo Ortiz's family a new Prius to try to make up for the fact that he stole Mr. Ortiz's story?

See what I mean. ( I am so sorry for you ELAINE)

So, do you want to bet about those 2 websites? I do not think so. You know better than that.

At 19 May, 2011 09:34, Blogger snug.bug said...

William, I may be your dream-bitch but I am not now and have not ever been anyone's bitch. I know you are trying to provoke me into saying something that can be construed as homophobic, but I'm not going to take the bait.

You're repeating your usual magic-show pattern of deflecting attention elsewhere: you can talk on blogger, on vis911, you can bring a film crew and humiliate me, we can have a Debatapalooza, the answers are in a videotape that's being processed. You never deal with the issues here and now.

I don't mumble. I demolish your case in three bulletproof and succinct points:

1. You stole the story of Pablo Ortiz, a 9/11 hero who saved dozens of people by breaking down doors and letting trapped people out and who died himself when WTC1 fell down.

2. Your claim that you saved hundreds is verified by no one, proven by death statistics to be untrue, and depends on a belief that any fireman, cop, security guard, janitor, or architect can see in an instant is a lie--the notion that people were trapped behind locked fire exit doors waiting for an Angel of God with a Key of Hope to come and set them free.

3. Since the summer of 2007 you have been using Carol Brouillet as a human shield to try to intimidate me and to distract from your lies and delay the day when your fraudulence is exposed to all.

Lying about 9/11 in order to induce people to give you money makes you a common criminal, makes your admirers look like gullible fools, and corrupts the truth movement leaders who know you're a liar but who tolerate your discrediting antics whether they do so for pity or fear.

I'm not out to destroy you. I feel sorry for you. Be a man, hero: face the music, admit you lied, examine why you lied (because you can't change what happened that day, because your admirers needed you so much), move on, make up for it, apologize to the dead whose glory you stole. You can be a real hero instead of a fake one if you do that.

At 19 May, 2011 10:38, Blogger snug.bug said...

Also, Willie, maybe this will make it easier: You've got everything to gain and nothing to lose by admitting that you lied--because everybody already knows anyway.

At 19 May, 2011 16:02, Blogger sabba said...

Brian the bitch says:
1. You stole the story of Pablo Ortiz, a 9/11 hero who saved dozens of people by breaking down doors and letting trapped people out and who died himself when WTC1 fell down.
with the permission of the Ortiz Family reading this post, let me address the stalker.

Hey asshole, we allrespect andadmire Ortiz sacrifice, you are the one desecrating his memory with stupid conspiracy theories, idiotic statements, apologizing for Al Qaeda, Bin Laden and other terrorists, also didn't you say, there was no need to break down doors? people could come out easily out of the offices? you are such a piece of garbage using the 9/11 widows as an excuse to sell your theories of a government involvement in the death of Hero Pablo Ortiz.
Now gorw a pair of youknowwhat and admit you ran away from Rodriguez and did not dared to face him on a debate. Of course you have everything to gain since everybody knows you are a scared rat.

At 19 May, 2011 19:17, Blogger GuitarBill said...

"...Since the summer of 2007 you have been using Carol Brouillet as a human shield..."

Projecting again, goat fucker?

At 19 May, 2011 23:04, Blogger sabba said...

Damn Brian, you looked like an idiot tonight at the event in Oakland.
Did you recognized me?

At 20 May, 2011 00:43, Blogger snug.bug said...

I did. I saw a paper plate smeared with curry and grease, and I said to myself "Gosh, could that be sabba?"

Taking out the trash is a dirty and thankless task, but somebody's got to do it or it starts to stink up the place.

At 20 May, 2011 00:54, Blogger sabba said...

Lol! yes! but if you turn it around you will see that the name Brian Good was under it.

How come Carol did not talk to you tonight bitch?

At 20 May, 2011 00:56, Blogger sabba said...

Brian the Lying bitch says:

"Taking out the trash is a dirty and thankless task, but somebody's got to do it or it starts to stink up the place."
I see you are recognizing my job here. Thanks!

...but I have not finished with you, I still have many more questions...

At 20 May, 2011 00:57, Blogger sabba said...

Hey Brian, did you ask Carol tonight to have you on the show?
Maybe Bowman can debate you.

At 20 May, 2011 01:45, Blogger snug.bug said...

Sabba, Dr. Bowman and I would have little to debate other than his inexplicable support for the liar and 9/11 lunatic Kevin Barrett.

At 20 May, 2011 07:32, Blogger sabba said...

Willie's Bitch, Brian Good aka:snug.bug said...

Sabba, Dr. Bowman and I would have little to debate other than his inexplicable support for the liar and 9/11 lunatic Kevin Barrett.

HAHAHHA another activist not supporting you as I can see.

But you did not answer my previous question Brian, did you ask Carol last night to have you on the show?

How is it going with your negotiations with 9/11blogger and visibility911?
When can we see you there debating anyone??? NEVER, we know! and as Rodriguez bet you, you will not get respected attention in any of those two sites and your hunk of latin man (your words) will do.

At 20 May, 2011 07:35, Blogger sabba said...

so Brian, where you there to listen to Bowman or to stalk Carol?

At 20 May, 2011 07:36, Blogger sabba said...

or maybe stalk both of them, since they both support Wrod?

At 20 May, 2011 07:40, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sabba, I have to give it to you bro, you really know how to engage the idiot and get him to continue to look like an asshole. You have also been successful in showing all the lies and the pussy this guy really is, all the way down to your effort to call and validate your statements, something we have never ever seen from Brian Good. Keep going! you are doing a terrific job with Willie's bitch.

At 20 May, 2011 07:46, Anonymous Anonymous said...

@Ian and Guitarbill, where are you? we miss your snappy statements also, you both have also have been great on activating the anger, frustration and ridiculous statements from Brian Good. I am putting a good research of most of his statements to make it easily researchable and quotable and all I can see is total obsession! It will be available soon on my blog.

At 20 May, 2011 09:32, Blogger snug.bug said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 20 May, 2011 09:34, Blogger snug.bug said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 20 May, 2011 10:12, Blogger snug.bug said...

Sabba, the event last night was standing room only and a very happy occasion for all. The subject of Willie R brings up very painful memories for Carol, and I didn't bring it up. One locally prominent activist offered to moderate a debate on Carol's show. I'm not sure that would be fair to Willie, because he's a friend of mine. Other than that, the subject of Willie never came up.

I don't see the debate as an issue because my three points (Ortiz, death stats, and human shield) knocked Willie out of the park right here. There's really nothing to debate except whether I am a popcorn doo-doo-head or an oatmeal doo-doo-head, and I don't think that subject interests many outside of this very limited group here.

I went to the event to hear what the "Creating A New Path To Peace and Prosperity" program was, and to catch up with old friends I haven't seen in a while. It was fun. It was nice to see Dr. Bowman hale and hearty, because the last time I saw him he had some serious health concerns. It's always fun to be around smart, principled people who are involved in important and interesting work.

At 20 May, 2011 10:42, Blogger sabba said...

Willie's Bitch, Brian Good AKA punsuxtawneybarney and snug.bug says:"... Willie R is a very painful subject for Carol, and I saw no reason to bring it up.

Correction, you are a very painful subject for Carol to deal with, that is why she does not talks to you and avoids you. I know, I also have seen it. Try to prove me wrong. Get Carol to post anything positive about you at all. It will not happen. We know it. We call people and WROD called Carol and challenged you to call her as well. You did not and you will not.

One prominent activist suggested that he moderate the debate on Carol's show.

Sure Brian and that activist will be you correct?

I'm not sure that would be fair to Willie, because he's a friend of mine.
Brian, you do not have any friends. You have acquaintances, and all your so-called "friends" have told you that you are obsessed with Rodriguez and to drop the issue. All of them.

I don't see the debate as an issue because my three points (Ortiz, death stats, and human shield) knocked Willie out of the park right here.

You will never be signed up for Major league with those 3 points. The ball was in your court but instead of hitting it, you ran away from it.

There's really nothing to debate except whether I am a popcorn doo-doo-head or an oatmeal doo-doo-head, and I don't think that subject interests many outside of this very limited group here.

Finally you have recognized the reality.
Must be all the turn downs YOU got, and that Willie made you look like a fool after you spewed the same shit over and over.
...and I don't think that subject interests many outside of this very limited group here.
What a change! there is some hope from you.

We are still waiting your results to the other challenge Willie made about visibility911 and 911blogger, he said he can get any time, any coverage there and you will not. It is obvious he does not needs you for publicity.

At 20 May, 2011 11:18, Blogger snug.bug said...

Sabba, I'm not going to gossip about Carol.

My specialty in the last couple of years has been going after people who lie about 9/11: Rice, Sunder, Gross, Robertson, Zelikow, most of y'all here at SLC, Balsamo, Ranke, Barrett, Rodriguez.

When he can, Willie lets others do his lying for him--e.g. the Los Angeles presentation where Alex Jones tells whopper after whopper in the introduction.

I am not obsessed with Willie, only thorough. I want truthers to understand the dangers of promoting his offensive, fraudulent, and stupid tales. I want the media to understand that he's dishonest and not credible.

I didn't run away from anything. I was advised not to debate in a SLC forum, and when I considered that SLC's obvious agenda was to cause maximum damage to the truth movement I agreed that it would not be wise. I tried to set up an alternative forum and apparently neither they nor Willie were interested.

My three points are irrefutable: He stole Pablo Ortiz's story, his central claims of hundreds saved and 15 rescued are proven to be lies, and in a cowardly fashion he employed a human shield to deflect criticism from himself.

Pablo Ortiz is history--a true hero for all time. Willie Rodriguez is history too--a failed con artist forever unless he comes clean, makes up for it, and tries to make something more of himself than the common incompetent fraudster he now is.

At 20 May, 2011 11:33, Blogger GuitarBill said...

"...My specialty in the last couple of years has been going after people who lie about 9/11..."

Says the psychopath and proven liar.

The goat fucker is living proof that a man can live without a conscience and a brain.

At 20 May, 2011 14:07, Blogger sabba said...

Willie's Bitch, Brian Good, Aka Punsuxtawneybarney and Snug.bug says"
I want the media to understand that he's dishonest and not credible.
Right MR. Adviser. He is still commanding attention from media around the wold , and sadly the only attention you get is that one of being called a stalker and a lying Yenta. Your Id's all over exposed and your agenda of obsession clearly demonstrated.

I didn't run away from anything. I was advised not to debate in a SLC forum, and when I considered that SLC's obvious agenda was to cause maximum damage to the truth movement I agreed that it would not be wise.

Sure, blame us from Willie's Challenge against you in a neutral place. Blame Pat Curley to outreach to William, we know that did not happened, blame me for calling some of your lies and exposing them here. You never called, Glenn Zarmanoff when you stated lies about his event. I did. You never called C-Span to validate your claims about blaming Rodriguez for their non coverage of bs. I did and was told good things of WR. They never heard about you either, up until today, you still have not called C-Span. You never called Carol to ask for a radio interview and to corroborate things about you, William did, you did not.
Carol does not talks to you and will never have you on her show, so your lame excuse was obvious to everyone here.

You never called visibility911, William did call Michael Wolsey and proved you lied about it. You did not call them either. You are not invited there.
You also claimed 911blogger as another possible place. You never contacted them and WR did and challenged you to get coverage there. You will not.
You tried to use the story of Hero Ortiz and then you were exposed about your lies with the same story thanks to the New York Times article that I provided. Willie invited the family here. You did not and you did not call them, also you do not talk for the Hero Ortiz and you do not speak for the 9/11 widows either. You have not called them either.

You claimed : " I tried to set up an alternative forum and apparently neither they nor Willie were interested. Not so, you were scared to a face to face debate and only wanted a place were you can edit negative comments about you.

...I was advised not to debate in a SLC forum
Sure, we believe you Mr.
"I am an independent researcher who does not need anybody in the truth movement...

Take our advise...Get Professional help!

At 20 May, 2011 14:24, Blogger snug.bug said...


At 20 May, 2011 16:30, Blogger sabba said...

Willie's Bitch, Brian Good, Aka Punsuxtawneybarney and Snug.bug says"
I want the media to understand that he's dishonest and not credible.
Right MR. Adviser. He is still commanding attention from media around the wold , and sadly the only attention you get is that one of being called a stalker and a lying Yenta. Your Id's all over exposed and your agenda of obsession clearly demonstrated.

I didn't run away from anything. I was advised not to debate in a SLC forum, and when I considered that SLC's obvious agenda was to cause maximum damage to the truth movement I agreed that it would not be wise.

Sure, blame us from Willie's Challenge against you in a neutral place. Blame Pat Curley to outreach to William, we know that did not happened, blame me for calling some of your lies and exposing them here. You never called, Glenn Zarmanoff when you stated lies about his event. I did. You never called C-Span to validate your claims about blaming Rodriguez for their non coverage of bs. I did and was told good things of WR. They never heard about you either, up until today, you still have not called C-Span. You never called Carol to ask for a radio interview and to corroborate things about you, William did, you did not.
Carol does not talks to you and will never have you on her show, so your lame excuse was obvious to everyone here.

You never called visibility911, William did call Michael Wolsey and proved you lied about it. You did not call them either. You are not invited there.
You also claimed 911blogger as another possible place. You never contacted them and WR did and challenged you to get coverage there. You will not.
You tried to use the story of Hero Ortiz and then you were exposed about your lies with the same story thanks to the New York Times article that I provided. Willie invited the family here. You did not and you did not call them, also you do not talk for the Hero Ortiz and you do not speak for the 9/11 widows either. You have not called them either.

You claimed : " I tried to set up an alternative forum and apparently neither they nor Willie were interested. Not so, you were scared to a face to face debate and only wanted a place were you can edit negative comments about you.

...I was advised not to debate in a SLC forum
Sure, we believe you Mr.
"I am an independent researcher who does not need anybody in the truth movement...

Take our advise...Get Professional help!

At 20 May, 2011 16:31, Blogger sabba said...

Willie's Bitch, Brian Good, Aka Punsuxtawneybarney and Snug.bug says"
I want the media to understand that he's dishonest and not credible.
Right MR. Adviser. He is still commanding attention from media around the wold , and sadly the only attention you get is that one of being called a stalker and a lying Yenta. Your Id's all over exposed and your agenda of obsession clearly demonstrated.

I didn't run away from anything. I was advised not to debate in a SLC forum, and when I considered that SLC's obvious agenda was to cause maximum damage to the truth movement I agreed that it would not be wise.

Sure, blame us from Willie's Challenge against you in a neutral place. Blame Pat Curley to outreach to William, we know that did not happened, blame me for calling some of your lies and exposing them here. You never called, Glenn Zarmanoff when you stated lies about his event. I did. You never called C-Span to validate your claims about blaming Rodriguez for their non coverage of bs. I did and was told good things of WR. They never heard about you either, up until today, you still have not called C-Span. You never called Carol to ask for a radio interview and to corroborate things about you, William did, you did not.
Carol does not talks to you and will never have you on her show, so your lame excuse was obvious to everyone here.

You never called visibility911, William did call Michael Wolsey and proved you lied about it. You did not call them either. You are not invited there.
You also claimed 911blogger as another possible place. You never contacted them and WR did and challenged you to get coverage there. You will not.
You tried to use the story of Hero Ortiz and then you were exposed about your lies with the same story thanks to the New York Times article that I provided. Willie invited the family here. You did not and you did not call them, also you do not talk for the Hero Ortiz and you do not speak for the 9/11 widows either. You have not called them either.

You claimed : " I tried to set up an alternative forum and apparently neither they nor Willie were interested. Not so, you were scared to a face to face debate and only wanted a place were you can edit negative comments about you.

...I was advised not to debate in a SLC forum
Sure, we believe you Mr.
"I am an independent researcher who does not need anybody in the truth movement...

Take our advise...Get Professional help!

At 20 May, 2011 16:42, Blogger sabba said...

Willie's Bitch, Brian Good, Aka Punsuxtawneybarney and Snug.bug says"
I want the media to understand that he's dishonest and not credible.
Right MR. Adviser. He is still commanding attention from media around the wold , and sadly the only attention you get is that one of being called a stalker and a lying Yenta. Your Id's all over exposed and your agenda of obsession clearly demonstrated.

I didn't run away from anything. I was advised not to debate in a SLC forum, and when I considered that SLC's obvious agenda was to cause maximum damage to the truth movement I agreed that it would not be wise.

Sure, blame us from Willie's Challenge against you in a neutral place. Blame Pat Curley to outreach to William, we know that did not happened, blame me for calling some of your lies and exposing them here. You never called, Glenn Zarmanoff when you stated lies about his event. I did. You never called C-Span to validate your claims about blaming Rodriguez for their non coverage of bs. I did and was told good things of WR. They never heard about you either, up until today, you still have not called C-Span. You never called Carol to ask for a radio interview and to corroborate things about you, William did, you did not.
Carol does not talks to you and will never have you on her show, so your lame excuse was obvious to everyone here.

You never called visibility911, William did call Michael Wolsey and proved you lied about it. You did not call them either. You are not invited there.
You also claimed 911blogger as another possible place. You never contacted them and WR did and challenged you to get coverage there. You will not.
You tried to use the story of Hero Ortiz and then you were exposed about your lies with the same story thanks to the New York Times article that I provided. Willie invited the family here. You did not and you did not call them, also you do not talk for the Hero Ortiz and you do not speak for the 9/11 widows either. You have not called them either.

You claimed : " I tried to set up an alternative forum and apparently neither they nor Willie were interested. Not so, you were scared to a face to face debate and only wanted a place were you can edit negative comments about you.

...I was advised not to debate in a SLC forum
Sure, we believe you Mr.
"I am an independent researcher who does not need anybody in the truth movement...

Take our advise...Get Professional help!

At 20 May, 2011 16:43, Blogger sabba said...

Get help now Brian!!!

At 20 May, 2011 16:44, Blogger sabba said...

Willie's Bitch, Brian Good, Aka Punsuxtawneybarney and Snug.bug says"
I want the media to understand that he's dishonest and not credible.
Right MR. Adviser. He is still commanding attention from media around the wold , and sadly the only attention you get is that one of being called a stalker and a lying Yenta. Your Id's all over exposed and your agenda of obsession clearly demonstrated.

At 20 May, 2011 16:46, Blogger sabba said...

Hey Brian, You never called visibility911, William did call Michael Wolsey and proved you lied about it. You did not call them either. You are not invited there.
You also claimed 911blogger as another possible place. You never contacted them and WR did and challenged you to get coverage there. You will not.
You tried to use the story of Hero Ortiz and then you were exposed about your lies with the same story thanks to the New York Times article that I provided. Willie invited the family here. You did not and you did not call them, also you do not talk for the Hero Ortiz and you do not speak for the 9/11 widows either. You have not called them either.


At 20 May, 2011 16:46, Blogger sabba said...

ou claimed : " I tried to set up an alternative forum and apparently neither they nor Willie were interested. Not so, you were scared to a face to face debate and only wanted a place were you can edit negative comments about you.
Willie's Bitch, Brian Good says:
...I was advised not to debate in a SLC forum
Sure, we believe you Mr.
"I am an independent researcher who does not need anybody in the truth movement...

Take our advise...Get Professional help!

At 20 May, 2011 17:54, Blogger snug.bug said...

Sabba, I didn't lie about anything. I emailed visibility911 and they never responded. I'll suppose that they know Willie's a liar and see no point in publicizing it.

Pablo Ortiz was a true hero who saved dozens by breaking down doors and letting people out. Since Mr. Ortiz can't travel around bragging about his heroism, the only reason we know about it is because the people he saved tell us the story.

Willie took Mr. Ortiz's story and
pretended it was his own. Nobody comes forward to tell how Willie saved them.

The only thing I'm scared of is causing unnecessary collateral damage. For a sock puppet to call me a coward is absurd. If Willie has anything to say he knows where to find me.

At 20 May, 2011 19:54, Blogger sabba said...

The only thing I'm scared of is causing unnecessary collateral damage.
You already did, you tried to break Carol's Marriage, you tried to stalk Barrett and others and you are now WR's Bitch.

For a sock puppet to call me a coward is absurd. If Willie has anything to say he knows where to find me.
He already did, and he did it here for all to see.
Bitch! did you call C-Span Yet?

At 20 May, 2011 20:01, Blogger sabba said...

Brian the lying Yenta says:
Sabba, I didn't lie about anything. I emailed visibility911 and they never responded. I'll suppose that they know Willie's a liar and see no point in publicizing it.

So you suppose instead of saying as a fact like you always do?
Got to be we are finally teaching you cannot lie with facts. There is some progress in that big PiƱata head of yours. Maybe they suppose you are a deranged liar and do not want to be any part of promoting you? could that also be a reason? Do you suppose? I suppose too.

At 21 May, 2011 08:47, Blogger snug.bug said...

sabba, How do you know who Willie called? You're supposed to be a debunker, remember? I did contact 911blogger.

It's a commonplace that disinformationists always accuse truthers of doing what the disinformationists are doing. For instance, when GutterBall wants to tell a lie, first he calls me a liar. You call me a Yenta, while claiming (falsely) that I tried to break up someone's marriage.

It is a fact that Willie is a liar. His claims to fifteen rescued and hundreds saved have been proven to be lies. I don't know what visibility911 knows, so I can only suppose that they are well-enough informed that they too know he is a liar.

At 21 May, 2011 10:23, Blogger GuitarBill said...

You are a liar, goat fucker.

At 21 May, 2011 14:11, Blogger sabba said...

Brian Good ,the Lying Yenta says:sabba, How do you know who Willie called? You're supposed to be a debunker, remember? I did contact 911blogger.

I also contacted Mickey Wosley, you idiot. I am debunking you of course. When you say contacting, do you mean hitting an email on their contact page? pretty lame is that what you did, here we pick up the phone and call and make sure we get answers. At least most of the time when idiots like you make unsupported claims and lies.

It is a fact that Willie is a liar. His claims to fifteen rescued and hundreds saved have been proven to be lies. Nobody believes you Brian, not even your activists. You have been told even by then to drop the issue and you are obsessed. Get help! I already and I am not afraid to say it, contacted authorities with copies of many of your posts. There is a concern you will flip one day, not to far , so you need to be watched closely. Go ahead contact the Authorities and prove me wrong on that one too.

I don't know what visibility911 knows, so I can only suppose that they are well-enough informed that they too know he is a liar. So, you are supposing again. Maybe they suppose you are a liar, an idiot, a deranged stalker that makes more damage than you complain WR does. Is apparent nobody in the movement wants to deal with you, Why is that Brian Good?

At 21 May, 2011 14:29, Blogger sabba said...

Willie Rodriguez's Bitch, Brian Good AKA: Snug.bug says: You call me a Yenta, while claiming (falsely) that I tried to break up someone's marriage.
Not someone Brian. I am more direct than you and I do not "suppose" like you do. You tried to affect the marriage of Activist Carol Brouillett and her husband Jean Luc.

Look at this post, on Carol's own group. She has admin privileges there, remember that? If it was a lie, it will not be there. Why don't you ask your "friends" there to remove it since we will be using it against you every time you deny it.


At 21 May, 2011 14:31, Blogger sabba said...

oh my, I really hope you can be debated on visibility911 or 9/11blogger!!!
Looking forward to that effort as well.


At 22 May, 2011 09:23, Blogger snug.bug said...

Sabba, note that nobody in the googlegroup has commented on your post. It seems nobody has any interest in Willie's lies.

Since Pat threatened to involve innocent third parties by publishing texts he apparently was led to believe are emails, since SLC is hardly a neutral party given the ties both Pat and Willie have to JREF, and since SLC's agenda is pretty clearly to inflict maximum damage on the truth movement, it seemed unwise to participate in a SLC-sponsored debate.

I tried to set something up with blogger and with visibility911. There was no interest.

There's really no need for a debate; I pwned Willie in 3 irrefutable sentences to which he won't, and can't, reply:

1. You stole the story of Pablo Ortiz, a 9/11 hero who saved dozens of people by breaking down doors and letting trapped people out and who died himself when WTC1 fell down.

2. Your claim that you saved hundreds is verified by no one, proven by death statistics to be untrue, and depends on a belief that any fireman, cop, security guard, janitor, or architect can see in an instant is a lie--the notion that people were trapped behind locked fire exit doors waiting for an Angel of God with a Key of Hope to come and set them free.

3. Since the summer of 2007 you have been using Carol Brouillet as a human shield to try to intimidate me and to distract from your lies and delay the day when your fraudulence is exposed to all.

At 22 May, 2011 10:11, Blogger sabba said...

Willie's Bitch, Brian Good says:
Sabba, I faced Willie here. He ran away, as he's been running away for almost 4 years now.
You did not face anybody. You just continued your nonsense that you do not dare to ask him in a debate. You are a disgrace to your own group. Pussy.

I irrefutably demolished his case in three sentences.

Say you and nobody elses. Your own believe and funny the best is number 3. YOu have been trying to lie for the last 4 years about how you harrassed Carol Brouillett and now you are trying to do some damage control, I have no doubts whatsoever that those emails were real, but keep doubting it, please! we will love nothing more than you pushing the issue, that way many of those e-mails can be made public!
Your number one point, is the first time you claim things about Hero Ortiz, whose family I am being put in contact with , soon. I will ask them their thoughts about you.how funy for somebody who has denied there was no need to use a key to open the doors since it was easy for people to get out, did not expect us to research and find out that indeed, they had to break doors and pry open places to rescue people. On that point alone I was waiting for the debate to see how Rodriguez was going to chew you on your statements. I guess, we will never know since you ran away.

At 22 May, 2011 10:28, Blogger sabba said...

Sabba, note that nobody in the googlegroup has commented on your post. It seems nobody has any interest in Willie's lies.

Now is my post! deranged. It seems that if nobody was interested, the post will have not gone trough the censors there, including your stalked victim Carol Brouillett who has admin power to eliminate, censor and approve items there.
Better come with a different explanation Brian Good.

I tried to set something up with blogger and with visibility911. There was no interest.
Says you. I am doing the homework Brian. More on those 2 sites in the future, here on this blog.

There's really no need for a debate;
Sure, we can see that. You refused on your first post by saying: it seemed unwise to participate in a SLC-sponsored debate. Right, you have been spewing all over the internet about your: I debate him anywhere, anyplace....
It was you who talked about Brian Good in another forum, saying:
...(Brian Good) Who cares? Just some asshole from San Francisco. See, he admitted it in the
previous post. And Willie's crack research team has unmasked him. I heard he
used to be a janitor and he has a gay crush on Willie and he flipped out when
Willie got married. That would explain a lot, wouldn't it? He has a hardon for
Kevin Barrett 'cause he has a bad case of PhD-envy and microphone-envy"

your words, not mine.

At 22 May, 2011 10:44, Blogger sabba said...

Brian Good said in the old Haloscan system here: "Carol's complaints that I have attacked her are not credible because she misconstrues attacks on the liars Barrett and Rodriguez as attacks on her.
Brian Good | 09.30.09 - 10:23 pm | #

So anybody that does not agree with you is a liar. Including Carol.

More from you , from the past. "The stalker and harasser legend comes from the known liar Kevin Barrett and the known liar William Rodriguez--both of whom are highly motivated to slander me because I am the best informed, most articulate, most credible, and most visible of their critics."

laughable again, you refused to face Rodriguez on a debate, you refused Barrett on a Radio Show. You lied again...
CBSF | Homepage | 09.30.09 - 10:45 pm | #

Does anybody have CBSF contact info.?

At 23 May, 2011 11:15, Blogger snug.bug said...

Sabba, I demolished Willie's case here at SLC. I showed him to be a liar, a fraud, and a coward. For almost 4 years he has been dodging my questions.

Mr. Ortiz broke down doors near the 90th floor where partitions were bent and doors jammed. Unfortunately office workers don't know how easy it is to kick through a drywall partition.

There is no evidence of jammed doors below the 39th floor.

Where did I say I would debate Willie anytime, anywhere? I never promised to fly to Belize.

I didn't call Carol a liar. I said she misconstrued attacks on the bigot and liar Kevin Barrett and the liar and fraud Willie Rodriguez as attacks on her.


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