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25th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence

New York City

9th-15th July, 2016

Sister Conference Best Paper Track

  • (2948) Sequencing Operator Counts, ICAPS

       Toby Davies, Adrian Pearce, Peter J. Stuckeyand Nir Lipovetzky

  • (2949) A Decision Procedure for (Co)datatypes in SMT Solvers, CADE

       Andrew Reynolds and Jasmin Christian Blanchette

  • (2951) Generating Tests for Robotized Painting Using Constraint Programming, CP

       Morten Mossige, Arnaud Gotlieb and Hein Meling

  • (2952) Optimal Prosumer Decision-Making using Factored MDPs, AAMAS

       Angelos Angelidakis and Georgios Chalkiadakis

  • (2955) Proximal Gradient Temporal Difference Learning Algorithms, UAI

       Bo Liu, Ji Liu, Mohammad Ghavamzadeh, Sridhar Mahadevan and Marek Petrik

  • (2957) On Broken Triangles, CP

       Martin Cooper, Achref El Mouelhi, Cyril Terriouxand Bruno Zanuttini

  • (2990) Optimal and Adaptive Algorithms for Online Boosting, ICML

       Alina Beygelzimer, Satyen Kale and Haipeng Luo

  • (3018) Fleet Design Optimisation From Historical Data Using Constraint Programming and Large Neighbourhood Search, CP

       Tommaso Urli and Philip Kilby

  • (3021) The Dependence of Effective Planning Horizon on Model Accuracy, AAMAS

       Nan Jiang, Alex Kulesza, Satinder Baveja and Richard Lewis

  • (3022) MathCheck: A Math Assistant based on a Combination of Computer Algebra Systems and SAT Solvers, CADE

       Ed Zulkoski, Vijay Ganesh and Krzysztof Czarnecki

  • (3024) Tabling as a Library with Delimited Control, ICLP

       Benoit Desouter, Marko van Dooren, Tom Schrijvers and Alexander Vandenbroucke

  • (3025) Welfare Effects of Market Making in Continuous Double Auctions (Extended Abstract), AAMAS

       Elaine Wah, Mason Wright and Michael Wellman

  • (3026) Hashing-Based Approximate Probabilistic Inference in Hybrid Domains: An Abridged Report, UAI

       Vaishak Belle, Guy Van den Broeck and Andrea Passerini

  • (3027) Domain Model Acquisition in the Presence of Static Relations in the LOP System, ICAPS

       Peter Gregory and Stephen Cresswell

  • (3028) Projection, Inference and Consistency, CP

       John Hooker

  • (3029) Deep Neural Decision Forests, ICCV

       Peter Kontschieder, Madalina Fiterau, Antonio Criminisi and Samuel Rota Bulò

  • (3030) Why Prices Need Algorithms, EC

       Tim Roughgarden and Inbal Talgam-Cohen

  • (3031) Effective Planning with More Expressive Languages, ICAPS

       Guillem Francès and Hector Geffner

  • (3032) From Non-Convex Aggregates to Monotone Aggregates in ASP, ICLP

       Mario Alviano, Wolfgang Faber and Martin Gebser

  • (3033) Detecting Student Emotions in Computer-Enabled Classrooms, IUI

       Nigel Bosch, Sidney D'Mello, Ryan Baker, Jaclyn Ocumpaugh, Valerie Shute, Matthew Ventura, Lubin Wang and Weinan Zhao

  • (3034) Online Bellman Residual and Temporal Difference Algorithms with Predictive Error Guarantees, UAI

       Wen Sun and J. Andrew Bagnell

  • (3035) Learning Qualitative Spatial Relations for Robotic Navigation, ICRA

       Abdeslam Boularias, Felix Duvallet, Jean Oh and Anthony Stentz

  • (3036) A Nearly-Linear Time Framework for Graph-Structured Sparsity, ICML

       Chinmay Hegde, Piotr Indyk and Ludwig Schmidt

  • (3037) Improving Topic Model Stability for Effective Document Exploration, IUI

       Yi Yang, Shimei Pan, Yangqiu Song, Jie Lu and Mercan Topkara

  • (3038) On the Properties of GZ-Aggregates in Answer Set Programming, ICLP

       Mario Alviano and Nicola Leone

  • (3039) Büchi, Lindenbaum, Tarski: A Program Analysis Appetizer, CADE

       Vijay D'Silva and Caterina Urban

  • (3050) Observability, Identifiability and Sensitivity of Vision-Aided Inertial Navigation, ICRA

       Joshua Hernandez, Konstantine Tsotsos and Stefano Soatto

  • Program at-a-glance

    IJCAI at a glance