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Brief CV

Emanuele Della Valle holds a PhD in Computer Science from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and a Master degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Politecnico di Milano. He is associate professor at the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering of the Politecnico di Milano.

Emanuele Della Valle's photoIn 20 years of research, his research interests covered Big Data, Stream Processing, Semantic technologies, Data Science, Web Information Retrieval, and Service Oriented Architectures. He started the stream reasoning research field positioning it at the intersection between Stream Processing and Artificial Intelligence.

He focused the research community’s interest on this theme through a number of personal initiatives (workshops, projects, journal papers) that contributed to establishing Stream Reasoning as a recognized research and industrial sector. In the Big Data era, it is a method to tame simultaneously the velocity (analysing data streams to enable real-time decisions) and variety (integrating heterogeneous data) dimensions of Big Data. The semantic and syntactic extensions, which he proposed to the Semantic Web stack (i.e., RDF streams and Continuous SPARQL), are currently on the path towards standardization at a W3C in the RDF Stream Processing community group. In the last four years, the two main conferences on Semantic Web  (ISWC and ESWC) dedicated a track to data stream to create a forum for Stream Reasoning research. Starting from 2011, he organized more than 15 tutorials and workshops on Stream Reasoning. The open source Stream Reasoner engine developed at Politecnico di Milano (namely, C-SPARQL Engine) was downloaded more than 9,000 times and it is currently maintained by Politecnico di Milano, the University of Zurich and the Insight Center of the National University of Ireland.  His work on Stream Reasoning was applied in analysing Social Media, Mobile Telecom and IoT data streams in collaboration with Telecom Italia, IBM, Siemens, Oracle, Indra, and Statoil.

His h-index is 32 (25 since 2015). He was cited 4232 times (2431 since 2015).  He is a member of the editorial board of Journal of Web Semantics. He co-authored: 22 journal articles in TOIT, JWS, SWJ, Sigmod Records, Big Data Research, Data Science, IJSWIS, IEEE IS, IEEE IC, IEEE MM, TGIS, Sensors and CMBP; 33 conference papers in major conferences in ISWC, ESWC, WWW, ICWE, EKAW, and DEBS; a book on Web Information Retrieval (2013), a book on Relevant Query Answering Over Streaming and Distributed Data, and the first book in Italian about Semantic Web (2008); and more than 70 other manuscripts including minor conferences, book chapters, workshop papers and posters.

He was Principal Investigator of two EIT Digital activities on Digital Cities between 2013 and 2015. He was Principal Investigator of the FP7 Service Finder project. He was coordinating the Stream Reasoning activities of the FP7 LarKC project. He was involved in other 8 EU projects in H2020, FP7, FP6 and FP5.

From 2001 to 2008, he worked in CEFRIEL. Between 2001 and 2004, he worked in strategic consultancy IT projects of CEFRIEL in eBusiness, eGovernment and eHealth. In 2003, he started the Semantic Web Practice of CEFRIEL that he coordinated until 2008. In the same time period, he was Aggregated Professor of Advance Information Systems at Politecnico di Milano (2007-2009) and Aggregated Professor of Knowledge Engineering at Università dell’Insubria (2006-2010).

For more information read Emanuele Della Valle’s full Curriculum Vitae.


  • 6-2019: his paper on “D2IA: Stream Analytics on User-Defined Event Intervals” won CAiSE’19 best paper award.
  • his paper on “Incremental Reasoning on Streams and Rich Background Knowledge” was nominated for the Best Paper 7 years award of ESWC 2017
  • 10-2016: his paper on “CitySensing: Fusing City Data for Visual Storytelling” wins the best paper award for IEEE MM 2016
  • 9-2013 He is recipient of the IBM Faculty Award 2013 for his research program on “City Data Fusion
  • 5-2013 his Social Media Analysis demonstrator “TwindexFuorisalone” (powerd by Stream Reasoning)  won the AI mashup Challenge 2013
  • 6-2011 his Augmented Reality Application “Bottari” (powerd by Stream Reasoning) won the Semantic Web Challenge 2011
  • 9-2011 his Semantic Technology demonstrator “Traffic LarKCwon the AI mashup Challenge 2011
  • 6-2008 the Business Plan for his start up “Squiggle” (willing to commercialize Semantic Search Engines) won the StartCup Milano Lombardia
  • 6-2007 his paper on  “Enabling the European Patient Summary Through Triplespaces” won the Best Paper Award at Conferenza Internazionale su Computer-Based Medical Systems
  • 2-2007 he won CEFRIEL’s Excellence Award 2007 for the international visibility gained by CEFRIEL on “Semantic Web” .
  • 11-2006 his paper on ““Flexible Specification of Semantic Services using Web Engineering Methods and Tools” won the Best Paper Award al Workshop Semantic Web and Software Engineering 2006 co-located con ISWC 2006
  • 10-2006 his start up idea “Squiggle” (willing to commercialize Semantic Search Engines) is named in the first 10 best ideas (out of  166) presented at Obiettivo ICT
  • 9-2006 He is recipient of the IBM Faculty Award 2006, together with prof. S. Ceri, for his research program on “Semantic Services using Web Engineering Methods and Tools
  • 6-2006 his Semantic Web Service demonstrator “SWE-ET” is evaluated as the most complete solution presented at Phase-II of Semantic Web Service Challenge


I think that learning occurs when students are the ones driving the learning and are empowered to pursue what matters to them. I like when learning extends beyond me teaching from the stage to students that sit back. I like my students to exchange knowledge and discuss among them, to question me, to reflect on what I teach and to make connections on their own. Read more …

Here are the courses I taught: