- Frauen machen in Osttimor 49,2 % der Einwohner aus (2015). Während man versucht, ihre Beteiligung in der nationalen Politik sicherzustellen und auch traditionell ihnen wichtige Rollen zugedacht wurden, leiden heute in Osttimor viele Frauen im alltäglichen Leben unter Gewalt und Missbrauch. Häusliche Gewalt ist im Land ein großes Problem. Der 3. November wird in Osttimor offiziell als Nationaler Tag der Frau begangen. (de)
- The East Timorese people mixed racially with Melanesian and Malay genetically. Most of the East Timorese population are Roman Catholic. East Timorese women usually have between 6 to 7 children on average, and based on a UN study, it was found that among those women that were between ages 20 to 24 almost more than half of them had at least one child, and of those, 60 percent had their first child before they were 19. A lot of the East Timorese women were teen mothers and dropped out of high school due to the responsibilities and pressure from having a child. In 2010 the government finally made a new policy that will focus on getting and keeping young mothers in school. This started with a sex education class and a whole transformation of the junior high school curriculum. There are many rules women in East Timor follow for precaution to not be victims of sexual abuse such as: not being able to show their bare arms, wear low cut tops, short skirts or bikinis. Timorese women were also not allowed to go outside their living area alone, and if they were single they could not be seen alone with a man that is not related to them. The East Timorese women also are expected to be stay at home mothers and can not inherit or own their property. Apart from these customary concepts, East Timorese women also confront domestic violence. Rape cases and sexual slavery were allegedly committed by East Timorese pro-integration militias during the September 1999 crisis in East Timor. One of the organizations that promote empowerment and foster gender equality for the women of East Timor is the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM). In 2010, a law was passed making domestic violence a public crime, but the practice remained prevalent nevertheless. In a 2009–10 Demographic and Health Survey, 36% of married women reported having experienced physical, psychological or sexual violence from their husband or partner, but only 24% reported discussing this with anyone and only 4% reported seeking help from the police. According to the same survey, 71% of men believe that the wife's neglecting children justifies the husband's beating her, while 72% of women believe that a husband is justified in beating his wife if she goes out without informing him. According to activists in non-governmental organizations such as Asisténsia Legál ba Feto no Labarik, domestic violence is severely under-reported and the punishments are not deterrent: in one case, a man who "stabbed his wife in the back of the head and struck her repeatedly with a block of wood, after an argument about feeding their children" only received a suspended jail sentence of seven months. (en)
- Entre as práticas tradicionais que desafiam o estatuto das mulheres em Timor-Leste estão a não capacidade jurídica de herdar imóveis próprios e a noção cultural que as mulheres normalmente devem dedicar-se às atividades do lar. Para além destes conceitos habituais, as mulheres timorenses também enfrentaram a violência doméstica. Casos de estupro e escravidão sexual foram alegadamente cometidos por milícias timorenses pró-integração durante a crise de setembro de 1999 em Timor-Leste. Uma das organizações que promovem a capacitação e igualdade do género para as mulheres de Timor-Leste é o Fundo de Desenvolvimento das Nações Unidas para a mulher (UNIFEM). Em 2010, foi aprovada uma lei que torna a violência doméstica um crime público, mas a prática continuou a prevalecer, no entanto. Num Inquérito Demográfico e de Saúde realizado entre 2009-10, mostrou que 36% das mulheres casadas relataram ter sofrido violência física, psicológica ou sexual por seu marido ou parceiro, mas apenas 24% relataram discutir este assunto com ninguém e apenas 4% responderam que procuraram a ajuda da polícia. De acordo com a mesma pesquisa, 71% dos homens acreditam que a negligência nos cuidados das crianças justifica o marido agredir a esposa, enquanto 72% das mulheres acreditam que é justificado um marido bater na sua esposa se ela sair de casa sem informá-lo. De acordo com os ativistas das organizações não-governamentais, como a Assistência Jurídica para Mulheres e Crianças (em tétum: Asisténsia Legál ba Feto no Labarik; ALFeLa), a violência doméstica é bastante comum na sociedade timorense, sobretudo nas regiões rurais. Ela caracteriza-se, atualmente, no maior entrave jurídico e cultural para a garantia dos direitos das mulheres em Timor-Leste, mesmo registando-se os avanços jurídicos consideráveis nos últimos anos. A falta da representatividade política feminina também se constitui num dos maiores entraves para a emancipação da mulher, apesar de 38,5% dos parlamentares timorenses serem do sexo feminino, uma das mais altas taxas no Sudeste Asiático. Quando se trata do mercado de trabalho, cerca de 38,4% das mulheres na idade economicamente ativa estão inseridas nas atividades profissionais. No entanto, há ainda uma grande limitação nas funções trabalhistas e na remuneração advindas das atividades profissionais, com os homens a receber quase o dobro das mulheres quando se realiza uma função semelhante. No país, não há nenhum órgão a nível nacional que trate sobre as políticas para mulheres. (pt)
- К традиционным практикам, влияющим на положение женщин в Восточном Тиморе, относятся неспособность наследовать или владеть собственностью и культурное представление о том, что женщины обычно принадлежат дому. Помимо этих традиционных представлений восточно-тиморские женщины также сталкиваются с насилием в семье. Во время кризиса в Восточном Тиморе в сентябре 1999 года восточно-тиморские ополченцы выступили с заявлениями об изнасилованиях и сексуальном рабстве. Фонд Организации Объединённых Наций для развития в интересах женщин (ЮНИФЕМ) — одна из организаций, которая содействует расширению прав и возможностей и обеспечению гендерного равенства для женщин Восточного Тимора. В 2010 году был принят закон, согласно которому домашнее насилие стало общественным преступлением, но, тем не менее, эта практика оставалась распространённой. В опросе «Демография и здоровье 2009–10 годов» 36% замужних женщин сообщили о том, что они подвергались физическому, психологическому или сексуальному насилию со стороны своего мужа или партнера, но только 24% сообщили, что обсуждали это с кем-либо, и только 4% сообщили, что обращались за помощью в полицию. Согласно данному исследованию, 71% мужчин считают, что пренебрежение детьми женой оправдывает избиение со стороны мужа, в то время как 72% женщин считают, что муж вправе избивать свою жену, если она выходит из дома, не сообщив ему. По словам активистов неправительственных организаций, таких как Asisténsia Legál ba Feto no Labarik, случаи насилия в семье серьёзно занижены, а наказания не являются сдерживающим фактором: в одном случае мужчина "ударил свою жену в затылок и ударил её неоднократно куском дерева, после аргумента о необходимости кормления своих детей "получил только условный срок тюремного заключения на семь месяцев". (ru)
- 東帝汶傳統上是一個父權社會,因此東帝汶女性受到較多的限制。家庭暴力、強姦和性奴隸是東帝汶婦女常見的苦難。 (zh)
- Frauen machen in Osttimor 49,2 % der Einwohner aus (2015). Während man versucht, ihre Beteiligung in der nationalen Politik sicherzustellen und auch traditionell ihnen wichtige Rollen zugedacht wurden, leiden heute in Osttimor viele Frauen im alltäglichen Leben unter Gewalt und Missbrauch. Häusliche Gewalt ist im Land ein großes Problem. Der 3. November wird in Osttimor offiziell als Nationaler Tag der Frau begangen. (de)
- 東帝汶傳統上是一個父權社會,因此東帝汶女性受到較多的限制。家庭暴力、強姦和性奴隸是東帝汶婦女常見的苦難。 (zh)
- The East Timorese people mixed racially with Melanesian and Malay genetically. Most of the East Timorese population are Roman Catholic. East Timorese women usually have between 6 to 7 children on average, and based on a UN study, it was found that among those women that were between ages 20 to 24 almost more than half of them had at least one child, and of those, 60 percent had their first child before they were 19. A lot of the East Timorese women were teen mothers and dropped out of high school due to the responsibilities and pressure from having a child. In 2010 the government finally made a new policy that will focus on getting and keeping young mothers in school. This started with a sex education class and a whole transformation of the junior high school curriculum. (en)
- Entre as práticas tradicionais que desafiam o estatuto das mulheres em Timor-Leste estão a não capacidade jurídica de herdar imóveis próprios e a noção cultural que as mulheres normalmente devem dedicar-se às atividades do lar. (pt)
- К традиционным практикам, влияющим на положение женщин в Восточном Тиморе, относятся неспособность наследовать или владеть собственностью и культурное представление о том, что женщины обычно принадлежат дому. (ru)