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Tessaratomidae is a family of true bugs. It contains about 240 species of large bugs divided into 3 subfamilies and 56 genera. Tessaratomids resemble large stink bugs (family Pentatomidae) and are sometimes quite colorful. Most tessaratomids are Old World, with only three species known from the Neotropics. Some members of Tessaratomidae exhibit maternal care of eggs and offspring. The defensive chemicals of certain species can cause significant damage if they come into contact with human skin; they may also cause temporary blindness.

Property Value
  • بقيات نتنة عملاقة (الاسم العلمي Tessaratomidae)، فصيلة حشرات من البق الحقيقي. تضم حوالي 240 نوعًا من الحشرات الكبيرة المقسمة إلى 3 فُصيلات و56 جنسًا. (ar)
  • Die Tessaratomidae sind eine Familie der Wanzen (Heteroptera) innerhalb der Teilordnung Pentatomomorpha. Von ihnen sind ca. 240 Arten in 57 Gattungen bekannt. (de)
  • Tessaratomidae es una familia de insectos en Hemiptera. Esta familia posee 240 especies organizadas en 3 subfamilias y 56 géneros. Los tessaratomidos se asemejan a los miembros de la familia Pentatomidae y a veces son muy coloridos. Algunos miembros de Tessaratomidae exhiben cuidado maternal de los huevos y las crias. Los químicos defensivos de ciertas especies pueden causar daños significativos si entran en contacto con la piel humana; también pueden causar ceguera temporal. Todas las especies son exclusivamente comedores de plantas, algunos de mayor importancia económica son considerados plaga agrícola. Algunas especies también se consumen como alimento por el ser humano en algunos países. (es)
  • Les Tessaratomidae forment une famille de punaises phytophages classée dans l'infra-ordre des Pentatomomorpha. Elle comprend environ 240 espèces tropicale ou subtropicales réparties en trois sous-familles et cinquante-six genres. Cette famille est remarquable par ses coloris qui éloignent les prédateurs. Certaines espèces émettent des substances chimiques dangereuses pour l'homme ; quelques rares espèces sont consommées par les populations locales. La plupart des espèces de cette famille sont des insectes ravageurs pour l'agriculture. L'espèce-type de la famille est la punaise australienne Musgraveia sulciventris. (fr)
  • Tessaratomidae is a family of true bugs. It contains about 240 species of large bugs divided into 3 subfamilies and 56 genera. Tessaratomids resemble large stink bugs (family Pentatomidae) and are sometimes quite colorful. Most tessaratomids are Old World, with only three species known from the Neotropics. Some members of Tessaratomidae exhibit maternal care of eggs and offspring. The defensive chemicals of certain species can cause significant damage if they come into contact with human skin; they may also cause temporary blindness. All species are exclusively plant-eaters, some of major economic importance as agricultural pests. A few species are also consumed as human food in some countries. (en)
  • Tessaratomidae Stål, 1865, è una famiglia di insetti dell'ordine Rhynchota Heteroptera, superfamiglia dei Pentatomoidea. Comprende circa 235 specie. (it)
  • Tessaratomidae é uma família que assemelham-se a grandes pentatomídeos (podem ultrapassar 40 mm), dos quais se distinguem pela cabeça muito pequena em relação ao tamanho do corpo, antenas geralmente com quatro artículos, rostro curto, raramente ultrapassando as coxas anteriores e pronoto estendendo-se sobre a base do escutelo. São conhecidos 45 gêneros e cerca de 235 espécies com distribuição predominante nos trópicos do Velho Mundo. Inclui três subfamílias: , e . (pt)
  • Tessaratomidae (лат.) — семейство насекомых из отряда полужесткокрылых. Семейство насчитывает около 240 видов, разделённых на 3 подсемейства и 56 родов. Клопы этого семейства схожи с таковыми семейства Pentatomidae (настоящие щитники) и бывают ярко-окрашенные. Большинство видов Tessaratomidae — обитатели Старого Света и лишь 3 вида обитают в неотропиках. Некоторые виды семейства характеризуются заботой о яйцах и молоди. Защитные выделения некоторых видов могут вызвать серьёзные повреждения при контакте с кожей человека и временное ослепление при попадании в глаза. Все виды травоядные, некоторые являются вредителями. Несколько видов используются в пищу в некоторых странах. (ru)
  • 荔蝽科(学名:Tessaratomidae),又稱荔枝椿象科、硕蝽科, 是半翅目下的一科,是一类体形较大的椿象,已知约240多种,主要分布于旧大陆地区。头小,很多种类颜色艳丽,还可能有金属光泽。為植食性昆蟲,有些种类被认为是农业害虫,如荔枝椿象(Tessaratoma papillosa)等。但也有些种类在一些国家被当做食物。 * Musgraveia sulciventris * Musgraveia sulciventris * Pycanum rubens之若蟲 (zh)
  • 31627801 (xsd:integer)
  • 50743 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1096531661 (xsd:integer)
  • center (en)
  • left (en)
  • right (en)
  • A cluster of 13 small spherical eggs glued together on a twig. Visible through each are the pair of eyes of the developing embryos, except for an unfertilized egg. (en)
  • A bronze orange bug clinging to the underside of an orange leaf. The shape of its body is distinctly shield-like. (en)
  • An oval dorsoventrally flattened nymph of the bronze orange bug on a citrus leaf. (en)
  • Small flattened ovoid bug wandering on a twig. Empty eggs lie below them with holes at the tops. (en)
  • An assassin bug walking on a fine metal mesh. (en)
  • Hundreds of live stink bugs inside a bucket. (en)
  • One woman stirring the stink bugs in the bucket carefully as another pours a small amount of water into it. (en)
  • A woman wearing protective gloves and holding a small pail reaches out to the branches of a small tree to catch stink bugs. (en)
  • Two small wasps rest on the nearby plant stalks while several more are emerging from the host eggs. (en)
  • Stål, 1864 (en)
  • horizontal (en)
  • 4 (xsd:integer)
  • Left: The Australian common assassin bug Pristhesancus plagipennis is a predator of the bronze orange bug Musgraveia sulciventris. (en)
  • Edible stink bugs are harvested during early morning. They are placed in a bucket with a small amount of warm water and agitated to release their unpalatable defensive chemicals. (en)
  • Left: A cluster of bronze orange bug eggs. You can make out the embryos through the clear egg membranes, as well as the small ring of micropylar processes on each egg. The second egg from the bottom right is unfertilized and remains a murky green; Center left: Nymphs emerging from the eggs. Early instars of bronze orange bugs are bright green in color; Center right: A fourth or fifth instar nymph resting on a citrus leaf. It is now brilliantly orange in color with black margins and a small black dot at the center of its body; Right: An adult bronze orange bug on the underside of a citrus leaf. The adults are much drabber in color than the nymphs. Below it is also a green third instar nymph (en)
  • Right: Parasitoid wasps of the genus Trissolcus emerging from the eggs of a pentatomid, Graphosoma italicum. (en)
  • left (en)
  • Life cycle of the bronze orange bug (en)
  • center (en)
  • #d3d3a4 (en)
  • Bronze Orange Bug eggs.jpg (en)
  • Bronze Orange Bug, Musgraveia sulciventris.jpg (en)
  • Newly hatched Musgraveia sulciventris .jpg (en)
  • Fourth or fifth instar of Bronze Citrus Bug, Musgraveia sulciventris on Orange.jpg (en)
  • Encosternum delegorguei harvesting 2.jpg (en)
  • Encosternum delegorguei harvesting.jpg (en)
  • Encosternum_delegorguei_harvesting_3.jpg (en)
  • Pristhesancus plagipennis .jpg (en)
  • Trissolcus parasitoid wasps.JPG (en)
  • An adult Pycanum rubens on a leaf. (en)
  • Pycanum rubens, an adult from the Gunung Mulu National Park, Malaysia (en)
  • Tessaratomidae (en)
  • * Natalicolinae * Oncomerinae * Tessaratominae (en)
  • Tessaratomidae (en)
  • Tessaratoma (en)
  • Lepeletier & Serville, 1825 (en)
  • 100 (xsd:integer)
  • 165 (xsd:integer)
  • 200 (xsd:integer)
  • بقيات نتنة عملاقة (الاسم العلمي Tessaratomidae)، فصيلة حشرات من البق الحقيقي. تضم حوالي 240 نوعًا من الحشرات الكبيرة المقسمة إلى 3 فُصيلات و56 جنسًا. (ar)
  • Die Tessaratomidae sind eine Familie der Wanzen (Heteroptera) innerhalb der Teilordnung Pentatomomorpha. Von ihnen sind ca. 240 Arten in 57 Gattungen bekannt. (de)
  • Tessaratomidae Stål, 1865, è una famiglia di insetti dell'ordine Rhynchota Heteroptera, superfamiglia dei Pentatomoidea. Comprende circa 235 specie. (it)
  • Tessaratomidae é uma família que assemelham-se a grandes pentatomídeos (podem ultrapassar 40 mm), dos quais se distinguem pela cabeça muito pequena em relação ao tamanho do corpo, antenas geralmente com quatro artículos, rostro curto, raramente ultrapassando as coxas anteriores e pronoto estendendo-se sobre a base do escutelo. São conhecidos 45 gêneros e cerca de 235 espécies com distribuição predominante nos trópicos do Velho Mundo. Inclui três subfamílias: , e . (pt)
  • 荔蝽科(学名:Tessaratomidae),又稱荔枝椿象科、硕蝽科, 是半翅目下的一科,是一类体形较大的椿象,已知约240多种,主要分布于旧大陆地区。头小,很多种类颜色艳丽,还可能有金属光泽。為植食性昆蟲,有些种类被认为是农业害虫,如荔枝椿象(Tessaratoma papillosa)等。但也有些种类在一些国家被当做食物。 * Musgraveia sulciventris * Musgraveia sulciventris * Pycanum rubens之若蟲 (zh)
  • Tessaratomidae es una familia de insectos en Hemiptera. Esta familia posee 240 especies organizadas en 3 subfamilias y 56 géneros. Los tessaratomidos se asemejan a los miembros de la familia Pentatomidae y a veces son muy coloridos. Algunos miembros de Tessaratomidae exhiben cuidado maternal de los huevos y las crias. Los químicos defensivos de ciertas especies pueden causar daños significativos si entran en contacto con la piel humana; también pueden causar ceguera temporal. (es)
  • Tessaratomidae is a family of true bugs. It contains about 240 species of large bugs divided into 3 subfamilies and 56 genera. Tessaratomids resemble large stink bugs (family Pentatomidae) and are sometimes quite colorful. Most tessaratomids are Old World, with only three species known from the Neotropics. Some members of Tessaratomidae exhibit maternal care of eggs and offspring. The defensive chemicals of certain species can cause significant damage if they come into contact with human skin; they may also cause temporary blindness. (en)
  • Les Tessaratomidae forment une famille de punaises phytophages classée dans l'infra-ordre des Pentatomomorpha. Elle comprend environ 240 espèces tropicale ou subtropicales réparties en trois sous-familles et cinquante-six genres. Cette famille est remarquable par ses coloris qui éloignent les prédateurs. Certaines espèces émettent des substances chimiques dangereuses pour l'homme ; quelques rares espèces sont consommées par les populations locales. La plupart des espèces de cette famille sont des insectes ravageurs pour l'agriculture. (fr)
  • Tessaratomidae (лат.) — семейство насекомых из отряда полужесткокрылых. Семейство насчитывает около 240 видов, разделённых на 3 подсемейства и 56 родов. Клопы этого семейства схожи с таковыми семейства Pentatomidae (настоящие щитники) и бывают ярко-окрашенные. Большинство видов Tessaratomidae — обитатели Старого Света и лишь 3 вида обитают в неотропиках. Некоторые виды семейства характеризуются заботой о яйцах и молоди. Защитные выделения некоторых видов могут вызвать серьёзные повреждения при контакте с кожей человека и временное ослепление при попадании в глаза. (ru)
  • Tessaratomidae (en)
  • بقيات نتنة عملاقة (ar)
  • Tessaratomidae (de)
  • Tessaratomidae (es)
  • Tessaratomidae (fr)
  • Tessaratomidae (it)
  • Tessaratomidae (pt)
  • Tessaratomidae (ru)
  • 荔蝽科 (zh)
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