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About: Sugarcane

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Sugarcane or sugar cane is a species of (often hybrid) tall, perennial grass (in the genus Saccharum, tribe Andropogoneae) that is used for sugar production. The plants are 2–6 m (6–20 ft) tall with stout, jointed, fibrous stalks that are rich in sucrose, which accumulates in the stalk internodes. Sugarcanes belong to the grass family, Poaceae, an economically important flowering plant family that includes maize, wheat, rice, and sorghum, and many forage crops. It is native to the warm temperate and tropical regions of India, Southeast Asia, and New Guinea. The plant is also grown for biofuel production, especially in Brazil, as the canes can be used directly to produce ethyl alcohol (ethanol).

Property Value
  • Zuckerrohr (Saccharum officinarum) ist eine Pflanze aus der Familie der Süßgräser (Poaceae) und wird dort der Unterfamilie Panicoideae mit etwa 3270 weiteren Arten zugeordnet. Ihr Ursprung liegt in Ostasien, heute wird sie aber in allen klimatisch geeigneten Regionen angebaut. Die Pflanze ist der wichtigste Rohstofflieferant für die Herstellung von Haushaltszucker (Saccharose) und in wachsendem Maße auch für die Herstellung von Bioethanol. (de)
  • قَصَب السُّكَّر (الاسم العلمي: Saccharum) جنس نباتي من الفصيلة النجيلية، يضم ستة إلى 37 نوعاً (يختلف العدد حسب النظام التصنيفي المستخدم). وهو من نباتات المناطق الحارة، وهو المصدر الأساسي لاستخراج السكر، أما المصدر الآخر فهو الشمندر السكري. تتطلب زراعته أرضاً خصبة وماء كثير ويظل في الأرض لمدة عام كامل، وتكون مصانع السكر في وسط مزارع القصب. تستخدم بقايا القصب بعد عصره في تصنيع الكحول، وتعتبر البرازيل أكبر دولة مصدرة لقصب السكر. (ar)
  • Féar atá cosúil le bambú, ach le cánaí boga 3-8 m ar airde is 3.5-5.0 cm ar trastomhas. Bán go scothbhuí/glas, dearg nó scothchorcra. Fástar i réigiúin thrópaiceacha is fho-thrópaiceacha é. Cheaptaí le fada gur planda seasc é, ach faoi seo tá cuid mhaith hibridí bríomhara torthúla ar fáil. Gearrtar an cána is mionghearrtar i bpíosaí é roimh é a fhliuchadh tríd is tríd in uisce leis an siúcra a eastóscadh amach as. Ansin déantar an tuaslagán siúcra a scagadh, a léirghlanadh is a thriomú. De réir mar a thriomaíonn sé, criostalaíonn an siúcrós amach as, ag fágaint an mholáis ina dhiaidh. Tá an siúcra amh donn, agus is féidir é a íonghlanadh a thuilleadh chun siúcra bán a tháirgeadh. Níl aon difríocht cothaithe idir siúcra donn is siúcra bán. (ga)
  • La canne à sucre est une plante cultivée appartenant au genre Saccharum (famille des Poaceae ou graminées, sous-famille des Panicoideae), cultivée principalement pour la production du sucre (sucre de canne complet ou non) extrait des tiges (ou chaumes). Historiquement quatre espèces de cannes ont été domestiquées, principalement Saccharum officinarum, mais les cultivars modernes forment un ensemble d'hybrides complexes issus principalement de croisements entre Saccharum officinarum et Saccharum spontaneum, avec des contributions de Saccharum robustum, Saccharum sinense, Saccharum barberi, et de plusieurs genres apparentés tels que Miscanthus, Narenga et Erianthus. La canne à sucre était jusqu'au début du XIXe siècle la seule source importante de sucre et représente encore, au XXIe siècle, 70 à 80 % de la production de sucre. Avec un volume annuel de production supérieur à 1,9 milliard de tonnes (matière fraîche), soit environ 570 millions de tonnes (matière sèche), c'est une des principales plantes cultivées au niveau mondial. (fr)
  • Sugarcane or sugar cane is a species of (often hybrid) tall, perennial grass (in the genus Saccharum, tribe Andropogoneae) that is used for sugar production. The plants are 2–6 m (6–20 ft) tall with stout, jointed, fibrous stalks that are rich in sucrose, which accumulates in the stalk internodes. Sugarcanes belong to the grass family, Poaceae, an economically important flowering plant family that includes maize, wheat, rice, and sorghum, and many forage crops. It is native to the warm temperate and tropical regions of India, Southeast Asia, and New Guinea. The plant is also grown for biofuel production, especially in Brazil, as the canes can be used directly to produce ethyl alcohol (ethanol). Grown in tropical and subtropical regions, sugarcane is the world's largest crop by production quantity, totaling 1.9 billion tonnes in 2020, with Brazil accounting for 40% of the world total. Sugarcane accounts for 79% of sugar produced globally (most of the rest is made from sugar beets). About 70% of the sugar produced comes from Saccharum officinarum and its hybrids. All sugarcane species can interbreed, and the major commercial cultivars are complex hybrids. Sucrose (table sugar) is extracted from sugarcane in specialized mill factories. It is consumed directly in confectionery, used to sweeten beverages, as a preservative in jams and conserves, as a decorative finish for cakes and pâtisserie, as a raw material in the food industry, or fermented to produce ethanol. Products derived from fermentation of sugar include falernum, rum, and cachaça. In some regions, people use sugarcane reeds to make pens, mats, screens, and thatch. The young, unexpanded flower head of Saccharum edule (duruka) is eaten raw, steamed, or toasted, and prepared in various ways in Southeast Asia, such as certain island communities of Indonesia as well as in Oceanic countries like Fiji. Sugarcane was an ancient crop of the Austronesian and Papuan people. It was introduced to Polynesia, Island Melanesia, and Madagascar in prehistoric times via Austronesian sailors. It was also introduced to southern China and India by Austronesian traders around 1200 to 1000 BC. The Persians and Greeks encountered the famous "reeds that produce honey without bees" in India between the sixth and fourth centuries BC. They adopted and then spread sugarcane agriculture. Merchants began to trade in sugar, which was considered a luxurious and expensive spice, from India. In the 18th century, sugarcane plantations began in the Caribbean, South American, Indian Ocean, and Pacific island nations. The need for sugar crop laborers became a major driver of large migrations, some people voluntarily accepting indentured servitude and others forcibly imported as slaves. (en)
  • ( 이 문서는 설탕 생산에 쓰이는 여러 식물에 관한 것입니다. 이름이 "사탕수수"인 한 종에 대해서는 사탕수수 (종) 문서를 참고하십시오.) 사탕수수(砂糖-)는 개사탕수수속에 속하는 몇몇 키 큰 여러해살이풀을 일컫는다. 남아시아와 멜라네시아, 남아메리카 브라질의 따뜻한 지역에서 자라며, 설탕 생산에 쓰인다. (ko)
  • Cana-de-açúcar é um grupo de espécies de gramíneas perenes altas do gênero Saccharum, tribo Andropogoneae, nativas das regiões tropicais do sul da Ásia e da Melanésia e utilizadas principalmente para a produção de açúcar e etanol. Tem caules robustos, fibrosos e articulados que são ricos em sacarose. A planta tem entre dois e seis metros de altura. Todas as espécies de cana-de-açúcar mestiças e as principais cultivares comerciais são híbridos complexos. A cana pertence à família Poaceae, uma família de plantas economicamente importantes, como milho, trigo, arroz e sorgo e muitas culturas forrageiras. A sacarose, extraída e purificada em fábricas especializadas, é utilizada como matéria-prima na indústria de alimentos humanos ou é fermentada para produzir etanol, que é produzido em escala pela indústria da cana do Brasil. A planta representa a maior colheita do mundo em quantidade de produção. Em 2012 a Organização das Nações Unidas para Alimentação e Agricultura (FAO) estimou em cerca de 26,0 milhões de hectares a área dedicada ao cultivo de cana em mais de 90 países, com uma colheita mundial de 1,83 bilhões de toneladas. O Brasil foi o maior produtor de cana-de-açúcar do mundo. Os próximos cinco maiores produtores foram Índia, China, Tailândia, Paquistão e México. A demanda mundial de açúcar é o principal condutor do cultivo de cana. A planta é responsável por 80% do açúcar produzido; a maior parte do restante é feito a partir da beterraba. A cana cresce predominantemente nas regiões tropicais e subtropicais (a beterraba cresce em regiões temperadas). Com exceção do açúcar, os produtos derivados da cana incluem melaço, rum, cachaça (bebida tradicional do Brasil), bagaço e etanol. Em algumas regiões, as pessoas usam palhetas de cana para fazer canetas, tapetes, telas e palha. A inflorescência de plantas jovens é consumida crua, cozida no vapor ou torrada, e preparado de várias maneiras em determinadas comunidades insulares da Indonésia. Os persas, seguidos pelos gregos, descobriram os famosos "juncos que produzem mel sem abelhas" na Índia entre os séculos VI e IV a.C. Eles adotaram e depois espalharam a agricultura da cana pelo mundo. Os comerciantes começaram a negociar açúcar da Índia, que era considerado uma especiaria luxuosa e cara. No século XVIII, plantações de cana começaram a ser cultivadas no Caribe, América do Sul, Oceano Índico e nações insulares do Pacífico e a necessidade de trabalhadores para a sua produção tornou-se um dos principais motores de grandes migrações humanas, incluindo trabalho escravo e servos contratados. (pt)
  • Sockerrör (Saccharum officinarum) är en flerårig stråväxt inom familjen gräs. Sockerrör är både till utseendet och växtsätt likt vass, ofta tre till fyra meter högt, med vassa bladkanter och en meterlång vippa. Odlade sorter utgörs av olika hybrider och blommar inte, utan förökning sker genom att ta sticklingar av befintliga plantor. Efter skörd kan nya skott skjuta fram upp till åtta gånger innan en omplantering behövs. Odlingsurprung Nya Guinea. (sv)
  • 甘蔗,又稱蔗,是禾本科的單子葉植物,為甘蔗屬植物(學名:Saccharum)的總稱。甘蔗是無論溫帶、亞熱帶及熱帶都適合種植的農作物,是製造蔗糖的原料,且可提煉乙醇作為生質能源,也被用於。全世界有一百多個國家出產甘蔗,最大的甘蔗生產國是巴西、印度、中國、古巴和泰国。中國最常見的食用甘蔗為竹蔗。在禾本科當中,有許多都是重要的經濟作物,包括玉米、小麥、水稻、豆類、燕麥、高粱、以及許多。原產於東南亞和新幾內亞的熱帶及少部分溫帶地區。 甘蔗是世界產量最大的農作物之一,年產量約為18.8億噸,巴西產量佔世界的40%。2012年根據聯合國糧食及農業組織統計,90多個國家和地區約2600萬公頃(6400萬英畝)的土地用於種植甘蔗。 全球生產的蔗糖約70%來自一種甘蔗屬植物秀貴甘蔗(Saccharum officinarum)的甘蔗及其雜交種。所有的甘蔗品種都可以雜交。 甘蔗佔全球糖類產量的79%;其餘產量產於甜菜。甘蔗主要生長在熱帶和亞熱帶地區,甜菜通常生長在較冷的溫帶地區。 (zh)
  • 13873779 (xsd:integer)
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  • right (en)
  • 18 (xsd:integer)
  • Freshly squeezed sugarcane juice (en)
  • 13.11
  • March 2022 (en)
  • October 2020 (en)
  • vertical (en)
  • 0.400000 (xsd:double)
  • 0.56
  • right (en)
  • 44.530000 (xsd:double)
  • Brown and white sugar crystals (en)
  • 0.55
  • 2.27
  • Sa brownsugar.jpg (en)
  • Sugar 2xmacro.jpg (en)
  • 1.120000 (xsd:double)
  • 242 (xsd:integer)
  • 13.030000 (xsd:double)
  • Cane juice (en)
  • Nutrient Information from Indian Food Composition Database (en)
  • 22.080000 (xsd:double)
  • 150 (xsd:integer)
  • 0.16
  • reference doesn't support much of this (en)
  • October 2020 (en)
  • 100 (xsd:integer)
  • 1.160000 (xsd:double)
  • 0 (xsd:integer)
  • 12.85
  • 0.400000 (xsd:double)
  • 6.730000 (xsd:double)
  • 220 (xsd:integer)
  • 0.140000 (xsd:double)
  • Zuckerrohr (Saccharum officinarum) ist eine Pflanze aus der Familie der Süßgräser (Poaceae) und wird dort der Unterfamilie Panicoideae mit etwa 3270 weiteren Arten zugeordnet. Ihr Ursprung liegt in Ostasien, heute wird sie aber in allen klimatisch geeigneten Regionen angebaut. Die Pflanze ist der wichtigste Rohstofflieferant für die Herstellung von Haushaltszucker (Saccharose) und in wachsendem Maße auch für die Herstellung von Bioethanol. (de)
  • قَصَب السُّكَّر (الاسم العلمي: Saccharum) جنس نباتي من الفصيلة النجيلية، يضم ستة إلى 37 نوعاً (يختلف العدد حسب النظام التصنيفي المستخدم). وهو من نباتات المناطق الحارة، وهو المصدر الأساسي لاستخراج السكر، أما المصدر الآخر فهو الشمندر السكري. تتطلب زراعته أرضاً خصبة وماء كثير ويظل في الأرض لمدة عام كامل، وتكون مصانع السكر في وسط مزارع القصب. تستخدم بقايا القصب بعد عصره في تصنيع الكحول، وتعتبر البرازيل أكبر دولة مصدرة لقصب السكر. (ar)
  • Féar atá cosúil le bambú, ach le cánaí boga 3-8 m ar airde is 3.5-5.0 cm ar trastomhas. Bán go scothbhuí/glas, dearg nó scothchorcra. Fástar i réigiúin thrópaiceacha is fho-thrópaiceacha é. Cheaptaí le fada gur planda seasc é, ach faoi seo tá cuid mhaith hibridí bríomhara torthúla ar fáil. Gearrtar an cána is mionghearrtar i bpíosaí é roimh é a fhliuchadh tríd is tríd in uisce leis an siúcra a eastóscadh amach as. Ansin déantar an tuaslagán siúcra a scagadh, a léirghlanadh is a thriomú. De réir mar a thriomaíonn sé, criostalaíonn an siúcrós amach as, ag fágaint an mholáis ina dhiaidh. Tá an siúcra amh donn, agus is féidir é a íonghlanadh a thuilleadh chun siúcra bán a tháirgeadh. Níl aon difríocht cothaithe idir siúcra donn is siúcra bán. (ga)
  • ( 이 문서는 설탕 생산에 쓰이는 여러 식물에 관한 것입니다. 이름이 "사탕수수"인 한 종에 대해서는 사탕수수 (종) 문서를 참고하십시오.) 사탕수수(砂糖-)는 개사탕수수속에 속하는 몇몇 키 큰 여러해살이풀을 일컫는다. 남아시아와 멜라네시아, 남아메리카 브라질의 따뜻한 지역에서 자라며, 설탕 생산에 쓰인다. (ko)
  • Sockerrör (Saccharum officinarum) är en flerårig stråväxt inom familjen gräs. Sockerrör är både till utseendet och växtsätt likt vass, ofta tre till fyra meter högt, med vassa bladkanter och en meterlång vippa. Odlade sorter utgörs av olika hybrider och blommar inte, utan förökning sker genom att ta sticklingar av befintliga plantor. Efter skörd kan nya skott skjuta fram upp till åtta gånger innan en omplantering behövs. Odlingsurprung Nya Guinea. (sv)
  • 甘蔗,又稱蔗,是禾本科的單子葉植物,為甘蔗屬植物(學名:Saccharum)的總稱。甘蔗是無論溫帶、亞熱帶及熱帶都適合種植的農作物,是製造蔗糖的原料,且可提煉乙醇作為生質能源,也被用於。全世界有一百多個國家出產甘蔗,最大的甘蔗生產國是巴西、印度、中國、古巴和泰国。中國最常見的食用甘蔗為竹蔗。在禾本科當中,有許多都是重要的經濟作物,包括玉米、小麥、水稻、豆類、燕麥、高粱、以及許多。原產於東南亞和新幾內亞的熱帶及少部分溫帶地區。 甘蔗是世界產量最大的農作物之一,年產量約為18.8億噸,巴西產量佔世界的40%。2012年根據聯合國糧食及農業組織統計,90多個國家和地區約2600萬公頃(6400萬英畝)的土地用於種植甘蔗。 全球生產的蔗糖約70%來自一種甘蔗屬植物秀貴甘蔗(Saccharum officinarum)的甘蔗及其雜交種。所有的甘蔗品種都可以雜交。 甘蔗佔全球糖類產量的79%;其餘產量產於甜菜。甘蔗主要生長在熱帶和亞熱帶地區,甜菜通常生長在較冷的溫帶地區。 (zh)
  • Sugarcane or sugar cane is a species of (often hybrid) tall, perennial grass (in the genus Saccharum, tribe Andropogoneae) that is used for sugar production. The plants are 2–6 m (6–20 ft) tall with stout, jointed, fibrous stalks that are rich in sucrose, which accumulates in the stalk internodes. Sugarcanes belong to the grass family, Poaceae, an economically important flowering plant family that includes maize, wheat, rice, and sorghum, and many forage crops. It is native to the warm temperate and tropical regions of India, Southeast Asia, and New Guinea. The plant is also grown for biofuel production, especially in Brazil, as the canes can be used directly to produce ethyl alcohol (ethanol). (en)
  • La canne à sucre est une plante cultivée appartenant au genre Saccharum (famille des Poaceae ou graminées, sous-famille des Panicoideae), cultivée principalement pour la production du sucre (sucre de canne complet ou non) extrait des tiges (ou chaumes). Historiquement quatre espèces de cannes ont été domestiquées, principalement Saccharum officinarum, mais les cultivars modernes forment un ensemble d'hybrides complexes issus principalement de croisements entre Saccharum officinarum et Saccharum spontaneum, avec des contributions de Saccharum robustum, Saccharum sinense, Saccharum barberi, et de plusieurs genres apparentés tels que Miscanthus, Narenga et Erianthus. (fr)
  • Cana-de-açúcar é um grupo de espécies de gramíneas perenes altas do gênero Saccharum, tribo Andropogoneae, nativas das regiões tropicais do sul da Ásia e da Melanésia e utilizadas principalmente para a produção de açúcar e etanol. Tem caules robustos, fibrosos e articulados que são ricos em sacarose. A planta tem entre dois e seis metros de altura. Todas as espécies de cana-de-açúcar mestiças e as principais cultivares comerciais são híbridos complexos. A cana pertence à família Poaceae, uma família de plantas economicamente importantes, como milho, trigo, arroz e sorgo e muitas culturas forrageiras. (pt)
  • Sugarcane (en)
  • قصب السكر (ar)
  • Zuckerrohr (de)
  • Cána siúcra (ga)
  • Canne à sucre (fr)
  • 사탕수수 (ko)
  • Cana-de-açúcar (pt)
  • Sockerrör (sv)
  • 甘蔗 (zh)
  • Цукрова тростина (uk)
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