- Die Erzabtei St. Meinrad (lat. Archiabbatia Sancti Meinradi Martyris; engl. Saint Meinrad Archabbey) ist ein US-amerikanisches Benediktinerkloster in im Spencer County in Indiana und das Stammkloster der Schweizerisch-Amerikanischen Benediktinerkongregation. (de)
- L'archi-abbaye Saint-Meinrad (en anglais : Archabbey St. Meinrad) est l'abbaye-mère de la congrégation helvéto-américaine aux États-Unis, appartenant à la confédération bénédictine. Elle se situe à Saint Meinrad, au sud de l'Indiana. (fr)
- Saint Meinrad Archabbey is a Catholic monastery in Spencer County, Indiana, USA, was founded by monks from Einsiedeln Abbey in Switzerland on March 21, 1854, and is home to approximately 79 monks. The Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology is also located on the premises. The abbey is named for the monk St. Meinrad of Einsiedeln, who died in 861. It is one of only two archabbeys in the United States and one of 11 in the world. The abbey is located approximately 15 minutes from Monastery Immaculate Conception in Ferdinand, Indiana. Immaculate Conception is for Benedictine women. Because of the presence of the Archabbey, Harrison Township is located within the Archdiocese of Indianapolis instead of the Diocese of Evansville, like the rest of Spencer County. The Benedictine community at Saint Meinrad consists of men who dedicate their lives to prayer and work. They gather in community five times a day—for morning prayer, Mass, noon prayer, evening prayer and compline—to pray for the Church and the world. Guests often join the monks in prayer in the Archabbey Church. Gregorian chant is sung in the canonical hours of the monastic Office, primarily in antiphons used to sing the Psalms, in the Great Responsories of Matins, and the Short Responsories of the Lesser Hours and Compline. The psalm antiphons of the Office tend to be short and simple, especially compared to the complex Great Responsories. In addition, the monks spend private time reading spiritual and religious materials. They live under the Rule of St. Benedict, the 6th-century instructions for community living written by St. Benedict. (en)
- Saint Meinrad is een Amerikaanse benedictijnenabdij in Spencer County (Indiana). De abdij werd gesticht op 21 maart 1851 door monniken van het Zwitserse abdij van Einsiedeln. Het is een van de twee benedictijner aartsabdijen in de Verenigde Staten. De abdij heeft een basisschool, een middelbare school en een theologisch seminarie. (nl)
- L'arciabbazia di Saint Meinrad nella contea di Spencer, Indiana, è un monastero benedettino della Congregazione elveto-americana. Venne fondato il 21 marzo 1854 dai monaci dell'abbazia territoriale di Einsiedeln e oggi ospita circa 85 monaci. L'abbazia prende il nome da san Meinrado di Einsiedeln, un monaco morto nel 961. È una delle due arciabbazie negli Stati Uniti e uno delle undici al mondo. Si trova a circa quindici minuti dal monastero dell'Immacolata Concezione a Ferdinand. Esso appartiene alle monache benedettine. La comunità benedettina di Saint Meinrad è composta da uomini che dedicano la loro vita alla preghiera e al lavoro. Si radunano in comunità cinque volte al giorno - per la preghiera del mattino, la messa, la preghiera di mezzogiorno, la preghiera serale e la compieta - per pregare per la Chiesa e per il mondo. Gli ospiti si uniscono spesso ai monaci in preghiera nella chiesa arciabbaziale. Nelle ore canoniche dell'ufficio monastico si cantano i canti gregoriani, principalmente nelle antifone usate per cantare i salmi. Le antifone salmodiche dell'ufficio tendono ad essere brevi e semplici, soprattutto rispetto ai complessi grandi responsori. I monaci inoltre trascorrono il tempo privato a leggere opere spirituali e religiose. Vivono seguendo la Regola benedettina, le istruzioni per la vita comunitaria scritte da san Benedetto da Norcia nel VI secolo. È retta dall'arciabate . (it)
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- dbc:Benedictine_monasteries_in_the_United_States
- dbc:Landmarks_in_Indiana
- dbr:List_of_churches_in_the_Roman_Catholic_Archdiocese_of_Indianapolis
- dbr:Meinrad_of_Einsiedeln
- dbr:Blue_Cloud_Abbey
- dbc:Benedictine_colleges_and_universities
- dbc:Catholic_seminaries_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Holy_See
- dbc:Religious_organizations_established_in_1854
- dbr:United_States
- dbr:United_States_of_America
- dbc:1854_establishments_in_Indiana
- dbr:Covington,_Louisiana
- dbr:Mass_(liturgy)
- dbr:Master_of_Arts
- dbr:Saint_Joseph_Seminary_College
- dbr:Saint_Meinrad_Seminary_and_School_of_Theology
- dbr:Monastery
- dbr:Einsiedeln_Abbey
- dbr:German_language
- dbr:Monastery_Immaculate_Conception
- dbr:Subiaco,_Arkansas
- dbr:Subiaco_Abbey_(Arkansas)
- dbr:Compline
- dbr:Aurora,_Illinois
- dbc:Swiss-American_history
- dbr:Lauds
- dbr:Logan_County,_Arkansas
- dbc:Southwestern_Indiana
- dbc:Roman_Catholic_Archdiocese_of_Indianapolis
- dbr:Ferdinand,_Indiana
- dbc:Buildings_and_structures_in_Spencer_County,_Indiana
- dbr:Parish
- dbr:Master_of_Divinity
- dbr:Harrison_Township,_Spencer_County,_Indiana
- dbr:Arkansas
- dbc:Order_of_Saint_Benedict
- dbr:Lakota_people
- dbr:Switzerland
- dbr:Marmion_Abbey
- dbr:Martin_Marty_(bishop)
- dbr:Marvin,_South_Dakota
- dbr:Philosophy
- dbr:South_Dakota
- dbr:Spencer_County,_Indiana
- dbr:St._Joseph_Abbey,_Louisiana
- dbr:Canonical_hours
- dbr:Benedictine
- dbr:Vespers
- dbr:Sext
- dbr:Catholic
- dbr:Sacred_Heart_of_Jesus
- dbr:Fintan_Mundwiler
- dbr:Theology
- dbr:Archdiocese_of_Indianapolis
- dbr:Rule_of_St._Benedict
- dbr:Father_(title)
- dbr:Archabbey
- dbr:Leo_XIII
- dbr:St._Benedict
- dbr:Archdiocese_of_New_Orleans
- dbr:Diocese_of_Evansville
- dbr:File:Celtic_cross_at_St._Meinrad_Archabbey_in_Saint_Meinrad,_Indiana.jpg
- dbr:File:Meinrad.svg
- dbr:Joseph_Kundek
- dbr:Little_Rock_and_Fort_Smith_Railroad_Company
- dbr:File:St_Meinrad_ArchAbbey_295_Indiana.JPG
- Right Reverend Kurt Stasiak, O.S.B. (en)
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- Saint Meinrad Archabbey (en)
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- Reverend Bede Sisco, O.S.B. (en)
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- Die Erzabtei St. Meinrad (lat. Archiabbatia Sancti Meinradi Martyris; engl. Saint Meinrad Archabbey) ist ein US-amerikanisches Benediktinerkloster in im Spencer County in Indiana und das Stammkloster der Schweizerisch-Amerikanischen Benediktinerkongregation. (de)
- L'archi-abbaye Saint-Meinrad (en anglais : Archabbey St. Meinrad) est l'abbaye-mère de la congrégation helvéto-américaine aux États-Unis, appartenant à la confédération bénédictine. Elle se situe à Saint Meinrad, au sud de l'Indiana. (fr)
- Saint Meinrad is een Amerikaanse benedictijnenabdij in Spencer County (Indiana). De abdij werd gesticht op 21 maart 1851 door monniken van het Zwitserse abdij van Einsiedeln. Het is een van de twee benedictijner aartsabdijen in de Verenigde Staten. De abdij heeft een basisschool, een middelbare school en een theologisch seminarie. (nl)
- Saint Meinrad Archabbey is a Catholic monastery in Spencer County, Indiana, USA, was founded by monks from Einsiedeln Abbey in Switzerland on March 21, 1854, and is home to approximately 79 monks. The Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology is also located on the premises. The Benedictine community at Saint Meinrad consists of men who dedicate their lives to prayer and work. They gather in community five times a day—for morning prayer, Mass, noon prayer, evening prayer and compline—to pray for the Church and the world. Guests often join the monks in prayer in the Archabbey Church. (en)
- L'arciabbazia di Saint Meinrad nella contea di Spencer, Indiana, è un monastero benedettino della Congregazione elveto-americana. Venne fondato il 21 marzo 1854 dai monaci dell'abbazia territoriale di Einsiedeln e oggi ospita circa 85 monaci. L'abbazia prende il nome da san Meinrado di Einsiedeln, un monaco morto nel 961. È una delle due arciabbazie negli Stati Uniti e uno delle undici al mondo. Si trova a circa quindici minuti dal monastero dell'Immacolata Concezione a Ferdinand. Esso appartiene alle monache benedettine. È retta dall'arciabate . (it)
- Erzabtei St. Meinrad (de)
- Abbaye Saint-Meinrad (fr)
- Arciabbazia di Saint Meinrad (it)
- Abdij Saint Meinrad (nl)
- St. Meinrad Archabbey (en)
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