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About: Samul nori

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Samul nori (사물놀이) is a genre of percussion music that originated in Korea. The word samul means "four objects", while nori means "play". Samul nori is performed with four traditional Korean musical instruments. They are Kkwaenggwari (꽹과리), a small gong; Jing (징), a larger gong; Janggu (장구), an hourglass-shaped drum; and Buk (북), a barrel drum similar to the bass drum. [8] In 1993, SamulNori expanded to include twenty performers and changed its name to SamulNori Hanullim, Inc. ("Hanullim" meaning "big bang").

Property Value
  • Samulnori es una de las artes escénicas de Corea, caracterizada por la importancia de la percusión y la danza. Aunque se desarrolló por primera vez en 1978 con la fundación del grupo SamulNori, sus artistas se inspiraron en gran medida en los bailes y melodías de percusión populares de Corea, concretamente en el nongak. Dada la enorme fama de la agrupación original y el surgimiento de numerosas bandas que tocan música de su mismo estilo, samulnori ha pasado a designar al arte escénica que guarda relación con la música y baile que interpreta el homónimo grupo. (es)
  • Samulnori ist ein koreanisches Musikgenre und die moderne Bühnenform einer traditionellen koreanischen Perkussionsmusik, dem Pungmul. (de)
  • Le samulnori (사물놀이, parfois écrit à moitié en hanja et à moitié en hangeul : 四物놀이, litt. « jeux des quatre choses ») est un genre de musique coréenne à percussion traditionnelle. Les mots Sa signifie « quatre », mul signifie « choses » et nori signifie « jeu » ; le samulnori est toujours effectué avec quatre instruments traditionnels : * Le (꽹과리, un petit gong (錚/꽹 kkwaeng)) * Le jing (징, un plus grand gong) * Le janggu (杖鼓/장구, un tambour d'origine chinoise en forme de sablier) * Le buk (북, un baril tambour semblable à la grosse caisse) Cette musique est un dérivé du « Pan gut » (판굿), pan décrit une place ou les villageois se rassemblent et jouent, et gut fait référence à l'exécution d'une cérémonie par un chaman. Un pan gut est une célébration dans lesquels les villageois se rassemblent et pratiquer des traditions afin obtenir des bonnes faveurs. Dans le samul nori, le pan gut regroupe plusieurs formes de pratiques ou la musique est accompagné de mouvements effectués généralement debout. Le samulnori plonge également ses racines dans le nong-ak (農樂/농악 littéralement « Musique des agriculteurs »), un genre folklorique coréen composé de musique, d’acrobatie, de danses folkloriques, et de rituels, traditionnellement célébré dans les villages pour consacrer les bonnes récoltes de riz. Il fait partie des coutumes traditionnelles coréenes appelés pungmul (풍물 (風物, morphologiquement : élément annonciateur ou chose du souffle, du vent, et pourrait se traduire par chose ou élément de la nature). Plus précisément, le samulnori découle du utdari pungmul (cérémonie et rythmes chamaniques des provinces sud-coréennes du Gyeonggi-do et du Chungcheong), ainsi que des genres folkloriques du yeongnam honam, associés à des compositions plus contemporaines. Avec le nong-ak, ils sont ancrés dans la tradition coréenne chamaniste, animiste, et bouddhiste. Alors que le nong-ak se caractérise souvent par le recours à des instruments à vent, le samulnori lui se caractérise par l’utilisation des quatre instruments à percussion cités plus haut. Chacun de ces quatre instruments représente un élément du climat : Le janggu représente la pluie, le kkwaenggwari le tonnerre, le jing le souffle du vent, et buk les nuages. L'idée du yin et du yang se reflète également dans ces instruments: le buk et le janggu (en cuir) représentent les sonorités de la terre, tandis que le jing et le kkwaenggwari (en métal) représentent les sons des cieux. Bien que généralement joué en intérieur, comme une scène de genre, Samul nori représente la culture coréenne traditionnelle, une société agricole enracinée dans le milieu naturel.Le genre a été popularisé par le groupe éponyme créé en 1978 par Kim Duk-Soo, le nom du groupe devenant très vite un nom commun pour désigner ce genre, renouveau et mélange de musiques religieuses, populaires, festives; qui avaient failli disparaître à la suite de l’occupation japonaise et de la guerre de Corée. Il est intéressant d’ajouter que ce retour aux sources a pu catalyser les révoltes d’une partie de la jeunesse contre la dictature alors en place. (fr)
  • Samulnori (사물놀이) adalah permainan alat musik perkusi tradisional Korea. Samulnori secara harfiah berarti permainan 4 alat musik tradisional Korea. (in)
  • Samul nori (사물놀이) is a genre of percussion music that originated in Korea. The word samul means "four objects", while nori means "play". Samul nori is performed with four traditional Korean musical instruments. They are Kkwaenggwari (꽹과리), a small gong; Jing (징), a larger gong; Janggu (장구), an hourglass-shaped drum; and Buk (북), a barrel drum similar to the bass drum. Samul nori's roots are in Pungmul nori (풍물놀이), meaning "playing Korean traditional percussion instruments", which is a Korean folk genre comprising music, acrobatics, folk dance, and rituals. Samul nori was traditionally performed in rice-farming villages in order to ensure and to celebrate good harvests. Until modern times, nine-tenths of Korea's people were employed in agricultural work, and this genre defined Korean music. Samul nori is the formalized, more modern version of Pungmul nori. Samul nori started by adapting music from Utdari pungmul (the gut, or shaman ceremony rhythm of the Gyeonggi-do and Chungcheong provinces of South Korea), as well as the genres of Yeongnam folk music and Honam udo gut, combined with more contemporary improvisations, elaborations, and compositions.[3] The original music of these local rhymes is steeped in traditional animism and shamanism but also shows influences from Korean military music and Korean Buddhism. While full Pungmul nori often features the use of wind instruments, Samul nori only features the four aforementioned percussion instruments. After seeing a Samul nori performance, a poet once described each of the four instruments as a different element of weather: the janggu represents rain; the kkwaenggwari, thunder; the jing, the sounds of the wind; and the buk, clouds. The Korean philosophy of Chun-Ji-In ("Chun" meaning heaven, "Ji" meaning Earth, and "In" meaning people) is also reflected in these instruments: the buk and janggu (leather) represent the sounds of the earth, while the jing and kkwaenggwari (metal) represent sounds of the heavens and the people playing. For this reason, Samul nori without the sound of people is considered incomplete. Although it is generally performed indoors as a staged genre, Samul nori depicts the traditional Korean culture, an agricultural society rooted in the natural environment. Samul nori is characterized by strong, accented rhythms, vibrant body movements, and an energetic spirit. Samul nori has gained international popularity, with many Samul nori bands and camps performing worldwide. Since the 1980s in South Korea, there has been a marked increase in the amount of fusion music, which combines Samul nori and Western instruments. Samul nori was also extensively used in the Korean musical Nanta. The most famous Samul nori ensemble is the internationally famous South Korean ensemble styled SamulNori, which is credited for bringing the music from a rural folk genre to the contemporary stage. The group was established in February 1978 by janggu player and former Namsadang star performer (김덕수[4]), along with Kim Young Bae (kkwaenggwari), Choi Tae Hyun (jing), and Lee Jong Dae (buk). Following Kim Young Bae's death in 1985, he was replaced by Choi Jong Sil, and Lee Kwang Soo replaced Lee Jong Dae on the buk.[5] The group has collaborated and recorded with a number of non-Korean ensembles, most notably in 1987 with the Red Sun jazz band, with one Samul Nori/Red Sun CD selling 70,000 copies.[6][7] They have also performed in August 2000 at the Earth Celebration International Arts Festival on Sado Island in Japan with the Japanese taiko group Kodo. [8] Regarding his choice to move from the more traditional outdoor performances to indoor venues, Kim Duk Soo states that at the time he established SamulNori, during the last years of the administration of former South Korean president Park Chung Hee, Korean traditional music was associated with the student movement, and anyone playing such instruments outdoors could be arrested. Thus, he developed the current version of the genre, which is generally presented indoors on concert hall stages. In 1993, SamulNori expanded to include twenty performers and changed its name to SamulNori Hanullim, Inc. ("Hanullim" meaning "big bang"). (en)
  • サムルノリ(사물놀이)は、朝鮮の伝統楽器であるケンガリ・ チン・チャング・プクを用いた韓国の現代音楽。プンムルノリと呼ばれる農村地帯の伝統的な農楽をもとに、1970年代末に舞台芸術としてアレンジされたパーカッション・アンサンブルである。 名称は、1978年に結成された演奏グループ「サムルノリ」に由来し、4種の伝統楽器を用いた演奏そのものを指すようになった。韓国の農楽そのものをサムルノリと呼ぶのは誤用である。 (ja)
  • 사물놀이는 사물(꽹과리, 징, 장구, 북)을 중심으로 연주하는 풍물에서 취한 가락을 토대로 발전시킨 계열의 국악이며, 1978년 2월 28일 서울 종로구 인사동 공간사랑에서 김용배가 제안 구성하고 심우성이 이름을 지어 제안한 《사물놀이》 풍물패에서 연주를 한 것이 사물놀이의 시작이다. 이들은 기존의 풍물놀이에 비해 앉은반으로 풍물가락을 실내 연주에 적합하게 재구성하였다. 주로 호남풍물, 짝드름, 웃다리풍물, 설장구놀이, 영남풍물 등을 연주한다. 흔히 꽹과리 소리는 천둥, 징 소리는 바람, 장구 소리는 비, 북소리는 구름에 빗대어 말하곤 한다. 전통적이지만 새롭게 창안된 음악답게 사물놀이패는 관현악단과 협연하거나 재즈 밴드와 함께 공연하는 등 다양한 이색 활동을 펼치기도 한다. (ko)
  • Самуллори (кор. 사물놀이?, 四物놀이?) — корейское музыкальное представление в традиционном стиле, включающее игру на национальных ударных инструментах. (ru)
  • 四物打击乐是流行于韩国、朝鲜和中国朝鲜族聚居区的传统乐器组队形式,由鼓、长鼓、和四种打击乐器组成。四物打击乐源于农乐,是韩国传统文化的体现。四个乐器分别代表着四位神。鼓是云神,长鼓是雨神,大锣是风神,小锣是雷神。四物打击乐同时也表达阴阳理念。长鼓和鼓代表着大地的声音,而大锣和小锣则代表着上天的声音。 (zh)
  • 2485607 (xsd:integer)
  • 7682 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1105619314 (xsd:integer)
  • A samul nori performance in Bremen, Germany (en)
  • 사물놀이 (en)
  • 四物놀이 (en)
  • Bigthumb DSC 1101.jpg (en)
  • Samullori or Samul nori (en)
  • Samullori or Samul nori (en)
  • Samulnori es una de las artes escénicas de Corea, caracterizada por la importancia de la percusión y la danza. Aunque se desarrolló por primera vez en 1978 con la fundación del grupo SamulNori, sus artistas se inspiraron en gran medida en los bailes y melodías de percusión populares de Corea, concretamente en el nongak. Dada la enorme fama de la agrupación original y el surgimiento de numerosas bandas que tocan música de su mismo estilo, samulnori ha pasado a designar al arte escénica que guarda relación con la música y baile que interpreta el homónimo grupo. (es)
  • Samulnori ist ein koreanisches Musikgenre und die moderne Bühnenform einer traditionellen koreanischen Perkussionsmusik, dem Pungmul. (de)
  • Samulnori (사물놀이) adalah permainan alat musik perkusi tradisional Korea. Samulnori secara harfiah berarti permainan 4 alat musik tradisional Korea. (in)
  • サムルノリ(사물놀이)は、朝鮮の伝統楽器であるケンガリ・ チン・チャング・プクを用いた韓国の現代音楽。プンムルノリと呼ばれる農村地帯の伝統的な農楽をもとに、1970年代末に舞台芸術としてアレンジされたパーカッション・アンサンブルである。 名称は、1978年に結成された演奏グループ「サムルノリ」に由来し、4種の伝統楽器を用いた演奏そのものを指すようになった。韓国の農楽そのものをサムルノリと呼ぶのは誤用である。 (ja)
  • 사물놀이는 사물(꽹과리, 징, 장구, 북)을 중심으로 연주하는 풍물에서 취한 가락을 토대로 발전시킨 계열의 국악이며, 1978년 2월 28일 서울 종로구 인사동 공간사랑에서 김용배가 제안 구성하고 심우성이 이름을 지어 제안한 《사물놀이》 풍물패에서 연주를 한 것이 사물놀이의 시작이다. 이들은 기존의 풍물놀이에 비해 앉은반으로 풍물가락을 실내 연주에 적합하게 재구성하였다. 주로 호남풍물, 짝드름, 웃다리풍물, 설장구놀이, 영남풍물 등을 연주한다. 흔히 꽹과리 소리는 천둥, 징 소리는 바람, 장구 소리는 비, 북소리는 구름에 빗대어 말하곤 한다. 전통적이지만 새롭게 창안된 음악답게 사물놀이패는 관현악단과 협연하거나 재즈 밴드와 함께 공연하는 등 다양한 이색 활동을 펼치기도 한다. (ko)
  • Самуллори (кор. 사물놀이?, 四物놀이?) — корейское музыкальное представление в традиционном стиле, включающее игру на национальных ударных инструментах. (ru)
  • 四物打击乐是流行于韩国、朝鲜和中国朝鲜族聚居区的传统乐器组队形式,由鼓、长鼓、和四种打击乐器组成。四物打击乐源于农乐,是韩国传统文化的体现。四个乐器分别代表着四位神。鼓是云神,长鼓是雨神,大锣是风神,小锣是雷神。四物打击乐同时也表达阴阳理念。长鼓和鼓代表着大地的声音,而大锣和小锣则代表着上天的声音。 (zh)
  • Samul nori (사물놀이) is a genre of percussion music that originated in Korea. The word samul means "four objects", while nori means "play". Samul nori is performed with four traditional Korean musical instruments. They are Kkwaenggwari (꽹과리), a small gong; Jing (징), a larger gong; Janggu (장구), an hourglass-shaped drum; and Buk (북), a barrel drum similar to the bass drum. [8] In 1993, SamulNori expanded to include twenty performers and changed its name to SamulNori Hanullim, Inc. ("Hanullim" meaning "big bang"). (en)
  • Le samulnori (사물놀이, parfois écrit à moitié en hanja et à moitié en hangeul : 四物놀이, litt. « jeux des quatre choses ») est un genre de musique coréenne à percussion traditionnelle. Les mots Sa signifie « quatre », mul signifie « choses » et nori signifie « jeu » ; le samulnori est toujours effectué avec quatre instruments traditionnels : * Le (꽹과리, un petit gong (錚/꽹 kkwaeng)) * Le jing (징, un plus grand gong) * Le janggu (杖鼓/장구, un tambour d'origine chinoise en forme de sablier) * Le buk (북, un baril tambour semblable à la grosse caisse) (fr)
  • Samulnori (de)
  • Samulnori (es)
  • Samulnori (in)
  • Samulnori (fr)
  • 사물놀이 (ko)
  • サムルノリ (ja)
  • Samul nori (en)
  • Самуллори (ru)
  • 四物打击乐 (zh)
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