- رون تايلور (بالإنجليزية: Ron Taylor) (و. 1952 – 2002 م) هو ممثل، وممثل أفلام، ومغني، وممثل تلفزيوني، من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، ولد في غالفيستون، تكساس، توفي في لوس أنجلوس، عن عمر يناهز 50 عاماً بسبب نوبة قلبية. (ar)
- Ron James Taylor (* 16. Oktober 1952 in Galveston, Texas; † 16. Januar 2002 in Los Angeles, Kalifornien) war ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler und Sänger. (de)
- Ron Taylor est un acteur américain né le 16 octobre 1952 à Galveston, Texas (États-Unis). Il meurt d'une crise cardiaque le 16 janvier 2002 à Los Angeles (Californie). (fr)
- Ronald James Taylor (October 16, 1952 – January 16, 2002) was an American actor, singer and writer. He grew up in Galveston, Texas and later moved to New York City to attend the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. After graduating, Taylor began working in musical theater, appearing in The Wiz (1977), before getting his break with the 1982 off-Broadway production Little Shop of Horrors. Taylor voiced the killer plant Audrey II in the show, which ran for five years and over 2,000 performances. Taylor created and starred in the musical revue It Ain't Nothin' But the Blues, which charted the history of blues music from its African origin to American success. Originally performed at high schools in Denver as a 45-minute piece, the revue was expanded to two hours, played around the country and opened on Broadway in 1999. It was met with critical acclaim, ran for eight months, and saw Taylor receive two Tony Award nominations. He also had numerous television roles, appearing in The Simpsons, Twin Peaks, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Ally McBeal and L.A. Law. His performance in the latter, as a singer who performed the American national anthem "The Star-Spangled Banner" at baseball games, led him to perform the anthem at several real-life sporting events. Taylor was married and had one son. He died in January 2002 after suffering a heart attack. (en)
- 론 테일러(Ron Taylor, 1952년 10월 16일 ~ 2002년 1월 16일)는 미국의 배우, 영화배우, 가수, 텔레비전 배우, 성우이다. 갤버스턴에서 태어났으며 로스앤젤레스에서 사망하였다.(사인: 심근 경색) (ko)
- Ron James Taylor, soprannominato Sugar Bear (Galveston, 16 ottobre 1952 – Los Angeles, 16 gennaio 2002), è stato un attore, cantante e scrittore statunitense. (it)
- Ronald James Taylor, född 16 oktober 1952 i Galveston, Texas, död 16 januari 2002 i hjärtattack, var en amerikansk skådespelare. Ron är känd för sina roller i, bland annat, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine och som röst åt Bleeding Gums Murphy i TV-serien Simpsons. Han har även skrivit manus till Spejaren och andra TV-serier. Avsnitt 8 (säsong 13) i Simpsons, Sweets and sour Marge, är tillägnat Ron Taylor. (sv)
- "Being in the box bothered me at first, because I am used to being on stage, and when you sing on stage, there is open space; you can throw your voice all the way to the end of the house. When you are in that small space, it plays a psychological trick on you. You feel you have nowhere to sing to. I had to keep telling myself: 'O.K., I have a microphone right here, I don't have to push. They can hear me.' You know I can't hear anything in there. I can't hear applause." (en)
- رون تايلور (بالإنجليزية: Ron Taylor) (و. 1952 – 2002 م) هو ممثل، وممثل أفلام، ومغني، وممثل تلفزيوني، من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، ولد في غالفيستون، تكساس، توفي في لوس أنجلوس، عن عمر يناهز 50 عاماً بسبب نوبة قلبية. (ar)
- Ron James Taylor (* 16. Oktober 1952 in Galveston, Texas; † 16. Januar 2002 in Los Angeles, Kalifornien) war ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler und Sänger. (de)
- Ron Taylor est un acteur américain né le 16 octobre 1952 à Galveston, Texas (États-Unis). Il meurt d'une crise cardiaque le 16 janvier 2002 à Los Angeles (Californie). (fr)
- 론 테일러(Ron Taylor, 1952년 10월 16일 ~ 2002년 1월 16일)는 미국의 배우, 영화배우, 가수, 텔레비전 배우, 성우이다. 갤버스턴에서 태어났으며 로스앤젤레스에서 사망하였다.(사인: 심근 경색) (ko)
- Ron James Taylor, soprannominato Sugar Bear (Galveston, 16 ottobre 1952 – Los Angeles, 16 gennaio 2002), è stato un attore, cantante e scrittore statunitense. (it)
- Ronald James Taylor, född 16 oktober 1952 i Galveston, Texas, död 16 januari 2002 i hjärtattack, var en amerikansk skådespelare. Ron är känd för sina roller i, bland annat, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine och som röst åt Bleeding Gums Murphy i TV-serien Simpsons. Han har även skrivit manus till Spejaren och andra TV-serier. Avsnitt 8 (säsong 13) i Simpsons, Sweets and sour Marge, är tillägnat Ron Taylor. (sv)
- Ronald James Taylor (October 16, 1952 – January 16, 2002) was an American actor, singer and writer. He grew up in Galveston, Texas and later moved to New York City to attend the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. After graduating, Taylor began working in musical theater, appearing in The Wiz (1977), before getting his break with the 1982 off-Broadway production Little Shop of Horrors. Taylor voiced the killer plant Audrey II in the show, which ran for five years and over 2,000 performances. (en)