- L'expédition Penobscot est une opération navale des forces armées américaines lors de la guerre d'indépendance des États-Unis exécutée entre juillet et août 1779 afin d'expulser les troupes britanniques récemment débarquées dans l’État du Maine. Le 17 juin 1779, les forces armées britanniques sous le commandement du général (en) débarquent et commencent à établir une série de fortifications centrées sur (en), située sur la péninsule Majabigwaduce dans la partie supérieure de la baie de Penobscot. L'objectif est d'établir une présence militaire sur cette partie de la côte de l’État du Maine afin d'établir la colonie de la Nouvelle-Irlande (Maine). En réponse, le Congrès de la province de la baie du Massachusetts, avec le soutien du Congrès continental organise une expédition pour expulser les Britanniques. La flottille américaine composée de 19 navires de guerre et de 25 navires de soutien, quitte Boston le 19 juillet 1779 en direction de la baie de Penobscot. Elle embarque un corps expéditionnaire fort de plus de 1000 marines coloniaux et miliciens ainsi qu'un détachement d'artillerie de 100 hommes sous le commandement du lieutenant-colonel Paul Revere. Les troupes américaines débarquent à la fin de juillet et tentent d'établir le siège de fort George par une série d'actions malheureusement entravée par les désaccords entre le commandant des forces terrestres, le général de brigade (en) et le commandant en chef de l'expédition, le commodore Dudley Saltonstall. Ce dernier sera renvoyé de la Marine pour incompétence à la suite de l'échec de l’expédition. Les combats ont lieu à la fois sur terre et en mer autour de l’embouchure du fleuve Penobscot, de la rivière Majabigwaduce et de Castine sur une période de trois semaines. Le général McLean résiste aux assauts américains en attendant la flotte de secours britannique commandée par Sir George Collier. Cette dernière arrive à New York le 13 août, puis conduit la destruction de la flotte américaine sur le fleuve Penobscot. Les survivants de l'expédition américaine sont forcés à évacuer par voie terrestre vers le Massachusetts avec très peu d'arme et de nourriture. Cette opération est la plus grande expédition navale américaine de la guerre. Si c’est l’une des plus grandes victoires de la guerre pour les Britanniques, c’est aussi la pire défaite navale des États-Unis avant Pearl Harbor 162 ans plus tard. (fr)
- The Penobscot Expedition was a 44-ship American naval armada during the Revolutionary War assembled by the Provincial Congress of the Province of Massachusetts Bay. The flotilla of 19 warships and 25 support vessels sailed from Boston on July 19, 1779 for the upper Penobscot Bay in the District of Maine carrying an expeditionary force of more than 1,000 American colonial marines (not to be confused with the Continental Marines) and militiamen. Also included was a 100-man artillery detachment under the command of Lt. Colonel Paul Revere. The expedition's goal was to reclaim control of mid-coast Maine from the British who had captured it a month earlier and renamed it New Ireland. It was the largest American naval expedition of the war. The fighting took place on land and at sea around the mouth of the Penobscot and Bagaduce rivers at Castine, Maine, over a period of three weeks in July and August. It resulted in the United States' worst naval defeat until Pearl Harbor 162 years later in 1941. On June 17, British Army forces landed under the command of General Francis McLean and began to establish a series of fortifications around Fort George on the Majabigwaduce Peninsula in the upper Penobscot Bay, with the goals of establishing a military presence on that part of the coast and establishing the colony of New Ireland. In response, the Province of Massachusetts raised an expedition to drive them out, with some support from the Continental Congress. The Americans landed troops in late July and attempted to besiege Fort George in actions that were seriously hampered by disagreements over control of the expedition between land forces commander Brigadier General Solomon Lovell and expedition commander Commodore Dudley Saltonstall, who was later dismissed from the Navy for ineptitude. For almost three weeks, General McLean held off the assault until a British relief fleet arrived from New York on August 13 under the command of Sir George Collier, driving the American fleet to destruction up the Penobscot River. The survivors of the expedition made an overland journey back to more populated parts of Massachusetts with minimal food and arms. (en)
- ペノブスコット遠征(ペノブスコットえんせい、英: Penobscot Expedition)は、アメリカ独立戦争の1779年7月24日から8月12日まで、当時イギリス軍に占領されていたメイン地区を取り返すために派遣されたアメリカ海軍の遠征である。この戦争ではアメリカ海軍最大の遠征であり、最大の敗北となった。戦闘は現在のメイン州カスティーンの陸上と海上で行われた。 1779年6月、イギリス陸軍部隊がペノブスコット湾のマジャビッグワデュース半島の砦を中心とする一連の砦を建設した。その目的はそこの海岸部に軍隊の基地を設立し、ニューアイルランドとよぶ新しい植民地を建設することだった。これに反応したマサチューセッツ湾植民地は大陸会議から幾らかの支援を得て、イギリス軍を追い出すための遠征隊を編成した。 アメリカ軍は7月下旬に部隊を上陸させ、イギリス軍の砦に包囲戦を布こうとしたが、遠征の指揮官であるダドリー・ソルトンストールとソロモン・ラベルの間に指揮について意見の不一致があり、うまくいかなかった。8月13日にイギリス海軍ジョージ・コリアの指揮する艦隊が現れ、アメリカ艦隊はペノブスコット川で全艦自壊するという悲惨な結末になった。遠征隊の生き残った者達は、食料や装備も乏しいまま、マサチューセッツの人家がある所まで陸路退却を余儀なくされた。 (ja)
- La spedizione di Penobscot fu una spedizione navale americana inviata per riconquistare il Maine, che gl'Inglesi avevano occupato e rinominato Nuova Irlanda. (it)
- Экспедиция на Пенобскот (англ. Penobscot Expedition) — неудачная попытка ополчения Массачусетса и Массачусетского флота в 1779 году захватить британский форт вблизи устья реки Пенобскот. Провал экспедиции стал крупнейшим поражением колонистов на море за время Революционной войны. (ru)
- 86 killed, wounded, captured or missing
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- 3,000
- 700
- 10 warships
- 19 warships
- 25 support ships
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- 43136 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- dbr:Castine,_Maine
- dbc:Military_expeditions_of_the_United_States
- dbc:United_States_Marine_Corps_in_the_18th_and_19th_centuries
- dbr:82nd_Regiment_of_Foot_(1778)
- dbc:Maine_in_the_American_Revolution
- dbr:Rod_(unit)
- dbr:San_Francisco_Board_of_Education
- dbr:San_Francisco_Unified_School_District
- dbr:Saratoga_campaign
- dbr:HMS_Albany_(1776)
- dbr:Battle_of_Machias_(1777)
- dbr:Bernard_Cornwell
- dbr:Boston
- dbr:Defence_(1779_brigantine)
- dbr:Joshua_Chamberlain
- dbr:Paul_Revere
- dbr:Peace_of_Paris_(1783)
- dbr:Peleg_Wadsworth
- dbr:Penobscot
- dbr:Penobscot_Bay
- dbr:Penobscot_Expedition_Site
- dbr:Penobscot_River
- dbr:USS_Providence_(1775)
- dbr:USS_Warren_(1776)
- dbr:Dominic_Serres
- dbr:Secretary_of_State_for_the_Colonies
- dbr:Penobscot_(people)
- dbc:Bangor,_Maine
- dbr:Continental_Marines
- dbr:Continental_Navy
- dbr:Massachusetts
- dbr:Massachusetts_Institute_of_Technology
- dbr:Massachusetts_Provincial_Congress
- dbr:New_Ireland_(Maine)
- dbr:George_Collier
- dbr:George_Germain,_1st_Viscount_Sackville
- dbr:Continental_Congress
- dbr:Military_history_of_Nova_Scotia
- dbc:1779_in_the_United_States
- dbc:Battles_involving_the_United_States
- dbc:Massachusetts_in_the_American_Revolution
- dbc:Battles_of_the_American_Revolutionary_War_in_Maine
- dbc:Pre-statehood_history_of_Maine
- dbr:Maine
- dbr:Maine_Maritime_Academy
- dbr:Sir_Francis_Bernard,_1st_Baronet
- dbr:John_Nutting_(loyalist)
- dbr:Massachusetts_Naval_Militia
- dbr:Massachusetts_ship_Tyrannicide_(1776)
- dbr:Bagaduce_River
- dbr:Bangor,_Maine
- dbr:74th_Regiment_of_(Highland)_Foot
- dbc:Battles_in_the_Northern_Coastal_theate...ican_Revolutionary_War_after_Saratoga
- dbc:Battles_involving_Great_Britain
- dbc:Conflicts_in_1779
- dbr:USS_Active_(1779)
- dbr:War_of_1812
- dbr:Warship
- dbr:HMS_Blonde_(1760)
- dbr:John_Campbell_(author)
- dbr:American_Revolutionary_War
- dbr:American_colonial_marines
- dbc:Naval_history_of_Canada
- dbr:Dudley_Saltonstall
- dbr:Fort_George_(Castine,_Maine)
- dbr:Francis_McLean_(British_army_officer)
- dbr:Nova_Scotia
- dbr:The_Fort_(novel)
- dbr:HMS_Camilla_(1776)
- dbr:HMS_Galatea_(1776)
- dbr:HMS_Greyhound_(1773)
- dbr:HMS_Otter_(1778)
- dbr:HMS_Raisonnable_(1768)
- dbr:Halifax,_Nova_Scotia
- dbr:Henry_Francis_Evans
- dbr:Henry_Mowat
- dbr:Interstate_395_(Maine)
- dbr:Attack_on_Pearl_Harbor
- dbr:John_Berkenhout
- dbr:John_Burgoyne
- dbr:John_Moore_(British_Army_officer)
- dbr:Henry_Redhead_Yorke
- dbr:Missouri_Compromise
- dbr:District_of_Maine
- dbr:Solomon_Lovell
- dbr:Southern_theater_of_the_American_Revolutionary_War
- dbr:USS_Vengeance_(1779)
- dbr:Militia_(United_States)
- dbr:Nautilus_Island,_Maine
- dbr:New_Brunswick
- dbr:New_England
- dbr:Province_of_Massachusetts_Bay
- dbr:HMS_Virginia
- dbr:Saint_Croix_River_(Maine_–_New_Brunswick)
- dbr:Massachusetts_State_Navy
- dbr:Webster-Ashburton_Treaty
- dbr:Henry_Clinton_(1730–1795)
- dbr:HMS_Nautilus_(1762)
- dbr:File:Sir_John_Moore_by_Sir_Thomas_Lawrence.jpg
- dbr:File:PenobscotExpedition1779.jpg
- dbr:File:FracisMcLeanPlaqueStPaulsChurchHalifaxNovaScotia.jpg
- dbr:File:Admiral_Sir_George_Collier.jpg
- dbr:File:Dyce's_Head,_Castine,_ME.jpg
- dbr:Hampden_(20_guns)
- Northern coast 1776-1781 (en)
- 0001-08-14 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- 19 (xsd:integer)
- 25 (xsd:integer)
- 86 (xsd:integer)
- 474 (xsd:integer)
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- Paul Revere (en)
- John Moore (en)
- Henry Evans (en)
- George Collier (en)
- Dudley Saltonstall (en)
- Peleg Wadsworth (en)
- Francis McLean (en)
- Henry Mowat (en)
- Solomon Lovell (en)
- Penobscot Expedition (en)
- 0001-07-24 (xsd:gMonthDay)
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- the American Revolutionary War (en)
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- 10 (xsd:integer)
- 19 (xsd:integer)
- 25 (xsd:integer)
- 700 (xsd:integer)
- 3000 (xsd:integer)
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- ペノブスコット遠征(ペノブスコットえんせい、英: Penobscot Expedition)は、アメリカ独立戦争の1779年7月24日から8月12日まで、当時イギリス軍に占領されていたメイン地区を取り返すために派遣されたアメリカ海軍の遠征である。この戦争ではアメリカ海軍最大の遠征であり、最大の敗北となった。戦闘は現在のメイン州カスティーンの陸上と海上で行われた。 1779年6月、イギリス陸軍部隊がペノブスコット湾のマジャビッグワデュース半島の砦を中心とする一連の砦を建設した。その目的はそこの海岸部に軍隊の基地を設立し、ニューアイルランドとよぶ新しい植民地を建設することだった。これに反応したマサチューセッツ湾植民地は大陸会議から幾らかの支援を得て、イギリス軍を追い出すための遠征隊を編成した。 アメリカ軍は7月下旬に部隊を上陸させ、イギリス軍の砦に包囲戦を布こうとしたが、遠征の指揮官であるダドリー・ソルトンストールとソロモン・ラベルの間に指揮について意見の不一致があり、うまくいかなかった。8月13日にイギリス海軍ジョージ・コリアの指揮する艦隊が現れ、アメリカ艦隊はペノブスコット川で全艦自壊するという悲惨な結末になった。遠征隊の生き残った者達は、食料や装備も乏しいまま、マサチューセッツの人家がある所まで陸路退却を余儀なくされた。 (ja)
- La spedizione di Penobscot fu una spedizione navale americana inviata per riconquistare il Maine, che gl'Inglesi avevano occupato e rinominato Nuova Irlanda. (it)
- Экспедиция на Пенобскот (англ. Penobscot Expedition) — неудачная попытка ополчения Массачусетса и Массачусетского флота в 1779 году захватить британский форт вблизи устья реки Пенобскот. Провал экспедиции стал крупнейшим поражением колонистов на море за время Революционной войны. (ru)
- L'expédition Penobscot est une opération navale des forces armées américaines lors de la guerre d'indépendance des États-Unis exécutée entre juillet et août 1779 afin d'expulser les troupes britanniques récemment débarquées dans l’État du Maine. (fr)
- The Penobscot Expedition was a 44-ship American naval armada during the Revolutionary War assembled by the Provincial Congress of the Province of Massachusetts Bay. The flotilla of 19 warships and 25 support vessels sailed from Boston on July 19, 1779 for the upper Penobscot Bay in the District of Maine carrying an expeditionary force of more than 1,000 American colonial marines (not to be confused with the Continental Marines) and militiamen. Also included was a 100-man artillery detachment under the command of Lt. Colonel Paul Revere. (en)
- Spedizione di Penobscot (it)
- Expédition de Penobscot (fr)
- ペノブスコット遠征 (ja)
- Penobscot Expedition (en)
- Экспедиция на Пенобскот (ru)
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- POINT(-68.805603027344 44.390998840332)
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- Penobscot Expedition (en)
is dbo:battle
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is dbo:wikiPageDisambiguates
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is dbo:wikiPageRedirects
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is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink
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- dbr:Castine,_Maine
- dbr:Castine_Historic_District
- dbr:Samuel_Holden_Parsons
- dbr:San_Francisco_Board_of_Education
- dbr:List_of_battles_1601–1800
- dbr:List_of_conflicts_in_North_America
- dbr:Battle_of_Blomindon
- dbr:Battle_of_Machias_(1777)
- dbr:Benjamin_Milliken
- dbr:Bernard_Cornwell
- dbr:Boothbay_Harbor,_Maine
- dbr:Defence_(1779_brigantine)
- dbr:John_Perkins_House_(Castine,_Maine)
- dbr:John_Savage_(American_politician,_born_1779)
- dbr:John_Winthrop_the_Younger
- dbr:Jonathan_Haraden
- dbr:Paul_Revere
- dbr:Peleg_Wadsworth
- dbr:Penobscot_Expedition_Site
- dbr:Penobscot_River
- dbr:USS_Providence_(1775)
- dbr:USS_Virginia_(1776)
- dbr:USS_Warren_(1776)
- dbr:Underwater_Archaeology_Branch,_Naval_History_&_Heritage_Command
- dbr:Defence_(ship)
- dbr:Dominic_Serres
- dbr:List_of_historical_novels
- dbr:List_of_military_leaders_in_the_American_Revolutionary_War
- dbr:List_of_sailing_frigates_of_the_United_States_Navy
- dbr:Peabody's_New_Hampshire_State_Regiment
- dbr:Timeline_of_the_American_Revolution
- dbr:Penobscot_expedition
- dbr:10th_Pennsylvania_Regiment
- dbr:15th_Massachusetts_Regiment
- dbr:16th_Massachusetts_Regiment
- dbr:Continental_Marines
- dbr:Continental_Navy
- dbr:New_Ireland_(Maine)
- dbr:Nichols'_Regiment_of_Militia
- dbr:Titus_Salter
- dbr:1779
- dbr:1779_in_Great_Britain
- dbr:1779_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Gen._Alexander_Campbell_House
- dbr:George_Collier
- dbr:Thomson_J._Skinner
- dbr:Bernard_Cornwell_bibliography
- dbr:Francis_McLean_(British_Army_officer)
- dbr:Hale's_Regiment_of_Militia
- dbr:John_Nutting_(loyalist)
- dbr:Paul_Revere's_Ride
- dbr:Penobscot_(disambiguation)
- dbr:Maine_Central_diesel_locomotives
- dbr:Massachusetts_Naval_Militia
- dbr:Massachusetts_ship_Tyrannicide_(1776)
- dbr:1st_Virginia_Regiment
- dbr:Bangor,_Maine
- dbr:5th_New_York_Regiment
- dbr:74th_Regiment_of_(Highland)_Foot
- dbr:9th_Pennsylvania_Regiment
- dbr:Bucksport,_Maine
- dbr:Timothy_Foster_(settler)
- dbr:Tristram_Dalton
- dbr:Whitcomb's_Rangers
- dbr:William_McLellan_(sea_captain,_born_1735)
- dbr:Windham,_Maine
- dbr:HMS_Blonde_(1760)
- dbr:Jonathan_Buck_(Bucksport)
- dbr:Jonathan_Parsons
- dbr:Langdon's_Company_of_Light_Horse_Volunteers
- dbr:List_of_American_Revolutionary_War_battles
- dbr:List_of_Canadian_military_victories
- dbr:4th_Pennsylvania_Regiment
- dbr:American_Revolutionary_War
- dbr:American_colonial_marines
- dbr:2nd_Albany_County_Militia_Regiment
- dbr:4th_New_York_Regiment
- dbr:Dudley_Saltonstall
- dbr:Fleet_Landing_Exercises
- dbr:Fort_George_(Castine,_Maine)
- dbr:Fort_Knox_(Maine)
- dbr:British_Army_during_the_American_Revolutionary_War
- dbr:Northern_theater_of_the_American_Revolutionary_War_after_Saratoga
- dbr:Nova_Scotia_in_the_American_Revolution
- dbr:Charming_Sally_(1779_ship)
- dbr:Chase's_Regiment_of_Militia
- dbr:Daniel_Waters_(minuteman)
- dbr:History_of_Maine
- dbr:History_of_Massachusetts
- dbr:History_of_the_United_States_Marine_Corps
- dbr:The_Fort_(novel)
- dbr:HMS_Barbuda_(1780)
- dbr:HMS_Camilla_(1776)
- dbr:HMS_Diligent_(1777)
- dbr:HMS_Raisonnable_(1768)
- dbr:Henry_Clinton_(British_Army_officer,_born_1730)
- dbr:Henry_Francis_Evans
- dbr:Henry_Mowat
- dbr:James_Henry_Craig
- dbr:Archibald_Dickson
- dbr:John_Moore_(British_Army_officer)
- dbr:August_13
- dbr:Solomon_Lovell
- dbr:St._Paul's_Church_(Halifax,_Nova_Scotia)
- dbr:HMS_Diligent
- dbr:National_Register_of_Historic_Places_listings_in_Hancock_County,_Maine
- dbr:National_Register_of_Historic_Places_listings_in_Waldo_County,_Maine
- dbr:Nautilus_Island,_Maine
- dbr:Off-the-Neck_Historic_District
- dbr:Raid_on_Annapolis_Royal_(1781)
- dbr:Province_of_Massachusetts_Bay
- dbr:Saltonstall_family
- dbr:Simonds'_Regiment_of_Militia
- dbr:New_Hampshire_State_Navy
- dbr:National_Register_of_Historic_Places_listings_in_Penobscot_County,_Maine
- dbr:Treaty_of_Watertown
- dbr:Moses_Little
- dbr:Battle_of_Penobscot
- dbr:Penobscot_Expedition.
is dbp:battles
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