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The New Georgia campaign was a series of land and naval battles of the Pacific campaign of World War II between Allied forces and the Empire of Japan. It was part of Operation Cartwheel, the Allied strategy in the South Pacific to isolate the Japanese base around Rabaul. The campaign took place in the New Georgia group of islands, in the central Solomon Islands and followed the Allied capture of the Russell Islands. The main fighting took place on New Georgia island itself, although significant actions also took place around the island chain throughout the campaign.

Property Value
  • Die Schlacht um New Georgia (Operation Toenails) war eine Schlacht im Rahmen des Pazifikkrieges im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Sie fand vom 20. Juni 1943 bis 25. August 1943 statt und war Teil der Operation Cartwheel. (de)
  • The New Georgia campaign was a series of land and naval battles of the Pacific campaign of World War II between Allied forces and the Empire of Japan. It was part of Operation Cartwheel, the Allied strategy in the South Pacific to isolate the Japanese base around Rabaul. The campaign took place in the New Georgia group of islands, in the central Solomon Islands and followed the Allied capture of the Russell Islands. The main fighting took place on New Georgia island itself, although significant actions also took place around the island chain throughout the campaign. The campaign began on 30 June 1943, when US troops carried out landings in the Kula Gulf, in the north of New Georgia island, and around the Munda area on the western coast. In addition, smaller landings were undertaken at Viru Harbor on the southern coast of the island, Wickham Anchorage on Vangunu Island, and on Rendova. In the north, several actions were fought around Enogai and Bairoko throughout July, while in the west, the main US objective was the Japanese airfield on Munda Point. Stubborn defense by the Japanese delayed the US advance on Munda and the Japanese mounted a strong counterattack before US force eventually captured Munda Point in early August. Elsewhere, further actions took place on Arundel Island in August and September after Japanese forces withdrew there after the fighting around Munda Point. A large number of Japanese troops concentrated on Kolombangara late in the campaign, but were bypassed by US troops who landed on Vella Lavella in mid-August and were later reinforced by New Zealand troops. The campaign ended on 7 October 1943 when the last Japanese troops were withdrawn from Vella Lavella, finalizing the Allied capture of the islands. A series of naval actions also took place in conjunction with the fighting on land, including actions in the Kula Gulf, off Kolombangara, in the Vella Gulf, off Horaniu and off Vella Lavella. (en)
  • La bataille de Nouvelle-Géorgie est une bataille de la Seconde Guerre mondiale dans le théâtre d'opérations de l'océan Pacifique, au cours de laquelle les américains assistés d'éléments néo-zélandais conquirent l'île de la Nouvelle-Géorgie dans les îles Salomon. L'opération, qui suit de quelques mois la fin de la campagne de Guadalcanal, marque le début de la seconde phase de la campagne des îles Salomon. (fr)
  • La campagna della Nuova Georgia (nome in codice Operazione Toenails) è stata la lunga serie di operazioni sviluppatasi sull'omonima isola dell'arcipelago delle Salomone. Vide le locali forze giapponesi del maggior generale Minoru Sasaki opporsi alle truppe statunitensi dell'ammiraglio Richmond Turner sbarcate il 30 giugno 1943, il cui obiettivo era l'aeroporto di Munda. La campagna registrò duri scontri nella lussureggiante giungla e si concluse solo a fine agosto, quando le ultime, scoordinate resistenze nipponiche in Nuova Georgia furono sbaragliate. (it)
  • ニュージョージア島の戦い(ニュージョージアとうのたたかい、英: New Georgia Campaign)は、太平洋戦争におけるソロモン諸島のニュージョージア諸島を巡る戦闘の一つ。1943年(昭和18年)6月30日から10月初旬にかけて、日本陸海軍と連合国間で島嶼戦・航空戦・水上戦闘が繰り広げられた。 (ja)
  • Bitwa o Nową Georgię (kampania na Nowej Georgii) – seria bitew stoczonych w czasie wojny na Pacyfiku podczas II wojny światowej pomiędzy 20 czerwca a 25 sierpnia 1943 roku. Kampania ta była częścią operacji Cartwheel. Miała ona miejsce na grupie wysp Nowej Georgii, które znajdują się w centralnej części Wysp Salomona. Udział w niej brały siły alianckie przeciwko japońskim. (pl)
  • Кампания на островах Нью-Джорджия (англ. The New Georgia Campaign) — была серией наземных и морских сражений Тихоокеанской кампании Второй мировой войны между союзными войсками и Японской Империей. Кампания была частью операции «Cartwheel», стратегии союзников в южной части Тихого океана. Кампания проходила на островах Нью-Джорджии, в центральных Соломоновых Островах, с 30 июня по 7 октября 1943 года. (ru)
  • A Campanha da Nova Geórgia foi uma série de batalhas travadas durante a Guerra do Pacífico na Segunda Guerra Mundial. Fez parte da Operação Cartwheel, em que os Aliados tentavam livrar o sul do Pacífico da ocupação japonesa. Esta batalha aconteceu no aglomerado de ilhas da Nova Geórgia, com a luta se estendendo de 20 de junho a 25 de agosto de 1943, entre as forças aliadas, lideradas pelos Estados Unidos, e as tropas do Japão. Em outubro de 1943, a região já estava completamente em mãos Aliadas. (pt)
  • Slaget om New Georgia var en serie strider i stillahavskriget under andra världskriget. Det var en del av , de allierades storartade strategi i södra Stilla havet. Fälttåget ägde rum i ögruppen New Georgia i centrala Salomonöarna mellan den 20 juni och 25 augusti 1943 mellan de allierade styrkorna och Kejsardömet Japan. (sv)
  • 新喬治亞群島戰役是对第二次世界大战期间太平洋战区同盟国部队与大日本帝国间所发生的一系列陆上及海上战役的统称。此次战役为“马车轮行动”的一部分,盟军尝试在南太平洋地区进行战略部署以孤立日本在拉包尔的主要基地。盟军占领拉塞尔群岛之后,紧接着又在所罗门群岛中部的新乔治亚群岛群发动了是次战役。战役中的主要交火都发生在新乔治亚岛本身,尽管在整个战役期间,盟军围绕着整个岛链也同时发动了重要攻势。 (zh)
  • 1,195 killed,
  • 93 aircraft destroyed
  • British Solomon Islands
  • 1943-10-07 (xsd:date)
  • Allied victory
  • 10,500
  • ~ 43,000
  • 1338022 (xsd:integer)
  • 48409 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1118165158 (xsd:integer)
  • 0001-08-12 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 93 (xsd:integer)
  • 358 (xsd:integer)
  • 1195 (xsd:integer)
  • 1671 (xsd:integer)
  • 3873 (xsd:integer)
  • British Solomon Islands (en)
  • Douglas MacArthur (en)
  • Hitoshi Imamura (en)
  • Aaron S. Merrill (en)
  • Harry B. Liversedge (en)
  • Matsuji Ijuin (en)
  • Minoru Sasaki (en)
  • Shunji Isaki (en)
  • U.S. Army: (en)
  • U.S. Navy: (en)
  • Walden L. Ainsworth (en)
  • Frederick Moosbrugger (en)
  • John H. Hester (en)
  • Kaju Sugiura (en)
  • Richmond K. Turner (en)
  • Theodore S. Wilkinson (en)
  • Thomas J. Ryan (en)
  • H. E. Barrowclough (en)
  • Jinichi Kusaka (en)
  • Oscar W. Griswold (en)
  • William F. Halsey (en)
  • Robert B. McClure (en)
  • I.J. Army: (en)
  • I.J. Navy: (en)
  • Millard F. Harmon (en)
  • Teruo Akiyama (en)
  • N.Z. Army: (en)
  • South West Pacific Area: (en)
  • U.S. Marines: (en)
  • New Georgia Campaign (en)
  • 0001-06-30 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 290 (xsd:integer)
  • the Solomon Islands campaign of World War II (en)
  • Allied victory (en)
  • 10500 (xsd:integer)
  • ~ 43,000 (en)
  • -8.5 157.33333333333334
  • Die Schlacht um New Georgia (Operation Toenails) war eine Schlacht im Rahmen des Pazifikkrieges im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Sie fand vom 20. Juni 1943 bis 25. August 1943 statt und war Teil der Operation Cartwheel. (de)
  • La bataille de Nouvelle-Géorgie est une bataille de la Seconde Guerre mondiale dans le théâtre d'opérations de l'océan Pacifique, au cours de laquelle les américains assistés d'éléments néo-zélandais conquirent l'île de la Nouvelle-Géorgie dans les îles Salomon. L'opération, qui suit de quelques mois la fin de la campagne de Guadalcanal, marque le début de la seconde phase de la campagne des îles Salomon. (fr)
  • La campagna della Nuova Georgia (nome in codice Operazione Toenails) è stata la lunga serie di operazioni sviluppatasi sull'omonima isola dell'arcipelago delle Salomone. Vide le locali forze giapponesi del maggior generale Minoru Sasaki opporsi alle truppe statunitensi dell'ammiraglio Richmond Turner sbarcate il 30 giugno 1943, il cui obiettivo era l'aeroporto di Munda. La campagna registrò duri scontri nella lussureggiante giungla e si concluse solo a fine agosto, quando le ultime, scoordinate resistenze nipponiche in Nuova Georgia furono sbaragliate. (it)
  • ニュージョージア島の戦い(ニュージョージアとうのたたかい、英: New Georgia Campaign)は、太平洋戦争におけるソロモン諸島のニュージョージア諸島を巡る戦闘の一つ。1943年(昭和18年)6月30日から10月初旬にかけて、日本陸海軍と連合国間で島嶼戦・航空戦・水上戦闘が繰り広げられた。 (ja)
  • Bitwa o Nową Georgię (kampania na Nowej Georgii) – seria bitew stoczonych w czasie wojny na Pacyfiku podczas II wojny światowej pomiędzy 20 czerwca a 25 sierpnia 1943 roku. Kampania ta była częścią operacji Cartwheel. Miała ona miejsce na grupie wysp Nowej Georgii, które znajdują się w centralnej części Wysp Salomona. Udział w niej brały siły alianckie przeciwko japońskim. (pl)
  • Кампания на островах Нью-Джорджия (англ. The New Georgia Campaign) — была серией наземных и морских сражений Тихоокеанской кампании Второй мировой войны между союзными войсками и Японской Империей. Кампания была частью операции «Cartwheel», стратегии союзников в южной части Тихого океана. Кампания проходила на островах Нью-Джорджии, в центральных Соломоновых Островах, с 30 июня по 7 октября 1943 года. (ru)
  • A Campanha da Nova Geórgia foi uma série de batalhas travadas durante a Guerra do Pacífico na Segunda Guerra Mundial. Fez parte da Operação Cartwheel, em que os Aliados tentavam livrar o sul do Pacífico da ocupação japonesa. Esta batalha aconteceu no aglomerado de ilhas da Nova Geórgia, com a luta se estendendo de 20 de junho a 25 de agosto de 1943, entre as forças aliadas, lideradas pelos Estados Unidos, e as tropas do Japão. Em outubro de 1943, a região já estava completamente em mãos Aliadas. (pt)
  • Slaget om New Georgia var en serie strider i stillahavskriget under andra världskriget. Det var en del av , de allierades storartade strategi i södra Stilla havet. Fälttåget ägde rum i ögruppen New Georgia i centrala Salomonöarna mellan den 20 juni och 25 augusti 1943 mellan de allierade styrkorna och Kejsardömet Japan. (sv)
  • 新喬治亞群島戰役是对第二次世界大战期间太平洋战区同盟国部队与大日本帝国间所发生的一系列陆上及海上战役的统称。此次战役为“马车轮行动”的一部分,盟军尝试在南太平洋地区进行战略部署以孤立日本在拉包尔的主要基地。盟军占领拉塞尔群岛之后,紧接着又在所罗门群岛中部的新乔治亚群岛群发动了是次战役。战役中的主要交火都发生在新乔治亚岛本身,尽管在整个战役期间,盟军围绕着整个岛链也同时发动了重要攻势。 (zh)
  • The New Georgia campaign was a series of land and naval battles of the Pacific campaign of World War II between Allied forces and the Empire of Japan. It was part of Operation Cartwheel, the Allied strategy in the South Pacific to isolate the Japanese base around Rabaul. The campaign took place in the New Georgia group of islands, in the central Solomon Islands and followed the Allied capture of the Russell Islands. The main fighting took place on New Georgia island itself, although significant actions also took place around the island chain throughout the campaign. (en)
  • Schlacht um New Georgia (de)
  • Bataille de Nouvelle-Géorgie (fr)
  • Campagna della Nuova Georgia (it)
  • New Georgia campaign (en)
  • ニュージョージア島の戦い (ja)
  • Bitwa o Nową Georgię (pl)
  • Campanha da Nova Geórgia (pt)
  • Кампания на островах Нью-Джорджия (ru)
  • Slaget om New Georgia (sv)
  • 新喬治亞群島戰役 (zh)
  • POINT(157.33332824707 -8.5)
  • -8.500000 (xsd:float)
  • 157.333328 (xsd:float)
  • New Georgia Campaign (en)
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