Sir John MacLeod TD (23 February 1913 – 3 June 1984) was a British army officer, tweed designer and politician who was a Member of Parliament in the Scottish highlands for 19 years.
جون ماكليود (بالإنجليزية: John MacLeod) هو سياسي بريطاني، ولد في 23 فبراير 1913، وتوفي في 3 يونيو 1984. حزبياً، نشط في حزب المحافظين. (ar)
Sir John MacLeod TD (23 February 1913 – 3 June 1984) was a British army officer, tweed designer and politician who was a Member of Parliament in the Scottish highlands for 19 years. (en)
جون ماكليود (بالإنجليزية: John MacLeod) هو سياسي بريطاني، ولد في 23 فبراير 1913، وتوفي في 3 يونيو 1984. حزبياً، نشط في حزب المحافظين. (ar)
Sir John MacLeod TD (23 February 1913 – 3 June 1984) was a British army officer, tweed designer and politician who was a Member of Parliament in the Scottish highlands for 19 years. (en)