- Die Iniopterygia („Nackenflosser“) oder Iniopterygiformes bilden ein ausgestorbenes Taxon der Knorpelfische. Die Fossilien dieser Gruppe der Knorpelfische sind aus dem Erdaltertum bekannt und stammen hauptsächlich aus dem oberen Karbon (Pennsylvanium) Nordamerikas. Insgesamt werden die Iniopterygia aber auch in paläozoischen Sedimenten Mitteleuropas und Chinas vom Devon bis zum Perm gefunden. (de)
- Iniopterygiformes ("Nape Wing Forms") is an extinct order of chimaera-like cartilaginous fish that lived from the Devonian to Carboniferous periods (345–280 million years ago). Fossils of them have been found in Montana, Indiana, Illinois, and Nebraska. The Iniopterygians are characterized by large pectoral fins, wing-like projections on their backs, mounted high on the body and denticulated bony plates on the head and jaws. Iniopterygian sharks were small, and their average length was about 18 inches (46 cm). The elongated pectoral fins had denticles along the leading edge which may have had a role in mating. They are thought to have been able to move their pectorals in a vertical plane, ”flying” through the water much like modern-day flying fish. The majority of iniopterygians are placed within the family . Members of this family include denisoni, richardsoni, and . Ironically, Iniopteryx rushlaui, the type species, has not yet been assigned to a specific family, though some experts place it in its own monotypic family, "Iniopterygidae." The closest modern-day relatives of the Iniopterygii are the Chimaeras (Chimaeriformes) also known as ghost sharks, rabbit fish or rat fish. These fish had several unusual features: massive skulls with huge eye sockets, shark-like teeth in rows, tails with clubs, enormous pectoral fins that were dorsalized or placed almost on their backs, and bone-like spikes or hooks on the tips of their fins. Most iniopterygians were fairly small, ranging from about 6–18 inches (15–46 cm) in length, with the largest approaching sizes of 20 inches (50 cm) at most. (en)
- Los iniopterigiformes (Iniopterygiformes) son un orden extinto de holocéfalos. Probablemente habitaban a poca profundidad entre las rocas, cavernas o suelo marino. Eran oportunistas en su alimento, y no llegaban a medir más de 2 metros. (es)
- Iniopterygiformes é uma ordem extinta de peixes cartilaginosos precursores das atuais quimeras. (pt)
- 枕鰭鯊目(學名:Iniopterygiformes),又稱枕鰭鮫目,為已滅絕的全頭亞綱軟骨魚類,生活在石炭紀,化石發現於美國的蒙大拿州、印第安納州、伊利諾州與內布拉斯加州。胸鰭大,位於身體靠背測;頭部與顎部上具有帶細齒的骨板;眼眶大。枕鰭鮫目物種平均體長約 15-46厘米(5.9-18.1英寸),最長可達 50厘米(20英寸)。巨大的胸鰭使得牠們得以和現存的飛魚一樣躍出水面滑翔。現存親緣關係最接近的物種為銀鮫。 大部分枕鰭鯊目的物種均屬於,包括 Sibyrhinchus denisoni、Inioptera richardsoni 與 Inioxyele 等。然而其模式種(Iniopteryx rushlaui)卻仍然沒有明確的分類,目前置於單型科(Iniopterygidae)之下。 (zh)
- Iniopterygiformes — вимерлий ряд хрящових риб підкласу Суцільноголові (Holocephali), який існував від девону до кам'яновугільного періоду (345–280 мільйонів років тому). Найближчі сучасні родичі — химери. Викопні рештки були знайдені у Північній Америці в штатах Монтана, Індіана, Іллінойс і Небраска. (uk)
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- Devonian – Carboniferous, (en)
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- * Sibyrhinchidae
* Iniopterygidae (en)
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- Die Iniopterygia („Nackenflosser“) oder Iniopterygiformes bilden ein ausgestorbenes Taxon der Knorpelfische. Die Fossilien dieser Gruppe der Knorpelfische sind aus dem Erdaltertum bekannt und stammen hauptsächlich aus dem oberen Karbon (Pennsylvanium) Nordamerikas. Insgesamt werden die Iniopterygia aber auch in paläozoischen Sedimenten Mitteleuropas und Chinas vom Devon bis zum Perm gefunden. (de)
- Los iniopterigiformes (Iniopterygiformes) son un orden extinto de holocéfalos. Probablemente habitaban a poca profundidad entre las rocas, cavernas o suelo marino. Eran oportunistas en su alimento, y no llegaban a medir más de 2 metros. (es)
- Iniopterygiformes é uma ordem extinta de peixes cartilaginosos precursores das atuais quimeras. (pt)
- 枕鰭鯊目(學名:Iniopterygiformes),又稱枕鰭鮫目,為已滅絕的全頭亞綱軟骨魚類,生活在石炭紀,化石發現於美國的蒙大拿州、印第安納州、伊利諾州與內布拉斯加州。胸鰭大,位於身體靠背測;頭部與顎部上具有帶細齒的骨板;眼眶大。枕鰭鮫目物種平均體長約 15-46厘米(5.9-18.1英寸),最長可達 50厘米(20英寸)。巨大的胸鰭使得牠們得以和現存的飛魚一樣躍出水面滑翔。現存親緣關係最接近的物種為銀鮫。 大部分枕鰭鯊目的物種均屬於,包括 Sibyrhinchus denisoni、Inioptera richardsoni 與 Inioxyele 等。然而其模式種(Iniopteryx rushlaui)卻仍然沒有明確的分類,目前置於單型科(Iniopterygidae)之下。 (zh)
- Iniopterygiformes — вимерлий ряд хрящових риб підкласу Суцільноголові (Holocephali), який існував від девону до кам'яновугільного періоду (345–280 мільйонів років тому). Найближчі сучасні родичі — химери. Викопні рештки були знайдені у Північній Америці в штатах Монтана, Індіана, Іллінойс і Небраска. (uk)
- Iniopterygiformes ("Nape Wing Forms") is an extinct order of chimaera-like cartilaginous fish that lived from the Devonian to Carboniferous periods (345–280 million years ago). Fossils of them have been found in Montana, Indiana, Illinois, and Nebraska. The Iniopterygians are characterized by large pectoral fins, wing-like projections on their backs, mounted high on the body and denticulated bony plates on the head and jaws. Iniopterygian sharks were small, and their average length was about 18 inches (46 cm). The elongated pectoral fins had denticles along the leading edge which may have had a role in mating. They are thought to have been able to move their pectorals in a vertical plane, ”flying” through the water much like modern-day flying fish. (en)
- Iniopterygiformes (en)
- Iniopterygia (de)
- Iniopterygiformes (es)
- Iniopterygiformes (pt)
- Iniopterygiformes (uk)
- 枕鰭鯊目 (zh)
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