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An infantile hemangioma (IH), sometimes called a strawberry mark due to appearance, is a type of benign vascular tumor or anomaly that affects babies. Other names include capillary hemangioma, strawberry hemangioma, strawberry birthmark and strawberry nevus. and formerly known as a cavernous hemangioma. They appear as a red or blue raised lesion on the skin. Typically, they begin during the first four weeks of life, growing until about five months of life, and then shrinking in size and disappearing over the next few years. Often skin changes remain after they shrink. Complications may include pain, bleeding, ulcer formation, disfigurement, or heart failure. It is the most common tumor of orbit and periorbital areas in childhood. It may occur in the skin, subcutaneous tissues and mucous me

Property Value
  • الورم الوعائي عند الأطفال (بالإنجليزية: Infantile hemangioma)‏، ويُطلق عليه أحيانًا اسم علامة الفراولة بسبب مظهره الذي يشبه الفراولة، هو نوع من الأورام الوعائية الحميدة التي تصيب الأطفال. تظهر هذه الأورام على شكل آفة مرتفعة حمراء أو زرقاء اللون على الجلد. يبدأ ظهورها خلال الأسابيع الأربعة الأولى من الحياة، وتنمو خلال أول خمسة أشهر من الحياة، ثم يتقلص حجمها تدريجيًا وتختفي خلال السنوات الأولى من العمر، ولكن التغيرات الجلدية تبقى حتى بعد اختفاء الورم. تشمل المضاعفات التي تسببها هذه الأورام الألم والنزف وتُشكل القرحات الجلدية والتشوهات. لا يُعرف حتى الآن السبب الدقيق لتُشكل هذه الأورام، ويبدو أنَّ للوراثة دورًا في 10% من الحالات. يعتمد التشخيص بشكل عام على الأعراض وشكل الورم، ويمكن أن يساعد التصوير الشعاعي أحيانًا في التشخيص. لا حاجة للعلاج في أغلب الحالات ونكتفي بالمراقبة فقط، ولكن قد تؤدي بعض الحالات إلى مشاكل عديدة ويُوصى باستخدام أدوية مختلفة لعلاجها مثل بروبرانولول أو السيتروئيدات، ويمكن اللجوء للجراحة أو الليزر في حالات معينة. يعتبر الورم الوعائي من أكثر الأورام الحميدة شيوعًا عند الأطفال، ويحدث عند 5% من الأطفال تقريبًا. هذه الأورام أشيع عند الإناث والأشخاص البيض والأطفال الخدج والأطفال منخفضي وزن الولادة. (ar)
  • An infantile hemangioma (IH), sometimes called a strawberry mark due to appearance, is a type of benign vascular tumor or anomaly that affects babies. Other names include capillary hemangioma, strawberry hemangioma, strawberry birthmark and strawberry nevus. and formerly known as a cavernous hemangioma. They appear as a red or blue raised lesion on the skin. Typically, they begin during the first four weeks of life, growing until about five months of life, and then shrinking in size and disappearing over the next few years. Often skin changes remain after they shrink. Complications may include pain, bleeding, ulcer formation, disfigurement, or heart failure. It is the most common tumor of orbit and periorbital areas in childhood. It may occur in the skin, subcutaneous tissues and mucous membranes of oral cavities and lips as well as in extracutaneous locations including the liver and gastrointestinal tract. The underlying reason for their occurrence is not clear. In about 10% of cases they appear to run in families. A few cases are associated with other abnormalities such as PHACE syndrome. Diagnosis is generally based on the symptoms and appearance. Occasionally medical imaging can assist in the diagnosis. In most cases no treatment is needed, other than close observation. It may grow rapidly, before stopping and slowly fading. Some are gone by the age of 2, about 60% by 5 years, and 90–95% by 9 years. While this birthmark may be alarming in appearance, physicians generally counsel that it be left to disappear on its own, unless it is in the way of vision or blocking the nostrils. Certain cases, however, may result in problems and the use of medication such as propranolol or steroids are recommended. Occasionally surgery or laser treatment may be used. It is one of the most common benign tumors in babies, occurring in about 5-10% of all births. They occur more frequently in females, whites, preemies, and low birth weight babies. They can occur anywhere on the body, though 83% occur on the head or neck area. The word "hemangioma" comes from the Greek haima (αἷμα) meaning "blood"; angeion (ἀγγεῖον) meaning "vessel"; and -oma (-ωμα) meaning "tumor". (en)
  • L'emangioma infantile è un tipo di tumore vascolare benigno che colpisce i bambini. Appare come una lesione rossa o blu in rilievo sulla pelle. In genere si manifestano durante le prime quattro settimane di vita, crescono fino a circa cinque mesi di vita, quindi si riducono di dimensioni e scompaiono negli anni successivi. Spesso cambiamenti della pelle rimangono dopo che si sono ridotti. Le complicazioni possono includere dolore, sanguinamento, formazione di ulcere, insufficienza cardiaca o problemi estetici. La ragione alla base del loro verificarsi non è chiara. In circa il 10% dei casi sembrano essere congeniti. Alcuni casi sono associati ad altre anomalie come la sindrome PHACE. La diagnosi si basa generalmente sui sintomi e sull'aspetto. Occasionalmente l'imaging medico può aiutare nella diagnosi. Nella maggior parte dei casi non è necessario alcun trattamento, se non un'attenta osservazione. Alcuni casi, tuttavia, possono causare problemi e si consiglia l'uso di farmaci come propranololo o steroidi. Occasionalmente può essere utilizzato un intervento chirurgico o un trattamento laser. È uno dei tumori benigni più comuni nei bambini, che si verifica in circa il 5% dei nascituri. Si verificano più frequentemente nelle femmine, nei caucasici, nei prematuri e nei bambini con basso peso alla nascita. La parola "emangioma" deriva dal greco haima (αἷμα) che significa "sangue"; angeion (ἀγγεῖον) che significa "vaso"; e -oma (-ωμα) che significa "tumore". (it)
  • Hemangiomas infantis (HI) são um tipo de tumores vasculares que ocorre em bebés. Apresentam-se como lesões salientes na pele, de cor vermelha ou azulada. Geralmente aparecem durante o primeiro mês de vida, crescem até cerca dos cinco meses de vida e vão diminuindo de tamanho nos anos seguintes. Em muitos casos, mesmo após a involução a pele mantém uma aparência diferente. Entre as possíveis complicações estão dor, formação de úlceras, insuficiência cardíaca ou desfiguração. As causas subjacentes ao aparecimento de hemangiomas não são ainda claras. Cerca de 10% dos casos parecem ser de origem hereditária. Alguns casos estão associados a outras anomalias como a síndrome PHACE. O diagnóstico geralmente baseia-se nos sintomas e aparência das lesões. Em alguns casos o diagnóstico pode ser complementado por exames imagiológicos. Na maior parte dos casos não é necessário qualquer tratamento além de vigilância. No entanto, alguns casos podem resultar noutros problemas, sendo recomendado o uso de medicamentos como o propranolol ou esteroids. Em outros casos pode ser considerada cirurgia ou tratamento laser. Os hemangiomas são um dos tumores benignos mais comuns em bebés, ocorrendo em cerca de 5% de todos os nascimentos. São mais frequentes em bebés do sexo feminino, de pele branca, em bebés prematuros ou com baixo peso à nascença. O termo "hemangioma" tem origem no grego haima (αἷμα), que significa "sangue"; angeion (ἀγγεῖον) que significa "vaso sanguíneo"; e -oma (-ωμα) que significa "tumor". (pt)
  • 30032
  • derm (en)
  • 201 (en)
  • D18.0
  • (ILDSD18.010)
  • 757.32
  • 001459
  • D006391
  • 862505 (xsd:integer)
  • 49622 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1115428497 (xsd:integer)
  • A small hemangioma of infancy (en)
  • Pain, bleeding, ulcer formation, heart failure, disfigurement (en)
  • Based on symptoms and appearance (en)
  • Congenital hemangioma, pyogenic granuloma, kaposiform hemangioendothelioma, tufted angioma, venous malformation, other vascular anomaly (en)
  • 30032 (xsd:integer)
  • derm (en)
  • 201 (xsd:integer)
  • Up to 5% (en)
  • 757.320000 (xsd:double)
  • (en)
  • D18.0 (en)
  • 1459 (xsd:integer)
  • D006391 (en)
  • Infantile hemangioma (en)
  • First 4 weeks of life (en)
  • Females, whites, preemies, low birth weight babies (en)
  • Raised red or blue lesion (en)
  • Infantile haemangioma, emangioma, capillary hemangioma, capillary angioma, strawberry haemangioma, strawberry mark (en)
  • Close observation, medication (en)
  • Superficial, deep, mixed (en)
  • الورم الوعائي عند الأطفال (بالإنجليزية: Infantile hemangioma)‏، ويُطلق عليه أحيانًا اسم علامة الفراولة بسبب مظهره الذي يشبه الفراولة، هو نوع من الأورام الوعائية الحميدة التي تصيب الأطفال. تظهر هذه الأورام على شكل آفة مرتفعة حمراء أو زرقاء اللون على الجلد. يبدأ ظهورها خلال الأسابيع الأربعة الأولى من الحياة، وتنمو خلال أول خمسة أشهر من الحياة، ثم يتقلص حجمها تدريجيًا وتختفي خلال السنوات الأولى من العمر، ولكن التغيرات الجلدية تبقى حتى بعد اختفاء الورم. تشمل المضاعفات التي تسببها هذه الأورام الألم والنزف وتُشكل القرحات الجلدية والتشوهات. لا يُعرف حتى الآن السبب الدقيق لتُشكل هذه الأورام، ويبدو أنَّ للوراثة دورًا في 10% من الحالات. يعتمد التشخيص بشكل عام على الأعراض وشكل الورم، ويمكن أن يساعد التصوير الشعاعي أحيانًا في التشخيص. (ar)
  • An infantile hemangioma (IH), sometimes called a strawberry mark due to appearance, is a type of benign vascular tumor or anomaly that affects babies. Other names include capillary hemangioma, strawberry hemangioma, strawberry birthmark and strawberry nevus. and formerly known as a cavernous hemangioma. They appear as a red or blue raised lesion on the skin. Typically, they begin during the first four weeks of life, growing until about five months of life, and then shrinking in size and disappearing over the next few years. Often skin changes remain after they shrink. Complications may include pain, bleeding, ulcer formation, disfigurement, or heart failure. It is the most common tumor of orbit and periorbital areas in childhood. It may occur in the skin, subcutaneous tissues and mucous me (en)
  • L'emangioma infantile è un tipo di tumore vascolare benigno che colpisce i bambini. Appare come una lesione rossa o blu in rilievo sulla pelle. In genere si manifestano durante le prime quattro settimane di vita, crescono fino a circa cinque mesi di vita, quindi si riducono di dimensioni e scompaiono negli anni successivi. Spesso cambiamenti della pelle rimangono dopo che si sono ridotti. Le complicazioni possono includere dolore, sanguinamento, formazione di ulcere, insufficienza cardiaca o problemi estetici. (it)
  • Hemangiomas infantis (HI) são um tipo de tumores vasculares que ocorre em bebés. Apresentam-se como lesões salientes na pele, de cor vermelha ou azulada. Geralmente aparecem durante o primeiro mês de vida, crescem até cerca dos cinco meses de vida e vão diminuindo de tamanho nos anos seguintes. Em muitos casos, mesmo após a involução a pele mantém uma aparência diferente. Entre as possíveis complicações estão dor, formação de úlceras, insuficiência cardíaca ou desfiguração. (pt)
  • الورم الوعائي عند الأطفال (ar)
  • Infantile hemangioma (en)
  • Emangioma infantile (it)
  • Hemangioma infantil (pt)
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