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About: Hoodwinked!

An Entity of Type: movie, from Named Graph: http://dbpedia.org, within Data Space: dbpedia.org

Hoodwinked! is a 2005 computer-animated musical comedy mystery film. It retells the folktale Little Red Riding Hood as a police procedural, using backstories to show multiple characters' points of view. It was produced independently by Blue Yonder Films with Kanbar Entertainment, directed and written by Cory Edwards along with Todd Edwards, and Tony Leech, and produced by Katie Hooten, Maurice Kanbar, David K. Lovegren, Sue Bea Montgomery, and Preston Stutzman. The film features the voices of Anne Hathaway, Glenn Close, Jim Belushi, Patrick Warburton, Anthony Anderson, David Ogden Stiers, Xzibit, Chazz Palminteri, and Andy Dick.

Property Value
  • 80.0
  • مخادعة! (بالإنجليزية: Hoodwinked!)‏ هو فيلم رسوم متحركة أمريكي لعام 2005 عن النوع الكوميدي الموسيقي، من تأليف وإخراج تود إدواردز، توني ليتش وكوري إدواردز على أساس قصة «ذات الرداء الأحمر». أعيد سردها كتحقيق من قبل الشرطة باستخدام قصص الخلفية لإظهار وجهات نظر الشخصيات المختلفة. (ar)
  • La increïble però certa història de la Caputxeta Vermella (títol original: títol original: Hoodwinked!) és un llargmetratge d'animació estatunidenc en imatges de síntesi estrenat l'any 2005. És una interpretació fira de lloc i humorística del famós conte, sota forma d'investigació policíaca, vertebrada de la mateixa manera que els films Rashōmon i Sospitosos habituals. Ha estat doblada al català. La seva continuació, La Revenja de la Caputxeta vermella, va sortir l'any 2011. Roja, El Llop, la velleta i Sotragada, l'esquirol cafeinòman es converteixen en espies de l'agència « Van Viure Feliços ». (ca)
  • Die Rotkäppchen-Verschwörung (Originaltitel: Hoodwinked!) ist ein US-amerikanischer computeranimierter Familienfilm aus dem Jahr 2005. Er wurde durch in Zusammenarbeit mit produziert. Er wurde ab dem 16. Dezember 2005 von The Weinstein Company in ausgewählten Märkten gezeigt, ab dem 13. Januar 2006 US-weit. In Deutschland kam der Film am 27. Dezember 2006 in die Kinos. In der deutschen Version liehen unter anderem Sarah Kuttner, Jan Delay, Max Raabe, Smudo und Hans Werner Olm den Figuren ihre Stimmen. (de)
  • Hoodwinked! is a 2005 computer-animated musical comedy mystery film. It retells the folktale Little Red Riding Hood as a police procedural, using backstories to show multiple characters' points of view. It was produced independently by Blue Yonder Films with Kanbar Entertainment, directed and written by Cory Edwards along with Todd Edwards, and Tony Leech, and produced by Katie Hooten, Maurice Kanbar, David K. Lovegren, Sue Bea Montgomery, and Preston Stutzman. The film features the voices of Anne Hathaway, Glenn Close, Jim Belushi, Patrick Warburton, Anthony Anderson, David Ogden Stiers, Xzibit, Chazz Palminteri, and Andy Dick. Hoodwinked! was among the earliest computer-animated films to be completely independently funded. Working apart from a major studio allowed the filmmakers greater creative control, but also restrained them economically. Due to the film's low budget, its animation was produced in the Philippines, with a less realistic design inspired by stop motion films. The Weinstein Company did not sign on as the film's distributor until near the end of production, and while the company had several roles recast with higher-profile actors, it otherwise made few changes to the film. Structurally, the film was inspired by non-linear crime dramas, such as Rashomon and Pulp Fiction. It was released shortly after the first two installments in the successful Shrek series, which accentuated the fairy tale parody genre of which Hoodwinked! is a part. Hoodwinked!, however, intentionally deviated from the Shrek series in its style of humor and in certain plot elements. This was in part based on Cory Edwards' concerns over exposing children to the high level of cynicism often found in the genre. The film was released by The Weinstein Company in Los Angeles, California, on December 16, 2005, for a one-week engagement before expanding nationwide on January 13, 2006. Critical reception to the film was varied; although its script and voice performances were praised by many reviews, its animation quality was heavily criticized. The film was a commercial success, earning over thirteen times its less-than-$8 million budget. Because of this, it is regarded as the most profitable animated film ever made. A sequel, Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil, directed by Mike Disa. It was created by an entirely different team, even though the original draft of the screenplay was written by the Edwards brothers and Leech. It was released in 2011 to negative reviews and financial failure. (en)
  • Hoodwinked! (en Serbio: Ко је сместио Црвенкапи? / Ko je smestio Crvenkapi?; en Hispanoamérica: ¡Buza Caperuza! La verdadera historia o La verdadera historia de Caperucita Roja; en Venezuela: Las locas aventuras de Caperucita Roja; en España: La increíble ¡pero cierta! historia de Caperucita Roja) es una película animada de comedia familiar creada por computadora y producida por de la mano de Kanbar Entertainment. Fue escrita y dirigida por , Todd Edwards y Tony Leech. Contó con las voces protagonistas de Anne Hathaway, Glenn Close, Jim Belushi, Patrick Warburton, Andy Dick, David Ogden Stiers, Xzibit, Anthony Anderson, y Chazz Palminteri. (es)
  • La Véritable Histoire du Petit Chaperon rouge (Hoodwinked!) est un long métrage d'animation américain en images de synthèse sorti fin 2005 en Californie et début 2006 dans le reste des États-Unis puis dans le monde. C'est une interprétation décalée et humoristique du célèbre conte, sous forme d'enquête policière, structurée de la même manière que les films Rashōmon et Usual Suspects. Sa suite, La Revanche du Petit Chaperon rouge, est sortie en 2011. (fr)
  • Hoodwinked! adalah sebuah film Amerika Serikat yang dirilis pada tahun 2006. Film ini diproduksi secara independen oleh dengan , disutradarai dan ditulis oleh , Todd Edwards, dan , dan diproduseri oleh , , , , dan . Film ini tayang di bioskop pada 13 Januari 2006. (in)
  • 빨간 모자의 진실(영어: Hoodwinked!)은 2005년 미국에서 개봉한 영화다. (ko)
  • Hoodwinked! is een animatiefilm uit 2005 die het verhaal vertelt van Roodkapje, maar begint waar het sprookje eindigt.Roodkapje en de wolf vormen in deze comedy de spil in een politieonderzoek dat elementen uit Agatha Christie, Rashomon en The Usual Suspects verenigt. De film is geschreven en geregisseerd door Cory Edwards, Todd Edwards en Tony Leech en werd, in de originele Engelse versie, ingesproken door acteurs Anne Hathaway, Glenn Close, Jim Belushi, Patrick Warburton, Andy Dick, David Ogden Stiers, Anthony Anderson, Chazz Palminteri en rapper Xzibit. De film werd gedistribueerd door The Weinstein Company. Juli 2011 verscheen het vervolg , zowel in 2D en 3D, in de Nederlandse Bioscopen onder de naam . Dit vervolg is duidelijk meer op kinderen gericht en hanteert daarom ook een lineaire verhaallijn. Toch bevat ook deze film nog genoeg humor en cult referenties om ook de volwassen kijker tevreden te stellen. Bijna alle terugkerende karakters werden weer door dezelfde stemacteurs ingesproken, de grote uitzondering is de rol van Red die in dit vervolg door Hayden Panettiere wordt vertolkt. (nl)
  • Cappuccetto Rosso e gli insoliti sospetti (Hoodwinked!) è un film d'animazione del 2006 diretto da Cory Edwards. Il film è stato prodotto da The Weinstein Company in collaborazione con gli studi d'animazione indipendenti Blue Yonder Films e Kanbar Entertainment, quest'ultimo al suo debutto su grande schermo. Si tratta di una rivisitazione della classica fiaba di Cappuccetto Rosso che riprende la struttura di film classici come Rashomon, Pulp Fiction e I soliti sospetti, divenendone una sorta di parodia, in cui la trama è un intreccio di varie storie collegate tra loro narrate da personaggi sospettati di crimini. Il film è uscito nelle sale americane il 13 gennaio 2006 e in Italia il 1º giugno dello stesso anno. (it)
  • 『リトル・レッド レシピ泥棒は誰だ!?』(リトル・レッド レシピどろぼうはだれだ!?、Hoodwinked)は、ワインスタイン・カンパニーによるアメリカ合衆国の映画作品で、全編3Dアニメーションで製作されている。アメリカでの映画公開は2005年12月16日。日本語版の日本での公開は2007年10月6日。 『赤ずきん』の話をベースに、『羅生門』や『ユージュアル・サスペクツ』等、様々な映画のシーンを織り交ぜて作られている。 アメリカでは、この映画の続編に当たる、「」(『Hood vs. Evil』)が2010年に製作された。(全米公開は、2011年4月29日) (ja)
  • Sanningen om Rödluvan är en amerikansk animerad familjefilm från 2005, baserad på sagan om Rödluvan. (sv)
  • Czerwony Kapturek – prawdziwa historia – amerykański film animowany z 2005 roku, w reżyserii . (pl)
  • Hoodwinked! (bra: Deu a Louca na Chapeuzinho; prt: Capuchinho Vermelho - A Verdadeira História) é um filme de animação estadunidense de 2005, do gênero comédia musical, escrito e dirigido por Todd Edwards, Tony Leech e Cory Edwards baseados na história do "Chapeuzinho Vermelho" recontada como uma investigação policial usando histórias de fundo para mostrar os pontos de vista de vários personagens. Foi produzido de forma independente pela Blue Yonder Films com a Kanbar Entertainment, sendo dirigido e escrito por Cory Edwards, Todd Edwards e Tony Leech, e produzido por Katie Hooten, Maurice Kanbar, David K. Lovegren, Sue Bea Montgomery e Preston Stutzman. A animação foi lançada pela The Weinstein Company em Los Angeles, Califórnia, em 16 de dezembro de 2005, para uma premiere uma semana antes de seu lançamento amplo em 13 de janeiro de 2006. Apresenta as vozes de Anne Hathaway, Glenn Close, Jim Belushi, Patrick Warburton, Anthony Anderson, David Ogden Stiers, Xzibit, Chazz Palminteri e Andy Dick. Hoodwinked! foi um dos primeiros filmes de animação por computador a ser financiado de forma completamente independente. Trabalhar fora de um grande estúdio permitiu aos cineastas maior controle criativo, mas também os restringiu economicamente. Devido ao pequeno orçamento do filme, sua animação foi produzida nas Filipinas, com um design menos realista inspirado nos filmes de stop motion. A Weinstein Company não assinou como distribuidora do filme até o final da produção e, embora a empresa tivesse muitos papéis reformulados durante a produção, a mesma fez poucas alterações no filme. Estruturalmente, o filme foi inspirado em dramas criminais não lineares, como Rashômon e Pulp Fiction. Foi lançado logo após os dois primeiros filmes da série Shrek, o que ajudou a acentuar o gênero de paródia de contos de fadas do qual Hoodwinked! faz parte. O filme, no entanto, intencionalmente se desviou dessa série em seu estilo de humor e em certos elementos da trama. Isso foi parcialmente baseado nas preocupações de Cory Edwards sobre a exposição de crianças ao alto nível de cinismo frequentemente encontrado no gênero. A recepção da crítica ao filme foi variada; embora seu roteiro e elenco tenham sido elogiados criticamente, sua qualidade de animação foi fortemente contestada. No entanto, o filme foi um sucesso comercial, ganhando mais de 13 vezes seu orçamento de menos de US$ 8 milhões. Uma sequência, Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil, dirigida por Mike Disa e escrita pelos irmãos Edwards e Leech, foi lançada em 2011 e foi recebida com críticas bastante negativas, se tornando um fracasso de bilheteria. (pt)
  • «Правдивая история Красной Шапки» (англ. Hoodwinked, серб. Ко је сместио Црвенкапи?) — комедийный детективный мультфильм, трёхмерная компьютерная анимация для всех возрастов. (ru)
  • 《Kuso小紅帽》(英語:Hoodwinked!)是2005年的美國電腦動畫家庭喜劇電影,由独立制片商及製作,溫斯坦影業發行,、和共同編劇及執導,監製包括、、、及等。电影的主要配音員包括安妮·海瑟薇、格伦·克洛斯、吉姆·貝魯什、派屈克·華博頓、安東尼·安德森、、艾勒比、及安迪·迪克。影片劇情以警方調查為主線,透過各角色说法不一的倒敘来重现童話故事《小紅帽》。該片最初於2005年12月16日在加州洛杉磯舉行為期一週的有限上映,然後於2006年1月13日起在美国各地上映。 本片是最早以完全獨立製作的電腦動畫電影之一,這意味著它的拍攝過程中並未與大型的動畫工作室合作。獨立製片雖賦予製作團隊較寬鬆的創意空間,但是其預算卻相對較為緊縮。因此,此片的動畫選擇在菲律宾進行製作,且設計基調主要爲定格动画,所以視覺上較缺乏真實感。溫斯坦影業直到製作接近尾聲時才決定簽約成為其發行商;而除了要求替換許多配音員之外,該公司並未對電影的內容進行多少更動。 此片繼《史瑞克》系列前兩部成功的作品之後上映;同爲戲仿童話故事的電影風格,使此類電影一時蔚為風潮。然而,本片在幽默風格以及一些特定的劇情元素上刻意選擇和《史瑞克》有所區分,而此決定部分基於柯瑞擔心這類電影會使孩童過多地接觸憤世嫉俗的犬儒主义。此外,本片的劇情架構主要參考《羅生門》及《低俗小说》等非線性敘事的犯罪片。 《Kuso小紅帽》發行後獲得的評價較不一致——雖有許多影評讚賞電影的劇本以及配音演出,然而其動畫品質卻受到嚴厲的批評;不過,電影的票房表現則相對出色,其票房約為預算的13倍之多。該片的續集《3D小紅帽2:團結力量大》於2011年發行,並由執導,其編劇亦為愛德華茲兄弟及里奇三人;相較於原作,續集獲得了更為負面的評價且票房表現也不如預期。 (zh)
  • 8000000.0
  • 1.1E8
  • 0443536
  • 4800.000000 (xsd:double)
  • 3028097 (xsd:integer)
  • 89274 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1124891198 (xsd:integer)
  • various artists (en)
  • 8000000.0
  • Theatrical release poster (en)
  • yes (en)
  • The Weinstein Company (en)
  • Tony Leech (en)
  • dbr:Pupil_(band)
  • dbr:Ben_Folds
  • Instrumental (en)
  • Josh Greene (en)
  • Todd Collins (en)
  • Daniel Rogers (en)
  • Anne Hathaway (en)
  • Andy Dick (en)
  • Benjy Gaither (en)
  • Todd Edwards (en)
  • Cory Edwards (en)
  • Fleming K. McWilliams and Jim Belushi (en)
  • Performer (en)
  • 1.1E8
  • English (en)
  • 10.0
  • 11.0
  • 117.0
  • 124.0
  • 161.0
  • 164.0
  • 166.0
  • 174.0
  • 181.0
  • 19.0
  • 199.0
  • 21.0
  • 214.0
  • 23.0
  • 231.0
  • 26.0
  • 261.0
  • 278.0
  • 32.0
  • 33.0
  • 55.0
  • 62.0
  • 77.0
  • 80.0
  • 84.0
  • 96.0
  • 16.0
  • 2915.0
  • Hoodwinked! (en)
  • Hoodwinked: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (en)
  • Instrumental Version (en)
  • Granny Techno Mix) (en)
  • Surfer Version (en)
  • Harvey Weinstein (en)
  • (en)
  • various artists (en)
  • Bob Weinstein (en)
  • David K. Lovegren (en)
  • Katie Hooten (en)
  • Maurice Kanbar (en)
  • Preston Stutzman (en)
  • Sue Bea Montgomery (en)
  • I'll be real honest, there are many, many shots that I wince at when I see them, because it's not my standard of excellence. I know they could be better, but there comes a time at the end of the day where we just had to give up on some things. So to hear critics and people on the internet, like, ranting about it, we all want to yell back and go, "We know! We know it's bad! But this is what we could do!" And the fact that the film is successful in spite of that is really cool, because it basically says to the industry, not to continue to make poorly animated films, but to say, "Look at what the story and the charming characters did; they were able to surpass the bad animation and the technical problems." (en)
  • Sally Struthers was the original Granny for two years of the project. She did a fantastic voice. When Glenn Close walked in, she said, 'Why do you need me? Sally did a great job.' I didn't want to say 'because Harvey made us.' I'm friends with Sally through some other people – I ended up writing her a nice note ... Sally did more of a southern, battleaxe granny, Glenn's was more a prim and proper one. (en)
  • ... I realize that there were other independently funded projects being done at the same time, but ... we were the first ... the first kind of a new model and a new way of making an animated film. It was made with no studio money, overseas, then picked up by a major distributor. A few other animated films have followed this path, but not to the level of success that Hoodwinked was able to achieve. I know Veggie Tales had a movie come out earlier that year, but that was with a struck deal and brand recognition. Hoodwinked was this freak of nature that was made completely outside of the studio system and, thankfully, worked. (en)
  • 2005-12-13 (xsd:date)
  • 4800.0
  • —Cory Edwards, director of Hoodwinked!, on the recasting of Sally Struthers. (en)
  • —Cory Edwards, director of Hoodwinked!, on the quality of the film's animation. (en)
  • —Cory Edwards, director of Hoodwinked! (en)
  • The Weinstein Company (en)
  • (en)
  • Blue Yonder Films (en)
  • Kanbar Animation (en)
  • Kanbar Entertainment (en)
  • dbr:Beautiful_Machines
  • Runaway (en)
  • Bounce (en)
  • Glow (en)
  • Be Prepared (en)
  • Great Big World (en)
  • Bossa for Boingo (en)
  • Cable Car Rescue/End of the Line (en)
  • Chopping for Actors (en)
  • Critters Have Feelings (en)
  • Delivery Girl (en)
  • Eva Deanna (en)
  • Go Flippers (en)
  • Hoodwinked Theme (en)
  • Into the Book (en)
  • Lair Rescue (en)
  • Little Boat (en)
  • Nicky Intro (en)
  • Nicky Knows (en)
  • Red is Blue (en)
  • Red/Wolf Stare-Down (en)
  • The Real G (en)
  • The Schnitzel Song (en)
  • Three G's (en)
  • Top of the Woods (en)
  • Tree Critter (en)
  • 2915.0
  • Soundtrack (en)
  • 33 (xsd:integer)
  • 33.0
  • مخادعة! (بالإنجليزية: Hoodwinked!)‏ هو فيلم رسوم متحركة أمريكي لعام 2005 عن النوع الكوميدي الموسيقي، من تأليف وإخراج تود إدواردز، توني ليتش وكوري إدواردز على أساس قصة «ذات الرداء الأحمر». أعيد سردها كتحقيق من قبل الشرطة باستخدام قصص الخلفية لإظهار وجهات نظر الشخصيات المختلفة. (ar)
  • La increïble però certa història de la Caputxeta Vermella (títol original: títol original: Hoodwinked!) és un llargmetratge d'animació estatunidenc en imatges de síntesi estrenat l'any 2005. És una interpretació fira de lloc i humorística del famós conte, sota forma d'investigació policíaca, vertebrada de la mateixa manera que els films Rashōmon i Sospitosos habituals. Ha estat doblada al català. La seva continuació, La Revenja de la Caputxeta vermella, va sortir l'any 2011. Roja, El Llop, la velleta i Sotragada, l'esquirol cafeinòman es converteixen en espies de l'agència « Van Viure Feliços ». (ca)
  • Die Rotkäppchen-Verschwörung (Originaltitel: Hoodwinked!) ist ein US-amerikanischer computeranimierter Familienfilm aus dem Jahr 2005. Er wurde durch in Zusammenarbeit mit produziert. Er wurde ab dem 16. Dezember 2005 von The Weinstein Company in ausgewählten Märkten gezeigt, ab dem 13. Januar 2006 US-weit. In Deutschland kam der Film am 27. Dezember 2006 in die Kinos. In der deutschen Version liehen unter anderem Sarah Kuttner, Jan Delay, Max Raabe, Smudo und Hans Werner Olm den Figuren ihre Stimmen. (de)
  • Hoodwinked! (en Serbio: Ко је сместио Црвенкапи? / Ko je smestio Crvenkapi?; en Hispanoamérica: ¡Buza Caperuza! La verdadera historia o La verdadera historia de Caperucita Roja; en Venezuela: Las locas aventuras de Caperucita Roja; en España: La increíble ¡pero cierta! historia de Caperucita Roja) es una película animada de comedia familiar creada por computadora y producida por de la mano de Kanbar Entertainment. Fue escrita y dirigida por , Todd Edwards y Tony Leech. Contó con las voces protagonistas de Anne Hathaway, Glenn Close, Jim Belushi, Patrick Warburton, Andy Dick, David Ogden Stiers, Xzibit, Anthony Anderson, y Chazz Palminteri. (es)
  • La Véritable Histoire du Petit Chaperon rouge (Hoodwinked!) est un long métrage d'animation américain en images de synthèse sorti fin 2005 en Californie et début 2006 dans le reste des États-Unis puis dans le monde. C'est une interprétation décalée et humoristique du célèbre conte, sous forme d'enquête policière, structurée de la même manière que les films Rashōmon et Usual Suspects. Sa suite, La Revanche du Petit Chaperon rouge, est sortie en 2011. (fr)
  • Hoodwinked! adalah sebuah film Amerika Serikat yang dirilis pada tahun 2006. Film ini diproduksi secara independen oleh dengan , disutradarai dan ditulis oleh , Todd Edwards, dan , dan diproduseri oleh , , , , dan . Film ini tayang di bioskop pada 13 Januari 2006. (in)
  • 빨간 모자의 진실(영어: Hoodwinked!)은 2005년 미국에서 개봉한 영화다. (ko)
  • Cappuccetto Rosso e gli insoliti sospetti (Hoodwinked!) è un film d'animazione del 2006 diretto da Cory Edwards. Il film è stato prodotto da The Weinstein Company in collaborazione con gli studi d'animazione indipendenti Blue Yonder Films e Kanbar Entertainment, quest'ultimo al suo debutto su grande schermo. Si tratta di una rivisitazione della classica fiaba di Cappuccetto Rosso che riprende la struttura di film classici come Rashomon, Pulp Fiction e I soliti sospetti, divenendone una sorta di parodia, in cui la trama è un intreccio di varie storie collegate tra loro narrate da personaggi sospettati di crimini. Il film è uscito nelle sale americane il 13 gennaio 2006 e in Italia il 1º giugno dello stesso anno. (it)
  • 『リトル・レッド レシピ泥棒は誰だ!?』(リトル・レッド レシピどろぼうはだれだ!?、Hoodwinked)は、ワインスタイン・カンパニーによるアメリカ合衆国の映画作品で、全編3Dアニメーションで製作されている。アメリカでの映画公開は2005年12月16日。日本語版の日本での公開は2007年10月6日。 『赤ずきん』の話をベースに、『羅生門』や『ユージュアル・サスペクツ』等、様々な映画のシーンを織り交ぜて作られている。 アメリカでは、この映画の続編に当たる、「」(『Hood vs. Evil』)が2010年に製作された。(全米公開は、2011年4月29日) (ja)
  • Sanningen om Rödluvan är en amerikansk animerad familjefilm från 2005, baserad på sagan om Rödluvan. (sv)
  • Czerwony Kapturek – prawdziwa historia – amerykański film animowany z 2005 roku, w reżyserii . (pl)
  • «Правдивая история Красной Шапки» (англ. Hoodwinked, серб. Ко је сместио Црвенкапи?) — комедийный детективный мультфильм, трёхмерная компьютерная анимация для всех возрастов. (ru)
  • Hoodwinked! is a 2005 computer-animated musical comedy mystery film. It retells the folktale Little Red Riding Hood as a police procedural, using backstories to show multiple characters' points of view. It was produced independently by Blue Yonder Films with Kanbar Entertainment, directed and written by Cory Edwards along with Todd Edwards, and Tony Leech, and produced by Katie Hooten, Maurice Kanbar, David K. Lovegren, Sue Bea Montgomery, and Preston Stutzman. The film features the voices of Anne Hathaway, Glenn Close, Jim Belushi, Patrick Warburton, Anthony Anderson, David Ogden Stiers, Xzibit, Chazz Palminteri, and Andy Dick. (en)
  • Hoodwinked! is een animatiefilm uit 2005 die het verhaal vertelt van Roodkapje, maar begint waar het sprookje eindigt.Roodkapje en de wolf vormen in deze comedy de spil in een politieonderzoek dat elementen uit Agatha Christie, Rashomon en The Usual Suspects verenigt. De film is geschreven en geregisseerd door Cory Edwards, Todd Edwards en Tony Leech en werd, in de originele Engelse versie, ingesproken door acteurs Anne Hathaway, Glenn Close, Jim Belushi, Patrick Warburton, Andy Dick, David Ogden Stiers, Anthony Anderson, Chazz Palminteri en rapper Xzibit. De film werd gedistribueerd door The Weinstein Company. (nl)
  • Hoodwinked! (bra: Deu a Louca na Chapeuzinho; prt: Capuchinho Vermelho - A Verdadeira História) é um filme de animação estadunidense de 2005, do gênero comédia musical, escrito e dirigido por Todd Edwards, Tony Leech e Cory Edwards baseados na história do "Chapeuzinho Vermelho" recontada como uma investigação policial usando histórias de fundo para mostrar os pontos de vista de vários personagens. (pt)
  • 《Kuso小紅帽》(英語:Hoodwinked!)是2005年的美國電腦動畫家庭喜劇電影,由独立制片商及製作,溫斯坦影業發行,、和共同編劇及執導,監製包括、、、及等。电影的主要配音員包括安妮·海瑟薇、格伦·克洛斯、吉姆·貝魯什、派屈克·華博頓、安東尼·安德森、、艾勒比、及安迪·迪克。影片劇情以警方調查為主線,透過各角色说法不一的倒敘来重现童話故事《小紅帽》。該片最初於2005年12月16日在加州洛杉磯舉行為期一週的有限上映,然後於2006年1月13日起在美国各地上映。 本片是最早以完全獨立製作的電腦動畫電影之一,這意味著它的拍攝過程中並未與大型的動畫工作室合作。獨立製片雖賦予製作團隊較寬鬆的創意空間,但是其預算卻相對較為緊縮。因此,此片的動畫選擇在菲律宾進行製作,且設計基調主要爲定格动画,所以視覺上較缺乏真實感。溫斯坦影業直到製作接近尾聲時才決定簽約成為其發行商;而除了要求替換許多配音員之外,該公司並未對電影的內容進行多少更動。 此片繼《史瑞克》系列前兩部成功的作品之後上映;同爲戲仿童話故事的電影風格,使此類電影一時蔚為風潮。然而,本片在幽默風格以及一些特定的劇情元素上刻意選擇和《史瑞克》有所區分,而此決定部分基於柯瑞擔心這類電影會使孩童過多地接觸憤世嫉俗的犬儒主义。此外,本片的劇情架構主要參考《羅生門》及《低俗小说》等非線性敘事的犯罪片。 (zh)
  • مخادعة! (ar)
  • La increïble però certa història de la Caputxeta Vermella (ca)
  • Die Rotkäppchen-Verschwörung (de)
  • Hoodwinked! (es)
  • Hoodwinked! (en)
  • Hoodwinked! (in)
  • Cappuccetto Rosso e gli insoliti sospetti (it)
  • La Véritable Histoire du Petit Chaperon rouge (fr)
  • 빨간 모자의 진실 (ko)
  • リトル・レッド レシピ泥棒は誰だ!? (ja)
  • Hoodwinked! (nl)
  • Czerwony Kapturek – prawdziwa historia (pl)
  • Hoodwinked! (pt)
  • Правдивая история Красной Шапки (ru)
  • Sanningen om Rödluvan (sv)
  • Kuso小紅帽 (zh)
  • Hoodwinked! (en)
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