- Fruit, Fruity, and fruitcake, as well as its many variations, are slang or even sexual slang terms which have various origins. These terms have often been used derogatorily to refer to LGBT people. Usually used as pejoratives, the terms have also been re-appropriated as insider terms of endearment within LGBT communities. Many modern pop culture references within the gay nightlife like "Fruit Machine" and "Fruit Packers" have been appropriated for reclaiming usage, similar to queer. (en)
- Fruit ("frutta" in lingua inglese) è un termine dello slang LGBT che indica gli omosessuali e, più in generale, gli appartenenti alla cultura LGBT. Benché abbia avuto storicamente una connotazione negativa, la comunità LGBT ha iniziato a utilizzarlo più recentemente in un'ottica più positiva. Del termine esistono molte varianti con diverse sfumature di significato, fra cui fruitcake, fruit fly, fruit machine, fruit packer, fruit picker, fruit loop, fruit basket, fruit stand, e strange fruit. (it)
- Fruit, Fruity, and fruitcake, as well as its many variations, are slang or even sexual slang terms which have various origins. These terms have often been used derogatorily to refer to LGBT people. Usually used as pejoratives, the terms have also been re-appropriated as insider terms of endearment within LGBT communities. Many modern pop culture references within the gay nightlife like "Fruit Machine" and "Fruit Packers" have been appropriated for reclaiming usage, similar to queer. (en)
- Fruit ("frutta" in lingua inglese) è un termine dello slang LGBT che indica gli omosessuali e, più in generale, gli appartenenti alla cultura LGBT. Benché abbia avuto storicamente una connotazione negativa, la comunità LGBT ha iniziato a utilizzarlo più recentemente in un'ottica più positiva. Del termine esistono molte varianti con diverse sfumature di significato, fra cui fruitcake, fruit fly, fruit machine, fruit packer, fruit picker, fruit loop, fruit basket, fruit stand, e strange fruit. (it)