- The Eddington experiment was an observational test of general relativity, organised by the British astronomers Frank Watson Dyson and Arthur Stanley Eddington in 1919. The observations were of the total solar eclipse of 29 May 1919 and were carried out by two expeditions, one to the West African island of Príncipe, and the other to the Brazilian town of Sobral. The aim of the expeditions was to measure the gravitational deflection of starlight passing near the Sun. The value of this deflection had been predicted by Albert Einstein in a 1911 paper; however, this initial prediction turned out not to be correct because it was based on an incomplete theory of general relativity. Einstein later improved his prediction after finalizing his theory in 1915 and obtaining the solution to his equations by Karl Schwarzschild. Following the return of the expeditions, the results were presented by Eddington to the Royal Society of London and, after some deliberation, were accepted. Widespread newspaper coverage of the results led to worldwide fame for Einstein and his theories. (en)
- Eddington-en esperimentua, eta Arthur Stanley Eddington astronomo britaniarrek 1919an egindako erlatibitate orokorraren inguruko behaketa izan zen. Behaketa ingurukoa izan zen. Bi toki desberdinetan burutu zen: bata, Mendebaldeko Afrikako Príncipe uharteetan eta bestea, Brasilgo Sobral herrian. Behaketa hauen helburua, Eguzkiaren ingurutik pasatzen den argiak jasandako desbideratze grabitazionala aztertzea eta egotekotan neurtzea zen. Hiru emaitza posible espero ziren: bidearen desbideratzerik ez ematea, desbideratzea Newton-en fisikaren bidez azaldu ahal izatea edo desbideratzea erlatibitate orokorraren aurreikuspenarekin bat etortzea. Desbideratzearen balioa Albert Einstein-ek 1911n iragarritako izan zen, baina, ez zen egokia osotuta ez zegoen erlatibitate orokorraren teorian oinarrituta baitzegoen. 1915ean Einstein-ek bere teoria osotu ondoren bere emaitzak hobetu zituen. Aipatzekoa da, bere ekuazioen erantzunak Karl Schwarzschild-ek garatu zituela. Bidaiatik bueltatzean, Eddington-ek lortutako emaitzak Londreseko Royal Society-ra eraman zituen. Hauen onarpenaren ondoren, erlatibitate orokorraren frogapenaren albistea mundu osoan hedatu zen Einstein eta bere teoria mundu osoan ezagunak bilakatuz. (eu)
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- The Eddington experiment was an observational test of general relativity, organised by the British astronomers Frank Watson Dyson and Arthur Stanley Eddington in 1919. The observations were of the total solar eclipse of 29 May 1919 and were carried out by two expeditions, one to the West African island of Príncipe, and the other to the Brazilian town of Sobral. The aim of the expeditions was to measure the gravitational deflection of starlight passing near the Sun. The value of this deflection had been predicted by Albert Einstein in a 1911 paper; however, this initial prediction turned out not to be correct because it was based on an incomplete theory of general relativity. Einstein later improved his prediction after finalizing his theory in 1915 and obtaining the solution to his equatio (en)
- Eddington-en esperimentua, eta Arthur Stanley Eddington astronomo britaniarrek 1919an egindako erlatibitate orokorraren inguruko behaketa izan zen. Behaketa ingurukoa izan zen. Bi toki desberdinetan burutu zen: bata, Mendebaldeko Afrikako Príncipe uharteetan eta bestea, Brasilgo Sobral herrian. Behaketa hauen helburua, Eguzkiaren ingurutik pasatzen den argiak jasandako desbideratze grabitazionala aztertzea eta egotekotan neurtzea zen. Hiru emaitza posible espero ziren: bidearen desbideratzerik ez ematea, desbideratzea Newton-en fisikaren bidez azaldu ahal izatea edo desbideratzea erlatibitate orokorraren aurreikuspenarekin bat etortzea. Desbideratzearen balioa Albert Einstein-ek 1911n iragarritako izan zen, baina, ez zen egokia osotuta ez zegoen erlatibitate orokorraren teorian oinarritu (eu)
- Eddingtonen esperimentua (eu)
- Eddington experiment (en)
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