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Chuck E. Cheese (formerly known as Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre, Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza and simply Chuck E. Cheese's) is an American family entertainment center and pizza restaurant chain founded in 1977 by Atari's co-founder Nolan Bushnell. Headquartered in Irving, Texas, each location features arcade games, amusement rides, and character stage shows in addition to serving pizza and other food items; former mainstays included ball pits, crawl tubes, and animatronic shows. The chain's name is taken from its main character and mascot, Chuck E. Cheese. The first location opened as Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre in San Jose, California. It was the first family restaurant to integrate food with arcade games and animated entertainment.

Property Value
  • تشكي تشيز هي سلسلة من مراكز الترفيه على شكل مدينة ملاهي مغلقة مكيفة مختصة في الترفيه العائلي. لها 524 فرع في العالم، المكتب الرئيسي للشركة يقع في إيرفينغ، تكساس وفروعها منتشرة في الولايات المتحدة، كندا، تشيلي، غواتيمالا والعديد من الدول الأخرى. لها فروع في العالم العربي في السعودية وفي مدينة دبي في اوت لت مول وفي سوريا في دمشق في مازة مول. (ar)
  • Chuck E. Cheese (formerly known as Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre, Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza and simply Chuck E. Cheese's) is an American family entertainment center and pizza restaurant chain founded in 1977 by Atari's co-founder Nolan Bushnell. Headquartered in Irving, Texas, each location features arcade games, amusement rides, and character stage shows in addition to serving pizza and other food items; former mainstays included ball pits, crawl tubes, and animatronic shows. The chain's name is taken from its main character and mascot, Chuck E. Cheese. The first location opened as Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre in San Jose, California. It was the first family restaurant to integrate food with arcade games and animated entertainment. After filing for bankruptcy in 1984, the chain was acquired in 1985 by Brock Hotel Corporation, parent company of competitor ShowBiz Pizza Place. The merger formed a new parent company, ShowBiz Pizza Time, Inc. which began unifying the two brands in 1990, renaming every location Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza. It was later shortened to Chuck E. Cheese's in 1994, and Chuck E. Cheese in 2019. Parent company ShowBiz Pizza Time also became CEC Entertainment in 1998. As of June 25, 2020, CEC Entertainment owned 611 Chuck E. Cheese venues in 47 U.S. states, four Canadian provinces, and three Puerto Rican municipalities. The COVID-19 pandemic put significant financial strain on the company, and CEC Entertainment filed a voluntary bankruptcy petition under Chapter 11 in the Southern District of Texas on June 25, 2020. The announcement was coordinated with 47 states and 16 countries including the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Chile, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and India. (en)
  • Chuck E. Cheese’s ist eine in den Vereinigten Staaten beheimatete und dort sehr bekannte Restaurant- und Fastfoodkette. (de)
  • Chuck E. Cheese (anteriormente Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza y Chuck E. Cheese's) es una cadena de pizzerías que cuenta con juegos arcade, shows y cumpleaños infantiles. Todo ello acompañado de un ratón antropomórfico que se llama igual que la pizzería, fundada el 17 de mayo de 1977. (es)
  • CEC Entertainement anciennement Chuck E. Cheese's (anciennement Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre et de Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza) est une chaîne de centres de divertissement et de restaurants américaine. La chaîne est la principale marque de la CEC Entertainment, Inc. dont les quartiers généraux se trouvent à Irving au Texas. L'établissement sert pizzas et autres plats et propose des jeux d'arcade et manèges ainsi que des robots animatroniques. La marque tire son nom de son principal personnage animatronique, Chuck E. Cheese, une souris anthropomorphe qui chante et interagit avec les clients. Le premier établissement Chuck E. Cheeses's Pizza Time Theater a ouvert à San Jose en Californie le 17 mai 1977. Le concept a été créé par le cofondateur d'Atari, Nolan Bushnell, connu pour avoir conçu le jeu vidéo Pong. Le Pizza Time Theater a été le premier restaurant familial à intégrer à la fois de la nourriture, dessins animés et salle d'arcade. À la suite d'un dépôt de bilan, la chaîne a été acquise par le concurrent Showbiz Pizza Place en 1984, créant ainsi Showbiz Pizza Time, Inc. En 1990, la société a commencé l'unification des deux marques dans le but de renommer chaque emplacement "Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza". Le logo a été revu en 1994, après que le mot Pizza ait été enlevé de toutes les enseignes. Showbiz Pizza Time, Inc. est devenu CEC Entertainment, Inc. en 1998, et plus de 500 restaurants Chuck E. Cheese's sont en service en 2019. (fr)
  • Chuck E. Cheese's (dulunya disebut sebagai Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre, dan Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza) adalah sebuah jaringan dan restoran Amerika Serikat. Jaringan tersebut adalah merek utama dari CEC Entertainment, Inc. dan bermarkas besar di Irving, Texas. (in)
  • チャック E. チーズ(Chuck E. Cheese) は、子供をターゲットにゲームセンターの要素が加味されたアメリカ合衆国の大型ピザチェーン店。1977年5月17日、ノーラン・ブッシュネルによって設立。 (ja)
  • 처키 치즈(Chuck E. Cheese's)는 어린이를 위한 게임 센터가 가미된 미국의 대형 피자 체인점이다. 현재 500여개가 넘는 매장을 운영하고 있다. (ko)
  • Chuck E. Cheese's (precedentemente Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre e Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza) è una catena di negozi di ristorazione ed intrattenimento. Chuck E. Cheese's è il marchio principale di CEC Entertainment, Inc. (NYSE: CEC), con sede Irving, Texas. La società è stata fondata da Nolan Bushnell, noto per aver fondato la società di produzione di videogiochi arcade Atari, Inc.. L'idea è quella di una pizzeria con, a completamento, videogiochi arcade, cavalcabili, spettacoli di animatronic ed altre forme di intrattenimento per bambini, come i castelli ed i tubi per arrampicarsi e scivolare. Il marchio è rappresentato da "Chuck E. Cheese", un topo antropomorfo.I personaggi principali sono: Chuck E, Helen Henny, Munch The Monster,Jasper T Jowls (Chiamato “jowls” per le sue grandi guance nelle versioni precedenti) Molti personaggi sono stati rimossi (Pizzacam, King, Dolli Dimples,Billy Bob, Munch Jr (o jr munch). La società fu fondata come Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre da Nolan Bushnell nel 1977 come il primo ristorante per famiglie in cui oltre al cibo venivano offerti intrattenimenti animati e giochi arcade. Il primo cast era formato da Pasqually The Chef, Jasper T Jowls, Big C (Ovvero il nickname di Chuck E Cheese) e Crusty The Cat. Quest'ultimo venne rimosso nel 1979 e Venne sostituito da Mr Munch. Nel 1980 si unirono i cosiddetti "Guest Stars" . Una tra queste , è helen henny che diventerà un personaggio fisso fino ad oggi. Nel 1983 Pizza Time Theatre aveva molti debiti e perciò più tardi andò in bancarotta...Nel 1984 Pizza Time Theatre fu rilevata da Showbiz Pizza Place divenendo Showbiz Pizza Time, Inc. ma mantenendo le due catene di ristorazione come entità separate. Nel 1991/2, Showbiz Pizza Time, Inc. unificò i due marchi sotto il nome di Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza. Nel 1994 iniziò un'opera di rinnovamento della società, che portò all'adozione del nome Chuck E. Cheese's nel 1995. Nel 1998 Showbiz Pizza Time, Inc. fu rinominata CEC Entertainment, Inc., rimuovendo ogni residua menzione a Showbiz Pizza Place, Inc., il nome con cui CEC Entertainment, Inc. era nata. Nel 2007 la società ha celebrato il suo 30º anniversario. A maggio del 2009 conta 542 ristoranti. Il Chuck E. Cheese's è stato preso di spunto per il videogioco horror Five Nights at Freddy's e i suoi seguiti. Nel 2016, la società ha annunciato la rimozione dei suoi famosi “animatronics”. Molti, hanno visto questa “novità” come una presa in giro dato che, il concept di Chuck E. Cheese’s si basa su shows con animatronics appunto. Nel 2020, la società ha rischiato la bancarotta e hanno chiuso più di 100 ristoranti.Recentemente, il ristorante è stato rinominato “Pasqually Pizza and Wings” e la società ha affermato che la pizza sarebbe cambiata ma non è stato così. (it)
  • Chuck E. Cheese (ранее Chuck E. Cheese's) — американская сеть семейных ресторанов и развлекательных центров, принадлежащая корпорации CEC Restaurant, Inc. В ресторанах сети подают пиццу и прочие блюда, а также предлагают посетителям аркадные автоматы, аттракционы и выступления роботов-аниматроников. Первый ресторан был открыт в Сан-Хосе, Калифорния 17 мая 1977 года под названием Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre. (ru)
  • Chuck E. Cheese é uma rede de restaurantes familiares americanos e a principal marca da CEC Restaurant, Inc. com sede em Irving, Texas. Os restaurantes servem pizza e outros itens do menu, além de contarem com jogos de fliperama e espetáculos animatrônicos como fonte de entretenimento familiar. O nome da rede é derivado da sua personagem principal e mascote, Chuck E. Cheese . O primeiro restaurante foi inaugurado em San Jose, Califórnia, como" Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre", em 17 de maio de 1977. O conceito foi criado pelo cofundador da Atari, Nolan Bushnell, um pioneiro na indústria dos videojogos. O Pizza Time Theatre foi o primeiro restaurante familiar a integrar o conceito de comida e fliperama com entretenimento animado. Após apresentar um pedido de insolvência em março de 1984, a rede foi adquirida pela Brock Hotel Corp., empresa-mãe do concorrente ShowBiz Pizza Place em maio de 1985, formando ShowBiz Pizza Time, Inc. Em 1990, a empresa começou a unificar as duas marcas, renomeando cada restaurante para Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza. Em 1994, o nome foi encurtado para Chuck E. Cheese's, e ShowBiz Pizza Time, Inc. tornou-se CEC Entertainment, Inc. em 1998. Em 2019, o nome dos restaurantes foi ainda mais abreviado para Chuck E. Cheese . Em junho de 2020, a CEC Entertainment possuía 541 estabelecimentos Chuck E. Cheese em 47 estados dos EUA, quatro províncias canadenses, Guam e Porto Rico . A pandemia COVID-19 colocou uma pressão financeira significativa na empresa, e a CEC Entertainment apresentou voluntariamente um pedido de falência ao abrigo do Capítulo 11 no Distrito Sul do Texas em 25 de junho de 2020. O anúncio foi coordenado com 47 estados e 16 países, incluindo os Estados Unidos, Canadá, México, Chile, Arábia Saudita, Emirados Árabes Unidos e Índia. (pt)
  • 出奇老鼠(英語:Chuck E. Cheese;舊稱Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre、Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza和Chuck E. Cheese's)為美国家庭娛樂中心和餐廳連鎖店。總部位於美国德克萨斯州歐文。第一间店於1977年在美国加利福尼亞州聖荷西开张,該品牌的名稱來自其自家吉祥物,可以與客人唱歌並互動。 (zh)
  • 1977-05-17 (xsd:date)
  • 1977-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • 612 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 203929 (xsd:integer)
  • 45973 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1123599437 (xsd:integer)
  • Pasqually's Pizza & Wings (en)
  • 1977-05-17 (xsd:date)
  • San Jose, California, U.S. (en)
  • U.S. (en)
  • Gene Landrum (en)
  • 612 (xsd:integer)
  • CECLogo2019.png (en)
  • NASDAQ:CHKY (en)
  • تشكي تشيز هي سلسلة من مراكز الترفيه على شكل مدينة ملاهي مغلقة مكيفة مختصة في الترفيه العائلي. لها 524 فرع في العالم، المكتب الرئيسي للشركة يقع في إيرفينغ، تكساس وفروعها منتشرة في الولايات المتحدة، كندا، تشيلي، غواتيمالا والعديد من الدول الأخرى. لها فروع في العالم العربي في السعودية وفي مدينة دبي في اوت لت مول وفي سوريا في دمشق في مازة مول. (ar)
  • Chuck E. Cheese’s ist eine in den Vereinigten Staaten beheimatete und dort sehr bekannte Restaurant- und Fastfoodkette. (de)
  • Chuck E. Cheese (anteriormente Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza y Chuck E. Cheese's) es una cadena de pizzerías que cuenta con juegos arcade, shows y cumpleaños infantiles. Todo ello acompañado de un ratón antropomórfico que se llama igual que la pizzería, fundada el 17 de mayo de 1977. (es)
  • Chuck E. Cheese's (dulunya disebut sebagai Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre, dan Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza) adalah sebuah jaringan dan restoran Amerika Serikat. Jaringan tersebut adalah merek utama dari CEC Entertainment, Inc. dan bermarkas besar di Irving, Texas. (in)
  • チャック E. チーズ(Chuck E. Cheese) は、子供をターゲットにゲームセンターの要素が加味されたアメリカ合衆国の大型ピザチェーン店。1977年5月17日、ノーラン・ブッシュネルによって設立。 (ja)
  • 처키 치즈(Chuck E. Cheese's)는 어린이를 위한 게임 센터가 가미된 미국의 대형 피자 체인점이다. 현재 500여개가 넘는 매장을 운영하고 있다. (ko)
  • Chuck E. Cheese (ранее Chuck E. Cheese's) — американская сеть семейных ресторанов и развлекательных центров, принадлежащая корпорации CEC Restaurant, Inc. В ресторанах сети подают пиццу и прочие блюда, а также предлагают посетителям аркадные автоматы, аттракционы и выступления роботов-аниматроников. Первый ресторан был открыт в Сан-Хосе, Калифорния 17 мая 1977 года под названием Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre. (ru)
  • 出奇老鼠(英語:Chuck E. Cheese;舊稱Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre、Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza和Chuck E. Cheese's)為美国家庭娛樂中心和餐廳連鎖店。總部位於美国德克萨斯州歐文。第一间店於1977年在美国加利福尼亞州聖荷西开张,該品牌的名稱來自其自家吉祥物,可以與客人唱歌並互動。 (zh)
  • Chuck E. Cheese (formerly known as Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre, Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza and simply Chuck E. Cheese's) is an American family entertainment center and pizza restaurant chain founded in 1977 by Atari's co-founder Nolan Bushnell. Headquartered in Irving, Texas, each location features arcade games, amusement rides, and character stage shows in addition to serving pizza and other food items; former mainstays included ball pits, crawl tubes, and animatronic shows. The chain's name is taken from its main character and mascot, Chuck E. Cheese. The first location opened as Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre in San Jose, California. It was the first family restaurant to integrate food with arcade games and animated entertainment. (en)
  • CEC Entertainement anciennement Chuck E. Cheese's (anciennement Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre et de Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza) est une chaîne de centres de divertissement et de restaurants américaine. La chaîne est la principale marque de la CEC Entertainment, Inc. dont les quartiers généraux se trouvent à Irving au Texas. L'établissement sert pizzas et autres plats et propose des jeux d'arcade et manèges ainsi que des robots animatroniques. La marque tire son nom de son principal personnage animatronique, Chuck E. Cheese, une souris anthropomorphe qui chante et interagit avec les clients. (fr)
  • Chuck E. Cheese's (precedentemente Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre e Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza) è una catena di negozi di ristorazione ed intrattenimento. Chuck E. Cheese's è il marchio principale di CEC Entertainment, Inc. (NYSE: CEC), con sede Irving, Texas. La società è stata fondata da Nolan Bushnell, noto per aver fondato la società di produzione di videogiochi arcade Atari, Inc.. Molti personaggi sono stati rimossi (Pizzacam, King, Dolli Dimples,Billy Bob, Munch Jr (o jr munch). Nel 2007 la società ha celebrato il suo 30º anniversario. A maggio del 2009 conta 542 ristoranti. (it)
  • Chuck E. Cheese é uma rede de restaurantes familiares americanos e a principal marca da CEC Restaurant, Inc. com sede em Irving, Texas. Os restaurantes servem pizza e outros itens do menu, além de contarem com jogos de fliperama e espetáculos animatrônicos como fonte de entretenimento familiar. O nome da rede é derivado da sua personagem principal e mascote, Chuck E. Cheese . (pt)
  • Chuck E. Cheese (en)
  • تشكي تشيز (ar)
  • Chuck E. Cheese’s (de)
  • Chuck E. Cheese's (es)
  • Chuck E. Cheese's (in)
  • Chuck E. Cheese's (it)
  • Chuck E. Cheese (fr)
  • 척 E. 치즈 (ko)
  • チャック E. チーズ (ja)
  • Chuck E. Cheese (pt)
  • Chuck E. Cheese (ru)
  • 出奇老鼠 (zh)
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