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Appearances of Argentine Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara (1928–1967) in popular culture are common throughout the world. Although during his lifetime he was a highly politicized and controversial figure, in death his stylized image has been transformed into a worldwide emblem for an array of causes, representing a complex mesh of sometimes conflicting narratives. Che Guevara's image is viewed as everything from an inspirational icon of revolution, to a retro and vintage logo. Most commonly he is represented by a facial caricature originally by Irish artist Jim Fitzpatrick and based on Alberto Korda's famous 1960 photograph titled Guerrillero Heroico. The evocative simulacra abbreviation of the photographic portrait allowed for easy reproduction and instant recognizability across various

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  • Appearances of Argentine Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara (1928–1967) in popular culture are common throughout the world. Although during his lifetime he was a highly politicized and controversial figure, in death his stylized image has been transformed into a worldwide emblem for an array of causes, representing a complex mesh of sometimes conflicting narratives. Che Guevara's image is viewed as everything from an inspirational icon of revolution, to a retro and vintage logo. Most commonly he is represented by a facial caricature originally by Irish artist Jim Fitzpatrick and based on Alberto Korda's famous 1960 photograph titled Guerrillero Heroico. The evocative simulacra abbreviation of the photographic portrait allowed for easy reproduction and instant recognizability across various uses. For many around the world, Che has become a generic symbol of the underdog, the idealist, the iconoclast, or the martyr. He has become, as author Michael Casey notes in Che's Afterlife: The Legacy of an Image, "the quintessential postmodern icon signifying anything to anyone and everything to everyone." Che Guevara's likeness has undergone continual apotheosis while being weaved throughout the public consciousness in a variety of ways. From being viewed as a "Saintly Christ-like" figure by the rural poor in Bolivia where he was executed, to being viewed as an idealistic insignia for youth, longing for a vague sense of rebellion. His likeness can also be seen on millions of posters, hats, key chains, mouse pads, hoodies, beanies, flags, berets, backpacks, bandannas, belt buckles, wallets, watches, wall clocks, Zippo lighters, pocket flasks, bikinis, personal tattoos, and most commonly T-shirts. Meanwhile, his life story can be found in an array of films, documentaries, plays, and songs of tribute. Throughout television, music, books, magazines, and even corporate advertisements, Che's visage is an ever-present political and apolitical emblem that has been endlessly mutated, transformed, and morphed over the last fifty years of visual popular culture. This allows Che to operate as "both a fashionable de-politicized logo, as well as a potent anti-establishment symbol used by a wide spectrum of human rights movements and individuals affirming their own liberation." Additionally, his face has evolved into many manifestations and represents a Rashomon effect to those who observe its use. To some it is merely a generic high street visual emblem of global marketing, while to others it represents the notion of dissent, civil disobedience, or political awareness. Conversely, to those ideologically opposed to Che Guevara's belief in World revolution, or to those that resent his veneration because of his violent actions, his propagation represents shallow ignorant kitsch, idolatry worthy of spoof makeovers, parody, or even ridicule. Despite the competing narratives, Che has become a widely disseminated counter-cultural symbol that sometimes even operates entirely independent of the man himself. Hannah Charlton of The Sunday Times made note of the varying uses by postulating that "T-shirt wearers might wear Che's face as an easy replacement for real activism, or as a surrogate for it." (en)
  • La figura del Che Guevara ha sido fuente de inspiración para la creación de gran cantidad de obras artísticas, en todos los campos de la cultura en todo el mundo. Este artículo es una recopilación de esas obras y eventualmente incluye una breve análisis de las mismas y de la relación que tienen con la personalidad del Che Guevara, como la famosa frase: hasta la victoria siempre. (es)
  • Penampilan-penampilan revolusioner Marxis Argentina Che Guevara (1928–1967) dalam budaya populer adalah hal umum di seluruh dunia. Meskipun sepanjang hidupnya ia merupakan seorang figur kontroversial dan sangat terpolitisasi, gambar khasnya telah tertransformasi menjadi sebuah lambang dunia untuk beragam sebab, mewakili hal kompleks yang terkadang berbenturan dengan penjelasan. Gambar Che Guevara dipandang oleh setiap orang dari sebuah ikon revolusi inspirasional, sampai sebuah lambang retro dan vintage. Umumnya, ia diwakili oleh sebuah karikatur wajah yang berasal dari artis Irlandia cJim Fitzpatrick dan berdasarkan pada foto 1960 terkenal buatan Alberto Korda berjudul Guerrillero Heroico. Singkatan evokatif dari potret foto tersebut membolehkan reproduksi mudah dan pengakuan instan di berbagai penggunaan. Pada beberapa belahan dunia, Che telah menjadi simbol umum kaum terbelakang, idealis, ikonoklas atau martir. Seperti yang disampaikan pengarang Michael Casey dalam Che's Afterlife: The Legacy of an Image, ia telah menjadi "ikon pasca-modern kuintesensial yang mensignifikasi hal apapun dan segala hal untuk setiap orang." (in)
  • Le culte de la personnalité de Che Guevara glorifie Che Guevara, un révolutionnaire marxiste qui s’est battu jusqu'à la mort pour ses idées. (fr)
  • La figura di Ernesto Guevara, più noto come Che Guevara, el Che è stata rivisitata molto spesso nella cultura di massa da cineasti, cantanti, fumettisti e letterati. Anche se durante la sua vita era una figura fortemente politicizzata e controversa, dopo la morte la sua immagine stilizzata è stata trasformata in un emblema in tutto il mondo per varie cause, e rappresenta una rete complessa di storie a volte contrastanti. L'immagine di Che Guevara è stata ispirazione della rivoluzione, della sinistra ad un hippy ed anche un logo radical chic. Più comunemente è rappresentato il viso, opera dell'irlandese e basata sulla fotografia di Alberto Korda del 1960 intitolata Guerrillero Heroico.Per molti in tutto il mondo, il Che è diventato il simbolo della ribellione, dell'uomo idealista disposto a morire per una causa. La storia della vita di Guevara è stata narrata in film, documentari, commedie e canzoni. Mentre l'immagine è stata sottoposta a continua apoteosi e mercificazione finendo in poster, cappelli, portachiavi, tappetini per il mouse, felpe, cuffie, bandiere, berretti, zaini, bandane, fibbie per cinture, portafogli, orologi, orologi da parete, accendini Zippo, boccette tasca, bikini, tatuaggi, e più comunemente T-shirt. Di seguito, una lista parziale delle produzioni in cui Che Guevara è il protagonista, oppure viene citato o soltanto è oggetto di allusioni. (it)
  • Kult Che – określenie mody na umieszczanie uproszczonego wizerunku Ernesto Guevary, noszącego przydomek Che na elementach ubioru, plakatach, w formie graffiti na ścianach budynków, a także w licznych filmach, książkach, a nawet grach komputerowych i pomnikach. (pl)
  • 流行文化中的切·格瓦拉,或切·格瓦拉时尚,是一种时尚潮流,以阿根廷出生的革命家切·格瓦拉的头像为特征标志。切·格瓦拉的形象在T恤设计中颇为流行,它们代表着切的政治信念;同时,用金钱去购买一件体现马克思主义标志的T恤本身也颇具讽刺意味,这些现象都吸引着诸多媒体、政治评论员和古巴裔美国活动家们的注意力。诚如政治评论员克里斯·伯格在世纪报中所说:“讽刺的是,切·格瓦拉这么一个文化标志之所以能够如此经久不衰,竟归功于切·格瓦拉一生都致力于摧毁的经济体制系统。 (zh)
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  • right (en)
  • Che's appeal is emotional. His death in Bolivia as a relatively young man created Che as secular Christ, the man who took upon himself the sins of the world and gave his life for the cause of the oppressed. His memory remains available to the oppressed; his image continues to inspire the hope of change and the virtue of rebellion, enhanced rather than diminished by his defeat. Christ, too, was defeated on earth and, again like Christ, Che's death conveys a promise of redemption through inspiration. (en)
  • In cyberspace there are hundreds of Che Web pages in every language from Italian to Norwegian. (en)
  • When someone asked me why I wore the Che T-shirt, I think I said something glib like, "I consider myself a revolutionary because I'm a self-made millionaire in a racist society." But it was really that it just felt right to me ... I also wasn't a Marxist like Che – the platinum Jesus piece made that pretty clear. Later I would read more about Guevara and discover similarities in our lives. I related to him as a kid who had asthma and played sports. I related to the power of his image, too ... Like a lot of people who stumble across the image with no context, I was still struck by its power and charisma. (en)
  • Che Guevara is the purest part of the Cuban Revolution. He is the symbol of the ideal of the revolution; he is the symbol of innovation. We all need change, and we need hope. He is the symbol of hope. He had Irish roots, traveled around Mexico and learned to be alone, he challenged solitude. He is the brave part of the revolution. (en)
  • People wear the image for all kinds of reasons. To some, Che is saint-like. People quote from his writings and aspire to his belief systems. To others it's a generic symbol of rebellion, anti-establishment. And for many, the image has become so diluted, it's just a hip and cool looking t-shirt. A lot of younger people don't even know who it is they are wearing across their chests. We live in a culture today where understanding symbols doesn't necessarily matter. (en)
  • Does Che survive only as a t-shirt icon? The big media and many Che biographers have stressed the kitchification of Che, the former with glee, the latter with regret. Has the once fearsome revolutionary been reduced to a harmless icon? The corporate world adept at co-optation would have us think so. Rather, I would say that the "real" Che has not died, but undergone a tactical shift. (en)
  • What explains the Che mania? Guevara's allure seems to stem, rather, from a nostalgic longing for the pure, uncompromising ideals of the past. In a world of ferocious competition and consumerism, some element of humanity is still looking for a hero with values. In Che, they have a paradigm: a man who was absolutely honest, completely selfless, constantly perfecting his personality. (en)
  • producer of the 2008 documentary Chevolution (en)
  • sang modern version of Hasta Siempre (en)
  • – David Kunzle, author of Che Guevara: Icon, Myth, and Message (en)
  • – Orlando Borrego, close friend of Che's in Cuba, 1997 (en)
  • – Isabel Hilton, New Statesman (en)
  • – Jay-Z, November 2010 (en)
  • – Nathalie Cardone, (en)
  • – Newsweek (en)
  • – Trisha Ziff, (en)
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  • La figura del Che Guevara ha sido fuente de inspiración para la creación de gran cantidad de obras artísticas, en todos los campos de la cultura en todo el mundo. Este artículo es una recopilación de esas obras y eventualmente incluye una breve análisis de las mismas y de la relación que tienen con la personalidad del Che Guevara, como la famosa frase: hasta la victoria siempre. (es)
  • Le culte de la personnalité de Che Guevara glorifie Che Guevara, un révolutionnaire marxiste qui s’est battu jusqu'à la mort pour ses idées. (fr)
  • Kult Che – określenie mody na umieszczanie uproszczonego wizerunku Ernesto Guevary, noszącego przydomek Che na elementach ubioru, plakatach, w formie graffiti na ścianach budynków, a także w licznych filmach, książkach, a nawet grach komputerowych i pomnikach. (pl)
  • 流行文化中的切·格瓦拉,或切·格瓦拉时尚,是一种时尚潮流,以阿根廷出生的革命家切·格瓦拉的头像为特征标志。切·格瓦拉的形象在T恤设计中颇为流行,它们代表着切的政治信念;同时,用金钱去购买一件体现马克思主义标志的T恤本身也颇具讽刺意味,这些现象都吸引着诸多媒体、政治评论员和古巴裔美国活动家们的注意力。诚如政治评论员克里斯·伯格在世纪报中所说:“讽刺的是,切·格瓦拉这么一个文化标志之所以能够如此经久不衰,竟归功于切·格瓦拉一生都致力于摧毁的经济体制系统。 (zh)
  • Appearances of Argentine Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara (1928–1967) in popular culture are common throughout the world. Although during his lifetime he was a highly politicized and controversial figure, in death his stylized image has been transformed into a worldwide emblem for an array of causes, representing a complex mesh of sometimes conflicting narratives. Che Guevara's image is viewed as everything from an inspirational icon of revolution, to a retro and vintage logo. Most commonly he is represented by a facial caricature originally by Irish artist Jim Fitzpatrick and based on Alberto Korda's famous 1960 photograph titled Guerrillero Heroico. The evocative simulacra abbreviation of the photographic portrait allowed for easy reproduction and instant recognizability across various (en)
  • Penampilan-penampilan revolusioner Marxis Argentina Che Guevara (1928–1967) dalam budaya populer adalah hal umum di seluruh dunia. Meskipun sepanjang hidupnya ia merupakan seorang figur kontroversial dan sangat terpolitisasi, gambar khasnya telah tertransformasi menjadi sebuah lambang dunia untuk beragam sebab, mewakili hal kompleks yang terkadang berbenturan dengan penjelasan. Gambar Che Guevara dipandang oleh setiap orang dari sebuah ikon revolusi inspirasional, sampai sebuah lambang retro dan vintage. Umumnya, ia diwakili oleh sebuah karikatur wajah yang berasal dari artis Irlandia cJim Fitzpatrick dan berdasarkan pada foto 1960 terkenal buatan Alberto Korda berjudul Guerrillero Heroico. Singkatan evokatif dari potret foto tersebut membolehkan reproduksi mudah dan pengakuan instan di b (in)
  • La figura di Ernesto Guevara, più noto come Che Guevara, el Che è stata rivisitata molto spesso nella cultura di massa da cineasti, cantanti, fumettisti e letterati. Anche se durante la sua vita era una figura fortemente politicizzata e controversa, dopo la morte la sua immagine stilizzata è stata trasformata in un emblema in tutto il mondo per varie cause, e rappresenta una rete complessa di storie a volte contrastanti. L'immagine di Che Guevara è stata ispirazione della rivoluzione, della sinistra ad un hippy ed anche un logo radical chic. Più comunemente è rappresentato il viso, opera dell'irlandese e basata sulla fotografia di Alberto Korda del 1960 intitolata Guerrillero Heroico.Per molti in tutto il mondo, il Che è diventato il simbolo della ribellione, dell'uomo idealista disposto (it)
  • El Che Guevara en la cultura (es)
  • Che Guevara in popular culture (en)
  • Che Guevara dalam budaya populer (in)
  • Culte de la personnalité de Che Guevara (fr)
  • Che Guevara nella cultura di massa (it)
  • Kult Che (pl)
  • 流行文化中的切·格瓦拉 (zh)
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