- Die Schlacht bei Arbedo fand am 30. Juni 1422 zwischen Truppen der Alten Eidgenossenschaft und des Herzogs Filippo Maria Visconti beim Dorf Arbedo im heutigen Kanton Tessin in der Schweiz statt. Die Schlacht stand im grösseren Zusammenhang der sogenannten Ennetbirgischen Feldzüge. Federführend waren bei den Eidgenossen die Urner, die durch Truppen der Unterwaldner, Luzerner, Zuger und Liviner unterstützt wurden. Es war die erste Schweizerschlacht, die nicht als Befreiungskampf gegen einen die Heimat bedrohenden Angreifer ausgetragen wurde, sondern der Wiedergewinnung eines Gebietes galt, das die Eidgenossen ausserhalb ihres Territoriums erworben und wieder verloren hatten. (de)
- The Battle of Arbedo was fought on 30 June 1422 between the Duchy of Milan and the Swiss Confederation, and ended with a Milanese victory. In 1419, the Swiss cantons of Uri and Unterwalden bought the fortified town of Bellinzona from the House of Sax but were unable to defend it adequately. When they rejected a Milanese proposal to purchase Bellinzona in 1422, a Milanese force under the command of the condottiero Francesco Bussone da Carmagnola attacked and defeated the Swiss garrison and occupied the town. A Swiss attempt to recapture Bellinzona with the support of other cantons including Lucerne and Zug led to the battle at the village of Arbedo, 3 km (1.9 mi) north of the town. The Swiss were mainly equipped with halberds and were initially successful in repelling two Milanese cavalry charges. Carmagnola then brought up his crossbowmen on the Swiss flanks and ordered his men-at-arms to dismount and fight on foot with their lances, which outreached the halberds. The Milanese forced the Swiss back onto a nearby hill, but the appearance of a band of foragers, whom the Milanese mistakenly thought were reinforcements, saved the Swiss from total defeat. When the Milanese force pulled back to reform, the Swiss withdrew from the battlefield, both sides having taken heavy casualties. In a historiographical tradition of Zug, the bearer of the cantonal banner, Peter Kälin, was slain, and the banner was taken up by his son, who was slain in his turn. The banner was saved by one Hans Landwing, and was later lost against the French. The victory secured Bellinzona and the Leventina for the Duchy. In addition, the Duchy regained the Val d'Ossola, thus the Swiss lost all their territorial gains. The defeat discouraged Swiss expansion towards Lake Maggiore for a long time. However, it was this defeat at Arbedo that led to the Swiss increasing the number of pikemen in their armies. (en)
- La batalla de Arbedo se libró el 30 de junio de 1422 en las cercanías de la ciudad suiza de Arbedo-Castione, en el cantón del Tesino enfrentando a las tropas del duque de Milán, Filippo Maria Visconti, mandadas por Francesco Bussone, conocido como Carmagnola, y las fuerzas de Uri, sus aliados de Nidwalden, Lucerna y Zug. El resultado de la batalla fue una victoria de los milaneses y supuso un freno momentáneo a la expansión de Suiza hacia el sur de los Alpes, con lo que el ducado de Milán recuperó los valles del Tesino que hasta el momento se hallaban en manos de los suizos. (es)
- La bataille d'Arbedo eut lieu le 30 juin 1422 près du village éponyme au Tessin entre les troupes du duc de Milan, Philippe Marie Visconti, dirigées par Francesco Bussone, surnommé le Carmagnola, et les troupes uranaises, leurs alliés nidwaldiens, lucernois et zougois. Ce fut une victoire milanaise et un coup d'arrêt temporaire à l'expansion des Confédérés au sud des Alpes, Milan récupérant les vallées du Tessin alors aux mains de la Confédération. (fr)
- La battaglia di Arbedo ebbe luogo davanti a Bellinzona il 30 giugno 1422, tra le truppe del Carmagnola, inviate dal duca di Milano Filippo Maria Visconti a riconquistare la città, e la Vecchia Confederazione svizzera. (it)
- Bitwa pod Arbedo – starcie zbrojne, które miało miejsce 30 czerwca 1422 r. w trakcie walk Szwajcarów z Mediolańczykami. Starcie pomiędzy tzw. starymi kantonami szwajcarskimi a księstwem Mediolanu miało miejsce w pobliżu miejscowości Arbedo położonej na terenie dzisiejszego kantonu Ticino. Stronę szwajcarską reprezentowały wojska z kantonów Uri, Unterwalden, Lucerna, Zug i Livinen. Bitwa pod Arbedo była pierwszą bitwą w historii Szwajcarii, w której nie chodziło o obronę własnego terytorium, ale o odzyskanie zajętych ziem przeciwnika. (pl)
- Битва при Арбедо — сражение, состоявшееся 30 июня 1422 года между войсками Миланского герцогства и Швейцарской конфедерацией. (ru)
- heavy
- 400 horses killed
- ~900 killedref| The Luzerner Bürgerbuch, Anno domini mccccxxii, link text describes the Milanese killed in the battle as ...ob nunhundert... around 900|group=nb
- 15pxUnterwalden
- 30pxDuchy of Milan
- Old Swiss Confederacy:
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- *LeventinaandBellinzonareturn toMilan
- Decisive Milanese victory
- (including 4,000 cavalry)
- 16,000
- 8,000 Infantry
- ref|Bartolomeo Morone (1392–1461) maintains that Carmagnola and Angelo della Pergola moved to Bellinzona with 16,000 men (might include campfollowers) including 4-5,000 cavalry. An account of the fortress-governor of Bellinzona, from 27. November 1478, however maintains that the total strength of Carmagnola and Angelo della Pergola was 4,000 cavalry and 4,000 infantry, including 500 Genoese crossbowmen. link text p. 54|group=nb
- ref| Both Andreas Billius (+1435) text link p. 142 and Flavius Blondus (1392-1463) text link p. 400 maintain that the Swiss mustered 8,000 men (might include campfollowers) but that around half rushed ahead by a day to plunder the valleys, and what is known from the White Book of Sarnen text link pp. 69-71 together with the Chronik der Stadt Zürich 1420-1477 link text p. 189 and the Rötteler Chronik link text pp. 179-180 is that indeed on the day of battle the continingent of Zug arrived later on the battlefield while that of Schwyz was still behind and never arrived. The Rötteler Chronik does however describe the mobilisation of Uri, Lucerne, Unterwalden and Zug as "very strong".|group=nb
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- 9098 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- Illustration from the Tschachtlanchronik of 1470 (en)
- 400 (xsd:integer)
- heavy (en)
- ~900 killed ref| The Luzerner Bürgerbuch, Anno domini mccccxxii, link text describes the Milanese killed in the battle as ...ob nunhundert... around 900|group=nb (en)
- baggage and 1,200 sumpters lost (en)
- ~400 killed ref|The Chronik of Zürich mentions ~400 Swiss killed in the battle. The Luzerner Bürgerbuch, Anno domini mccccxxii, link text lists 368 killed while Brennwald link text p. 499 and Bullinger list 375 killed |group=nb (en)
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- dbr:Francesco_Bussone_da_Carmagnola
- Angelo della Pergola (en)
- Bartholome Zinderist (en)
- Johannes Rodt (en)
- Peter Kolin (en)
- Ulrich Walker (P) (en)
- ref| Heinrich Bullinger (1573) maintains that Lucerne had to impose a tax to ransom its prisoners, among whom was Ulrich Walker, Schultheiss and Hauptmann of Lucerne, who faced a trial after his release link text p. 101. The Landammann of Uri Johannes Rodt link text p. 257, the Landammann and knight banneret of Zug Peter Kolin and the Landammann and knight banneret of Unterwalden Bartholome Zinderist link text pp. 112-113 were all killed in the battle.|group=nb (en)
- ref|Andreas Billius 1402-1431(+1435) cites Carmagnola and Angelo [della Pergola] as commanders of the cavalry and Zenone [di Capo d'Istria] and [Piacentino] Brescia as commanders of the infantry link text p. 142|group=nb (en)
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- Decisive Milanese victory
* Leventina and Bellinzona return to Milan (en)
- 8000 (xsd:integer)
- 16000 (xsd:integer)
- ref|Bartolomeo Morone (1392–1461) maintains that Carmagnola and Angelo della Pergola moved to Bellinzona with 16,000 men (might include campfollowers) including 4-5,000 cavalry. An account of the fortress-governor of Bellinzona, from 27. November 1478, however maintains that the total strength of Carmagnola and Angelo della Pergola was 4,000 cavalry and 4,000 infantry, including 500 Genoese crossbowmen. link text p. 54|group=nb (en)
- ref| Both Andreas Billius (+1435) text link p. 142 and Flavius Blondus (1392-1463) text link p. 400 maintain that the Swiss mustered 8,000 men (might include campfollowers) but that around half rushed ahead by a day to plunder the valleys, and what is known from the White Book of Sarnen text link pp. 69-71 together with the Chronik der Stadt Zürich 1420-1477 link text p. 189 and the Rötteler Chronik link text pp. 179-180 is that indeed on the day of battle the continingent of Zug arrived later on the battlefield while that of Schwyz was still behind and never arrived. The Rötteler Chronik does however describe the mobilisation of Uri, Lucerne, Unterwalden and Zug as "very strong".|group=nb (en)
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- La batalla de Arbedo se libró el 30 de junio de 1422 en las cercanías de la ciudad suiza de Arbedo-Castione, en el cantón del Tesino enfrentando a las tropas del duque de Milán, Filippo Maria Visconti, mandadas por Francesco Bussone, conocido como Carmagnola, y las fuerzas de Uri, sus aliados de Nidwalden, Lucerna y Zug. El resultado de la batalla fue una victoria de los milaneses y supuso un freno momentáneo a la expansión de Suiza hacia el sur de los Alpes, con lo que el ducado de Milán recuperó los valles del Tesino que hasta el momento se hallaban en manos de los suizos. (es)
- La bataille d'Arbedo eut lieu le 30 juin 1422 près du village éponyme au Tessin entre les troupes du duc de Milan, Philippe Marie Visconti, dirigées par Francesco Bussone, surnommé le Carmagnola, et les troupes uranaises, leurs alliés nidwaldiens, lucernois et zougois. Ce fut une victoire milanaise et un coup d'arrêt temporaire à l'expansion des Confédérés au sud des Alpes, Milan récupérant les vallées du Tessin alors aux mains de la Confédération. (fr)
- La battaglia di Arbedo ebbe luogo davanti a Bellinzona il 30 giugno 1422, tra le truppe del Carmagnola, inviate dal duca di Milano Filippo Maria Visconti a riconquistare la città, e la Vecchia Confederazione svizzera. (it)
- Bitwa pod Arbedo – starcie zbrojne, które miało miejsce 30 czerwca 1422 r. w trakcie walk Szwajcarów z Mediolańczykami. Starcie pomiędzy tzw. starymi kantonami szwajcarskimi a księstwem Mediolanu miało miejsce w pobliżu miejscowości Arbedo położonej na terenie dzisiejszego kantonu Ticino. Stronę szwajcarską reprezentowały wojska z kantonów Uri, Unterwalden, Lucerna, Zug i Livinen. Bitwa pod Arbedo była pierwszą bitwą w historii Szwajcarii, w której nie chodziło o obronę własnego terytorium, ale o odzyskanie zajętych ziem przeciwnika. (pl)
- Битва при Арбедо — сражение, состоявшееся 30 июня 1422 года между войсками Миланского герцогства и Швейцарской конфедерацией. (ru)
- Die Schlacht bei Arbedo fand am 30. Juni 1422 zwischen Truppen der Alten Eidgenossenschaft und des Herzogs Filippo Maria Visconti beim Dorf Arbedo im heutigen Kanton Tessin in der Schweiz statt. Die Schlacht stand im grösseren Zusammenhang der sogenannten Ennetbirgischen Feldzüge. (de)
- The Battle of Arbedo was fought on 30 June 1422 between the Duchy of Milan and the Swiss Confederation, and ended with a Milanese victory. In 1419, the Swiss cantons of Uri and Unterwalden bought the fortified town of Bellinzona from the House of Sax but were unable to defend it adequately. When they rejected a Milanese proposal to purchase Bellinzona in 1422, a Milanese force under the command of the condottiero Francesco Bussone da Carmagnola attacked and defeated the Swiss garrison and occupied the town. A Swiss attempt to recapture Bellinzona with the support of other cantons including Lucerne and Zug led to the battle at the village of Arbedo, 3 km (1.9 mi) north of the town. (en)
- Battle of Arbedo (en)
- Schlacht bei Arbedo (de)
- Batalla de Arbedo (es)
- Bataille d'Arbedo (fr)
- Battaglia di Arbedo (it)
- Bitwa pod Arbedo (pl)
- Битва при Арбедо (ru)
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