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Darwin Online contains the largest collection of recollections by those who knew Darwin ever published, many of them first transcribed here.
See also:

All Supplementary works
Complete Library of Darwin Reviews & Responses
The Beagle Library Recollections
Obituaries Communicated by Darwin

Works about Darwin

Abbot, F. E. 1882. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR112.A1-A2

Agassiz, Alexander. 1882.06.07. [Recollection of Darwin in a letter to Francis Darwin]. Text PDF CUL-DAR198.1

Ainsworth, William F. 1882. [Recollection] Mr. Darwin. Athenaeum (13 May): 604. Text PDF A2119

Anon. (c. mid 1880s). [Recollections of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR112.B5

Anon. 1880. Excursion to Down. Lewisham and Blackheath Scientific Association Report 2: 19-20. CUL-DAR226.1.77 Image

Anon. 1882. Darwin's home. The Age (Melbourne). Text A1041

Anon. 1882. Mr. Darwin's house at Down, Kent. The Graphic (1 July): 6, 16. Text Image A1109

Anon. 1888. A pilgrimage to Down. Life-lore 1, no. 3 (September): 59. Text A2960

Anon. 1891. Bromley Naturalists' Society: Excursion to Keston Rectory, the Rookery, and home of Darwin. Bromley & District Times. Text A1793

Anon. 1894. Darwin's home at Downe (Downe House). Bromley Record. Images A1043

Anon. 1894. [Recollections of Darwin and John Lubbock]. Darwin's workshop. Bromley and West Kent Telegraph (17 March): 3. Text A2945

Anon. 1889. [Recollection of Darwin by John Lynn]. Death of the head-constable of Devonport. Western morning news. PDF A2061

Anon. 1909. A visit to Darwin's village: reminiscences of some of his humble friends. Evening News (12 February): 4. Text Image A546

Anon. 1909. Order of the proceedings at the Darwin celebrations held at Cambridge June 22-June 24, 1909. With a sketch of Darwin's life. Text Image PDF F1481

Anon. 1927. [Recollection of Darwin by gardener Henry Wheeler]. Darwin at home: a crusty, snuff-taking recluse. Sunday Post. Text PDF A1111

Anon. 1927. [Recollection of Darwin by gardener Bailey]. A glimpse of Darwin. Gardener's story of his life at Downe. Londonderry Sentinel (8 September): 8. Text A1112

Anon. 1939. [Recollections by George Sales and Bradley Osborne]. Weeded Darwin's garden: still lives in unchanged village. Evening Standard (6 May): 16. Text A2961

Allen, G. 1885. Charles Darwin. Text Image A254

Allingham, W. 1907. [Recollections of Darwin]. In H. Allingham and D. Radford. eds. A Diary. Text A618

Atkins, H. 1976. Down: the home of the Darwins; the story of a house and the people who lived there. Text A668

Aveling, E. B. 1883. The religious views of Charles Darwin. Text Image A234

Babington, C. C. [Recollections and letters to Darwin] In Atkins, Hedley. 1897. Memorials, journal and botanical correspondence of Charles Cardale Babington. Cambridge: Macmillan and Bowes. Text A2965

Bain, A. 1883. [Recollection of Darwin]. On some points in ethics. Mind 8 (January): 48-68, p. 58. Text A2942

Bain, A. 1904. [Recollections and an 1873 letter of Darwin]. Autobiography. Text F2024

Balfour, A. J. [c. 1870]. [Recollection of Darwin]. In Balfour. 1930. Chapters of Autobiography. Text A619

Balfour, Francis Maitland. [1882.04.25]. Letter to George Howard Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.12[.3]

Balfour, J. B. 1882. Obituary notice of Charles Robert Darwin. Transactions & Proceedings of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh 14: 284-8. Text Image A6

Barlow, N. ed. 1958. The autobiography of Charles Darwin 1809-1882. With the original omissions restored. Edited and with appendix and notes by his grand-daughter Nora Barlow. Text Image PDF F1497

Bates, H. W. 1886.04.30. [Recollection of Darwin and Wallace's civil list pension]. Text PDF CUL-DAR198.11

Baxter, W. 1929. Darwin's old home. Personal recollections of the great scientist. Bromley and District Times, (13 September): 3. Text Image PDF F3436

Baxter, W. [1929]. Recollection of Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR262.28.6.

Bentham, G. 1882.04.25. Letter to Francis Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.9c

Bentham, G. 1882. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR112.A5-A7

Blomefield, L. Jenyns. 1882. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR112.A67-A68

Blomefield, L. Jenyns. 1887. Chapters in my life. Text Image PDF A328

Bowen, E. 1934. The mulberry tree [Downe House]. In Greene, Graham ed., The old school: essays by divers hands. Text Image A484

Brace, C. L. 1894. [Recollection of Darwin]. In Brace, E. ed. The life of Charles Loring Brace. Text F2086

Browne, Buckston G. 1957. [Recollection of Darwin, 9.1868]. In J. Dobson, Sir George Buckston Browne. Text A2959

Bryce, J. 1909. Personal reminiscences of Charles Darwin and of the reception of the "Origin of Species". Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. Text Image A241

Büchner, L. 1901. [Recollection of Darwin's religious views]. Last words on materialism and kindred subjects, translated by Joseph McCabe. Text A571

Bunbury, C. J. F. 1906. [Recollections of Darwin]. The life of Sir Charles J. F. Bunbury, Bart. Text A716

[Buob, L.] 1882. Darwin's Heim. Ueber Land und Meer. Allgemeine illustrierte Zeitung. [with English translation] Text Image A333

Burdon Sanderson, J. 1881.12.19. Recollections of a visit to Mr Darwin. Text & image UBC-RBSC-ARC-1731-1-43

Butler, Annie R. [& Emma Darwin] 1886. [Anecdote of Darwin and FitzRoy in New Zealand]. Glimpses of Maori land. Text A2906

Butler, S. [1872-82]. [Recollections of Darwin]. In Breuer, Hans-Peter ed. 1984. The note-books of Samuel Butler. Text F2103

Butler, T. 1882. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR112.A10-A12

Butler, T. 1962. [Recollections of Darwin]. In Silver ed. The family letters of Samuel Butler, 1841-1886. Text A620

Butler, S. 1917. [Recollection of Darwin]. In Festing Jones ed. The Note-Books of Samuel Butler. Text A621

Cambridge, Octavius Pickard. 1882.10.02. [Recollection of Darwin in a letter to Francis Darwin]. Text PDF CUL-DAR198.31a

Cameron J. H. L. 15.9.[ny]. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR112.A14

Campbell, G., Duke of Argyll. 1885. [Recollection of Darwin in 1882]. Good words. Text F2176

Candolle, A. de. 1882. Darwin considéré au point de vue des causes de son succès et de l'importance de ses travaux. Archives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles. Image CUL-DAR134.11

Candolle, A. de. 1887. [Recollection of Darwin in 1880]. In G. T. Bettany, 1887. Life of Charles Darwin. Text F2095 (Translation of the above.)

Carlyle, T. 1904. [Recollection of Darwin]. Letter to John A. Carlyle, 10 March 1853. In Carlyle ed. 1904. New letters of Thomas Carlyle. Text A651

Carpenter, W. B. (British and Foreign Unitarian Association). 1882.04.30. Letter to Emma Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.11e

Carpenter, W. B. 1882.06.13. [Recollection of Darwin in a letter to Francis Darwin]. Text PDF CUL-DAR198.33

Carus, Julius Victor. 1882.04.29. Letter to Francis Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.10b

Casse, J. (V. P. of Société Belge de Microscopie). 1882.05.02. Letter to Emma Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.11m

Chaumont, Francis. 1882.04.22. Letter to William Erasmus Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.10c

Chester, Joseph Lemuel. 1882.05.01. Letter to [Francis] Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.10d

Clark, J. W. & T. M. Hughes eds. 1890. The walking tour in North Wales. In The life and letters of the Reverend Adam Sedgwick. Text Image A8

Claus, C. 1882. [Letter to Claus, 1876 and Claus's recollection of an 1871 visit to Darwin]. Neue Freie Presse. Text Image F2286

Claus, C. 1899. [Recollection of Darwin, 1871]. In Claus. 1899. Autobiographie. Text A637

Clemens, S. [Mark Twain]. 1907. [Recollection of Darwin, 1876]. In Howell ed. Mark Twain speeches. Text F2102

Cobbe, F. P. 1883. [Recollection of Darwin]. Agnostic morality. Contemporary Review 43 (June): 783-94, p. 787. Text A2933

Cobbe, F. P. 1894. [Recollection and letters of Darwin]. In Cobbe, Life of Frances Power Cobbe. By herself. Text F2099

Cohn, F. 1882. Ein Besuch bei Charles Darwin [1876]. Breslauer Zeitung (23 & 26 April). Image CUL-DAR 216.68c-69a; Image CUL-DAR216.69b. English translation: Text A654

Cohn, F. 1901. Ein Besuch bei Charles Darwin. 1876. In Blätter der Erinnerung. Image A592

Collier, J. 1929. [Recollection of and quote from Darwin]. A famous artist's recollections. The Straits Times. Text F1864

Collier, J. 1930. [Recollection of Darwin]. Famous artist on celebrities he has painted. The Singapore Free Press. Text A1092

Conway, Moncure D. 1905. [Recollection of visiting Darwin in 1873]. In Autobiography: memories and experiences. Text F2098

Cox, C. F. 1889. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR112.A15

Covington, Syms. Diary of visit to Australia. Linnean Society of New South Wales Records, 1826-1941, VII, Papers of Syms Covington, 1831-6,1839, Mitchell Library MSS 2009/108 item 5, p. 6.

Covington, Syms. Young, V. ed. 1995. The journal of Syms Covington. link

Cradock, E. H. 1882. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR112.A16-A17

Manchester Scientific Students' Association. 1882. [Recollections and letters of Darwin, 1878-80]. Manchester Guardian. Text Image F2174

Darwin, B. [1933]. Introduction [with reminiscence of his grandmother Emma Darwin]. In Jekyll, Children and Gardens. Text A264

Darwin, B. 1941. Pack clouds away. [Recollections of Down and family]. Text Image A557

Darwin, C. R. 1892. [Advice to H. W. Bates]. In Obituary: Henry Walter Bates. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society. Text F2162

Darwin, C. R. 1897. [Letter to Karl Marx and recollection of Darwin by Aveling]. In Aveling, Charles Darwin and Karl Marx: a comparison. Text PDF F2565

Darwin, Emma. [1882?]. [Reminiscences of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR210.8.36-41

Darwin, Emma. [1882?]. [Reminiscences of Darwin on the Beagle]. Text CUL-DAR251.1106-7

Darwin, F. n.d. [Recollections of Darwin by W. Marshall]. Text & image CUL-DAR112.B1-B2

Darwin, F. c. 1884. [Preliminary draft of] 'Reminiscences of My Father's Everyday Life'. Introduction Text CUL-DAR140.3.1--159

Darwin, F. n.d. Cambridge Recollections [of Darwin]. Text Image CUL-DAR112.B6

Darwin, F. ed. 1887. The life and letters of Charles Darwin, including an autobiographical chapter.
vol. 1. Text Image PDF F1452.1
vol. 2. Text Image PDF F1452.2
vol. 3. Text Image PDF F1452.3

[Darwin, F.] 1888. Darwin, Charles Robert. In Dictionary of national biography. Text Image A252

Darwin, F. 1899. The botanical work of Darwin. Annals of Botany. Text A261

Darwin, F. ed. 1892. Charles Darwin: his life told in an autobiographical chapter. Text Image PDF F1461

Darwin, F. & Seward eds. 1903. More letters of Charles Darwin.
vol. 1. Text Image PDF F1548.1
vol. 2. Text Image PDF F1548.2

Darwin, F. 1912. FitzRoy and Darwin, 1831-36. Nature. Text Image A259

Darwin, F. 1914. [Obituary of] William Erasmus Darwin. Christ's College Magazine. Text Image A554

Darwin, F. 1916. Memoir of Sir George Darwin. Scientific Papers by Sir George Howard Darwin. Text A262

Darwin, F. 1917. Rustic sounds. Text Image A300

Darwin, F. 1920. Recollections. Springtime and other essays. Text A265

Darwin, F. 1920. The story of a childhood. Text Image A283

Darwin, family. Recollections in preparation for Life and Letters. Text CUL-DAR107.1-4

Darwin, G. H. 1882. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text Image CUL-DAR112.B9-B23

Darwin, G. H. n.d. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text Images CUL-DAR112.B24-B29

Darwin, G. H. n.d. Description of my father's ordinary habits during the latter years of his life. Text & image CUL-DAR112.B30-B35

Darwin G. H. n.d. On my father's conversation. Text & image CUL-DAR112.B36-B40b

Darwin, G. H.? n.d. It was curious that Dr D being a freethinker my father should have been so orthodoxly brought up. Text & image CUL-DAR112.B3a

Darwin G. H. n.d. Stories told by my father. Text & image CUL-DAR112.B47-B50

Darwin, G. H. & F. Darwin eds. 1909. Darwin celebration, Cambridge, June, 1909. Speeches delivered at the banquet held on June 23rd. Text A279

Darwin, L. 1929. Memories of Down House. The Nineteenth Century. Text Image A224

Darwin, L. 1934. Myths about Darwin. The Times. Text A1122

Darwin, W. E. 1883. [Recollections of Charles Darwin]. Text Image CUL-DAR112.B3b--B3f

Darwin, W. E. n.d. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR112.A26-A27

Darwin, W. E. 1910. [Recollection]. In T. D. A. Cockerell, The Darwin celebration at Cambridge. The Popular Science Monthly 76 (January): 23-31. Text PDF F3515

Darwin, W. E., F. Darwin & Albert Dicey on the religious part of Darwin's Autobiography. Text & images DAR210.8

D. K. 1885. Shrewsbury and Darwin. New York Times (4 January): 4. Text A1012

Derby, E. 23.04.1882. Letter to William Erasmus Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.9a

Derby, Lord, [Stanley, E. H.] 1883. [Recollection of Darwin]. The Times. Text A1100

[de Vries, H.] 1970. [Recollection of and Darwin letters to de Vries]. Janus. Text F2106

Dohrn, A. 1982. [Recollection of a visit to Darwin in 1870]. Charles Darwin and Anton Dohrn. Text F2090

Donders, Franciscus Cornelis. 1882.04.26. Letter of condolence to Emma Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.7e

Downing, J. 1882.06.26. [Recollection of Darwin in a letter to Francis Darwin]. Text PDF CUL-DAR198.60

Downing, J. 1890. [Recollection of a visit to Darwin]. Live Stock Journal. Text Image PDF F3340

Du Bois-Reymond, Emil Heinrich. 1882.05.24. [Recollection of Darwin in a letter to Francis Darwin]. Text PDF CUL-DAR198.62

[Duff, U. G. ed.] 1924. The life-work of Lord Avebury (Sir John Lubbock) 1834-1913. Text Image A489

Durdík, Josef. 1876. [Recollection. "Yes, I am Darwin"]. In [Visit to Darwin] Návštĕva u Darwina. Osvěta. Text F2562

Edwards, H. 1882. Obituary. Charles Robert Darwin F.R.S. Papilio. Organ of the New York Entomological Club. Text Image F2009

Fabre, H. 1913. My relations with Darwin. Fortnightly Review. Text Image A482

Farrar, F. W. 1897. [Recollection Darwin]. Men I have known. Text A1101

Farrar, F. W. 1904. [Recollection of Darwin in 1871]. life of Frederic William Farrar. Text F2101

Farrer, T. H. 1882.04.28. Letter to George Howard Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.7f

Farrer, T. H. 1877. "A very pleasant visit at Down". Notebook on books read etc. Text & image SHC-9609.4.3.2.

Farrer, T. H. [c.1885]. Recollections and letters of Darwin, 1868-1874. Text & image LINSOC-MS.299

Fish, D. T. 1882. [Obituary] Charles Darwin. Garden. Text Image A667

Fiske, J. 1917. [Recollections of Darwin and letters to Fiske, 1871-80]. Life and letters of John Fiske. Text F2108

Fiske, J. 1882. [Obituary of] Charles Darwin. The Atlantic monthly. Text Image A82

Fiske, John. 27.07.1882. [Recollection of Darwin in a letter to Francis Darwin]. Text PDF CUL-DAR198.71

Fitzmaurice, Edmond. 1882.04.25. Letter to George Howard Darwin? Text & image CUL-DAR215.7g

FitzRoy, Robert to W. H. Dixon. 29.11.1859. [Letter on Darwin's Origin of species.] Text & image CUL-DAR221.4.253

Flower, W. H. 1882. [Quote from Darwin on Journal of Researches "I always thought it the best of my books"]. Westminster and Foreign Quarterly Review. Text F3492

Foote, G. W. 1889. Darwin on God. Text Image PDF A551

Forster, L. M. 1883. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR112.A31-A37

Forster, L. M. 1 1885. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR112.A38-A47

Forster, L. M. 3 1885. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR112.A48-A49

Fraser, G. D. 1888. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR112.A50-A51

Freshfield, D. W. 1885. [Recollection of Darwin and Lyell in 1869]. English climbers and Caucasian critics. The Alpine Journal 12: 326. Text A2940

Freshfield, D. W. 1896. [Recollection of Darwin and Lyell in 1869]. The exploration of the Caucasus, vol. 1, p. 10. Text A2941

Fullerton, W. Y. 1931. [Recollection and letter of Darwin] J. W. C. Fegan: A tribute. Text F2523

Galton, F. 1882.04.20. Letter to George Howard Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.7h

Galton, F. n.d. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR112.A52-A53

Galton, F. 1909. [Recollection of Darwin, 1859-82]. In Galton, Memories of my life. Text A656

Geddes, P. 1931. [Recollection of Darwin, 1877-8]. In Thompson, A. J. & Geddes, Life: Outlines of general biology. Text F2100

Galton, Francis. 1882.06.27. [Recollection of Darwin in a letter to Francis Darwin]. Text PDF CUL-DAR198.73

Geldart, E. M. 1883. Anecdote of the late Charles Darwin. The Field Naturalist. Text Image A498

Graham, William. 1882.04.26. Letter to Emma Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.10g

Grant Duff, M. E. 1898. [Recollections of Darwin]. Notes from a diary, 1873-1881. Text A617

Gray, A. 1882.04.23. Letter to Francis Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.10h

Gray, A. 1894. [Letter and recollections of Darwin, 1839, 1867-8]. In Letters of Asa Gray. Text F2110

Gray, Jane. 28.10.1868. Letter on a visit to Down House. Archives of the Gray Herbarium (Box G AG-B10: 8). Transcribed by editors of the Correspondence here.

Green, J. R. 1877. [Recollection of Darwin and Gladstone]. The life of William Ewart Gladstone. Text F2092

Gretton, F. E. 1889. [Recollection of Darwin]. Memory's hark back through half-a-century 1808 to 1858. Text Image A550

Griggs, E. L. 1934. [Darwin on Carlyle]. A scholar goes visiting. Quarterly Review. Text F2167

Gulick, A. 1922. Charles Darwin, the man. The Scientific Monthly. Text Image A240

Gulick, J. T. 1908. [Recollection of Darwin, 1872]. The American Naturalist. Text A643

Gulick, J. T. 1932. [Letters to J. T. Gulick, 1872 and recollection of Darwin]. In Evolutionary and missionary: John Thomas Gulick. Text PDF F3393

Haeckel, E. 1882.04.24. Letter to Francis Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.8a

Haeckel, E. 1909. [Recollection of Darwin, 1866]. In Bölsche, Ernst Haeckel: ein Lebensbild. Text A625

Haeckel, E. 1882. Professor Haeckel on Darwin [from Nature]. The Times. Text A866

Hague, J. D. 1884. A reminiscence of Mr. Darwin. Harper's new Monthly Magazine. Text Image A77

Haliburton, Sarah Harriet née Mostyn Owen. 1882.11.12. [Recollection of Darwin in a letter to Francis Darwin]. Text PDF CUL-DAR198.85

Hamilton, T. H. 1967. [Recollection of Darwin on the speed of natural selection]. In Process and pattern in evolution. Text A886

Hamond, R. N. 1882. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR112.A54-A55

Harrison, Frederic. 1882.04.22. Letter to G. H. Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.7i

Harting, P. 1882. Een gedenkteeken voor Darwin. Album der Natuur. Image A1017

Heaviside, J. W. L. 1882. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR112.A56-A57

Herbert, J. M. 1882. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR112.A60-A61

Herbert, J. M. 1882. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR112.A58-A59

Herbert, J. M. 1882. [Recollections of Darwin at Cambridge]. Text CUL-DAR112.B57-B76

Hesse-Wartegg, E. von. 1880. Bei Charles Darwin [At Charles Darwin's]. Frankfurter Zeitung und Handelsblatt [with English translation]. Text Image CUL-DAR226.1.228

Higginson, T. W. 1883. [Recollections of Darwin, 1872-8]. The Index (14 June): 596-7. Text PDF F3504

Higginson, T. W. 1898. [Recollection of Darwin, 1872-8]. Cheerful yesterdays. Text F2096

Holder, C. F. 1892. Charles Darwin: his life and work. Text Image A268

Hooker, J. D. 1882.04.21. Letter to Francis Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.10i

Hooker, J. D. 1887. [Recollections of Darwin]. In F. Darwin ed. The life and letters of Charles Darwin vol. 2, pp. 19-21, 23, 26-7.

Hooker, J. D. et al. 1899. [Recollections of Darwin by Hooker, Meldola & Tylor]. Unveiling the Darwin statue at the museum. Jackson's Oxford Journal. Text F2169

Hooker, J. D. 1909. [Recollections of Darwin] In letter to A. E. Shipley. Image McGill-CA-OSLER0-P110[.183]

Hooker, J. D. 1918. [Recollections of Darwin]. In Life and letters of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker. Text A2094

Hubbard, E. 1905. Little journeys to homes of great scientists: Charles Darwin. PDF A962

Huxley, L. 1921. Charles Darwin. London: Watts. Text Image PDF A874

Huxley, L. 1921. The home life of Charles Darwin. R.P.A. Annual. Text Image A481

Huxley, L. 1929. At Downe House, June 7, 1929. Cornhill Magazine. Text A1798

Huxley, T. H. 1882.04.21. Letter to Francis Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.10k

Huxley, T. H. 1882.05.01. Letter to W. E. and G. H. Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.10l

Huxley, T. H. 1882. Charles Darwin. Nature 25 (27 April): 597. Text Image A311

Huxley, T. H. [c.1887] [Reminiscence of the reception of Origin]. Image CUL-DAR112.B77-B84

Huxley, T. H. 1888. [Obituary notice: Charles Robert Darwin]. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Text Image A344

Innes, J. Brodie. 1882.04.22. Letter to Francis Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.8b

Innes, J. Brodie. [1882.06]. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text Image CUL-DAR112.B85-B92

Innes, J. Brodie. 1882.06.22. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text Image CUL-DAR112.A65-A66

Innes, J. Brodie. [1882]. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text Image CWRU-StecherBrodieInnes

Innes, J. Brodie. 1961 [1882]. In R. M. Stecher, The Darwin-Innes letters. The correspondence of an evolutionist with his vicar, 1848-1884. Annals of Science 17: [201]-258. PDF F1597

J. W. H. 1929. [Recollection of Darwin and Thomas Carlyle]. Carlyle links. The Scotsman (5 February): 8. Text A1116

Jackson, B. D. (Secretary of the Linnean Society). 1882.05.05. Letter to Emma Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.11j

James, H. 1956. [Recollection of Darwin in 1869]. In Autobiography. Text A659

Jersons, Henry (British and Foreign Unitarian Association). 1882.04.27. Letter to W. B. Carpenter Text & image CUL-DAR215.11f

Jevons, William Stanley. 1882.04.28. Letter to [G. H.] Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.10m

Jordan, D. J. 1884. [Recollections of Darwin and Down by the landlord of the "George Inn" and Parslow]. American Naturalist. Text A1025

Judd, J. W. n.d. [Recollections of Charles Lyell]. Text & image CUL-DAR112.B100

Judd, J. W. 1882.06.04. [Recollection of Darwin in a letter to Francis Darwin]. Text PDF CUL-DAR198.113

Judd, J. W. [1882]. [Recollections of Darwin]. In Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, F1452.3 Text

Keynes, N. 1877. [Recollection of Darwin's honorary LLD degree]. Diary. Text CUL-Add.7831.2

Keynes, R. 2001. Annie's box: Charles Darwin, his daughter and human evolution. London. (Contains many recollections of Darwin and home/family life)

King, P. G. 1882. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR112.A74-A75

King, P. G. 1892. [Reminiscences of Mr Darwin during the voyage of the Beagle]. Sent to W. A. H. Hallam Murray October 17, 1892. Text MLS-FM4.6900

King, P. G. 1894. Autobiography 1894. Mitchell Library FM4/6900, frame 320.

King, P. G. autobiography. In Memoirs of Governor King, Admiral King and an autobiography by Philip Gidley King, the younger. Mitchell Library C770.

Krause, E. 1885. Charles Darwin und sein Verhältnis zu Deutschland. (last chapter) Text Image PDF A501.1

Lane, E. 1882. [Recollection of Darwin]. Letter read by Dr. B. W. Richardson, F.R.S...by Edward Lane, M.A., M.D. Text A267

Lankester, E. R. [1882].04.23. Letter to Francis Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.9f

Lankester, E. R. 1896. [Recollections of Darwin]. 'Charles Robert Darwin'. In Library of the world's best literature ancient and modern. Text F2113

Leighton, W. A. c.1886. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR112.B94-B98

Leighton, W. A. 1881. [Recollection of Darwin as a schoolboy]. Gardeners' Chronicle. Text F2563

[Lettington, Henry?- a much later and doubtful attribution]. [Recollection of Darwin]. Darwin-Wallace celebration 1908, Linnean Society of London. Text A281

Lewins, Robert. 1882. [Darwin on the non-existence of the soul]. Mr. Darwin and Professor Haeckel. Journal of science. Text A1119

[Lewis, John]. 1896. [T. B.] Darwin's coffin. The Sketch. Text F2360

Litchfield, H. E. n.d. [Recollections of Darwin's Religious opinions]. Text CUL-DAR262.23.10

Litchfield, H. E. n.d. [Recollections of Darwin answering a letter from a young man]. Text CUL-DAR262.23.12

Litchfield, H. E. n.d. [Recollections on Darwin's modesty]. Text CUL-DAR262.23.13

Litchfield, H. E. n.d. 'Sketches for a biography'. Text CUL-DAR262.23.1

Litchfield, H. E. n.d. [Recollections of Darwin's death]. Text CUL-DAR262.23.2

Litchfield, H. E. n.d. [On plagiarism and scientific jealousy]. Text CUL-DAR262.23.3

Litchfield, H. E. n.d. 'The way in which my Father got to go with the Beagle'. Text CUL-DAR262.23.4

Litchfield, H. E. n.d. [Recollections of Erasmus Darwin's on the commencement of the Beagle voyage]. Text CUL-DAR262.23.5

Litchfield, H. E. n.d. [Recollections of Darwin's voyage on the Beagle]. Text CUL-DAR262.23.6

Litchfield, H. E. n.d. [Recollections of Darwin's Beagle voyage]. Text CUL-DAR262.23.7

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Litchfield, H. E. 1887. [Recollections of Darwin's health]. Text CUL-DAR112.A79-A82

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Litchfield, H. E. (1926). [Autobiographical fragment]. Text CUL-DAR246.-

Longfellow, H. W. [1868]. [Recollection of Darwin]. 1885. Louis Agassiz. Text F2088

Lowe, R. 'Journal kept by H. P. Lowe & R. Lowe during 3 months of the summer 1831. at Barmouth. North Wales. Forsitan haec olim meminisse juvabit.' Text NRO-DD.SK.218.1

[Lowe, R.] Martin, A. Patchett. 1893. Life and letters of the Right Honourable Robert Lowe. Text Image A350

Lubbock, John. 1882.04.20. Letter to Francis Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.10n

Lubbock, John. 1914. [Letters to Lubbock and Lubbock's recollections of Darwin]. Life of Sir John Lubbock, Lord Avebury. Text PDF F3385

Lushington, T. V. [c.1883]. [Recollections of Darwin and burial in Westminster Abbey]. Text & image SHC-7854.

Macdonell, A. 1913. [Recollection of Darwin in Buenos Ayres, 1933]. In Macdonell. Reminiscences of diplomatic life. Text F2097

Macauley, T. B. 1876. [Recollection of Darwin in 1856]. In Trevelyan, G. O. ed. The life and letters of Lord Macaulay. Text A652

Marchant, J. ed. 1916. Alfred Russel Wallace letters and reminiscences.
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Martens, Conrad. Journal of a voyage from England to Australia aboard HMS Beagle and HMS Hyacinth 1833-35. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales, A429.

Martineau, H. 1877. [Recollection of Darwin]. Harriet Martineau's autobiography. Text A266

Maxwell, G. S. 1927. [Recollections of Darwin]. Just beyond London: home travellers' tales with some glimpses of rus-in-sub-urbe. Text Image A568

Meldola, R. 1884. [Letter from 1881 and recollection of Darwin's words]. In Meldola, The presidential address: Darwin and modern evolution. Transactions of the Essex Field Club. Text F3396

Mellersh, A. 1882. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR112.A83

Mengden, Nikolai von, Baron. 1882. [Recollection of Darwin in a letter to Francis Darwin]. Text PDF CUL-DAR198.139

Minching, W. 1883. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR112.A85b-A85d

More, A. G. 1898. [Letters from Darwin, 1860]. In Moffat ed. Life and letters of Alexander Goodman More with selections from his zoological and botanical writings. Text F2089

Morley, J. 1901. [Recollection of Down House visit with Gladstone in 1877]. The Times. Text A1102

Morgan, L. H. 1937. Extracts of Lewis Henry Morgan's European travel journal. Text A930

Moscow University Geological Department. 1882.04.28. Letter to G. H. Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.11o

Moseley, H. N. 1882.04.24. Letter to Francis Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.12[.2]

Müller (Heinrich Ludwig) Hermann. 1882.04.22. Letter to Francis Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.8d

Murray, John. [1882].04.24. Letter to W. E. Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.10p

Murray, J. 1909. Darwin and his publisher John Murray. Science progress in the twentieth century. Text A593

Murray, J. 1919. [Recollections of Darwin]. John Murray III, 1808-1892, a brief memoir. Text F2145

Nash, L. A. 1890. Some memories of Charles Darwin. Overland Monthly (October): 404-408. Text Image A223

Nash, W. 1919. A lawyer's life on two continents. Boston: Richard G. Badger, the Gorham Press. [Darwin reminiscences only]. Text Image A488

Nevill, D. [1875-81]. [Recollection and letter of Darwin]. In The life and letters of Lady Dorothy Nevill. Text F2109

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Norton, C. E. [1868]. [Recollection of Ruskin and Darwin]. In Norton. 1905. Letters of John Ruskin to Charles Eliot Norton. Text A627

Norton, C. E. [Recollections of Darwin, 1869-1873]. In Norton. 1913. Letters of Charles Eliot Norton. Text A630

Osborn, H. F. 1928. Charles Darwin. Impressions of great naturalists. Text Image A258

Paget, G. E. 1882. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR112.A86-A91

Paget, G. E. 1882. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR112.A92-A93

Papé, Charlotte. 1882.04.21. Letter to [Francis] Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.7k

Papé, Charlotte. 1882.04.29. Letter to [Francis] Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.7l

Pattrick, R. S. 1886. [Recollection of Darwin]. Yew Poisoning. Hardwicke's Science-gossip 22: 191. Text PDFA2893

Porter, James. 1882.04.25. Letter to George Howard Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.7m

Preyer, W. T. 1891. Briefe von Darwin: mit Erinnerungen und Erlaeuterungen. [Reprinted from] Deutsche Rundschau. Text Image F6

[Price, J.] n.d. Recollections of Darwin]. Text Image CUL-DAR112.B101-B117

Price, J. [1824]. [Recollection of Darwin]. In Price. 1875. Llandudno and how to enjoy It. Text A634

Pritchard, Charles. 1882.04.21. Letter to G. H. Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.7n

Prothero, George. 1882.05.05. Letter to [Francis?] Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.12[.5]

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Quatrefages, M. de. 1882. [Recollection of Darwin]. Annals and magazine of natural history. PDF A2640

Ramsay, A. C. [1848]. [Recollections of Darwin]. In Memoir of Sir Andrew Crombie Ramsay. Text A624

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Rees, W. L. & L. Rees. 1892. Stokes' charges and Darwin's letters. In The life and times of Sir George Grey. Text Image F1835

Rich, Anthony. 1882.04.22. Letter to G. H. Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.7o

Richmond, W. B. 1915. [Recollection of Darwin on his "heavy brow"]. Manchester Evening News, (25 September): 5. Text Image A2976

Richmond, W. B. 1926. [Recollection of Darwin on child development]. The Richmond papers. Text F3544

Richter, H. 1882. Hans Richter at Darwin's. The Musical World (17 June): 367. Image A2934

Richter, H. 1993. [Recollection of Darwin, 1881]. In Fifield, True artist and true friend: a biography of Hans Richter. Text F2094

Richter, H. 1882. [English translation of recollection of Darwin in 1881]. In O. Zacharias, 1882. Charles R. Darwin und die culturhistorische Bedeutung seiner Theorie vom Ursprung der Arten. Text A673

Richter, H. 1882. Hanns Richter bei Darwin. Signale für die musikalische Welt [Leipzig] 4, no., 32 (May): 497-9. Image A520

Riley, C. V. 1882. [Recollection and letters of Darwin]. Darwin's Work in Entomology. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington DC. Text F2104

Ritchie, A. T. 1924. [Recollection of an 1882 visit to Darwin]. In Ritchie, Hester ed. Letters of Anne Thackeray Ritchie. Text F2175

Rivers, Thomas. 1868. [Recollection and recommendation of Variation]. In a letter to Marshall P. Wilder (22 July 1868), Magazine of horticulture, botany, etc. Text PDF A2588

Rodwell, J. M. n.d. [Recollections of Darwin in Cambridge]. Text Image CUL-DAR112.B118-B121

Rodwell, J. M. 1882. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR112.A94-A95

Romanes, G. J. 1882.04.22. Letter to Francis Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.8e

Romanes, G. J. [1882]. [Recollections of Darwin]. In Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, F1452.3, pp. 54 and 357.

Romanes, G. J. [Recollections of Darwin and correspondence with Romanes, 1875-81]. In The life and letters of George John Romanes. Text F2111

[Romilly] Bury, J. P. T. 1967. Romilly's Cambridge diary 1832-42. Text A348

Rudler, F. W. (Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland). 1882.05.06. Letter to William Erasmus Darwin. Text & image CUL- DAR215.11a

Ruskin, J. 1902. [Recollection of Darwin in 1837]. In Collingwood, W. G. 1902. The life of John Ruskin. Text A626

Russell, A. 1937. [Recollection of Darwin in a letter to Kate Russell, 1869]. In Russell. The Amberly papers. Text A628

Sarcey, Francisque. 1879. Lettres de Londres: X. Le XIX Siècle (19 June). PDF F2000 / CUL-DAR226.2.41-42 Image PDF

Simon, John. 1882.04.29. Letter to Sara Darwin née Sedgwick. Text & image CUL-DAR215.9b

Skertchly, Sydney B. J. 1882.06.08. [Recollection of Darwin in a letter to Francis Darwin]. Text PDF CUL-DAR198.191

Skinner, A. J. 1927. [Letter of reminiscences of Darwin at Down House]. In L. F. Abbot, Twelve great modernists. Text Image A543

Smalley, G. W. 1891. [Recollection of Darwin's funeral]. In Smalley. London letters and some others. Text A632

Stearns, F. P. 1905. [Recollection of and words attributed to Darwin, "Painless surgery"]. Cambridge sketches. Text F3495

Stephen, Leslie. 1882.04.21. Letter to W. E. Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.7q

Stephen, L. 1906. [Recollection of Darwin]. In F. W. Maitland, Life and letters of Leslie Stephen. Text A1114

Stokes, J. L. 1882. [Letter of reminiscence of Darwin]. The Times. Text A228

Stokes, J. L. 1882. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR112.A97-A98

Sulivan, B. J. to J. D. Hooker [after 16 April 1882]. Text CUL-DAR107.42-47

Sulivan, B. J. 1882.06.16. [Recollection of Darwin in a letter to Francis Darwin]. Text PDF CUL-DAR198.201

Sulivan, B. J. 1884. [Recollections of Darwin and the Beagle]. Text CUL-DAR112.A99-A108

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Sulivan, N. A. 1951. Management of ships under sail. The mariner's Mirror. Text A257

Sully, J. 1908. Reminiscences of The Sunday Tramps. The Cornhill Magazine. Text A1110

Sully, J. 1918. [Recollections of Darwin]. In My life and friends: a psychologist's memories. Text A5539

Tegetmeier, W. B. 1916. [Recollections of Darwin in 1855]. In Richardson, A veteran naturalist, being the life and work of W.B. Tegetmeier. Text A658

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Tennyson, H. 1897. [Recollection of Tennyson and Darwin on Christianity]. Alfred Lord Tennyson: a memoir. Text F2171

Trimen, R. 1909. [Recollections of Darwin]. In Poulton ed. Charles Darwin and the Origin of species, pp. 213-15. Text F3484

Müller, Max. 1898. [Letters to Max Müller and recollections of Darwin]. Auld lang syne. Text F3383

Thackray, J. C. 2003. [Recollections of Darwin at the Geological Society of London]. In To see the fellows fight. Text A1050

Thiselton-Dyer, William Turner. 1882.04.21. Letter to Francis Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.8g

Thomson, William. 1882.04.21; 1882.04.28. Letters to G. H. Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.12[.1]

Timiriazev, K. [1877]. A visit to Darwin at Down. From: Historical note K. A. Timiriazev: A visit to Darwin, with notes by Leon Bell. Archipelago 9 (2006). Text F2093

Tyndall, John. 1898. [Recollection of meeting between Carlyle and Darwin, 1875]. In Tyndall, New fragments. Text A631

Usborne, A. B. 1882.09.15. [Recollection of Darwin on the Beagle]. Text & image CUL-DAR207.17

[Vaughan, E. T.] 1893. [Recollections of Darwin]. Some recollections of Christ's College. Christ's College Magazine. Text A31

Vignoles, O. J. 1893. The home of a naturalist. Good Words. Text Image A483

Vignoli, Tito. 1882.05.04. Letter to Darwin's sons. Text & image CUL-DAR215.10u

Vines, Sydney Howard. 1882.04.26. Letter to Francis Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.9h

Vries, Hugo de. 1882.04.25. Letter to Francis Darwin. Text & image CUL-DAR215.9i

W. A. H. 1930. Charles Darwin: Some reminiscences [with words attributed to Darwin]. Telegraph. Text F2554

Wallace, A. R. 1883. The debt of science to Darwin. Century magazine. Text Image PDF A106

Wallace, A. R. 1903. The dawn of a great discovery "My relations with Darwin in reference to the theory of natural selection". Black and White. Text A273

Ward, C. O. 1895. [Recollection of a visit to Darwin, 1868]. The  equilibration of human aptitudes and powers of adaptation. Text A2932

Watkins, F. [1887]. [Recollections of Darwin]. Text CUL-DAR112.A111-A114

Webster, A. D. 1888. Darwin's garden. Gardeners' Chronicle. Text Image A491

Wedgwood, C. S. 1885.12.15. [Recollections of Darwin's childhood]. Text CUL-DAR112.A117

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Wollaston, T. V. 1856. Capture of a coleopterous genus new to the British fauna [during a visit to Darwin].  Zoologist 14: 5178. Text A2919

Woodd, Charles H. L. 1882.06.21. [Recollection of Darwin in a letter to Francis Darwin]. Text PDF CUL-DAR198.222

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Zacharias, O. 1882. Charles R. Darwin und die culturhistorische Bedeutung seiner Theorie vom Ursprung der Arten. Text PDF F3422


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