About the trial Resource

Identifying Attribute
Resource Name
Endpoint Root:
Endpoint Home:


Name Type Description Searchable
changed_date Date() True
code String(length=12) True
ct2_id Integer() True
description String() True
num_all_interventions Integer() True
num_conditions Integer() True
num_interventions Integer() True
num_substances Integer() True
phase_fk Integer() True
start_date Date() True
status_fk Integer() True
Hybrids (Computed in Database)
fulltext True
public_identifier VARCHAR(12) True
zinc_ids [<class 'sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes.BigInteger'>, <type 'str'>] True
Aliases to Related Resource Attributes
condition_class_descriptions String() An alias to a collection of description values from the classes relation (to a TrialConditionClass) True
condition_class_names String() An alias to a collection of name values from the classes relation (to a TrialConditionClass) True
condition_names String() An alias to a collection of name values from the conditions relation (to a trialcondition) True
condition_short_names String() An alias to a collection of short_name values from the conditions relation (to a trialcondition) True
drug_names String() An alias to a collection of name values from the drugs relation (to a trialintervention) True
intervention_names String() An alias to a collection of name values from the interventions relation (to a trialintervention) True
phase_name String() An alias to the name value from the phase relation (to a trialphase) True
status_key String(length=10) An alias to the short_name value from the status relation (to a trialstatus) True
status_name String() An alias to the name value from the status relation (to a trialstatus) True
Computed Properties
formatted_date False
resource_url False
Related Resources
classes TrialConditionClass True
condition_mappings TrialConditionMap True
conditions trialcondition True
drug_mappings InterventionSubstance True
drugs trialintervention True
int_mappings TrialInterventionMap True
intervention_mappings InterventionSubstance True
interventions trialintervention True
phase trialphase True
phaseIII_conditions trialcondition True
protomers protomer True
status trialstatus True
substances substance True