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Pocket ROMulator FAQs

Also see

How is the unit powered?

The Romulator is powered in multiple ways:

Phone and email Support

Try to use email first - gindorf@gindorf@etikc.com

How to keep from frying your Pocket-ROMulator

First, connect a wire from something metal on the back of your computer to the ground of test system circuit board. Second, put on a ground strap connected to the same ground of test system circuit board - only now should you think of touching anything electronic. While emulating with the above mentioned connections, your computers ground, the ground of the test system, and your skin surface will remain at the same voltage.

EFI users should note that sliding on car seats generates static that breaks electronic things. You should have a ground wire that connects something metal (like a connector screw) on the back of your computer that goes to an alligator clip that you fasten to the frame of the car. You should then have a ground strap on that is also connected to the car frame. If you don't wear a ground strap you will lose valuable time and equipment.

How do I connect it if my computer does not have a Serial RS232 (COM port) on it?

See our USB to Single RS232 or USB to Dual RS232 adapters. Be warned about other

USB - to - Serial adapters.So many just didn't work that we were forced to sell one we tested. We can't support other USB 2 serial adapters - many work on and off, but will drive you crazy when you need to rely on them.

I want to use it for car EFI or ECU work - what all do I need? See the EFI ECU FAQ

Why am I in Limp-back mode?

Most common reasons:

What about Firmware versions?

When the romulator connects it reports its Firmware version in a box next to the com port selector. If you have firmware version 1.50 or earlier you can contact us to get an updated processor or send in the unit to have it updated.


I've had a couple of reports of problems on fiberglass bodied cars (other cars with a bad spark wire may also generate a noise problem.). Wrapping the short ribbon cable with Aluminum foil is said to be a fix. Be sure to

Arcade game won't start?

Make sure the rom image is loaded with the correct offset.

Address Watch

After selecting the chip type, click on the Watch Start button. Then fill out the address fields relative to the EPROM.

The Romulator can monitor small areas to watch - obviously we can not expect a USB port to keep up with a processor memory buss - so at some point you would start missing hits if you have too large of an area. The maximum would depend on the speed of the processor, the size of the block, the number of times the block is being hit.

That being said, many people have used it to figure out 'when' and under which conditions a particular fuel table is being used.

Problem and LED not lit?

Some computers (mostly laptops) may need to be plugged in (cigarette adapter) if they have a non-compliant serial port. There is a specification that a serial port is supposed to meet, but some manufacturers cut corners - it would be a reason to return a computer - false advertising and such. You might be able to work around this by using our USB - to - serial adapter.

How to load data into your Romulator while plugged into a ECU or host computer

The correct sequence for uploading complete ROMS while plugged into the ECU is as follows:

Win error 5

This is an "Access is denied" error - most likely you were not administrator when you installed or your user does not have privileges to use the serial port.

Testing the Pocket-ROMulator

If you have a pocket programmer, you can use it to test the Pocket-ROMulator. After selecting the same device type, load the same test file in both the Pocket-ROMulator and the Pocket programmer. Plug the Pocket-ROMulator header into the pocket programmer socket. Set the Pocket-ROMulator to pull soft. Run the verify device on the programmer - it should pass.

Change log

= Update History Software =
1.30 - Added Flash Update Modification.
1.31 - Started to Add Address Watch Not Yet Tested or Completed.
1.32 - Fixed Update Rom.
1.33 - Fixed Help Button, added Checksum to 'Bad Flash Update', Fixed Find Rom Error.
1.34 - Added Address Watch.
1.35 - Added time delay to Firmware Update.
1.40 - Changed Firmware Update Command to avoid accidental Re-Flashing of MCU.
1.41 - Changed Address Watch to be more Responsive.
1.42 - Fixed Check Sum, Added Power Up Delay, Changed 27512 w/Rom I and Fixed Rom II Power Up Problem.
1.43 - Changed Help Window Font and Update Help File.
1.44 - Fixed Ascii File Load & Added Auto Update.

= Update History Firmware =
1.30 - Added Flash Update, Add Address Watch and Unit Address Not Yet Tested.
1.31 - Corrected Fuse Programming.
1.32 - Corrected EEprom Programming.
1.33 - Corrected Forced Write on Hidden Write.
1.34 - Made Address Watch work.
1.40 - Changed Firmware Update Command to avoid accidental Re-Flashing of MCU.
1.50 - Fixed Flash Update and Cut Get Address Time by 250ns to make Address Watch more Responsive.

Nerd stuff - Serial Commands for the Pocket-ROMulator protocol

Software needs to set to no flow control and set DTR RTS (active; high voltage).

Version -

1 Byte Long - 'V' (56h) + Checksum (56h).

Return Response is 3 bytes Version # (XXh).(XXh), ID (XXh) + no Checksum.

Current Version is 1.30 with an ID of 1 or 2 (Pocket-ROMulator 1 or 2) , Pocket-ROMulator I 2K-32K. (Don't ask for Firmware update unless you have a real problem)

This command should be issued when your program is first started as this does a Hard Reset of the system. This also let's you know that you have found the Pocket-ROMulator.

Read Block -

Command Format 4 Bytes Long - 'R' (52h) + # of Bytes + 1AF0h(Start Address 2 Bytes) + Checksum.

Return Response is # Bytes of Data from the Rom + Checksum.

Read Block will read a 1-256 Byte Block of data from the starting address, use 0 for 256 bytes.
Note: Access to the Rom by the Host Computer is denied during the Reading of the block of code from the Rom, there is no hidden Read command.

Read Byte -

Command Format 3 Bytes Long - 'r' + 1CD7h(Read Address 2 Bytes)

Return Response is 1 Byte of Data from the Rom.

Read Byte will read a byte of data from address 1CD7h and will return 1 byte.

Write Block (All Versions) -

Command Format 259 Bytes Long - 'W' (57h) + # of Bytes + 1AF0h(Start Address 2 Bytes) + (# Bytes of Data) + Checksum

Return Response is a 'O' (4Fh) + Checksum for OK/Ready after the Bytes are written.

Write a Block will write 1-256 Bytes of data from the starting address. When it is done it will return a 'O' for OK. Use this command for the first down load as it is faster.

Note: This is a hard write, not a hidden or soft write and access to the Rom by the Host Computer is denied during the writing of the block of code to the Rom.

Write Block (Version 1.09 & Up) -

Command Format 259 Bytes Long - 'X' (57h) + # of Bytes + 1AF0h(Start Address 2 Bytes) + (# Bytes of Data) + Checksum

Return Response is a two Byte Checksum of the data written to the Rom (Checksum Lo - Checksum Hi). Checksum is all
bytes added together with no carry, 12 + A5 + 56 + EC = 01F9 Checksum.

Write a Block will write 1-256 Bytes of data from the starting address. When it is done it will return a two Byte
Checksum of the data written to the Rom. Use this command for the first down load as it is faster.

Note: This is a hard write, not a hidden or soft write and access to the Rom by the Host Computer is denied during the writing of the block of code to the Rom.

Hidden Write -

Command Format 4 + # Bytes Long - 'w' (77h) + # of Bytes + 1AF0h(Write Address 2 Bytes) + (# Bytes of Data) + Checksum.

Return Response is a 'O' (4Fh) + Checksum (4Fh) for OK/Ready after the Byte is written.

Hidden Write will write one Byte of data ONLY after the Host Computer has accessed the Rom (On the Fly). This is done during the down time of Rom access and will not interfere with the Host Computers Access to the Rom. If the Byte is not written after 100us a forced write will occur, this assumes the Pocket-ROMulator is not attached to a CPU or the Rom is not being accessed. After the Block of data has been written you will get back a 'O' for OK/Ready.

Status -

Command Format 1 Byte Long - 'S' (53h) + Checksum (53h).

Return Response is 1 byte 'B' (42h) + Checksum (42h) for Busy or 'O' (4Fh) + Checksum (4Fh) for OK/Ready.

Scan function -

Documentation is not complete at this time - A quick overview is that you send a 'P' with a Start and Stop Range address
1000h, 1FFFh and Checksum to start it as follows:

'P'+9000h+9FFFh+Checksum (27256)

You also must set the Upper unused address bits high. You will then get back a 2 byte address when it hits a match within this range. You can receive as much as 5000 hits a second. Sending a 'p' or any command will turn it off. If you send a 'p' it will return a 'p' back to let you know it has been turned off.

Unknown Command -

If an Unknown Command is issued the returned Response will be a '?' (3Fh) + Checksum (3Fh).

Checksum is all bytes added together with no carry, 12 + A5 + 56 + EC = F9 Checksum.

* Multi Unit Address Commands (Hardware Version 1.30 & Up)

Addressing a Unit -

By added a 'A' (41h) + Address (0-FFh) before the Command, multiple Pocket-ROMulators can be address on a single serial port. You must connect all pins in of the Pocket-ROMulators in parallel to the PC serial port. The output pins of all Pocket-ROMulators are Tri-Stated unless data is being sent. The address of each Pocket-ROMulator is stored in the EE at address 1FDh.

For Help or Any Questions on writing Pocket-ROMulator software Call (913) 422-2094.

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This information may have errors; It is not permissible to be read by anyone who has ever met a lawyer.
Use is confined to Engineers with more than 370 course hours of electronic engineering for theoretical studies.
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