New App for Nocmig (Nocturnal Flight Call) Identification
By Matthew Kirkland
March 6, 2024
I'd like to let you know about a desktop application I have written to support the identification, tagging and organisation of avian sounds. It's available for both Windows and Mac.
Primarily developed to improve the experience of reviewing Nocmig files, it's also well-suited to environmental monitoring research. It uses AI to identify bird calls and song, either using the BirdNET backend or a bespoke model trainied on European species, which has been fine-tuned for Nocturnal Flight Calls. Best of all it's free!

I've called it Chirpity, and you can read more about its features and download the Chirpity desktop application for Nocmig
This article was last updated on October 15, 2024 at 14:37
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Cool Matthew, perhaps you can solve your own Nocmig mysteries here :-) ?
Hey Willem-Pier - you know I do :-)
You may see in the scrrenshot - I encourage people to check their detections on this site - it's a great resource and there'll always be mysteries, right?
I'd love to talk to you about ways to enable people to easily share their detections with Xeno-Canto - mysteries or otherwise. Chirpity can already create mp3 clips from longer audio files - so plugging into an API to upload these clips would be an excellent addition!
hi Matthew, yes, more parties are interested in an API that allows uploads. Have been for a very long time really. We'll drop you a line :-)
Awesome! Thank you :)
Really great app and good news for us doing looong recordigs! As a non-English native a bit troublesome to get all the details right in the settings.
But I’m flabbergasted when I see what pops up on the list! Does it cover all Western Palearctic or just Britain??
Stein, Norway
Thanks Stein, I'm glad you like it!
There are two detection models available in Chirpity, as I mention above. The native Chirpity model is trained on c. 320 Eurpoean species, and BirdNET is trained to identify c. 6400 species globally. If you want to know exactly which species are included, the lists can be displayed from the help section of the application.
So, if you are trying to find species of the Western Paleartic not commonly found in Europe, the BirdNET detection model should be used.
Incidentally, a recent application update allows you to directly compare the model's detections with species' recordings on this site, sorted by the type of vocalisation (flight call, song, etc).
Best of luck! Matt
Hi again, already found several new species in my backyard formerly overheard, maybe a button /link from XC «check this file in Chirpity» could reduce the amounts of unknown/mystery recordings? Your model is far better than birdnet so keep increasing spp. in future!
Bonjour Matthieu,
Le logiciel est super intéressant. Bravo pour ce travail ! Il facilite la detection et il est assez aisé de vidualiser ensuite ces propositions . Pour un enregistrement ou malheureusement aucun oiseau etait présent il a mis environ 275 secondes pour faire l analyse . La fiabilité des réponses ne dépassait pas les 44 % et il me proposait pas mal d'oiseaux avec des taux très faible inférieur à 20 et 2 cris avoisinant les 45 % identifié comme becassine des marais. Après vérification, Il s'agissait en réalité d 'aboiement de chien. En cliquant sur la liste complète je me suis aperçu qu'il avait reconnu le chien juste sur une partie de ses aboiement et confondait le reste de ces aboiement avec la bécassine.
Sur un autre enregistrement il a bien reconnu la bécasse de bois lorsque le signal était très puissant mais lorsque celui ci était plus faible il prenait les cris de vol de la bécasse pour de la marouette ponctuée .
Est il possible de corriger les erreurs d' identifications pour améliorer le système ?
Thank you, Martinez, I am pleased you have had some success with the application. The percentages are a useful guide to the confidence in which the model has associated the call with its training examples. It's also worth noting that when using a list that filters some of the classes, there may be more likely detections that are hidden. When this happens, a grey circle appears next to the displayed detection. Clicking that circle will display those detections. It is also possible to select a region of your audio which has a sequence of calls - if you analyse the region, Chirpity will consider the vocalisations in the whole region and give you a prediction for what species it thinks is most likely.
Chirpity makes it very easy to correct or remove false positive detections. However, the model does not learn from your corrections. I am investigating this posibiilty, but it is not straighforward to do.
En Français:
Merci, Martinez, je suis content que vous ayez eu du succès avec l'application. Les pourcentages sont un guide utile pour la confiance avec laquelle le modèle a associé l'appel à ses exemples d'entraînement. Il est également à noter que lors de l'utilisation d'une liste qui filtre certaines des classes, il peut y avoir des détections plus probables qui sont cachées. Lorsque cela se produit, un cercle gris apparaît à côté de la détection affichée. En cliquant sur ce cercle, vous pouvez afficher ces détections. Il est également possible de sélectionner une région de votre audio qui contient une séquence d'appels - si vous analysez la région, Chirpity prendra en compte les vocalisations dans toute la région et vous donnera une prédiction pour l'espèce qu'il pense être la plus probable.
Chirpity facilite grandement la correction ou la suppression des détections de faux positifs. Cependant, le modèle n'apprend pas de vos corrections. Je suis en train d'étudier cette possibilité, mais ce n'est pas facile à faire.
Merci Matthew pour ces explications, effectivement lorsque l'on regarde les propositions en cliquant sur le cercle gris, il y a parfois la bonne espèce. cela dépend vraiment de la qualité du signal ce qui semble logique.
Je me permets de vous poser d'autres questions:
- Peut-on importer des sons de xeno-canto pour comparer ? je n'ai pas trouvé la méthode
- Est il possible d'avancer rapidement la lecture lorsque l'enregistrement est long ??
Thank you Matthew for these explanations, indeed when we look at the proposals by clicking on the gray circle, sometimes there is the right species. It really depends on the quality of the signal, which makes sense.
Let me ask you some more questions:
- Can we import xeno-canto sounds to compare? I didn’t find the method
- Is it possible to quickly advance playback when recording is long??
thank you!
Hi Martinez, yes you can absoutely compare the ID with xeno-canto records! Select any detection, and right-click with the mouse (option click on a Mac). This brings up a menu and the "Compare with Reference calls" item will load Xeno-canto records for that species, organised by call type.
To move through a file quickly, you can use the page up / page down keys (if you don't have those keys, you can use fn + ArrowUp and fn + ArrowDown) . This will move the play head back/forward one screen at a time.
These and other shortcuts are described in the help section (albeit just in English, I am afraid!)
Salut Martinez, oui tu peux absolument comparer l'ID avec les enregistrements de xeno-canto ! Sélectionne n'importe quelle détection, et fais un clic droit avec la souris (clic option sur un Mac). Cela ouvrira un menu où l'option "Compare with reference calls" chargera les enregistrements de Xeno-canto pour cette espèce, organisés par le type d'appel.
Pour naviguer rapidement à travers un fichier, tu peux utiliser les touches page haut / page bas (si tu n'as pas ces touches, tu peux utiliser fn + Flèche haut et fn + Flèche bas). Cela fera avancer ou reculer la tête de lecture d'une page à la fois.
Ces raccourcis et d'autres sont décrits dans la section d'aide (bien que seulement en anglais, je crains !)
Hi Martinez, yes you can absoutely compare the ID with xeno-canto records! Select any detection, and right-click with the mouse (option click on a Mac). This brings up a menu and the "Compare with Reference calls" item will load Xeno-canto records for that species, organised by call type.
To move through a file quickly, you can use the page up / page down keys (if you don't have those keys, you can use fn + ArrowUp and fn + ArrowDown) . This will move the play head back/forward one screen at a time.
These and other shortcuts are described in the help section (albeit just in English, I am afraid!)
Salut Martinez, oui tu peux absolument comparer l'ID avec les enregistrements de xeno-canto ! Sélectionne n'importe quelle détection, et fais un clic droit avec la souris (clic option sur un Mac). Cela ouvrira un menu où l'option "Compare with reference calls" chargera les enregistrements de Xeno-canto pour cette espèce, organisés par le type d'appel.
Pour naviguer rapidement à travers un fichier, tu peux utiliser les touches page haut / page bas (si tu n'as pas ces touches, tu peux utiliser fn + Flèche haut et fn + Flèche bas). Cela fera avancer ou reculer la tête de lecture d'une page à la fois.
Ces raccourcis et d'autres sont décrits dans la section d'aide (bien que seulement en anglais, je crains !)
thank you !
Great stuff, Matthew!
.... sorry about the spam here. We'll just keep squashing it.
Thanks Willem-Pier, I just swipe left on all those messages!
Great job Matthew! Thank you. Some problems are with dogs barking (recognizes e.g. as Whooper Swan, Hoopoe). Some calls are missing, but sometimes it finds discant calls unmistakably. Very useful tool and easy to use offers interesting additions (filters, map, exports etc.)
Thanks for your comments, Romuald (and also to Stein and Hans!)
Dog barks are challenging, both for my model and BirdNET. I've been unable to find a "bark dataset" on a par with that available for birds here on this site, and there are all manner of dog barks, whines, howls and so on. With time and a more diverse set of training examples, the model will improve. Meanwhile, I designed Chirpity to make it as easy as I could to identify and correct any misidentifications - or remove them from the records entirely. Hopefully, you're finding this asepct of the application effective!
@Willem-Pier Vellinga Many of us would greatly appreciate if the API access could be enabled. Matthew is already on board. Perhaps you both could collaborate to make this happen?
This is not as easy as it sounds, Lino. Our current API doesn't allow input from outside, and we don't have the resources at the moment to start building that. Hopefully in the near future, though!
Thank you, Bob. I understand very well that you have many other important tasks to complete. I don't want to rush you, but would it perhaps be possible to prioritize this?
Just from my perspective (please correct me if I'm getting things wrong):
I'd really like supporting Xeno-Canto with my recordings, but the hassle of entering lots of data when importing recordings has put me off. Even though you can speed things up by sending files in batch, it's still a pain to me. Now that I'm analyzing all my recordings with Chirpity, I already have all the metadata and would need to re-type it manually, so having to type everything in again feels like unnecessary work.
Additionally, I'm also looking for a way to build a sound library, and XC would be great for this.
I don't think the quality of recordings will suffer, but there will definitely be more data, which is a good thing.
When it comes to integrating with Chirpity, Matthew could maybe make it possible to automate all of the essential information like location name, time of the day, species name, automatic recording, animal seen, recording method, and so on (except audio quality). That way, it would save a lot of time and effort for users like me.
Hey Bob and Willem-Pier - if there's anything I can do to help out, just send me a message.
hi Matthew, sorry for responding late. I am composing that promised email message now :-)
hi Matthew, sorry for responding late. I am composing that promised email message now :-)
Matthew Kirkland
Great job. Incredible.
I started to "play" in the application with some songs that I had not been able to identify and it gave me very good results.
In some cases I was not able to find the species, but it guided me to review songs of species of the same genus and I have been able to achieve the correct identification.
I'm sure there will be some flaws, but I think it's a great job.
Thank you very much for sharing the application.
Greetings from the south of Ecuador.
It's very kind of you to say so Leonardo, I'm glad you found it useful!
Loving Chirpity so far! Does Chirpity 'learn' if it's told a call is incorrect?
Thanks Mark, I'm glad you like it! Martinez Nicolas asked a similar question above, and for various reasons, Chirpity won't learn from individual corrections.
Hola, como puedo subir un fichero que formato debe ser para buscar sólo una especie?
Entiendo que es Lista/custom pero desconozco que tipo de fichero txt debe ser
Hola, deberías preparar un archivo de texto con el nombre de la especie en él, en el formato "nombre científico_nombre común". Por ejemplo:
Limosa limosa_Aguja Colinegra
Y además, este nombre debe coincidir exactamente con el nombre que aparece en la lista de especies conocidas, que se encuentra en "Help> What species are detected?"
Hi Matthew, Great app !
White trying it, I've just realized that you didn't include Tawny Pipit in the Chirpity list. It is a regular nocturnal migrant in South-Western Europe so I think you should add it too.
Thanks Stan, I'm very happy to hear you like the app! I like your books also :)
Training my Chirpity model to recognise new species is not a simple exercise. When I started this, I was UK focused, which is why it is missing some European species. What I'd like to do is collect a 'reasonably complete' European list of species before training a new model. For example, the following species are also missing from the Chirpity model's knowledge base:
River Warbler, Thrush Nightingale, Tengmalms Owl, Hazel Grouse and Great Reed Warbler, Woodchat Shrike.
I've started a discussion over here to attempt to gather a more complete list of species to add to the model's recognition capabilities.
I hope to train a new model over the winter months, when I have less inclination to spend time outside !!
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