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SMT in winter

The Heinrich Hertz

Submillimeter Telescope Observatory

Steward Observatory, The University of Arizona,
Tucson, AZ  85721

Tucson offices Telescope site
(520) 621-5290
(520) 621-5554   
(520) 621-4328, ext. 10   or
(928) 828-3384, ext. 10
(520) 621-4328, ext. 14   or
(928) 828-3384, ext. 14

Note: This is the German mirror of the HHT pages. The main server is located in Tucson, Arizona under http://maisel.as.arizona.edu:8080/smt.html

Recent News Latest news concerning instrumentation and research being done at the SMT.
April and May 2003 schedules now up (see Intranet).

General Information Basic properties of the Heinrich Hertz Submillimeter Telescope: distinguishing features, scientific goals, and location.
SMT specifications Detailed descriptions and specifications of the telescope and facility instruments.
Observing at the SMTO A user's guide to observing at the SMTO: from planning an observing run to controlling the telescope.
User's Manual is being revised!!!! Will be released soon.
SMTO Staff Phone and email directory for SMTO staff.
Local Weather Local Arizona weather and current SMTO atmospheric opacity.
Other Resources Other astronomical resources on the Internet.

visitors since July 23, 1998


Harold M. Butner (hbutner@as.arizona.edu) with comments or suggestions.
Last modified: Dec 12, 2002